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Showing posts sorted by date for query FOR THE GREATER GOOD. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

DR. JOHN BEAUDOIN: in 2021, when you start vaccinating everybody, what [incident increases are greater] relative to all others? It has everything to do with the blood.

This means that anyone who was vaccinated ought to focus on cleaning or straightening out the blood.   

2020 was the year of excess respiratory deaths.  Pneumonia was up.  COPD was up.  ARDS was up.  These are all respiratory.  Those were all higher in 2020, then all of a sudden in 2021, when you start vaccinating everybody, what is a greater increase relative to all others?  It has everything to do with the blood.  Cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia.  So cardiac arrest in Massachusetts alone was over 3,000 excess deaths in 2021 more than normal.  Pulmonary embolism was 500 excess deaths . . . in one state!  And we're 7 million people.  We're 38% bigger than New Zealand in terms of population in a small space of Massachusetts.  The cardiac arrhythmia you have athletes dying on the field.  Kids dying in their sleep, and a bunch of old people too; it's all ages, but we notice and hear about the younger people.  Many of those are cardiac arrhythmia.  

1:04  What is causing the PQRST signals of the heart? If anybody knows, if you look at a heart monitor, it's not just up and down.  There's a little bump that sets off a down, and then a big bump, and then down, and then back to normal, then a little bump, and that's PQRST.  You may have heard of Long QT Syndrome, your heart's electrical system taking longer than usual to recharge between heartbeats.  You've heard of ST-Segment Delay?  A STEMI [heart attack] or an N-STEMI [heart attack]? is an ST-Myocardio infarction, which is a heart attack.  So it's either a STEMI or an NSTEMI, a non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction or it did have to do with that.  So when you change the signals of the heart, for whatever reason, like some of the cells were killed and it left behind apoptosis and calcification, which can change the electrical signals throughout the heart.  And if you have a delay, your heart's signal is saying, "OK, contract," and then run into another signal from the other cycle, it says, "No, expand."  And the heart is like "Do I expand or contract?"  So the heart starts fibrillating and you're dying.  You're dead, right.  Your heart is like "I don't know what to do."  And that happened.  And that's in the data.  

2:32  So yeah, 2021 was a year of blood causes, thrombocytopenia, you can't clot--not enough platelets.  The immune mechanism, so that's where your white blood cells are made.  Has to do with your blood, so your lymph and your marrow are dysregulated, so you're producing after the vaccine you're producing the wrong kind of white cells, and some of these tests come back and say, "Oh, your antibodies are up because you got vaccinated and that's a good thing."  It's like, "I don't need THOSE antibodies, I need different ones.  And you're not allowing me to produce those because you've dysregulated my immune system with this shot, you took over the production of white cells that are going to heal me in the presence of the pathogen.  And for doctors to not understand these simple things is kind of shocking.  But doctors these days all just kind of follow each other; now they just do what they're told.  They might as well be robots.  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

CORRUPTIBLE TRUMP: He's used his antiwar record to whitewash his 4th Generation warfare Operation Warp Speed that's weakened and killed millions of Americans

People liked Trump for being brutally honest with the media, Hillary, & Biden (aka, Obama's 3rd term) and people like his Borscht Belt humor. So he is entertaining. But a single man or a single one-term administration cannot sort out the mess of a bazaar of billionaires.

He likes to tout his antiwar record. I don't know. What secret wars did he fund? I don't know. There was the brazen assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in January 2020 before the rollout of the COVID hoax and scamdemic that imposed warlike restrictions, stripping of civil rights, couldn't enter a grocery without a pair of panties on your face, pulled up over your nose; couldn't walk 5 feet to a dining table in a restaurant from door to table without a mask on. But let's not exaggerate, please, this was not a war; it was an emergency. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

So was Trump really antiwar, was he really the peace-loving, pidgeon-feeding St. Francis of Assisi? I have my doubts. He sure seemed to be free and easy with taxpayers' money. Perhaps Trump didn't start any hot conventional wars, but he didn't seem to end any either. But wasn't COVID itself a war? They called nurses frontline workers, certainly a warlike term like frontline soldiers. W

Dave DeCamp illuminates his war record a bit,

President Trump almost immediately rolled over in 2017 and gave then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis a small surge of troops in Afghanistan, bringing numbers up to around 14,000. This was small potatoes compared to 2010, when President Obama’s surge put the number over 100,000. But troop numbers aren’t everything.
In 2019, a record number of bombs were dropped on Afghanistan, the most since the US started keeping track of the number of bombs dropped by the coalition in 2006. Coalition aircraft dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, slightly higher than 2018, when 7,362 fell on the central Asian country. This was all possible due to Trump loosening the rules of engagement in Afghanistan in 2017, giving the military free rein.

We had lockdowns. People couldn't go to work. They couldn't sustain a livelihood. With his signature, Trump authorized $2.3 trillion to a 130 million Americans, effectively buying off Americans' collective fight against what was being imposed on them.

About 130 million letters signed b President Donald Trump have been mailed or are on their way to taxpayers who have received federal stimulus checks. Intended as notices to inform people about the one-time payments, the letters include Mr. Trump's distinctive signature — and effusive praise for the U.S. government's efforts to help struggling AmericansThe stimulus payments, authorized under the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, are intended to offer a financial lifeline as the U.S. reels under the impact of the pandemic. The economy shrank nearly 
But to the American people and through his Borscht Belt humor and razzmatazz, President Trump, politician Trump gaslighted Americans with a fake COVID virus and whitewash the bioweaponed vaccines that injected people with unknown, untested poisons. This was Trump executing 4th generation war on Americans that killed millions and crippled millions more.

So his antiwar record could be the worst in history, killing and maiming citizens of his own country with cancer causing toxins.

Now he's a white Knight promising to deport aliens? He's been called the most persecuted man in American politics but they are easy cases to show corruption, fall out of court, or be bogged down in courts in appeals for years without having to pay a cent in hundreds of millions in damages. All this has only increased his appeal and polished him into a Teflon Don. If he's serving the deep state rather than actually fighting it, you can bet that Trump as President again will not take revenge in the deep state but he'll go after the American worker which is gradually dying away.

Don't be fooled by Trump. That schtick on the stage with Hillary was all prescripted.  Because you've enjoyed his antics, it's going to be hard to fathom his betrayal of you.  Don't
 forget that the DoD under Donald Trump tried to kill you and other Americans from 2020 to today?  You know all of his "Oh, it's gonna be great," or "Bob is a great senator from Pennsylvania.  He's going to do wonderful things there" is insincere and poli-racketting or political grifting. True, the Trump brand is like brass.  Just know that the COVID countermeasures are still in effect until 2028.  So your beloved guy with the full force of the U.S. government has at least 3 more years to try to kill you.  Do you need evidence of that?  Will that help you press the pause button on him, protect yourself, and defend a nation that once was?  Prove it. 

Everybody loves Trump.  Trumpsters love Trump even more.  

For what, exactly?  

Did he stop the Operation Warp Speed of the vaccines that hurt and murdered millions of Americans? He won't even deny that; he'll simply call it the Wuhan virus. It's the U.S. that owns all the biolabs. 

No, Trump has done so little for Americans except for lying.  For evil to prevail requires lying.  The bigger the lie, the greater the evil.  

Here is the Austin Fitts tape with Greg Hunter where she schools him on Trump. Good that she did that to slap some seriousness back into him.

"The technocrats sunk their claws into President Donald Trump, and he rolled over."  This is from Patrick Wood at Technocracy News, and he has bullet points here with 6 different items.  

*  We have the executive order that Trump signed well before there was anybody dying, right, claiming that it was a pandemic and then it set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections.

*  [The Executive Order] turned over the design, manufacturer, and distribution to the military.

*  It set up a huge private public partnership with big Pharma and he said it set up a task force that was co-headed by the Secretary of Defense.

*  Operation Warp Speed confirmed the design, the manufacturing, and the distribution by the U.S. military, and this is in September 2019.

We just keep getting all this stuff: in September 2019 Trump signs this, does all that to set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections, and you got Fauci the next month at the Milken Institute, asking, "How do we get everybody in the world to take an untested vaccine?"

"Well, we do it with disruption from the inside." 

And we do it iteratively.  

You got Alex Azar from Eli Lilly, the biggest lobby and Trump makes him HHS secretary?  

Sunday, January 28, 2024

[The Egoist] is the man who stands above the need to use others in any manner. He does not exist for any other men and he asks no other man to exist for him.

Men have been taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others.  But suffering is a disease.  Should one come upon it, one tries to give relief and assistance.  To make that the highest test of virtue is to make suffering the most important part of life.  Then man must wish to see others suffer in order that he may be virtuous.  --Ayn Rand

Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire.  He was probably burned at the stake he had taught his brothers to light.  But he left them a gift they had not conceived, and he lifted darkness off of the earth.  Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision.  The great creators, the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors stood alone against the men of their time.  Every new thought was opposed. Every new invention was denounced.  The first motor was considered foolish.  The airplane was considered impossible.  Anesthesia was considered sinful.  But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead, they fought, they suffered and they paid but they won.  No creator was prompted by a desire to serve his brothers, for his brothers rejected the gift he offered.  His truth was his only motive, his own work in his own way, that was his goal.  the creation, not its users; the creation, not the benefits others derived from it.  His vision, his strength, his courage came from his own spirit.  A man's spirit, however, is his self, that entity which is his consciousness to think to feel to judge to act are functions of the ego.  The creators are not selfless.  The creator served nothing and no one.  He lived for himself and only by living for himself was he able to achieve the things which are the glory of mankind.  Such is the nature of achievement.  Man cannot survive except through his mind, but the mind is an attribute of the individual.  There's no such thing as a collective brain, a collective thought.  The primary act, the process of reason, must be performed by each man alone. The creative faculty belongs to single individual men; that which it creates is the property of the creator.  Nothing is given to man on Earth; everything he needs has to be produced.  Man can survive in only one of two ways: by the independent work of his own mind, or as a parasite fed by the minds of others.  The Creator originates; the parasite borrows.  The creator's concern is a conquest of nature; the parasite's concern is the conquest of men.  The Creator lives for his work; his primary goal is within himself.  The parasite lives second hand; others become his prime motive.  The basic need of the Creator is independence; to a Creator all relations with men are secondary.  The second-hander places the relations first; he preaches altruism, the doctrine which demands that man live for others and place others above self.  Men have been taught that the highest virtue is not to achieve but to give, yet one cannot give that which has not been created.  Creation comes before distribution.  Yet we are taught to admire the second-hander who dispenses gifts he had not produced above the man who made the gift possible.  We praise an act of charity; we shrug at an act of achievement.

4:05. Men have been taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others.  But suffering is a disease.  Should one come upon it, one tries to give relief and assistance.  To make that the highest test of virtue is to make suffering the most important part of life.  Then man must wish to see others suffer in order that he may be virtuous.  Men have been taught that the ego is a synonym of evil and selflessness the ideal of virtue.  But the Creator is the egotist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge, or act.  These are functions of the self.  Egotism was held to mean the sacrifice of others to self; altruism, the sacrifice of self to others.  This tied man irrevocably to other men and left him nothing but a choice of pain: his own pain born for the sake of others, or pain inflicted upon others for the sake of self.  This was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.  The choice is not self-sacrifice or domination; the choice is Independence or dependence.  The egotist in the absolute sense is not the man who sacrifices others.  He is the man who stands above the need to use others in any manner.  He does not exist for any other men and he asks no other man to exist for him.  

5:35. This is the only form of brotherhood in mutual respect possible between men.  This is the only possible form of relationship between equals.  Anything else is a relation of slave to master or victim to executioner.  From the beginning of history, the two antagonists have stood face to face: the Creator and the second-hander. When the first Creator invented the wheel, the first second-hander responded: he invented altruism.  The contest has another name: the individual against the collective.  The common good of a collective, a race, a class, a state was the justification of every tyranny ever established over men.  Now observe the results of a society built on the principle of individualism.  This, our country, the noblest country in the history of men, the country of greatest achievement, greatest prosperity, greatest freedom, this country was based on a man's right to the pursuit of happiness, his own happiness, not anyone else's.  The Savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of its tribe.  Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.  It is an ancient conflict.  Now in our age, collectivism has broken loose and is running amok.  It has swallowed most of Europe.  It is engulfing our country.  I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone's right to any achievement of mine no matter who makes the claim, how large their number, or how great their need.  I wish to come here and say that I am a man who does not exist for others.  It had to be said.  The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing.  I wish to come here and say that the Integrity of a man's creative work is of Greater importance than any charitable endeavor.  Those of you who do not understand this are destroying the world.  I wish to come here and state my terms.  I do not care to exist on any others.  I recognize no obligations toward men except one: to respect their freedom and to take no part in and to take no part in a slave Society.  To my country, I wish to give the 10 years which I will spend in jail if my country exists no longer.  I will spend them in memory and in gratitude for what my country has been.  It will be my act of loyalty, my refusal to live or work in what has taken its place.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Farmers are blue-collar workers, some of the most multi-skilled workers on the . . . planet and the bedrock of an economy"

Many Industries have been torn apart over the last 40 years but farming is consistently has the additional aspect of the net zero agenda farmers are concerned that this is going to affect their yields their livelihoods and the governments are completely out of touch with her what the farmers needs are what we are experiencing in Europe which goes one stage further is effectually is effectively a blue-collar rising, a blue-collar strike because enough is enough for governments who are failing to take care of business of a primary source of the economy, namely farmers.

Scotland is certainly not at the stage of what the German farmers or the French farmers are doing, but I think there is the same mood, the same feeling that they're being neglected by the government.  When you're getting severe pressure in terms of brokerage agreements with supermarkets where farmers are getting pennies for for their crops and their products and at the same time governments are implementing draconian, net zero measures, it's almost impossible for farmers to make some sort of profit.  And what's happening beyond that because farmers are under so much pressure major corporations are coming in and plundering the land and taking the land in an asset crab and then paradoxically offering more Net Zero Solutions such as destroying the landscapes and environments with mass production solar panels.

2:09. Is arrogance on the part of decision makers do they have a sense of how angry not just the farmers are but the greater population and do they care? 

2:19. I think arrogance is a huge part of this, and James makes a good point.  Let me tell you what an experience I had with a Dutch farmer.  The Dutch government was trying to implement their hydrogen restrictions by 2050, and the farmers correctly said, "What do they think we are doing with fertilizer?" because they have it for free.  So they tried to reduce fertilizer use anyway because it's something that is expensive.  But you've got some bureaucrats sitting in a windowless office who looks at this and says, "Oh, 30% looks like a good number.  Let's do it."  But I think there's a second factor that James also alluded to-- communication.  When we say forgotten community there's this old saying, "Out of sight, out of mind," and we don't see the key areas of the economy like farming, mining, energy the attention it deserves.  Maybe I'm being facetious here, but I mean it.  We have debates about drag queens story hour, but maybe we should have something like "Farmers Story Hour" or "Coal Miners Story Hour."  Maybe we should imbue young people with a certain respect about where these things come from that make modern life possible.  Then maybe we would have much more respect for farmers and others.

3:30.  You're saying, in Gareth is saying the same thing that people in Wales are not ready to rise, and you're saying that people in Scotland aren't quite at that stage, but as Ralph says wouldn't be almost beneficial if the farmers rose because the old media is not covering this, they're not drawing attention to it; quite the opposite, mis-portraying it.  Don't the people need to be confronted by the everyday reality of the farmers so that they remember that even there what it is to be what if they do 

4:00. I agree with all of it.  I think there needs to be a blue collar Rising.  We got a challenge in this country remember the poll tax in our history and what happened there if people rise up in a piece of way mbss mobilization change can happen and it comes back to the point you mentioned before that we got to start raising awareness about the bedrock and foundations of our economy and that is the producers.  The farmers are kind of root and branch, and they need to be heard in Westminster.  But the only way I think we can do that is to take a leaf out of the book from the Dutch also the Germans and the French and also going back to the Canadian truckers.  I think we need to support it.  It's our job to raise awareness for this because as you said it's not getting enough coverage.  The last thing I would say is that ironically this is sort of a campaign that the left used to be behind.  Where are the large forests of the left right now?  This is not some sort of far-right protest.  This is nuts and bolts of survival for our country and many other countries.  Food production and the workers that go with it, it's not just the farmers, it's the circular economy around farming: the shops, deliveries, all of it, has to be taken into account.  I remember the country the lines and march we had 20-30 years ago.  There were about half a million people that descended on London.  Maybe it's the time now to coordinate and galvanize a rural community and our farmers to do something about this and to vote with their feet effectively onto Westminster and make our highfalutin politicians listen to what is one of the primary and important industries in this country. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale."

This also explains why the DOD needed to decimate their own forces via mRNA poisoning, dismissal of those who refuse the poisoning, and the depraved satanic agenda of DEI.  They are weeding out the servicemen with conscience that are not likely to commit atrocities on command, and replacing them with mercenaries from other countries who will have no such scruples. 

Here is the good news.  Over 200 service members in an open letter are calling for the court-martial of military leaders.  Aside from death, there could be no greater condemnation of a military leader.  Sasha Latypova writes,

Over 200 service members demand Biden's military leadership be court-martialed and FIRED for forced 'experimentation' on troops with COVID-19 vaccine mandate leaving 'significant' physical and mental scars.

The mandate enacted in August 2021 led to the forced firing of over 8,000 service members who refused the shot on religious or medical grounds.

The service members say their 'suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically'.

Biden's military leadership is accused of 'continuing to ignore' their pleas to correct the 'injuries and laws that were broken'.

They are threatening to bring Biden's top leaders out of retirement so they can be court-martialed and held to account.  

The letter is damning.  I hope this gets traction.  Here Latypova highlights key indictments. 
While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion. Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken. 
For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others; 
These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled. 
These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.  

Here is the letter in its entirety.

There is no let-up.

Last week I posted this video, and thankfully, Latypova found it and has commented on it.  

I also believe both federal government and some states such as CA (Newsom) are importing a mercenary army(ies) through the open southern border.  There are some reports that they are being imported from far off places such as China - my guess is that recent Xi visit to CA might have had something to do with this.  If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale. 

Did you read that last sentence?

If it is true that China did not use mRNA injections, then maybe they were planning to use their excess male population as mercenary soldiers for sale. 

Ominous.  Adding that 

There may be currently 1.5 M to 5M mercenary soldiers already inside the US based on estimates from commentators on the open border situation.  For example, Michael Yon has been reporting on this issue:
This also explains why the DOD needed to decimate their own forces via mRNA poisoning, dismissal of those who refuse the poisoning, and the depraved satanic agenda of DEI.  They are weeding out the servicemen with conscience that are not likely to commit atrocities on command, and replacing them with mercenaries from other countries who will have no such scruples. 

This is from Michael Yon,.  Be sure to check out the short video. 

PANAMA: the #CCP Economy Collapsing…#Chinese and other children pushed through deadly Darien Gap to come and destroy America. Venezuelan gangsters in the invasion column next to them. The very professional Panamanian Senafront rescues people daily.  Senafront is now deep in the jungle with courageous Oscar Blue, Ben Bergquam, and a Mexican journalist named Manuel. The rains are coming down hard now.  Senafront is well-trained, highly professional, and strong. I hear one of their helicopters right now. (UH-1 
Ben messaged via satcom text: “The scene is truly apocalyptic. Bajo Chiquito is completely overrun (thousands!), possibly as many as Lajas Blancas and more arriving every second! And the amount of feces and trash is staggering. My guess is we passed about 8000 people today between boats, the camp and the jungle. It’s getting dark and they’re still coming.  - Ben Bergquam” 
Another person mentioned just now 59 busses took about 3080 “migrante” from Darien yesterday.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

best sources of copper are liver, oysters, shiitake mushrooms, pure chocolate not the stuff watered down with sugar and milk, and spirulina

For everything from anemia to headaches to allergies to having healthy bones and just feeling great all the time, copper is an incredibly important nutrient and this is how to know if you're getting enough.

How to manage your copper status to make sure you're getting enough, not too much, and fix any problems and make sure that whatever your solutions are that they're working.  So copper, when you do not have enough you can get anemia that looks just like iron deficiency anemia but isn't, or that looks just like B12 and folate deficiency anemia, but isn't.  In fact, you can get malabsorption of iron from copper deficiency that actually causes iron deficiency, and the problem might not be that you don't have enough iron in your diet, it might be that you're not getting enough copper in your diet to absorb the iron, so you could have anemia from that as well as the many other problems of iron deficiency itself.  You can have low white blood cells, especially in neutrophils; you can have high cholesterol; you could get osteoporosis because copper is needed to support your bones.  You could get histamine intolerance or a greater burden of allergies than you would otherwise have.  You could have poor pigmentation of your skin and hair and neurotransmitter imbalances, like low adrenaline or high serotonin that might leave you feeling like you're not your best.  So what do you do about this?

1:44. Well, the first thing is look at your diet and see whether the dietary pattern that you have is supporting getting enough copper.  The absolute best sources of copper are liver, oysters, shiitake mushrooms, pure chocolate not the stuff watered down with sugar and milk, and spirulina.  A tier below that of very good sources of copper are most shellfish besides oysters, remember oysters are the best, whole grains, legumes, and potatoes.  Diets that are low in these foods are likely to contribute to a copper deficiency, but soil variation is very large, and all these foods, if they are grown in low copper soil, could be much less likely to give you enough copper.  And if you're consuming--if you're not consuming enough of those foods and you are consuming foods from copper-deficient soils, then that makes you very predisposed to copper deficiency.  Zinc supplementation, especially over 45 mg a day and with a zinc-to-copper ratio greater than 15 to 1, can be a cause of copper deficiency.  Methylation can be a cause of copper deficiency, and I'll link in the description of this episode to my methylation resources.  


3:08. Other sources of copper deficiency that are not dietary in nature include the use of antacids, proton pump inhibitors, gastric bypass surgery, and any digestive problems that are focused on the upper part of the GI tract like the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine.  And although there's limited evidence for this, it seems to be the case that high doses of Vitamin C can impair copper absorption.  


On the other hand, there is copper toxicity in general from diet.  I do not believe copper toxicity is a concern.  If you are supplementing with copper over 10 mg, that could pose a potential risk of copper toxicity.  I think it's best to keep copper supplements under 10 mg,  preferably under 3 mg a day and it's always best to get your copper from food, and when you do you're benefiting by the fact that the copper is mixed with other minerals, especially zinc, which protects against copper toxicity.  It's extremely unlikely to get copper toxicity from food. There are high copper levels in certain water systems, but when they get to the point where they can cause copper toxicity usually drinking that water is going to make you nauseated and it's usually leaving blue colors all over the place.  If it's really bad, you can see the blue even coming out in your clothing; so usually you have a warning sign, and certainly using a water filter will generally protect you against too much copper coming from your water supply. 


4:51. The most important test of copper status is serum copper this can be supplemented with serum ceruloplasmin; they tend to go together.  And so you're usually not getting additional information by combining them. And serum copper tends to be more sensitive to deficiency, so you always want to at least get serum copper but it can be helpful to corroborate it with serum ceruloplasmin.  But always get serum copper give that the priority in general low serum copper and low serum ceruloplasmin indicated copper deficiency most of the time.  From what I've seen, I think you want to tend to be in the middle of the range because I have seen indications of copper deficiency when people are in the lower 20 or 30% of the range.  It's important to note a a couple limitations of these tests first estrogen increases serum ceruloplasmin and tends to increase serum copper as well and that means that there's going to be some fluctuation of copper levels with the menstrual cycle and copper levels are generally twice hi during pregnancy as they are for women who are not pregnant and using hormone replacement therapy estrogen and HRT can raise copper levels by 30 to 90%, and unfortunately there really isn't any clear research to develop a separate reference range for women experiencing high estrogen under these conditions, so what we can say is that if your copper levels are running a little high and you can explain it with estrogen you can probably dismiss it because it's normal.  It's probably all the more true in women than in men that you want to be at least towards the middle of the range for copper because if you're at the low and of the range and that might be close to deficiency that's all the more true if you would expect your estrogen levels to be bringing the copper up higher.


There are two genetic disorders of copper metabolism Menkes Disease and Wilson's Disease

Monday, December 18, 2023

From Global Research.  This story revolves around Patrice Lumumba, 1925-January 17, 1961, but it is really a story about U.S. foreign policy in dealing with independent states erupting all over Africa.  Later that year, the UN Second Secretary General, Dag Hammarskjold, was killed in a plane crash.  It was sabotage.  It was an assassination.  

The conflict is an old one: Colonial Rule vs. Self-Government.  There is/was the British Empire.  The Congo was ruled under Belgian colonial rule.  

I have learned much about  William A.M. Burden II from Peggy and I I was best acquainted with his 20-year tenure… as Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Defense Analyses [IDA] and his contribution to the quality of the output of this “think tank’s serving the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff…His government service reached its apogee during his two years, 1959-61, as Ambassador to Belgium…He has been most responsive over these years also to the needs of Columbia University which he has served as a trustee…” – General and former IDA President Maxwell Taylor in foreword to Columbia University Life Trustee William A.M. Burden’s 1982 book, Peggy and I: A Life Too Busy For A Dull Moment

“Before I accepted my ambassadorship in Belgium I had been given in 1957…appointment as ‘a public trustee’ of the Institute for Defense Analyses [IDA]. It became one of the top priorities of my life.  I was elected chairman in May 1959.  One of the unfortunate side-effects of the student protest movement against the Vietnam War was that IDA itself became a target for anti-war protests, and its member universities were subjected to faculty and student pressure to cancel their ties…” – Columbia University Life Trustee William A.M. Burden in his 1982 book, Peggy and I.

“Only prudent, therefore to plan on the basis that Lumumba Government threatens our vital interests in Congo and Africa generally. A principal objective of our political and diplomatic action must therefore be to destroy Lumumba government as now constituted…” – Columbia University Life Trustee and U.S. Ambassador to Belgium William A.M. Burden in a July 19, 1960 cable to the U.S. State Department.

“The Belgians were sort of toying with the idea of seeing to it that Lumumba was assassinated. I went beyond my instructions and said, well, I didn’t think it would be a bad idea either, but I naturally never reported this to Washington—but Lumumba was assassinated. I think it was all to the good…” – Columbia University Life Trustee William A. M. Burden in a 1968 Oral History Interview with Columbia University School of Journalism’s Advanced International Reporting Program Director, John Luter.

. . . 

When Columbia and Barnard students first occupied Hamilton Hall on Columbia University’s campus on Apr. 23, 1968, one of their six demands was “that the university sever all ties with the Institute for Defense Analyses [IDA] and that [then-Columbia] President Kirk and Trustee Burden resign their positions on the Executive Committee of that institution immediately.”

Coincidentally, besides representing Columbia University—with the (now-deceased) Grayson Kirk—on the Executive Committee of the Pentagon’s IDA  weapons research think-tank in 1968, Columbia Life Trustee William A.M. Burden was also the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium who recommended fifty-seven years ago, in July 1960, that “a principal objective” of the Republican administration in Washington, D.C. of former Columbia University President Eisenhower  “must therefore be to destroy” the democratically-elected “Lumumba government as now constituted” in Belgium’s former Congo [Zaire] colony. As David Talbot recalled in his 2015 book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government:

Dulles, Doug Dillon (then serving as a State Department undersecretary), and William Burden, the U.S. ambassador to Belgium, led the charge within the Eisenhower administration to first demonize and then dispose of [Patrice] Lumumba. All three men had financial interests in the Congo. The Dillon family’s investment bank handled the Congo’s bond issues. Dulles’s old law firm represented the American Metal Climax (later AMAX), a mining giant with holdings in the Congo…Ambassador Burden was a company director…Ambassador Burden was a Vanderbilt heir…

Burden, who had acquired his ambassadorship by contributing heavily to the 1956 Eisenhower campaign, spent his days in Brussels attending diplomatic receptions…It was the ambassador who first raised alarms about the rising Patrice LumumbaBurden began sending agitated cables to Dulles in Washington well before Lumumba’s election…By the…summer [of 1960], Burden was cabling Washington ‘to destroy Lumumba government’ as a threat to ‘our vital interest in Congo.’…”

“…At an NSC [National Security Council] meeting in August 1960, Eisenhower gave [CIA Director Allen] Dulles direct approval to ‘eliminate’ Lumumba. Robert Johnson, the minutes taker at the NSC meeting…said there was nothing ambiguous about Eisenhower’s lethal order. ‘I was surprised that I would ever hear a president say anything like this in my presence or the presence of a group of people’…

“…Lumumba ‘would remain a grave danger,’ Dulles told an NSC meeting on Sept. 21, 1960, ‘as long as he was not yet disposed of.’…”

A Life Trustee of Columbia University since 1956, Burden (who died in 1984) was among the “people in the Eisenhower administration” who “hunted for ways to reduce Lumumba’s influence” and, along with CIA Director Allen Dulles “and the CIA’s man in Leopoldville [Kinshasa],” Larry Devlin, “devised actions,” according to Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Professor of History Emmanuel Gerard and University of Pennsylvania Professor of History Bruce Kuklick’s 2015 book, Death in the Congo: Murdering Patrice Lumumba.

The same book also noted that Devlin was “a CIA agent from the late 1940s” who “began spying for the CIA in Brussels, where he had a cover position as an attaché’” in 1958 and where he “made contacts with the Congo’s politicians, who came to Belgium for various deliberations.” After his appointment as the CIA’s chief of station in the Congo in “the second part of 1959,” Devlin “went there with Burden” in March 1960, when the Columbia Life Trustee and his wife traveled through the still not-yet independent Belgian Congo. Coincidentally, besides being a Columbia trustee in 1960, Burden was also a trustee of the Farfield Foundation that was utilized by the CIA, during the Cold War Era of the 1950s and 1960s, as a conduit for covertly financing projects and journals, like the American Congress of Cultural Freedom [CCF] and Encounter magazine, which promoted U.S. power elite foreign policy objectives.

Following his March 1960 trip to the Congo with CIA Station Chief Devlin, “Burden told the Department of State that America could not permit the Congo to go left after independence,” according to Death in the Congo. And after the Congo [Zaire] was granted its formal independence on June 30, 1960, the Columbia Life Trustee–who also “maintained during his ambassadorship, a directorship in American Metal Climax, whose Rhodesian copper interests were to make it the leading corporate defender of a conservative order…in Katanga (where Belgian troops began supporting an illegally-established secessionist regime on July 11, 1960), according to Roger Housen’s 2002 paper “Why Did The US Want To Kill Prime Minister Lumumba Of The Congo?”–began pushing for the removal of the democratically-elected anti-imperialist Lumumba as Congolese Prime Minister in July 1960. As Madeline Kalb observed in her 1982 book, The Congo Cables: The Cold War in Africa:

“The U.S. Embassy in Brussels, replying to the U.S. State Department’s query on July 19…took a very strong line regarding Lumumba, recommending openly for the first time that the United States try to remove him from office. The U.S. ambassador,William Burden, said he believed the situation called for ‘urgent measures on various levels.’…Burden concluded by noting that while the U.S. Embassy in Leopoldville [Kinshasa] had the primary responsibility for dealing with the internal political situation in the Congo, the CIA in Brussels would be ‘reporting separately some specific suggestions.’”

The Death in the Congo book also noted:

“…Burden barraged Washington with memos asking greater sympathy for the [Belgian] imperialists…He understood, he told [then-U.S.] Secretary [of State Christian] Herter, why the United States would look at issues from the point of view of the Congo. Nevertheless, America should instead pressure the UN to support Belgium. At the end of July Burden briefed Dulles when returned to Washington for discussions. From Europe, Burden would continue as a mouthpiece for the more rabid anticommunism guiding Dulles’s report to the NSC [National Security Council]…”

Continue reading . . .  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

By repeating the harms, . . . the common good delusion is normalized and the people become desensitized to harm and to Evil

Excellent discussion on the evil of the greater good idea.

What about this argument that  we have to lose our freedoms for the common good?  Individual and societal evils cannot justify the greater good.  They are fundamentally opposed ideas but individuals and people, even churches, can be diluted and scared and traumatized into believing that the harm they do is for the greater or the common good.  

Now I have to say that the churches that are demanding vaccine passports cannot be following the same Jesus I follow; they've got to be following some other Jesus because Jesus went out into the crowds touched the lepers and healed them.

By repeating the harms, for example, loss of our freedoms and liberties, the common good delusion is normalized, and the people become desensitized to harm and Evil. 

For example, in 1930s Germany, the Nazi party member, Hans B. was writing to his sister in France,
In our nation, the priority is not on the individual and what benefits him, but on the common good, the Volk and Germany. 

This is what it led to.  Two posters from Nazi Germany " for the common good."  Which can easily be interpreted that if there is something about you that is uncommon, or possess a trait that is uncommonly not German, then you belong in another social category.

A Nazi-era high-school biology book warns that “a hereditarily ill person costs 50,000 reichsmarks on average up to the age of sixty.” From the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.

The one on the left has this healthy, or vaccinated you might say, German guy, holding, as if it is a burden, the disabled on his shoulders.  It reads, "A genetically ill [meaning unvaccinated, since the "vaccines" are genetic shots] individual costs approximately 50,000 Reichasmaks by age of 60."  Of course, this was eugenics propaganda.  On the right, 

The Toronto Star employed Ernest Hemmingway when he went to Paris as the Toronto Star correspondent.  But now it has become a corrupt woke organization that carries headlines like
"Unvaccinated Patients Do Not Deserve ICU Beds." 
"I Have No Sympathy for the Willfully Unvaccinated.  Let Them Die." 

As a physician, I've got to ask, what about the willfully obese?  What about the willful smoker?  Do patients with alcohol cirrhosis deserve ICU beds?  Obviously, they do.  As physicians, of course, we tell 

Monday, October 16, 2023

"It's for the greater good"

This might be hard for people because we're taught that doing things for others, helping out, is a social good.  And it is . . . if that good is asked for.  We can't do things to others without their consent.  In the case with religious folks, some people are called to help no matter what, regardless of what the recipient wants or asks for.  In fact, Catholic social teaching tells us to help others. So what the DoD and vaccine manufacturers did was exploit our religious convictions in a campaign that resulted in our injury and loss of freedom.  Therefore, these are malicious institutions and should shunned and their slogans must be critically rejected while you keep a guarded eye on them.