Friday, August 16, 2024

C. HENRY KEMPE on SMALLPOX VACCINES: Vaccines are more dangerous than Smallpox

The government and vaccinators have always thought that if you are injured or die for the “greater good,” it is all worth it. Of course, they don’t ask you if that’s ok with you or your family. “The mortality and morbidity from routine infant smallpox vaccination in this country is now truly appalling when compared to the risk of smallpox. Analysis of data obtained from a review of questionnaires received from 19,616 physicians surveyed by us suggested that the estimated number of complications in 1963 was approximately 3,000, with ten to eighteen deaths among a total of fourteen million persons vaccinated… The last smallpox death in the United States following an importation occurred in 1948, but since that time there have probably been 200 to 300 deaths from smallpox vaccination… The majority of workers in the field of public health sincerely feel that the current morbidity and mortality from routine vaccination is “the price we have to pay” for keeping our country free of smallpox.” – C. Henry Kempe, Professor and Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, 1968 [C. Henry Kempe, “Smallpox vaccination of eczema patients with attenuated live vaccinia virus,” Yale journal of biology and medicine, August 1968, pp. 9-10.]

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