Showing posts with label Catherine Austin Fitts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catherine Austin Fitts. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2025

AUSTIN FITTS on ZELENSKYY: "My name is on the bank accounts, and I still got pots of money and I got all the intel about where the money came in and where it went out. So he does hold cards, is what it looks like to me."

Has Biden's hundreds of billions of dollars sent to Ukraine given Zelenskyy blackmail power over Trump and the United States? 

Trump says to Zelenskyy, 'You don't hold the cards,' Zelenskyy's thinking, 'No? My name is on the bank accounts, and I still got pots of money and I got all the intel about where the money came in and where it went out. So he does hold cards, is what it looks like to me." 

Red Mafya: How the Russian Mob Invaded America, Robert I. Friedman, 2000.

Catherine Austin Fitts: "Epstein was not [just] a sex network...[his] operation supported a massive money-laundering [operation]....[and] Ukraine...I think of it as a huge money-laundering operation...And the Epstein operation is right in the middle of that."

"In other words, Zelenskyy at the White House and the Epstein Files, everybody thinks are two different stories, [but] to me, they're one story...And when Trump says to Zelenskyy, 'You don't hold the cards,' Zelenskyy's thinking, 'No? My name is on the bank accounts, and I still got pots of money, and I got all the intel about where the money came in and where it went out. So he does hold cards, is what it looks like to me." 

This clip is from a recent interview with Fitts—a former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, investment banker, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the)—on The David Knight Show (@libertytarian).

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: "Somebody's been putting the squeeze to [him]. They put the squeeze to him on they put him in a squeeze with an antisemitism tweet..." "He's being put through...ritual humiliation...This looks terrible; it looks ridiculous."…

Sunday, February 23, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: mRNA technology is an integral part of implementing the control grid. It's not just a health thing

understand that this is a much broader, deeper [problem], and what he's up against is the whole control grid. In other words, mRNA technology is an integral part of implementing the control grid. It's not just a health thing. --Catherine Austin Fitts

"[Trump] knows how dangerous [the mRNA technology] is. The facts are on the table...And...Bobby is going to do everything he can...[but] he's up against...the whole control grid...[and] mRNA technology is an integral part of implementing the control grid." Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, investment banker, and founder of the Solari Report Catherine Austin Fitts (@solari_the) describes on a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD  series Financial Rebellion how President Trump knows how dangerous the mRNA injections are as "the facts are on the table." Fitts adds that while RFK Jr. will do "everything he can" to limit the damage done by the injections, "he's up against...the whole control grid" that is currently being ushered in and consists of things like digital IDs and controllable digital currencies.

"If you look at the pressure that started in early 2020, building enormous momentum in the investment community for this technology and for the control grid, this is at the heart of building the Internet of bodies and using the AI to connect with humans and living things," Fitts says of the mRNA injections. "[T]hese guys have huge global investment all over the world since early 2020 betting on the digitization of everything in part using mRNA technology." Fitts goes on to say,

So this is far bigger and deeper. And I've seen them do a great deal to try and engineer modified hangouts to support mRNA technology. And we see the Trump administration, the president, two days, three days into the administration, right after the inauguration proposing Stargate with mRNA technology, selling it as if it's wonderful. He knows how dangerous it is. So the facts are on the table. And I think Bobby is going to do everything he can, need to understand that this is a much broader, deeper [problem], and what he's up against is the whole control grid. In other words, mRNA technology is an integral part of implementing the control grid. It's not just a health thing. We can't put it on Bobby that he's gonna be the great man who rides in on the white horse and saves us. We need a concerted effort of millions of people off the couch saying, "No way, Jose." In every statehouse, across the government, getting the congressman [to act] . . . don't put this on one person. This has to be a hugely broad-based juggernaut.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Brian Berletic.   

What is DOGE doing?

The first thing that DOGE is doing is saying, "Okay, the old tools that we needed to run things in the unipolar Empire are no longer needed.  Instead, we need new tools, and, in fact, those tools need to be much more high tech and they need to centralize and give us much more control, a more covert and invisible financial control to a much more high-tech and much uglier kind of control.  So, when you listen to DOGE, they're talking about, aren't we wonderful?  We are canceling the old corruption if you look at what they in the administration are doing to build the tools of the new corruption, I'll take the old corruption any day of the week.  And I hated the old corruption.  I hated it.  So we are going from old tools to new tools.

And there's a wonderful commentator, Brian Berletic, and he just did a wonderful video on old tools, new tools and he just nails it.  He really nails it.  It's very good.  [His YouTube channel is free.  His written work appears on Global Research.

So when you look at the new tools there are two things you need to remember: one is our biggest sign of corruption over the last three decades in America is the fact that since 1998 we have failed to obey the financial management laws so America has been operating financially way outside of the law.  During that period as of 2015 $21 trillion had gone missing from the US government and the reason we only know up until 2015 is that in 2018 the Trump Administration instituted FASAB 56 and that policy allowed the US government by administrative order to keep secret books.

Now let's say that you and I were coming in as Doge to the US government we were going to stop the corruption the first thing we would do is say no more secret books we're going to cancel FASAB 56 and bring sunshine to the US government finances.  And then the second thing we're going to do is we're going to start obeying the Federal financial management laws and part of that is we're going to go over and audit the Pentagon and the treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the New York fed accounts for those agencies those three agencies in the US government we're not going to audit the New York fit we're going to audit the treasury the HUD and DOD accounts at the New York fed and see how much money they've been sending to the BIS and central banks, and other people around the world, including the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation, and we're going to find that $21 trillion and we're going to assert ownership of those assets. 

Did they say that? No.  They didn't mention FASAB 56.  There were no arrests so that's a little bit like you're not going to deal with the tank rolling down the street you're going to take out a peashooter and hit a bottle cap it's just a joke not to say that it feels like a joke to the people who are getting their money cut off but what you're doing is your counseling the old tools and you're putting into place new tools.

Now let's look at the new control grid that they're doing.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: what is happening is a coup and a constitutional crisis. . . . the problems created by the last four years of lawlessness cannot be solved by further lawlessness. . . . The real solution is enforcement of the Constitution.

Thank you to Catherine Austin Fitts and the Solari Report.   

Make no mistake: The new tools of empire will be even more lawless than the old ones. As disgusting as the LGBTQ garbage was, it was not as bad as Gaza. As I have been warning for the past two years, “Gaza is a method,” and the machinery is now being reengineered so that the methods prototyped by the Israelis in Gaza—including wall-to-wall surveillance, electronic harassment, torture, and murder—can now be widely exported around the world. I was not for the old tools of empire, and I am not for the new tools.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

Last week, I discussed the DOGE takeover of Treasury payment systems in an article (“Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed”), on Money & Markets (“Going Direct Reset 2.0 – The Coup”), on Financial Rebellion (“DOGE Hijacks the U.S. Treasury Payment System”), and on social media. Although it is 100% obvious to me that the DOGE Treasury takeover and other actions taken by the Administration in its first month are elements of a coup that began in 2019—I call it the name given to it by the central bankers, the Going Direct Reset—I continue to hear many people, even those who are otherwise champions of freedom, cheering for Administration lawlessness.

This is baffling. All of the cuts being demanded via Executive Order can be made expeditiously without any need to break contracts, national security laws, or privacy laws. Cuts can also be achieved without giving major donors direct access to critical data and systems, which breaks conflict-of-interest laws and is, therefore, criminal. The notion that this is simply a bunch of “real men” moving quickly to stop corruption—and that the law is an unnecessary and even burdensome luxury—reflects a profound ignorance of facts and law.

Because I have done as much as anyone to bring out the legal violations of the U.S. government since the $21 trillion started to go missing in October 1997, it is reasonable that I would keep doing so if I saw the lawlessness continuing, getting worse, or simply changing its fashion colors to let a new syndicate within the uniparty be the implementer. So, let’s remember what Trump did in his first presidency:


  • The Administration joined both sides of the aisle to adopt FASAB 56, which took the U.S. government books dark; Trump did nothing to get back the missing money.
  • Trump funded DOD’s Operation Warp Speed to the tune of $18 billion and authorized DOD to implement a mass atrocity that has killed and maimed millions of Americans.
  • Along with the state governments, Trump shut down and bankrupted 35% of the nation’s small businesses.

Trump and RFK Jr. are now pronouncing Operation Warp Speed a great achievement, and Trump is enthusiastically embracing another go-round, announcing Stargate on his second day in office—an initiative designed to saturate us with still more mRNA vaccines targeting cancers and other adverse events caused by the last round of mRNA vaccines. Moreover, rather than abolish the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, he has installed a “One Health” and “bird flu” cheerleader to head it up and promote more pandemic propaganda.

Here is what is really happening. As Brian Berletic has wisely pointed out, the old tools of empire are being converted to the new tools of empire. In that transition, for example, the soft power and covert operations at USAID can be downsized and reengineered. Instead of the previous excuses—ranging from the ridiculous (DEI) to the sensible (food aid)—that entities like USAID used to pump out money, buy people, and exert power and influence, we are going to see these replaced by different NGOs (such as Glenn Beck’s Mercury One) and contractors like Starlink and Palantir, as well as seeing more hard power of the kind invented in the “Palestine laboratory” (see Antony Loewenstein’s book by that title describing “how Israel exports the technology of occupation around the world”). This shift will require even more secrecy and tighter operations—hence, moving a re-engineered USAID under the State Department umbrella makes for better coordination of operations.

Make no mistake: The new tools of empire will be even more lawless than the old ones. As disgusting as the LGBTQ garbage was, it was not as bad as Gaza. As I have been warning for the past two years, “Gaza is a method,” and the machinery is now being reengineered so that the methods prototyped by the Israelis in Gaza—including wall-to-wall surveillance, electronic harassment, torture, and murder—can now be widely exported around the world. I was not for the old tools of empire, and I am not for the new tools.

Certainly, many of the people currently screaming about the Trump Administration’s actions are hypocrites who did nothing about—and were happy to ignore—lawlessness during the previous administration. I have no sympathy for them. Their objection is that they have been thrown off the payroll, not realizing that now that the push for a unipolar empire has failed and the transition to multipolar power is upon us, they no longer serve a purpose in an empire with new tools. Having lost the unipolar bid, the billionaires and monopolists assuming power to transition to the multipolar world seek to plunder the allies and citizens who they no longer need.

However, there are also excellent people screaming because they understand that what is happening is a coup and a constitutional crisis. They understand that the problems created by the last four years of lawlessness cannot be solved by further lawlessness. That group and I do not want to see the Constitution shredded once and for all. The real solution is enforcement of the Constitution. I would be more than happy to see wasteful contracts and positions cut in a lawful manner that sticks, but the complaints of people being thrown off wasteful payrolls are a distraction. The lawless methods being used, ostensibly to prune waste, will only serve to create a nightmare in the courts and radically increase expenses—which, of course, is what you do if your goal is to bury the court system and implement a coup.

There is also something else going on. As the Trump Administration systematically moves to build the digital control grid—as I described in my piece last week—they are also trying to recalibrate the infrastructure of U.S. hegemony. A recalibration, including cutting the deficit, is necessary. A decision has been made to decouple the U.S. economy from China. This means major deglobalization in trade is on—bringing enormous inflationary pressures. China has clearly surpassed the U.S. in numerous critical technologies. If the U.S. continues to lose its lead in science and technology, including AI, it is in for more than a difficult transfer from a unipolar empire to a multipolar power. It could be facing a serious economic meltdown.

Meaningful progress on any of the big items in the U.S. budget will require Congressional action and legislation and continued support in the financial markets. Consequently, to achieve a successful recalibration, the U.S. leadership needs to maintain the respect of the productive side of the U.S. and global house—including the millions of people in the U.S. and around the world who are highly economically productive and who own and hold the majority of outstanding U.S. Treasury bills and bonds. Turning the country over to Netanyahu and his syndicate will not do this. The Musk clown show and operations will not do this, especially if they appear to coincide with investigatory and regulatory relief to Musk’s private companies. Sending more weapons to genocide millions of Palestinians and grab waterfront property for real estate developments will not do this. Running what looks like kickback schemes with personal meme coins will not do this. And Trump’s handling of whatever has been and is happening at Treasury will not do this.

Ultimately, the loud arguing back and forth between the different sides of the uniparty is simply fog that covers up the real state of play. The real state of play is that we are in the midst of a major economic conversion. The unipolar push has failed. The Neocon strategy, including in Ukraine, has failed. So, now we face the music and develop a strategy to play to win in a multipolar world as the leading great power—if we can hold that position.

The blame for that failure can be shared far and wide, including by the oligarchs who support Trump. The U.S. allowed them monopolies with the understanding that they maintain hegemony. They got fat and happy and failed. Now, Trump and his team must implement this conversion, and they have decided to do so with a coup that looks like it will incorporate a fair amount of shock and awe and personal plunder. Trump helped launch the Going Direct Reset during his first Administration, and now his second Administration is taking the next steps—implementing the Going Direct Reset 2.0. All of this is able to continue because Congress is physically, financially, and legally afraid of Netanyahu and his gang, and because the New York Fed keeps the cash flowing from the bond market to finance the ongoing deficits. It is up to the rest of us to let them know that we understand what is happening—and stand up for the law and the Constitution in every way we can to prevent the plunder of our assets, stop the efforts being made to herd us into a digital concentration camp and take steps in our lives and our investments that are focused on what will be needed and what is important to thrive in a multipolar world.

It is coming fast, ready or not.

Related at the Solari Report:

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed

DOGE Hijacks the U.S. Treasury Payment System

“How come there is no effort to prune the corporate contracts? That is approximately half of the federal labor force and more than half of the waste?”

Legal Series – U.S. Monetary and Fiscal Operations

Book Review: The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis

Also Related:

DOGE Is Sharpening the Tools of US Empire – Not Dismantling Them

    CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: The U.S. and Chinese economies were like Siamese twins. Transportation costs are soaring under de-globalization. It's why inflation is hot. We'll be making more products at home

    Globalization grew up on the growth of China as a manufacturing juggernaut, and the United States and literally the Chinese economy [were] becoming like Siamese twins.  So we are deeply, and have historically been deeply, dependent since 1990 when this started on the Chinese economy and we started to de-couple. That started before the last Trump Administration, but it's accelerating now and that is a very dramatic change because it's triggering what I call de-globalization.  De- De-globalization means almost every product or service in the world is having its fundamental economics completely rejiggered.  Before if it made sense to make farm equipment in the UK with products from 300 different companies, or parts from 300 different companies in 50 different nations, the economics worked because the US ran a global trade model . . . and the transportation was inexpensive.  Now, the economics of transportation are changing, and that is literally reshuffling the deck of what it makes sense to do locally versus what it makes sense to do globally.  So my house in the United States is in Tennessee.  We as of a couple of years ago, we imported 22% of our imports came from China.  But if you're going to put 10% tariffs on everything coming from China, all of that's going to change, and suddenly it makes more sense to start new manufacturing in Tennessee than to import from China with tariffs of 10%. So the whole deck is getting reshuffled, and that is a huge change.  It changes the economics of many businesses and many families, and it's not something that the Trump Administration, or any other Administration, can control.  It's something that we've got to respond to.  So de-globalization is happening, and it's what's driving inflation.  We're dealing with hot inflation, and it's coming from de-globalization.  So that's number one.

    It does mean there's tremendous opportunity in the United States and in some countries to re-industrialize, to move the manufacturing back in, particularly now that we can do it with automation, robotics, AI, all of these things.  

    Wednesday, February 19, 2025


    03:35.  I want to start by just looking at what any new Administration coming in would face because we are in for big change and that has nothing to do with the incoming Administration that has to do with the environment they face.

    So the first thing they are facing was a move by the United States at end of the Soviet Union to become a unipolar Empire, and that effort has failed.  We were a unipolar Empire for a period of time and now the US with the loss of the war in Ukraine and events in the Middle East is having to pull back and say, "Okay, we are one of several great powers.  So we assert that we're the greatest power, but it's a multi-polar world."  So you see the new Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, saying "It's a multi-polar world, and we have to adjust to a multipolar world."  

    Secretary of Defense is making the same noise, of course, what you're seeing with the discussions around the Ukraine reflect that.  So, essentially the Neocon strategy lost and lost big in the Ukraine, and the incoming Administration,  whoever they are, whatever their philosophy is, has to deal with that.  It is what it is.  

    05:06.  The second thing that has happened is if you go back to the very interesting Australian Think Tank that tracks the top technologies and who is in the lead all the time among the top technologies globally.  They tracked 64 technologies at the end of 2007.  The US led in 60 of the 64.  And today the US leads in 7 of the 64, and China leads in 57 and is rapidly increasing their leadership in the.  And so the new Administration is looking at that, particularly AI, of all the technologies they are most concerned with the artificial intelligence, and they're saying "Oh my God, China is replacing us."  Now if that happens and this is not the first Administration that has faced that issue they are starting to decouple from China and I can't emphasize enough about how big this decoupling is in terms of what it will do globally because we're talking about D globalization and if you look at the average standard of living that the average person has enjoyed since globalization and the growth of manufacturing in China started we've had one Author Peter Zeihan calls "more, more, and more."  De-globalization means "less, less, and less," whether you like it or not.  So, we are talking about taking all the trade that has been happening globally and completely reshuffling the economics of that trade.  So what it means is things that weren't efficient for me to do locally now suddenly it's more attractive to do locally because the tariffs are trade or Transportation expenses so the fundamental economics of what you do locally and what you do globally is dramatically changing.

    07:47.  If you're a country that is net energy and the food positive which the US is it buys small amounts on energy but if you're a country that is net energy positive or food and energy and other essentials and you are very entrepreneurial about picking up locally re-industrializing locally where it makes economic sense to you will be in okay shape.  If you're not in a net energy positive on oil and gas and energy and food and, or, you don't make an entrepreneurial transition, you won't be better off.  You'll be much worse off.  So in fact if you look at how the global all the nations line up but we could see resources sucked up by the AI leaders China and the United States and a lot of other countries are going to be thrown overboard.

    08:50.  What we saw was a control demolition of every country when it comes to energy right because of climate policies and so now people are saying their bills are through the roof in Australia they're being told they're politely cutting off the power and now the incoming opposition leader the incoming prime minister he's talking about nuclear energy now and data centers and basically there is an auction to people who can benefit from this energy strategy or it's all going to be sucked up by the AI overlords.

    09:43.  If you Institute the control grid which is what most of the data centers are already are you are going to create an energy rapacious waste of resources that will suck up all the energy and more.  So it won't go to the people it will go to the grid that you're using to control the people.  And if anything, it runs the risk of, along with the AI, for pushing for depopulation as we saw during the COVID-19 pandemic but it's important to understand that every country is dealing with embedded inflation not from the collapse of the dollar but from the collapse of trade.  And part of the problem with the multi-polar world is cooperation and trust, which brings us trade which brings us prosperity.  The more people distrust and the more that agreements break down, and that was the global trade system the United States was . . . everybody was a dependent on the United States to run Brentwood

    Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    $21 Trillion Is Missing, but Yellen Thinks You as a Tax Payer Should Pay Another $7 Trillion

    So DOGE starts, and as you know Catherine has suffered, as a Solari team has suffered, a great deal of negative headwinds throughout the last year trying to warn people that Trump can't solve the problems and he's not going to.  And basically saying, you know, Trump's last presidency was the worst presidency for small businesses in the history of America and he funded a mass atrocity.  So can we be realistic about what we're dealing with here?  Anyway, so this did not make us popular.  So DOGE starts, and, of course, a lot of people have tremendous hopes that it's going to do something productive, and the first thing they announced . . . no.  If there's $21 trillion missing from the federal government as of 2015, what would we do.  The first thing we'd do is we'd go to the Treasury and we'd audit the New York Fed, not the New York Fed itself but the New York Fed Management of the Treasury Depository Accounts and the Treasury Business.  So we audit Treasury.  We'd audit New York Fed aspects of the Treasury we particularly look at all the wires that went out of the Treasury accounts to the BIS and other sort of sovereign countries when that $21 trillion was going missing.  We'd look at the Pentagon accounts and we'd look at the HUD accounts.  Did they announce they're going to do that?  No.  What was the first announcement?  The first announcement is they're going to go audit the IRS.  And I want you to remember two facts: one, Palantir as of 2018 had a major contract with the IRS, okay?  And Palantir's stock is the number one highest performing stock in the U.S. stock market in 2024, outperforming everybody.  Somebody thinks Palantir is headed into getting a lot of, lot a, lot of business.  So I want you to watch this video clip of . . . this is Janet Yellen talking about why America can afford two wars.

    02:19.  Janet Yellen, 

    We've raised $60 billion to strengthen the Internal Revenue Service there are enormous uncollected taxes that are due, the so-called "tax gap" is estimated at $7 trillion over the next decade in funneling we're modernizing and strengthening our Internal Revenue Service so it can better serve Americans and also collect the taxes that are due. 

    So first we are going to the IRS.  Palantir's stock is up wildly we believe they still have their contracts with the IRS and Janet Yellen says that the American people owe $7 trillion.

    03:12.  Yeah, we've lost $21 trillion and that means that you people owe us more.

    03:18. Right.  Right, because the $21 trillion that calculation stopped as of 2015.  Then we got FASAB-56 that said okay we're going to take the books secret.  We know when that $21 trillion was calculated and we announced it in 2017, the public debt was $21 trillion.  So let's just assume that we got $36 trillion of debt now, and the missing money is up to $36 trillion.

    03:41. Yeah, and it's our fault. And we need stronger more stringent tax collection.  The brazenness of these people never ceases to amaze me.

    03:54.  Vivek Ramaswamy he did not say that he was going to do it to collect the $7 trillion.  Somehow they think they can get enormous efficiencies out of re-engineering the Internal Revenue Service, but . . . 

    04:10.  This is my problem with the whole connection of the incoming Administration to this DOGE unit, this think tank of two people, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy.  My whole problem is, like you, I keep waiting to hear what are you going to do about FASAB56?  What are you going to do about real auditing to find out where this missing money went?  And what are you going to do to get it back?  Forget about taxing me more.  I'm fed up with the piddly taxes that I already pay because the streets and roads where I am at are absolutely in shambles . . . 

    Friday, January 3, 2025

    Wednesday, January 1, 2025

    CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Janet Yellen says that the American people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes. But instead of auditing the DOD, HUD, or NY FED, Elon Musk wants to audit the IRS. He's after the $7 trillion of unpaid taxes

    DOGE—or the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (which isn't actually a governmental body of any kind but only a proposed advisory commission aimed at restructuring the U.S. federal government to reduce expenditures and increase efficiency)—may provide an opportunity for members of the incoming administration and their associates to "plunder...many trillions of dollars." --Catherine Austin Fitts

    "Some of the proposals...DOGE [&] Elon Musk...are talking about...[it's] plunder that [may amount to] trillions of dollars...we have a [fed govt]...missing...$21 trillion...why would [DOGE] audit [IRS]? Because Janet Yellen says...people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes." (1/5) Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Greg Hunter () how DOGE—or the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (which isn't actually a governmental body of any kind but only a proposed advisory commission aimed at restructuring the U.S. federal government to reduce expenditures and increase efficiency)—may provide an opportunity for members of the incoming administration and their associates to "plunder...many trillions of dollars." Fitts notes that while the U.S. federal government is missing $20 trillion in DOD spending alone, DOGE has not decided to target that agency; on the contrary, the advisory body, Fitts notes, is apparently starting with an "audit" of the IRS. Fitts says this audit will be conducted in order to gather "$7 trillion in unpaid taxes" highlighted by Secretary of the Treasury and former Chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen. "If you look at some of the proposals that the DOGE Elon Musk group are talking about, or Howard Lutnick, who's going in as the Secretary of Commerce, are talking about, we're talking about...plunder that could go into the many trillions of dollars," Fitts tells Hunter. "Remember, we have a federal government that is missing as of 2015, $21 trillion, and then they took the books dark, so we don't know how much they're missing from 2015 on. And...this stealing has been going on since 1998. And you have factions who think, 'Okay. It's our turn now. It's our turn to steal.' Right?" "So think about this," Fitts says. "If you knew the federal government was missing $21 trillion and you and I went into the treasury and said, 'Okay. We're gonna work on government efficiency. We're gonna find out where that $20 trillion that disappeared from the Pentagon and a trillion dollars that disappeared from HUD. We're gonna go over the New York Fed and the treasury and look at the bank accounts and find out where that money went and get it back.' Right? So who would we audit? We'd audit the New York Fed. Right? We'd audit the treasury. We'd audit DOD. We'd audit HUD. Right?" When Fitts asks (semi-rhetorically), "Who was the first audit to be announced by the DOGE team?" however, she notes that DOGE has targeted the IRS.

    "Now why would they audit the Internal Revenue Service?" Fitts asks. "Because Janet Yellen says that the American people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes. There's only one reason you'd go over to the IRS and that is because you wanna collect the $7 trillion. So you're not trying to find the $21 trillion that's disappeared out the back door. You're trying to find the $7 trillion that the American people, Janet Yellen says, owe the Treasury. Right? Why else why else would you audit the IRS?" 

    Here is the missing $21 trillion.

    Wednesday, November 20, 2024

    CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: we've got to pay attention to the missing money because, essentially, most of this is being financed out of our pension funds and retirement funds. And if we don't address this, we won't have enough money to meet our obligations under the retirement system unless we lower life expectancy.

    DEAR DOGE (): If you really want to "ensure [our] tax dollars will be spent wisely," find the $20+ TRILLION the Department of Defense has stolen from American taxpayers. (1/7) In this clip from a recent interview with Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio), investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts notes that if the incoming Trump administration "really wanted to reform the Deep State," it would start with the $21 trillion of missing taxpayer money; $20+ trillion of which has been stolen by the Department of Defense. Fitts describes a "financial coup" that began in the U.S. in 1998, when the Deep State began disappearing U.S. taxpayer money from the federal government's coffers. "In fiscal 1998 HUD was missing $59 billion dollars in the first year. And then by 9/11, the federal government, mostly DOD, was missing approximately $4 trillion dollars," the former HUD official says. "Then, when 9/11 happened, the day before 9/11, [Secretary of Defense under the George Bush administration] Donald Rumsfeld got up and confessed that the DOD was missing $2.3 trillion. And then 9/11 happened, and everybody sort of forgot about the missing money." "I kept saying," Fitts adds, "we've got to pay attention to the missing money because, essentially, most of this is being financed out of our pension funds and retirement funds. And if we don't address this, we won't have enough money to meet our obligations under the retirement system unless we lower life expectancy. And in fact, a lot of the Great Poising started at the same time." Regarding this Great Poisoning—that is, increasing environmental toxins, injecting people with toxins via "vaccines," and debasing the food supply—Fitts adds: "If you look at U.S. life expectancy, when the financial coups started, life expectancy started to fall and diverge with the other 19 industrial top industrial countries. And that accelerated with the pandemic. And what we are watching is a systematic lowering of life expectancies, which is part of dealing with this financial problem. So if you can't balance the books with full funding, you balance the books by lowering the drain that the population is taking out of the retirement system." Furthermore, Fitts notes that "[We] have not seen the new or the incoming administration talk about the money that's missing from the federal government." The investment banker also says that the quarantine camps that have been built in New York State have nothing to do with quarantining sick people, and, instead, are there to imprison anybody in finance who would dare to speak up about this multi-trillion-dollar theft and fraud by the U.S. government. Regarding that topic, Fitts says: "Well, what it's very funny when [New York State attorney] Bobbie Anne Cox told me about her litigation, I said, 'Bobbie, that has nothing to do with health. That has to do with you're the New York Fed, and you need to make sure that every financial person and hedge fund manager does what you tell them to do. And if they don't, you need to be able to kidnap them.'

    "That's what that health regulation is about...You can't afford for one hedge fund manager to implode the entire international financial system. Do you really want a hedge fund manager standing up on the Solari show or The Shannon Joy show and talking about how they've just laundered out another trillion through the BIS [Bank of International Settlements] and they're stealing it?" 

    Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    The Bitcoin 2024 conference included speeches by two presidential candidates, President Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr., both promising significant changes to Federal policies related to bitcoin and private crypto.  Whitney Webb and her co-author Mark Goodwin wrote an overview of Trump's speech, and I published questions for Kennedy about his more radical proposals.

    If this Bitcoin dollar thing is true which I think it's very likely true now that a leading presidential candidate is out there basically saying hey we're going to do it the guy

    Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: The Economics of Wind Turbines Make No Sense—Now We Know Why! It’s about Control and a Land Grab

    Thursday, August 15, 2024

    LYONS-WEILER: The scientist specifically notes that anemia was "off the charts" for vaccinated children in Thomas' practice.

    "The people who stop vaccinating get healthier," Lyons-Weiler says.  "They stop having to go to the doctor."  

    Anemia was one condition found in the vaccinated kids.

    "We saw condition after condition after condition that the vaccinated kids' parents were bringing them to the doctor because they were sick with something like an ear infection...[and] the people who stopped vaccinating got healthier." In a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD series Financial Rebellion, CEO, scientist, author, and human rights advocate James Lyons-Weiler (@lifebiomedguru) describes for Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report (@solari_the), Carolyn Betts, and Polly Tommey how he conducted a study analyzing data on "vaccinated" versus "unvaccinated" children and found that the latter cohort had far less disease than the former one.

    Lyons-Weiler, who performed the study using data from retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas' practice, found, for example, that there were zero instances of ADHD among unvaccinated children, while incidence among vaccinated children was half the national average.

    Interestingly, it was Thomas' medical board that requested the pediatrician show that his unvaccinated patients weren't less healthy than his vaccinated ones.

    "We saw condition after condition after condition that the vaccinated kids' parents were bringing them to the doctor because they were sick with something like an ear infection," Lyons-Weiler says. He adds, "Moms know all about this."

    The scientist specifically notes that anemia was "off the charts" for vaccinated children in Thomas' practice.

    Even children who were being vaccinated, but then stopped receiving vaccines required fewer wellness visits (i.e., they were healthier) versus vaccinated children.

    "The people who stop vaccinating get healthier," Lyons-Weiler says. "They stop having to go to the doctor."