Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

00:58. And I'm going to be the bad guy now, you know, Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  I hate to say it . . . if you look at who Trump put into the cabinet, you know, he put into the Cabinet a lot of people who were basically part of the Syndicate that's trying to build the control grid.  So before you get enthusiastic about the Republicans, you got to hold their feet to the fire that they better, they better reverse the control grid.  Demand that they reverse the control grid.  Demand it. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

09:16. The Central Bank digital currency is not American.  It is the private Western central bank. It's actually being run by the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, and the World Bank. 

The EU will be making mandatory digital IDs including digital wallets which include immunization and health records from the World Health Organization but it'll also include your digital banking records, and in the EU they are not going to make it a choice. 

So let's talk about retirement, IRA, 401K, all this stuff, because the biggest problem