Showing posts with label Dr. Eric Berg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Eric Berg. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Eating Eggs for 30 Days

Thank you to BodyNetwork.

02:25  Highest quality source of protein other than breast milk.  It has virtually every nutrient that you need.  Its amino acid profile is complete.  Its nutrients and amino acids are very bioavailable.  The waste product from eggs is so minimal because you're utilizing all this great protein.  

03:00  The protein you get from plant-based sources is actually pretty poor.

03:35.  Here you have this meat that we've been eating for thousands of years it's not just nutrient-dense but if you're consuming something that's grass-fed and grass-finished, you are getting a very high source of protein that can greatly help you not just with your muscles but repair the proteins overall in general.  Sometimes people think about proteins as just muscle, but you have all the enzymes in your body, the different metabolic pathways are all protein, a good portion of your skin is protein, a good portion of your bone is protein; your immune system is protein.  So when we're trying to replenish and repair proteins, we need sufficient proteins and bioavailable sources that our body can really use efficiently.  Eggs are at the top of the list. 

One egg will give you 7 grams of protein and virtually every single nutrient.  It may not give you all the vitamin C, but It will give you the B vitamins;  vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K1 and K2, and omega-3 fatty acids.  So this is packed full of nutrients.
Other types of protein are just like muscle protein, but egg is a very unique source of protein.

05:05.  Eggs contain Sphingomyelin.  What is that?  That's a compound that can help prevent plaquing in your vascular system.  So if you're still hung up on this idea that eggs might clog your arteries, actually they don't; they actually prevent plaquing of your arteries.  

05:22.  Choline.  Which is a really important nutrient that can help prevent a fatty liver in fact if you're deficient and choline you will get a fatty liver but Colin is also necessary for a healthy brain choline is a really good antidote to high cholesterol.

0543.  Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two compounds that greatly support the macula of the eye, that is the back part of the eye.  The macula helps you with central vision and also helps to act like a filter for UV radiation as well as filtering blue light there's a thing called age-related macular degeneration and these two compounds help prevent that condition.

06:15. Phospholipids.  

Sunday, November 17, 2024

DR. ERIC BERG: Unfortunately, what we're missing in science is this thing called ethics

176 drugs that were considered safe and effective but now are off the market because they found that they were quite dangerous Accutane. They took it off the market because they found that it creates liver damage after 27 years.

Cylert was on the market for 30 years.  That was for ADHD or ADD.

And then we have DES, diethylstilbesterol.  This was used as a very powerful estrogen that was supposed to prevent miscarriages until they found it caused miscarriages 31 years later.

And then you had Thalidomide, and I don't know how that got passed, that credit all sorts of problems with babies coming out with flippers for arms and all sorts of issues.

Hey, these things are backed by science.  So the main question is who is funding the study, which many times gives grants to universities.  And then you have industry which then also funds the universities.  And then you have a few non-profits to do research, right? 

Here and there, we allow industry to pay certain individuals who sit on boards and committees that regulate a lot of the guidelines in our Healthcare.  And, of course, not to mention the medical journals, which depend on industry for money for their advertising.

But I think the worst of the worst is that industry is allowed to cherry-pick their data and not have to publish the studies that don't align with what they want.

Unfortunately, what we're missing in science is a thing called ethics.

Monday, July 22, 2024

DR. ERIC BERG: out of all the things that are involved in the healing and repair process, we need amino acids. We need bioavailable protein, which is going to be animal protein

01:28. In fact it's difficult to heal and repair your body without animal protein, especially red meat and today I'm going to prove it in past videos I have talked about eggs and I eat a lot of eggs and eggs are awesome but if we compare eggs to me there is some significant differences and that's what I want to talk about.

01:48. Lots of benefits from having salmon and fish which I have once or twice a week salmon and sardines are very high in Omega-3 which is good, but red meat or beef has more protein and has a lot of other things that can help you heal.  If we look at the whole picture, I will say out of all the things that are involved in the healing and repair process, we need amino acids.  We need bioavailable protein, which is going to be animal protein and we need concentrated protein.


If we just compare red meat to eggs, 

Red meat is twice as concentrated in amino acids.
Red meat has 1.5 times greater iron.
Red meat has 2.2x greater magnesium.
Beef has 3.7 times greater amounts of zinc.
Red meat has 50 times more vitamin B3 than eggs.
Red meat has double the amount of B1.
Beef has 4 times the amount of B6.
Red meat has twice the amount of B12.
Beef has 4 times the amount of vitamin K.
Red meat has 5 times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids. 

So the ratios of red meat are going to be better.  Not processed meat from factory farms things like deli meats bologna Etc he's talking about grass-fed beef.

Beef compared to chickens that are pasture-raised, the chickens are still fed grains, which kind of throws off the Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios.  That being said eggs are also a good source of protein.  As a side note, beef liver has 73 times more vitamin A than eggs.

03:22  Another nutrient that eggs have that is better than beef is choline.  Eggs have a little more than double the amount of B2.
12x more folate than in beef.  

Beef has the X Factor, 4 X-Factors actually.  

X-FACTOR #1CARNITINE.  Carnitine helps transport fats into your cells, into the energy Factory called the mitochondria to help you get more energy.  Without carnitine, the cells can't get energy from fat.  Carnitine gives you that quick energy when you're exercising and since we're talking about a really important transport of fuel to the mitochondria that is essential for healing and repair of your tissues, not only do we need all the essential amino acids as the raw material we also need other things like those vitamins.   

If we compare 100 G of red meat to 100 G of eggs, the amount of carnitine would be 150 mg versus only 7 mg for eggs.  

Lamb is #1 when it comes to carnitine content.  Beef is #2

X-FACTOR #2CREATINE.  Creatine gives us that quick energy.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Which had almost no damage to the liver: lard & alcohol, tallow & alcohol, or corn oil & alcohol?

Saturday, August 27, 2022


If you are deficient in zinc, you could potentially develop something called hypogonadism.  Your gonads actually shrink because you don't have enough zinc.  Testosterone is made by the gonads.  Some say that we shouldn't be consuming shellfish because of the microplastics.  One point on that is that if you eat Pacific Oysters, you'll have the lowest amount of microplastics.  But so is the lack of nutrition in our diet.  And the lack of nutrient-dense food, so we kind of have to balance things out.  Remember, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.  But oysters are literally at the top of the list of nutrient-dense foods.  And when you're trying to build up testosterone, it's not just about increasing that one hormone, it's about supporting the entire endocrine system, all the hormones in the right balance, so this could help you on many different levels.  Oysters are loaded with zinc and copper in the right ratios, tons of B12, iron, vitamin D, B6, omega 3 fatty acids, and choline.  [Sounds like oysters would be a better option than sardines maybe.]  There are other things, too, that can negate or nullify your results.  For example, if you're on a statin drug that blocks cholesterol, which is needed to make cholesterol, that can nullify any foods that you eat or supplements that you take to boost your testosterone.  


Soy decreases testosterone. 

Grains, or the phytic acid in them, decreases testosterone.  Phytic acid blocks zinc.  

Low Hydrochloric Acid.  HCL is necessary to absorb trace minerals, especially zinc.  How do you know if you have low HCL?  Well, . . . heartburn, Gerd, indigestion, acid reflux, all are indications of low HCL. 

Sugar: too much sugar, too many refined carbohydrates will kill testosterone. 


Lack of sleep is a really big one.  And the more fat you have in your body, the more estrogen that you'll make and the less testosterone that you'll make.  In fact, your body will start converting testosterone into estrogen.

Iron.  Too much iron can really damage the liver and leave you with very low testosterone levels.  Even though oysters are high in iron, 


HARDCORE EXERCISE with a lot of SLEEP.  The hormone pathways of testosterone follow the hormone pathways of growth hormones.  If one is higher, the other is higher.  Consuming enough fatty foods: this is why eggs are good, this is why red meats are good.  Butter, too, is good because it's made of cholesterol. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

8 Unexpected Benefits of COFFEE You've Never Heard Before


1.  Negatively affects your sleep.  

2.  Raises your cholesterol.  Never knew that.  

3.  Can affect cardiac rhythms and give you cardiac arrhythmia.  


1.  Improves your cognitive function. 

2.  Can improve your physical performance. 

3.  Positively affect your mood, but there are 8 additional benefits.


1.  Coffee has the ability to lower your risk of Dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's Diseases.  Coffee helps prevent the oxidation of neurons, and it does that through a very protective, special gene called, NRF2-ARE.  Protection against the death of the neuron from oxidative stress.

2.  Coffee can lower the risk of gall stones because coffee has certain phytonutrients that can stimulate the production of bile, the flow of bile, and the hormones that control the gall bladder control and relaxation.  Coffee can help thin the bile which sometimes becomes congested and back up in the bowel ducts and cause all sorts of pain in the gall bladder area, in the liver, that can radiate to your right side.  But remember, if you're putting a bunch of crap in your coffee, like sugar and syrup and things like that, I'm not talking about that coffee.  And the reason that I bring that up is when you're consuming conventional coffee with all the pesticides, that can put a strain on your gall bladder and your liver.  

3.  Coffee lowers the risk of kidney stones.  Can help counter chronic kidney disease.  

4.  Coffee can give you an anticarcinogenic effect.  So it's anticancer: against the prostate, colorectal cancer, skin cancer [as in melanoma], liver cancer. 

5.  Coffee has an anti-inflammatory effect.  So if you have inflammation from arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, or any of the itis-es, coffee can help.  

6.  Coffee helps with metabolic syndrome, where the person has insulin resistance or too much insulin.  Metabolic syndrome is a combination of high blood glucose.  It's high blood pressure.  It's high cholesterol, and it's definitely involving blood sugar issues and insulin resistance.  

7.  Coffee has the potential to decrease the risk of all-cause mortality.  Coffee can help you live a little longer.  

8.  Coffee is hepatoprotective, which means it protects the liver, meaning that it protects against getting a fatty liver.  Coffee decreases the complications from Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C as well as the complications from liver cirrhosis.  

A lot of people who are on keto do the BulletProof coffee.  Add a little MCT oil and butter, and that will help you fast longer.  Both of these fats added to coffee can spike your ketones and give you more cognitive benefits. 


Interesting that smoking causes pancreatic cancer. We tend to think of smoking causing lung cancer, which it does, but it also causes pancreatic cancer. Dr. Berg says that the pancreas is one of the organs harmed by smoking. Alcohol consumption also puts you at risk.  


When it comes to fish oils, the key ingredient is cleanliness.  The oils have to be cleaned to purge as many of toxins, like mercy, and others as much as possible.  The first time I ever tried fish oils was a brand called Norweigan Oils.  It was a liquid that came with a minty flavor.  It was okay.  I didn't detect any nauseous or toxic smell or taste.  But after a week on the product, I noticed a growth on my leg!  Whoa!  Way too fast for something like that to happen.  Could also be that the fish oils stay in your body, perhaps your liver, long after its consumption, and so the growth didn't manifest until after a couple of weeks.  That was interesting.  I had read that you want to purchase oils that are cleaned.  So then I ordered Barry Sears Omega 3s, and he has a page on his website somewhere where he talks about its top refinement process from the University of Guelph.  

·       Freshness: Our proprietary antioxidant blend provides greater stability to protect OmegaRx 2 from oxidation. The TOTOX value, one measure of “freshness”, of each batch of OmegaRx 2 shows we have some of the freshest oil on the market to date.

·         Transparency: We think it’s important that you know the purity, potency, and freshness of OmegaRx 2 which is why we post the values of every lot of OmegaRx 2 post-production on our website. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Mushrooms Slow Down Premature Aging Effect

Vitamin E removes the build-up of hydrogen peroxide overload in the body.  Fights against premature wrinkles.  It improves the skin.  The pituitary is storage for a lot of vitamin E, so when you go into menopause and you lose the function of the ovaries because you're not going to have babies anymore, guess what happens?  Your vitamin E drops dramatically.  Premenopausal women have much lower vitamin E levels than they did before that change.  

Maybe deficient in B vitamins because the microbiome of your gut isn't recycling these B vitamins.  I supplement with Biotin which makes my hair thicker, which is nice, but it doesn't do a thing for hair color.  Biotin is a good antidote for alopecia that many experienced from COVID or from the injection.  

The goal here then is to increase the good bacteria in the gut, but how does one do that?  Dr. Berg ends with saying, "Take a really good probiotic."  Well, which one?  

Okay, still no answer as of yet on which is the best probiotic.  In the meantime, he does offer some nutritional compounds that help to prevent graying.  Imagine my surprise when PABA, or B5, was not mentioned.  He lists: 

1.  Catalase, an enzyme that helps breakdown hydrogen peroxide.
2.  Glutathione, the master antioxidant that helps reduce hydrogen peroxide.
3.  Selenium, an antioxidant.
4.  Coconut Oil.  Put this on your scalp, get it into the pours.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Benfotiamine Helps with Nerves, Eyes, Kidney, & Heart Tissue, and Can Penetrate 3-5x Deeper into the Tissues

too many refined carbohydrates, like pastas and refined flour deplete B1, also taking alcohol, dextrose [which is in a lot of products], chemotherapy, HIV, kidney disease, refined carbohydrates, fructose [as in high fructose corn syrup], Dr. Berg


Bill Sardi explained years ago that Benfotiamine is the anti-Alzheimer's nutritional compound. And as good as Benfotiamine is it requires sufficient magnesium in your blood to do its job.  Ann Louise Gittelman reminds us that Benfotiamine works, in part, 

by helping to dissolve amyloid-beta build up in the brain. 

So if you're concerned about amyloid-beta build-up in the brain that can lead to all sorts of age-related cognitive disabilities, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Mad-Cow Disease, or any other caused by amyloid plaque, you should be taking Benfotiamine on a regular basis. Bill Sardi says that it is THE nutritional compound to prevent macular degeneration.  So there's that.  

Interesting is his point that the human body is designed to rely on thiamine/vitamin B1, writing, 

it has also been documented that as a total oxygen-less state develops in tissues (ischemia/hypoxia), molecular transporters of thiamine are increased on hemoglobin, evidence the body is designed and relies upon thiamine naturally for dynamic defense against oxygen-deprivation.  Like I said, interesting.  When was the last time that your doctor pointed this out to you? 

At the end of this video, he says that what you want is an unfortified nutritional yeast to correct a B1 deficiency.  See above. 

1. Raynaud’s Syndrome

2. Morning Sickness & Hypersensitivity to Odors

3. Increased heart rate.  A lot of folks who got the vaccine have been experiencing this.  One woman on Twitter said that she woke up every morning with a racing heart, an experience that lasted for 3 months.  Benfotiamine would have helped with that. 

4. Edema.  Most of us associate this with excessive sodium intake, but it could be a Benfotiamine deficiency.  Interesting distinction here: wet beriberi is a cardiovascular problem, while dry beriberi is a nervous system problem.  

5. Psychosis.  Yep.  This could be brought on by sleep deprivation, excessive coffee consumption, or working in an environment where there is no one you can trust.  Peter Breggin made that latter point. 

6. Shortness of breath.  Air hunger, especially at night, is a B1 deficiency.  

7. Dizzy when going from a sitting to a standing position.  I endured this periodically over several years.  Even as a kid, if I were playing outside in the yard and twisted my body or jerked my head too fast, I’d see stars.  That sounds like a B1 deficiency.  B1 deficiency is failure to adapt to stress, gravity, you name it.  

Be sure to take a look at another video by Dr. Berg, titled, "12 Ways You Can Get Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency," Dr. Eric Berg, May 7, 2019. 

What I find fascinating about B1 deficiency is that it manifests itself in a variety of ways.  I liked what he said about diuretics that will deplete vitamin B1 plus all of the water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin C and potassium.  Not good.  Coffee drinkers be forewarned.  One of the side effects of taking metformin is lactic acidosis., which also is a function of a B1 deficiency.  You can get rid of lactic acidosis in 24 hours just by taking Thiamine.  Hello.  

There's a condition that involves a B1 deficiency that targets the mammillary bodies in the brain, where the mammillary bodies start shrinking and there's a connection between that brain structure and producing new memories.  Taking an unfortified nutritional yeast is a good source, and what you'll notice is that your stress goes down and your energy comes up.  

"Subclinical Vitamin B1 Deficiency: Causes and Symptoms," Dr. Eric Berg, November 26, 2017.  In this video, he reminds us that too many refined carbohydrates, like pastas and refined flour, now get this, deplete B1.  This video has a good title, too, "Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: The Great Imitator of Other Illnesses," Dr. Eric Berg, October 14, 2018.  

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The 6 Warning Signs of Dementia


1.  Poor Organization.
2.  Personality Changes.
3.  Constipation. 
4.  Sensory Dysfunction.
5.  Language Problems.
6.  Problems Navigating.


1.  TAKE MORE B1.  Hippocampus shrinks due to B1 deficiency.  Nutritional Yeast is the best source of B1.  Stop the alcohol and high glycemic carbohydrates.  Demand for thiamine goes way up when you consume carbohydrates.  You need B1 to metabolize carbohydrates.

2.  FIX THE GUT.  Lack of diversity of microbiome.  Always seems to be gut inflammation.  1) Consume different types of vegetables.  2) Fasting increases the diversity of your microbiome. When you starve off the microbes, they get stronger.  Part of the survival genes.  Gut and brain are a bi-directional, feedback loop.  From the Vagus Nerve you have information going from the gut to the brain and back again.  A good amount of neurotransmitters are produced by microbes.  B vitamins are made by your own microbiome.  Huge improvements in dementia once patients are off gluten.  Go on low-carb, no-grain diet.  Consume organic, non-GMO foods.  

3.  CONSUME MORE SPROUTS.  Sprouts have more sulforaphanes.

4.  KETONES.  Ketones bypass the damage in the brain and feed the neurons directly.  Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting because fasting upregulates all sorts of genetic factors that support your brain.

From PubMed,

EGb 761 (extract of Ginkgo biloba 761) comes from a single type of tree, a living fossil, the only remaining representative of its phylum; it contains chemical substances unknown in other living things. The flavonoid fraction accounts for 24% of the extract and terpenes (ginkgolides and bilobalide) for 6%. It acts in many different situations and organs, and exerts protective effect on neurodegenerative, sensory, and vascular diseases. In all of these different domains, it has been shown to act at all levels of the organization of life: molecules, cells, tissue, entire organisms, sometimes in particular situations (related to a particular pathology or to senescence) and in humans. Although many questions remain, what stands out in the literature is the overall consistency of the data. Particularly remarkable is that EGb 761 does not exert a specific unidirectional action (activating or inhibiting) in these various domains of physiology and pathology; rather it is regulatory, helping the organism to adapt to the circumstances in which it finds itself.

"Impacts cognitive function.  Not insignificant.  Creates a huge impact on your brain."

7.  OMEGA 3, FATTY ACIDS, VITAMIN D, ZINC, EXERCISE, & SLEEP.  Sleep deprivation raises cortisol and depletes the brain of oxygen.