Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Soros. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

THE UKRAINE: A 10-year fight between George Soros and Vladimir Putin?

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

We are witnessing a controlled demolition of our country in order to usher in a great reset

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Ronald Reagan, George Soros, & The Secret CIA History Of The 1980s

Called the Saturday Night Massacre, Jimmy Carter lays off 30% of the CIA in a single night.  The foreign policy establishment hates Jimmy Carter for this and other things.   Whoa.  Never heard that.  Carter got in trouble with the Iran Hostage situation in 1979.  In 1980, Reagan rises to power, and he's got a compelling need as he sees it to restore a full-throated, red-blooded clandestine operation capacity but he doesn't have the political capital because the Left-wing Democrats hated the CIA at the time.  The people under Raymond Green, Mr. Dirt, convinced Reagan to authorize the creation of the National Endowment for Democracy, 1982/1983 to structure it in a way where the stakeholders would benefit both the Republicans and the Democrats.  And it wouldn't be called the CIA; it would just be a CIA cutout that would do what the CIA used to do.  And this would be waged to accomplish the Cold War goals of the Reagan Administration, that is liberating Europe from Communism.  Getting Poland and all the different Soviet satellite states to throw off communism, have a U.S.-favorable government installed, and win the Cold War by creating insurgency movements all over Central and Eastern Europe, in Germany, Poland, and others.

There were 2 benefactors of this, both on the Cowboy and Yankee side of it.  There are the corporate stakeholders of this, which is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which at the time was completely Republican, in fact, it was all the way up until Trump, which should be obvious by now, due to Trump's foreign policy.  And the great example of this was the Gorbachev ad for the first Pizza Hut being installed in Russia.  I mean you capture these markets, and tens, hundreds of millions of people become U.S. corporate customers in addition to a whole range of the other benefits when you politically capture a country--cheap labor, favorable tariff treatment, supply lines, etc.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The USA is the only power in the world which could (potentially) stand up to the globalists. That's why Soros et. al. want to break US power.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

George Soros was a shareholder of FOX News

How come the United Kingdom is left out of every story geopolitically?  Somehow, they're like the hidden hand that nobody ever talks about anymore.

First, we know what just happened with Tucker at Fox, and there's a slight parallel in history that might give us some insight.

POE, 00:53: Well, back in 2013, Glenn Beck did a 3-part series called The Puppet Master, exposing George Soros, and shortly after he was kicked off Fox News.  Dan Bongino's show closed, and shortly after Tucker Carlson's, and both of them had been going after George Soros quite a bit.  

Dan Bognino's content manager is Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, February 2022.  He's been pushing that book quite a lot, he's been going on shows, and his boss Bongino has been very supportive.  This begs the question, is the shutting down of Beck, Carlson, and Bongino the result of the hidden hand of Soros in conjunction with the hidden hand of the UK?  Are they one in the same?

Settlement for the Dominion lawsuit.  

Dominion is in cahoots with Smartmatic in this whole election thing.  Smartmatic, originally a Venezuelan company, was bought up by a British consortium whose CEO was Mark Molloch-Brown, a long-time friend and collaborator of George Soros who now is president of Soros' Open Society Foundations.  So it's a tight little world, and in this tight little world we have a lot of nefarious UK-connected figures.  

MEL, 4:20 Rupert Murdoch is vehemently opposed to ever seeing Trump back in office.  Staple Street owns Dominion now.  The guys who started Staple Street are Carlyle Group guys, which connects back to Bush, Cheney, and once again it's the small neocon intel group who have collaborated in some way.  Money changed hands.  It looks like a merger of the one-party rule crowd, billionaire elite class capture of America.  

5:40, POE, Soros was a shareholder of Fox News.  He certainly was when the Glenn Beck show was on at Fox.  That affected me directly because the Puppet Masters series that Glenn Beck did was based on my book, The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and 60s Radicals Sieized Control of the Democratic Party, 2010, which I co-wrote with David Horowitz.  Even after the Puppet Master, Glenn continued having me on his show repeatedly, talking about Soros and all kinds of related subjects.  So it was definitely a big blow to me when Glenn got kicked off, and anyone else who wants to know the truth about these subjects.  I do remember that that was one of the issues that Soros bought into Fox News, so I haven't followed that.  I don't know if he's still a shareholder.  The thing about Soros, from all my research which goes back to the early 90s, everything that I have learned about him continues to support my contention that he is a British asset, certainly an agent of influence for the British Foreign Office.  Whether he is formerly an asset for other British agencies or institutions, I can't say or I can't prove, but it is very clear that he is an instrument of British Foreign Policy, consciously and formerly so, due to his . . . well, the British Foreign Office has a formal program; it's public, it's not a secret.  But they take UK alumni, such as Soros, who've graduated from UK universities, reach out to them, monitor them, maintain communication with them, and basically try to get them to network with other UK alumni for the rest of their lives.  And those who become prominent, like Mr. Soros, are recruited to help advance British foreign policy agendas.  Again this is not some secret.  I read this in a white paper from the British Foreign Office in 2015.  It describes this program in great detail and very proudly announces in their humble opinion that the UK is the world's greatest "soft power" as they put it, directly because of this program of recruiting foreign students to study in the UK, as young George Soros did, and then following them throughout their lives.  

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

NEW DOCUMENTARY: George Soros & Steve Bannon Support Destroying the CPC. Why? China Banned George Soros from Their Country, and China's Economy Took Off

Thank you to Lew Rockwell for posting this terrific article by Matthew Ehret at The Last American Vagabond.  

For me, it was wonderful to hear that Trump cut the National Endowment for Democracy by 2/3, mentioned at the 20-minute mark in the documentary. Not bad.  He does deserve a lot of credit for wresting American capitalism out of the destructive hands of George Soros and his Open Society and back to the entrepreneur.  Interesting to learn that the Chinese president, Xi, banned Soros from all of China.  Quite a feat.

Dominion voting machines are enmeshed in the Clinton Global Initiative, involving Nancy Pelosi.  The Chair of Smartmatec is none other than George Sorors's color revolutionary colleague, Lord Mark Malloch Brown.  He's worked closely with Soros over 40 years as the CEO of Soros's Quantum Management.  These guys are destructive.  Trump is constructive.  

As Soros and his Open Society run color revolutions across the world and destroy the traditional culture and values in ours, and these, countries, pay attention to the different organizations, and the subsidiaries who are doing Soros' bidding.  If you can't go after Soros, go after these subsidiaries.  They're local.  They're accessible.  You can gain some traction in your efforts to ban them.  You are the crown of your own neighborhood.  Reclaim that.  

Monday, October 3, 2022

"$1.1 billion in advanced child tax credits [were sent] to the wrong families. Now, 1.5 million families who received the money “accidentally” will be on the hook to pay it back"

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

The calculation errors are titanic.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continually makes multi-billion-dollar mistakes. The agency “accidentally” sent $1.1 billion in advanced child tax credits to the wrong families. If a private citizen were to make a mistake on their personal taxes, they’d feel the repercussions–especially with Biden’s 87,000 newly appointed and armed agents.

Now 1.5 million families who received the money “accidentally” will be on the hook to pay it back. As if that were not bad enough, the IRS failed to deliver $3.7 billion in tax credits to 4.1 million households! The tax credit was intended as part of the reckless American Rescue Plan to pay families earning under $150,000 annually and single parents earning under $112,500. This was the largest child tax credit in America’s history – basically, people received “free” money at the expense of the taxpayers simply for having children.

This is the same agency that sent countless stimulus checks to people who did not qualify. Even multi-billionaire George Soros received a stimulus check. They even sent out checks totaling over $267 billion to deceased individuals. The IRS also “accidentally” leaked 120,000 personal online files earlier in the month. The agency continually makes major mistakes. Knowing that there will be 87,000 additional agents, armed, working for this failed agency does not put one at ease.