Showing posts with label NatetheLawyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NatetheLawyer. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024


4:05  To refresh your memory on what a sanctuary city is, it's a city that will not turn over people who are accused of crimes to Immigration officials, because they know Immigration officials will likely deport them.  So a sanctuary city says, "If someone is arrested, then we will not tell immigration services so they will be deported.  We will keep it a secret.  We're not going to work with them at all."  

But now the problem is you have all of these violent gangs who are coming to New York City and attacking police officers.  And after they attack police officers, they are let free back on the streets.  INS is not notified and they can stay in New York City and collect those migrant benefits.  Even the governor is telling the city to end this sanctuary city nonsense and send the criminals back to where they came from.  You think I'm joking,

4:53  As the governor [Hochul] joins those calling for any undocumented attackers on police to be deported, 

Get them all and send them back.  You don't touch our police officers.  You don't touch anybody. --New York Governor Hochul

Now, for those of you who don't know, there's been a migrant gang who's been going around, robbing people on the streets, stealing their phones and their identity.  Check it out. 

Meanwhile, on Monday morning, the NYPD arrested around 7 migrants accused of carrying out around 62 robberies.  Many of these migrants used mopeds and electric scooters to snatch things like iPhones and wallets.  These men then sold the phones to men posing as ring leader to hack the phones to steal the person's bank information.  The NYPD says these migrants primarily live in city-run shelters,

In recent months, a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city.  They're essentially ghost criminals.  No criminal history.  No photos.  No cellphones.  Today is a hard-fought win. 

5:56. Now, many of us use our phones for banking and for other, and we think our phones are safe even if they're lost.  But as you can see, the migrants know how to hack into these phones and get all your personal information.  So what happens if you lose your phone or your phone is stolen?  What protection do you have?  

This is why I personally use Aura.  Aura is identity theft and fraud protection that is powered by artificial intelligence because we live in a world where it's all artificial intelligence service.  You get a password manager, antivirus protection, you get your own private VPN, home title monitoring service, and what I love the data broker removal.  Now simply put, data brokers or the reason why you get these types of phone calls,

We've been trying to reach you concerning your car's extended warranty you should have received something in the mail about your car's extended warranty . . . 

Now, what Aura does is get you off of those lists so you stop getting those phone calls now I don't get those calls anymore because I use Aura and Aura has a deal for you if you go to, they are going to give you a 14-day free trial so you can test it all out for yourself that's the lawyer it's in the description and in the pin comment.

7:11. So now the city of New York has to deal with these unintended consequences.  And those unintended consequences are, one, begging for migrants to come there, and the migrants eventually do, and now you don't have enough money to pay for these people and crime is exploding, up 58.7%.

So there should be a re-evaluation of the sanctuary city issue.  But now, does that make Mayor Adams a racist?  Does that make Governor Hochul a racist?  Because, remember a AOC says "If you disagree with having migrants come in, you're a racist."  

7:39. AOC: 

And we can call it caravans; we can call it micro-crises; we can call it family separation.  And they will just recycle it over and over and over again in order to gin up is so much animosity and destruction in this country and racism in this country. 

Now, one of the most fascinating pieces about the story is listening to how the left-wing media is having a crazy time reconciling what the mayor is saying.  Check out this clip from CNN.

New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, is breaking with decades of precedent.  Today he called for drastic changes to the sanctuary city policies.  The shift could land undocumented immigrants accused of a serious crime into the hands of ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.  The mayor's new push comes in the wake of several high profile crimes involving recently arrived migrants in the City of New York including the recent shooting of a tourist [Tatiele Ribeiro, 38] during a rivalry inside a Times Square clothing store.  Here's how the Mayor is justifying his desire for a shift. 

Mayor Adams, 8:40.  I don't believe people who are violent in our city and commit repeated crimes should have the privilege of being in our city.  I want to go back to the standards of the previous mayors, who, I believe, subscribed to my belief that people who are suspected of committing serious crimes in this city should be held accountable.

Now, is that reasonable?  Is it reasonable if someone shoots someone and if someone beats up cops, if someone's out there robbing people on camera, we shouldn't send them to INS to be deported, right?  We have to wait and continue to take care of them, while they do that, while they commit crimes here in the city?  So the mayor and I think the governor has woken up to the reality that if you come to the country and are committing crimes, you need to go back.  And now that lesson and that hard reality, I think, is being thrown in the Democrats' face.