Monday, January 6, 2025

SCOTT HORTON: No one will ever hate you more than your security force hates you.

THE BIG SIX: A base lymphatic drainage routine

37-year-old Vyacheslav Romanov lives in the village of Nuoragana, with 700 others, The temperature is currently -51° degrees He loves fish (so do his dogs)

Sunday, January 5, 2025


The FDA created a loophole that’s been allowing Big Food to approve their own chemicals to use in our foods

ZAFIR: there’s nothing that guy can do to touch those politicians personally. He can sue the government and get taxpayer money, but they can do anything they want and are immune from prosecution or civil suit.

Some background

Not a redress.  Not a legal resolution.  Tyrants being served.  Tallulah explains, 
I looked this up, district court dismissed the case stating they did not exhaust their administrative remedies. But Chief Blanchard resigned to take his old job which begins January 6th in Sinton. 

All of this makes for entertaining court drama, not to mention the risk of having an arrest on your record, but in too many cases it always feels like someone is trampling your rights, but the judges rarely concur.  I was almost bitten by someone's pit bull.  I called an attorney because in my escape from the jaws of the land shark, I had nowhere to go but up on top of my Honda.  I found myself standing on my 2000 Accord roof, while the pit was angling to find a route up to me.  The result was that I dented my roof.  I tried to sue for damages because of the lady's dog.  The attorney told me that I'd have to be bitten first for any damages to occur.  So shredding of flesh was required for the law to be broken.  Nice.  The law is not always on your side.  

You Smell That? Yep at least cites a law.  Whether it has standing in this case is another matter, 

In March 1964, the Supreme Court issued a 9–0 decision defending the principle of wide-open debate will inevitably include "vehement, caustic, and...unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials." He is right, they are wrong. 

And it's Zafir that makes the coup de grace, 

The problem is, there’s nothing that guy can do to touch those politicians personally. He can sue the government and get taxpayer money, but they can do anything they want and are immune from prosecution or civil suit. 


CT Memo Vol. I Sudden Kidney Failure and Hospital Homicides

From official government records

Facts found nowhere else in the world - 2 signals

SummaLogicaLLC dot com

Corroborated by Phinance Technologies
@DowdEdward in total excess kidney failure USA ~153,000 dead.  

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason

afterward in most societies that [umbilical] cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  --Suzanne Humphries

00:08. What is your opinion on vitamin K being administered to newborns?  

00:14. My opinion is that the more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe that it is injected into newborn infants.  My scientific endeavors have really shown me that by and large nature overall didn't make mistakes like this.  Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason . . . just like babies are programmed to be anti-inflammatory, I believe that babies are programmed to not have numerously higher levels of coagulation than adults.  If you look at the coagulation, the supposed deficits, that a baby has, it's not just the vitamin K factors.  So I would suggest that you read a lot about it and consider . . . if you feel better about giving it, then only give the drops.  But most people I know, who understand the difference, don't give any at all.  And if you do give it, maybe it would just be maybe if there was an extremely traumatic birth. 

01:34.  But you have to understand some of the things that medical interventions do at birth.  For instance, when the baby is born what happens is that it's a very tight passageway, as we all know, and so the baby is squeezed very tightly.  The brain, I'm sorry, the cranium is made so that it can compact in on itself.  The brain is squeezed.  There's trauma all throughout the body.  About 30% of babies will have micro hemorrhages from a normal delivery.  Now afterward in most societies that cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  When you have these vitamin K factors, those areas that bleed tend to clot and it's a little harder to clear that out than if you just leave it that way.  The concern is always the minority, this vastly small percentage of children who can develop an inter-cranial hemorrhage and it can be problematic.  We are now treating everybody for this problem.  So I think it's important to understand the full spectrum before agreeing to the injection, and it should be your personal decision that you feel comfortable with AFTER knowing what there is to be known about vitamin K, which I believe in the USA has been given since 1970s something like that, but before that, we weren't giving it.  

03:29. The other thing is that if the baby's clotting is not full until 6 months of age, how long is your injection going to work for?  So it's not completely logical [to give] a huge injection on the first day of life.  Is it going to protect them over the long term?  But I think that it's always a good idea for mothers to consume lots of greens during, the entire pregnancy if possible, because not only do you get vitamin K that can be delivered to the baby in normal amounts if they need it, but you're also getting folic acid, magnesium, and lots of other minerals that are required to build a baby.  

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk (Author), 2013.

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES on VACCINES: If indeed it is such a miraculous product, wouldn't we be noticing how miraculous it is?

hosted by the International Medical Council on Vaccinations.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries: "I have been studying vaccines for the past three years of my life when it came up in my professional life. And my current opinion about vaccinations is that they have never been safe. Never has there been a safe vaccine. Never will there be a safe vaccine. And it is not possible to have a safe vaccine." "The actual process of vaccination defies the natural function of the immune system of living beings. It thwarts the immune system into a balance that's very unnatural. that leaves it susceptible to more things than just what you may be vaccinated supposedly for." "Putting a disease matter into a body combined with all the chemicals and antibiotics and things that the manufacturing companies may not even know about at the time that they're being injected into a muscle, there's no possible way that can be safe. If indeed it is such a miraculous product, wouldn't we be noticing how miraculous it is?" "Are they saying that we are just stupid to notice that this is killing people and maiming people? They were too stupid to notice that it's miraculous. You know, I think that is a lot of the argument. We're just too stupid to notice how miraculous this is." "So to protect everybody, we better, they're going to give it to us anyway. The people that were vaccinated were among the sickest. That many children were dying after smallpox vaccinations. That they were developing terrible ulcerations. Beautiful, perfect babies, you know, forced into smallpox vaccines, either diseases." "Those of us who actually notice the science is not backing up vaccination, those of us who notice that people are being maimed and killed by vaccinations, those of us who have experienced our own vaccine reactions are categorically thought to be mad. It's money and its power." "Many of the vaccine enthusiast doctors will parrot the phrase that babies need to be vaccinated when they're young because the take rate is better for the vaccine. Parents are being told to bring their two-month, four-month, six-month-old infants in to have them injected with some 24 different disease matter injections, complete with the polysorbate 80, amounts of aluminum that are absolutely unsafe." "An infant's immune system develops slowly. That's normal. It's part of the design. They think nature is flawed because they think... Mother nature got it all wrong when designing the immune system of an infant. So why aren't these children all dying? Why are they not extremely vulnerable to disease?"

"More so than the vaccine enthusiasts actually say they are, is because of breast milk. It's because of breast milk from a healthy mother who's eating a good diet. This is the design. The inventors of vaccines have chosen a belief system whereby infants are all born with inadequate immune systems." 

METABOLIC SOURCE OF CANCER: Amino Acid and Glucose Fermentation Maintain Energy in Mouse and Human Malignant Glioma Cells

 Here is their paper, "Amino Acid and Glucose Fermentation Maintain ATP Content in Mouse and Human Malignant Glioma Cells," Lee, D. C., Ta, L., Mukherjee, P., Duraj, T., Domin, M., Greenwood, B., … Seyfried, T. N. (2024). ASN Neuro16(1).

from Seyfried's presentation above: 

00:12. Amino acid fermentation can also participate in the dysregulated growth of the tumor cell and the amino acid that we're speaking predominantly about is glutamine and we tested all the other Amino acids. All 20 amino acids we interrogated, the cancer cells both mouse and human glioblastoma cells.  We interrogated them to ask what fuels could they use to maintain their growth?  Then we do this is very simple we just take the tumor cells and we grow them in Saline salt solution and, of course, there's no food there's nothing for them to eat and then you take and time them to see how fast they die with no food and mouse cells because they have a very high basil metabolic rate seven times faster than that of the human they die quick when you take away their fuels Mouse cells will die in 24 hours human cells human cells will die in about 72 hours, 48 to 72 hours with no fuel in what we call a buffered sailing solution.  And then what we do, we simply add individual amino acids back in and we see whether or not the viability of the cells is improved, and what we see is we do this both in the presence and absence of glucose.  Glucose alone will keep the cells alive longer but then they die because they don't have any nitrogen source.  And then we do it without glucose.  So we just do in pure nothing and then we add glucose and then we add individual amino acids back, and what we see is when we at amino acid glutamine these cells explode in growth capacity relative to all other amino acids.  Now we found a little bit of stimulation from glutamate because it's the first product that glutamine is metabolized to, but it's not nearly as powerful as glutamine.  None of the other amino acids had any come close to how powerful glutamine is so the question is when you have glucose and glutamine the two pathways are synergistic and provide all of the metabolites and all of the energy needed for rapid dysregulated growth.  So the question is how is glutamine able to facilitate the growth of the tumor is it respired through the respiration it's called and aplorotic respiratory process where the carbons glutamine entered into the TCA cycle to produce reducing equivalents allowing oxidative phosphorylation to operate producing energy or is the glutamine fermented which is generating energy through mitochondrial substrate level phosphorylation in the sucks you will call a ligase step Within the Krebs cycle or the TCA cycle so what we did and why we this paper is so important is we were able to test this hypothesis this is many different ways so many different ways so we would take all of the glucose away from the tumor in the presence of oxygen and then give glutamine with oxygen and glutamine in the absence of glucose but then that doesn't tell us whether the glutamine is fermented or has respired so we repeatedly experiment this time removing all the oxygen we grew them in a deep hypoxia in the acid of glucose and we still got ATP production in these cells yes it was significantly reduced but it was still being produced ATP was still being produced in the cancer cells in the absence of oxygen and in the absence of glucose and in the absence of glucose so the question is where is that ATP coming from so we think it's coming from the substrate level phosphorylation in the T c a cycle and we were able to show that when we use labeled glutamate glutamine C-13 glutamine we were able to see C-13 succinic acid as a waste product, that's the end product of the glutaminolysis pathway. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

When people say "No one's coming to save you," they're not talking about no one's coming to help you to reach your goals. They're talking about how no one's coming to save you from yourself

The Lost World of Communism, East Germany, 2009

11:30  Berlin was then the espionage capital of the world.  and for those like Ursula, living and working on the front line of the Cold War, East Germany could be a lawless place.  
I went to the Fredericstrasse.  There, two gentlemen addressed me by name, inviting me to get into their car, telling me that they would take me to my work at DEFA.  We drew very fast for quite a while.  I was a bit surprised by this because my office wasn't that far away.  I've been kidnapped and nobody knew.  
Protesting her innocence, Ursula was sentenced to 15 years hard labor for espionage by a military court and transported almost 2,000 miles away to a labor camp in Vorkuta, Russia.
We were close to the Polar Sea.  There was a wind with ice crystals.  Summer was almost worse.  The tundra around for Kunta was a marsh land.  There were hordeCaliforniaCarlshorsttoes.  To work in 45 ° centigrade heat without sun protection, without water for 12 hours every day.
From 1945 onwards, tens of thousands were sent from East Germany to Siberia, many of them never to return.  Ursula, one of the lucky ones, was released only years later, which she revealed that she had, in fact, worked for British intelligence since before her arrival in Berlin. 
I would do errands for the English.  I worked as a courier.  In retrospect, it seems very naive.  I don't understand how I could have been that stupid.
Six months after Ursula's kidnap on the 17th of June 1953, the workers rose up against the worker and peasant state.  One of the governments strike amongst construction workers was overpaid soon turned into wider demands for free elections and the resignation of the government itself by late morning Soviet troops stationed in East Germany had to intervene.
At 11:30 we heard the tanks, the chains of the tanks, then we realized the Russians were coming.  The crowd started howling and when the people at the end of the demonstration refused to give way, the soldiers fired in the air.  And when you hear gunfire, you start running automatically.  --Horst Kreeter  

Horst Kreeter, a Berlin petrol pump attendant, was in the thick of the action that day.  

We threw stones at the tanks. Seeing the tanks fire in your direction, the sheer sound of it causes you to piss in your pants. Someone had died on the Marx-Engles Square that day.  He was run over by a tank.  There was a blanket and a wooden cross, which said, 'Murdered by the Soviet Army.'  It was a day of glory for me.  We showed them what could be done.  The police could do nothing.  The government could do nothing.  The secret police, the Stasi, could do nothing.

Over 50 civilians were killed that day.  In the clamp down that followed, more than 20,000 were arrested, scores were executed.  The country's leaders had been caught off guard.  From now on, security and the control of the people would be the government's overriding concern.  

16:00. People themselves were concerned  about simply getting by.  The 1950s were austere times and food and goods were in limited supply.  Families and organizations of West Germany sent aid packages to the east.

We were so happy and surprised as we lived such a frugal life.  When the package arrived, we couldn't believe our eyes.  The wrapping was so attractive and colorful.  We'd never seen anything like this.  

Roland, the youngest, couldn't open the presents fast enough, helping Wolfgang beaming at his discoveries.  

In 1954, my father received the 8mm camera AK8.  These are the first films he recorded at Christmas I'm the baby 18 months old that's his self-made gramophone we lived in Berlin in Carlshorst, which is under soviet occupation


PRINGLES: 42% dried potatoes, and that's powder. Try a healthier chip, Rosie's Chips

Friday, January 3, 2025

Read-aloud: The Summa Simplified for Everyone, pages 9-12 by Katherine Watt

Read-aloud: The Summa Simplified for Everyone, pages 9-12 by Katherine Watt

Read on Substack

Finding the Words

KEVIN MCKERNAN: We went from throwing people in jail for modifying 3 CRISPR babies in China to injecting billions of people with a similar risk. A complete transformation in medical ethics that occurred in a very short period of time

We just went through this period where pitchforks came out, and we threw people in jail for modifying two CRISPR babies.  In China, a gentleman by the name of Dr. He Jiankui . . .  spent three years in jail in 2018.  Look this up.  All you had to do was add a little little fearful Fauci flu and that whole community turned . . . and wanted to inject billions of people with something that contained a similar risk.  So there's a complete transformation in medical ethics that occurred in a very short period of time and that's something that I think we all need to take awareness of because it led to this.

Stunning Transformation in Medical Ethics. As Kevin McKernan (Genomics Expert) points out, it was only years ago in 2018 that scientists in China were jailed for modifying human DNA. Now we have a period of time, where what Pfizer and Moderna have themselves described as a form of Gene therapy, has been injected into Billions of people.

As McKernan says,
All you had to do was add a little fearful Fauci flew and that whole community turned and wanted to inject Billions of people with something that contained a similar risk"

McKernan is one of the leading researchers into DNA contamination of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, whilst also currently researching the real possibilities of DNA integration.

BRIAN HARRISON: while the Texas Medical Board was allowing child sex change procedures… they also had a PLANNED PARENTHOOD official regulating all Texas doctors!

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Last time around, remember, Trump allowed [the] implementation [of lockdowns] that put 35% of the small businesses in the country out of business and made a fortune for Wall Street...he's been the worst President for small business in the history of the country

MICHAEL JONES: Jewish narrative, shifts the paradigmatic camp [from Dachau] to Auschwitz. It's not Dachau. Now the only people who suffered are Jews. And now the moral has completely flipped. It's now propaganda for atheism.

The term ‘holocaust‘ has evolved over time, he argues, adding that various literary and propaganda influences including TV shows (like Holocaust, a miniseries starring Meryl Streep, which came out in the 1970s) and films have shaped our understanding of history. In other words, 'holocaust' has changed in its meaning over the decades. It used to mean 'a burnt offering.'  --


Read Jermwarfare's comments.

Partial Transcript from Interview. 

The fundamental paradigmatic camp beginning right after World War II was Dachau.  It was not Auschwitz.  Dachau was the first camp to be created in 1933.  Dachau is a suburb of Munich.  It was for Catholics. There were a lot of different people there but the main group was Catholic priests.  There was a Catholic narrative after the war, basically, a priest writing memoirs about what it was like in Dachau, and it all came down to the same thing, "there's a purpose to suffering. The German nation had committed the sin of atheism.  They had turned away from God.  Germany is being punished for the sin of atheism, and we as these catholic priests are called to expiate that sin."  That's the narrative as of 1955 with books like Christ in Dachau by Johannes Lenz, 1960.  Three years later, Elie Wiesel's book Night comes out, and the Jews hijack the narrative.  At this point, what is the moral of Night?  God died at Auschwitz.  So Night now, the Jewish narrative, shifts the paradigmatic camp [from Dachau] to Auschwitz.  It's not Dachau.  Now the only people who suffered are Jews.  And now the moral has completely flipped.  It's now propaganda for atheism.  That was the development of this narrative.  

02:34  Was Adolph Hitler a Catholic?  

02:36  Yes.  He was baptized Catholic.  Okay, it comes down to a conference at Wansee.  Wansee is a lake near Berlin, Wansee Lake, where they were trying to deal with the developments in the war.  This is not . . . 1942 is an absolutely crucial year in the war because that's when the 3rd Reich reached its greatest extent and then it started to collapse inward.  When Lenz talked about being a priest in Dachau, the turning point was August 1942.  He said we all would have died of starvation and disease if the word hadn't come down from Himmler to say "We need these people to work.  We need . . ."

In early 2024, I recorded a fascinating podcast episode with Dr. E. Michael Jones (@EMichaelJones1) about his book The Holocaust Narrative, 2023.

Comments by Jerm,

Dr. Eugene Michael Jones (commonly known as E Michael Jones) was an Assistant Professor of American Literature at St. Mary’s College and is widely known for his critical views on contemporary cultural and religious issues. 

He was dismissed in 1981 due to his excellent anti-abortion stance, leading him to leave academia and start a magazine, initially named Fidelity and later Culture Wars, which focuses on the disarray in the Catholic Church including the subversion of the Catholic faith.

However, the focus of this podcast episode was his fascinating book, The Holocaust Narrative.

The word hadn’t really been used by anyone until around the 1970s and, as Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein pointed out to me, almost nothing had been written about it for the first 20 years.

It took about two decades to write a book about the Holocaust but only three months to write about the sinking of the Titanic. Why?

Dr. Jones adds that some of the most influential WW2 figures like EisenhowerChurchill, and de Gaulle did not mention gas chambers or the genocide of Jews in their memoirs. In fact, in 2005, Richard Lynn, 1930-2023,—Professor Emeritus, University of Ulster—confirmed this:

I've checked out Churchill's Second World War, 1948-1953and the statement is quite correct—not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe, 1948, is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's  Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume MΓ©moires de guerre, [1954, 1956, 1959], is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

Adolf Hitler was hated by the Allies, yet the three most significant Allied leaders—Churchill, de Gaulle, and Eisenhower—said absolutely nothing about either death camps or the extermination of Jews in their extensive post-war biographies. 

Please check out more interviews of E. Michael Jones

Thursday, January 2, 2025

PETER ST ONGE: [shoplifting craze] can set off a so-called Urban Doom Loop, where first residents with jobs flee, then tax revenue plunges, and then the city cannot afford police or even street cleaning

A new study says shoplifting has soared 93% compared to pre-COVID even as left-wing media swears up and down that locked-up toothbrushes at CVS are figments of your imagination.  The numbers come from a new study by the National Retail Federation who surveyed 164 retail brands making up $1.5 trillion in sales on what the industry calls shrinkage, and the rest of us call shoplifting, boosting jack-packing five-finger discounts.  

What's driving it of course is the effective legalization of shoplifting in blue cities and states including California and New York.  To give a flavor, before Old Navy exited its San Francisco hometown, one store manager said he was getting hit 14 times a day.  Indeed, in California you got a ticket up to $950 stolen shoplifters would literally keep a running tally.  In Philly, you'd also catch a fine albeit at a less generous $150.  In New York City bail reform meant you walk free up to $1,000 stolen.  

The problem is these policies have generated a nationwide industry of stolen goods.  Unlike the old days where junkies would sell for pennies on the dollar, these organized gangs ship right back into the supply chain which makes it all much more profitable.  Throw in millions of unskilled migrants who face deportation instead of jail time and revolving door deportation at that, and you've got the supply and the demand.  This has taken American shoplifting to a whole other level.  In California, they are boosting entire trains.  New York has migrant shoplifting gangs with dozens of individuals.  One gang in California had 117 shoplifters which would make it a medium-sized business, according to the SBA.  So as the profits go up, the gangs have gotten more violent.  According to that Retail Federation study, 91% of retailers say that shoplifters are more violent and aggressive compared to pre-pandemic.  73% say they're getting more violent in the past year alone.  

Now, in theory we have an FBI to go after Interstate organized crime.  Of course, in reality, the FBI does not have time for organized crime or Jeffrey Epstein or P Diddy for that matter, because they are busy chasing down grandmothers for protesting on January 6th.

Shoplifting raises prices because paying customers have to absorb the theft, but more important it puts retailers out of business.  In San Francisco, Portland, or Chicago entire zones are now empty of commercial.  At some point, people wonder why they are paying $5,000 a month to live in a board-up canyon infested with junkies.  This can set off a so-called Urban Doom Loop, where first residents with jobs flee, then tax revenue plunges, and then the city cannot afford police or even street cleaning.  You end up like Detroit or Baltimore. 

Now thankfully help is on the way, partly because even the Bluest voters have finally had enough.  So a recent California referendum re-criminalized shoplifting but most important because Trump actually intends to deport the hundreds of thousands of criminal migrants making up the gangs.  Perhaps even New Yorkers can someday buy a toothbrush that is not locked in a cage.

NICOLE NONYA: Remember, in 1917, Balfour made a deal with Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild for Palestine in exchange for forcing the USA into WW1.

Wow! from Nicole Nonya,
Churchill was a drunk heavily in debt to the Jewish bankers. He sold the British out to prop up communist Jewish Bolshevik's theft of Palestine. Remember, in 1917, Balfour made a deal with Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild for Palestine in exchange for forcing the USA into WW1. There's a reason Zionists silence everyone with Anti Semitism accusations, if truth were legal, they'd be a footnote in history. The Palestinian people are paying for the sins of ALL Westerners who refuse to get off their asses and have sustained protests by the millions with 1 clear demand, Zionists resign, no more censorship.  
#Gaza is the world's future until people make coalitions to isolate the US and Israel which I do believe is coming. 

In the Name of Zion, a 2020 documentary narrated by James Corbett.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Janet Yellen says that the American people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes. But instead of auditing the DOD, HUD, or NY FED, Elon Musk wants to audit the IRS. He's after the $7 trillion of unpaid taxes

DOGE—or the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (which isn't actually a governmental body of any kind but only a proposed advisory commission aimed at restructuring the U.S. federal government to reduce expenditures and increase efficiency)—may provide an opportunity for members of the incoming administration and their associates to "plunder...many trillions of dollars." --Catherine Austin Fitts

"Some of the proposals...DOGE [&] Elon Musk...are talking about...[it's] plunder that [may amount to] trillions of dollars...we have a [fed govt]...missing...$21 trillion...why would [DOGE] audit [IRS]? Because Janet Yellen says...people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes." (1/5) Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Greg Hunter () how DOGE—or the so-called Department of Government Efficiency (which isn't actually a governmental body of any kind but only a proposed advisory commission aimed at restructuring the U.S. federal government to reduce expenditures and increase efficiency)—may provide an opportunity for members of the incoming administration and their associates to "plunder...many trillions of dollars." Fitts notes that while the U.S. federal government is missing $20 trillion in DOD spending alone, DOGE has not decided to target that agency; on the contrary, the advisory body, Fitts notes, is apparently starting with an "audit" of the IRS. Fitts says this audit will be conducted in order to gather "$7 trillion in unpaid taxes" highlighted by Secretary of the Treasury and former Chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen. "If you look at some of the proposals that the DOGE Elon Musk group are talking about, or Howard Lutnick, who's going in as the Secretary of Commerce, are talking about, we're talking about...plunder that could go into the many trillions of dollars," Fitts tells Hunter. "Remember, we have a federal government that is missing as of 2015, $21 trillion, and then they took the books dark, so we don't know how much they're missing from 2015 on. And...this stealing has been going on since 1998. And you have factions who think, 'Okay. It's our turn now. It's our turn to steal.' Right?" "So think about this," Fitts says. "If you knew the federal government was missing $21 trillion and you and I went into the treasury and said, 'Okay. We're gonna work on government efficiency. We're gonna find out where that $20 trillion that disappeared from the Pentagon and a trillion dollars that disappeared from HUD. We're gonna go over the New York Fed and the treasury and look at the bank accounts and find out where that money went and get it back.' Right? So who would we audit? We'd audit the New York Fed. Right? We'd audit the treasury. We'd audit DOD. We'd audit HUD. Right?" When Fitts asks (semi-rhetorically), "Who was the first audit to be announced by the DOGE team?" however, she notes that DOGE has targeted the IRS.

"Now why would they audit the Internal Revenue Service?" Fitts asks. "Because Janet Yellen says that the American people owe $7 trillion on unpaid taxes. There's only one reason you'd go over to the IRS and that is because you wanna collect the $7 trillion. So you're not trying to find the $21 trillion that's disappeared out the back door. You're trying to find the $7 trillion that the American people, Janet Yellen says, owe the Treasury. Right? Why else why else would you audit the IRS?" 

Here is the missing $21 trillion.