Friday, April 5, 2024

REGARDING VENTILATORS: Trump was on target without knowing how much here.

I am certainly not uncritical of Trump and his position on COVID and the COVID-19 bioweapons. Operation Warp Speed he lays claim to. But did he have any choice? Was he blackmailed? Who knows?

from John Beaudoin,
Enlightening to those bashing President Trump for promoting all the bad stuff.
He was on target without knowing how much here.
Target being: Ventilators killed more than COVID-19 did. Ventilators caused bacterial lung infections. Antibiotics could have prevented or cured bacterial infections from which many died (but they said COVID killed them).

But there is some weird vibe about these speeches. Like he knows something, but can't say it. He's holding back or doesn't understand something and is afraid to make mistakes in details. 

BREAKING: The US will not interfere if Iran attacks Israel


False flags usually form a justification for war, but in today's asymmetrical world who knows?  I've got to sharpen my situational awareness.

If you have a deficiency [of vitamin A], here are the bioavailabile sources of retinol: fish, milk, egg yolk, liver

Thursday, April 4, 2024


This is just astounding.  from Richard Gage 911.  

[Huge debt of gratitude to Kevin Ryan at]

1.  When events are planned people know about it in advance, so there is foreknowledge.

9/11. Was there a set of drills prior to 9/11?

NORAD practiced 28 hijack exercise events within 2 years of 9/11 including interception of hijacked airliner meant to crash in a building in New York City.  Particularly the weeks and months and even the morning of 9/11, 46 drills altogether.  Operations, war games, and activities.  We have terrorists loading Lear Jets with explosives, for instance, attacking Washington DC, in 1998.  Hijacked aircraft hitting many targets, including the WTC at MASCAL from 1999 to 2000.  And [Condoleezza Rice]  told us, "Who would have ever imagined hijacking a plane and running it into a building?" 







Foreign hijacked airliner crashing into famous U.S. building

White House, Richard Clarke


Terrorists load Lear Jet with explosives attack Washington, DC



Hijacked aircraft hit many targets, including WTC and MASCAL

Able Danger: DIA, SOCOM, LIWA

December 1999-2001

Manipulate Al Queda, data mining (patsy control)

Door Hop Galley, DIA

December 1999-2001

Still secret (Patsy Control)

Proactive Preemptive Operations Group P2OG


Simulating reactions of terrorists (patsy control)

NORAD NEADS Exercises UN Headquarters, NYC

October 16, 2000

Terrorist crashes Federal Express plane into UN HQ, NYC

NORAD NEADS Exercises UN Headquarters, NYC

October 23, 2000

Terrorist crashes Federal Express plane with WMD into UN HQ, NYC

Pentagon MASCAL Exercise

October 24-28, 2000

Commercial aircraft hits Pentagon, MASCAL

FAA Drill

December 2000

Scenario: Chartered flight out of Ohio that had turned its transponder off

LATYPOVA, 03:24. We can talk about the EUAs.  That's a very difficult issue for most people to understand, and it was on purpose like that.  The FDA together with the DoD conspired, and with the HHS and other federal agencies, conspired to fool the public, defraud the public with the idea that these vaccines, so-called vaccines, "injections," are fully approved, first of all.  So, now they're claiming that they're fully approved, not just the shots themselves but the the entire platform, is fully approved by the FDA.  And that's a lie and fraud.  And the FDA is certifying this fraud.  And so that's the biggest crime in my mind because it's a crime of mass poisoning that they are running and are planning to do continuously and not just in humans but animals as well.