Turkey, Giza pyramids, soverign wealth fund, and more- Tom Luongo and LTC Steve Murray
They discuss the JFK files, Turkey, Israel, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, sovereign wealth fund, the dollar, recent Giza pyramids, and much more.@TFL1728@Ltc_Steven_Mur… pic.twitter.com/60nSylfXnz
Because this is now sincere and real. If you want peace in the region, it's only going to come when the Saudis,, the Egyptians, and everybody else in the region the Jordanians, and everybody else, finally take a stake in the process as opposed to acting through vaster powers and vaster powers that are their proxies. F*** that noise. Get rid of USAID. Get rid of the National Endowment for Democracy. Get rid of the State Department f****** things up. Get rid of the British Intelligence [in the region]. Get rid of all of it. And there is only one way to do that: you got to cut off the f****** flow of money through the City of London and through Brussels. Trump has to go after them directly and implement the sovereign debt crisis in Europe at the same time as he takes out our sins.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
00:00, KRAINER. The United States is under attack. It's the same usual suspects who are mounting that attack. The world is polarizing. The fault lines are becoming more, more easily discernible.
00:10, LUONGO. Why did they need to destroy the United States? Because the American Constitution puts the people sovereign over the government. This is an ideological fight that goes back 250 years. Wouldn't it be great to take the American experiment and send it out in a real sense than what we currently have, which is to undermine it and destroy it and turn it into a s*** bag globalist Empire thing that doesn't, that's not working for anybody?
00:29, CRYPTORICH The globalists aren't going away; they're out to destroy the United States still.
00:32, LUONGO. They're out to destroy everything.
01:10, LUONGO. The installation of the dark lord over Canada has been my topic of discussion for the last 3 or 4 days I just got done chatting with Chris Sims of the Canadian Taxpayers Association about about the Carney and about the whole cultural differences and the latent animosity that's brood for years between the Canadians and Americans. I chatted with Martin Armstrong yesterday about these things as well. There's so much going on, and Carney is a particularly
It also does not matter whether Pierre Poilievre comes to power later this year or not. Carney only needs to be prime minister for a couple of months to get everything done. It's classic DAVOS to have a whole bunch of technocratic things done on the way out the door. They have to set something up. --Tom Luongo
I saw a report that the Canadians were now going to issue US dollar-denominated bonds. Now, everybody is an idiot. I'm going to say that because at this point, this is why you tune in. I think this might be the most important market report, and I've done a lot of reporting ones recently, that I've ever done. So forgive the pauses forgive the need to relight my cigar or any of those things because it's going to be really necessary to listen carefully Canada is the Trojan Horse when we review the last 3 months it should be blatantly obvious to everybody why he came out of nowhere the people of Canada don't even know who the f*** he is he wasn't even a Canadian citizen until a couple of months ago or came back to Canada only a couple of months ago I guess he is Edmontonian or whatever originally character has been set up for this moment for probably 40 years, and I haven't been able to trace it all yet, but it was never going to be Chrystia Freeland. And it wasn't a hastily idea put together to insert Carney into the swap out of Justin Trudeau for him. It also does not matter whether Pierre Poilievre comes to power later this year or not. Carney only needs to be prime minister for a couple of months to get everything done. It's classic DAVOS to have a whole bunch of technocratic things done on the way out the door. They have to set something up.
Now here's the gig it was the announcement yesterday the Canada would issue US dollar denominated debt they got me thinking I'm like I know this is important I think it's dumb well I don't think it's dumb for Canada but the one possibility is that oh well they are finally coming to their senses they need to recycle their trade surpluses with the United States which are significant and the key to all of this by the way a lot of people out there are like is this going to be the end of the Canadian dollar, the loon, well, if Trump plays his cards right, it is.
04:24. So what's been the fundamental part of the "the thesis"? What is it? What's it always been, going back to June or July 2021, when I first started hatching this idea? It was Jerome Powell at the Fed who started to drain the world of offshore dollars. In that moment, we had a massive move in the Euro from one state very bullish to bearish, and I started asking questions. And then things get happening, and things kept happening. Within a couple of years or 18 months, we had a Euro that broke parity with the dollar over this with Powell raising interest rates aggressively, all of that. So what was the thesis? The thesis was we need to break the offshore dollar markets. We need to start the process of reversing the capital flow out of the United States and start bringing it back home, and, of course, this was fought by the Biden junta. Go over market reports from the FOMC Wednesdays over the last two years if you want to do some research. The beginning of the thesis starts with episode 75 through 77 of the gold goats and guns podcast which is publicly available but then there are market reports pretty much every FOMC day, where I go over so much of this stuff as we approach each of them because it's during those moments when I was trying to one prove or falsify the thesis that I'm like well here we go we're coming up to another FOMC meeting am I right?
07:54. Now Mark Carney prime minister of Canada. Given the insane levels of media animosity, don't discount the idea that they're not going to rig the election to ensure that this guy is prime minister of Canada for the next 5 years, and that Poilievre is not going to win. This isn't just a bait and switch to get rid of Justin Trudeau that's enough to bleed off people's dissatisfaction with a liberal party blah, blah, blah. No this is far deeper than that and this is happening at the same time that they're trying to get Trump to agree to some kind of ceasefire at the very least they got finally got Ukraine to agree to some kind of bad ceasefire
The meeting was supposed to be in Ukraine just to sign the papers. At Zelensky's request, they moved it to the White House. This can be confirmed by Marco Rubio.
04:34. Whenever government is in trouble, they just point to an external enemy, and Putin is that enemy. Honestly, the solution for Ukraine was the same solution for Yugoslavia: it broke up according to ethnic lines. The Minsk agreement was supposed to be allowing the Don boss to vote for separation. Zelensky has outlawed their language, their religion, . . . if you did that in Canada, if you said you can no longer speak French, I think you're going to see a civil war there too. You don't do this kind of stuff I think this is all theater and was part of the agenda that they just need War. The economy is falling; the German economy has shrunk by at least 3%, maybe as high as 5%. You put people out of business first with the COVID-19, and then the climate change, and then the sanctions on Russia. Just look at a chart of the GDP of Germany; it's appalling, and that is supposed to be the economic cornerstone of Europe. Economically, it's not doing very well.
06:10. The entire meeting was an hour long. It didn't really devolve into a flame war until the last 20 minutes. It seemed to have been kicked off by JD Vance. Was JD in on it? Was he in on it with Zelensky, or was that a tinder box waiting to explode regardless?
06:26. They knew what this was about. It wasn't necessary for him to come to the White House; it was all supposed to be done in Kiev. So they knew this was a setup, and that's why usually if there's going to be some sort of a meeting. They don't always let the cameras in; maybe afterwards for a photo. They set up the cameras for the whole thing. They wanted this, okay. Fine, this is what you want to do, and that's why Vance said, "You're trying to argue in front of the American people." They knew what this was about. We had two employees in Ukraine, one in Kiev and one in Donas. They're both in Berlin now. Over 8 million people have fled the country, and none of the Ukrainians that I know even want to go back. It's a real disaster. Zelensky won't have an election largely because he knows he would lose if there was actually a free election. He ran on peace. Just look it up. He promised peace. The death toll when he went in was only 13,000; now, it's over 1.1 million, and he has the audacity to say he doesn't want a ceasefire? He doesn't give two s**** about the people that are there; it's as simple as that, really. The first obligation of any government is to avoid war. You don't want to see your people slaughtered. Something's just not right with him.
17:44. The week before this, all I had was phone calls constantly. Most of our institutions in Europe now see this coming. They are moving capital out. This is why all the gold is leaving London and Switzerland. Get it the hell out, because once the capital, as Tom has said, . . . I've learned over the years, back in the 80s was the first time I came in contact with it, when a bank in Lebanon found a ledger and they wrote down the Lebanese pound every day, asked me if I could create a model. I did, and what came out said the country was going to fall apart in eight days. I thought there was something wrong with the data. I told him I said I don't know if something's wrong, got to be wrong, and very calmly he asked, "Well, what currency would you recommend?" I said, "Well, it says the Swiss franc," and 8 days later, the Civil War began. And so then I realized, with other people as well, he didn't come to me for the forecast; he came to me for the timing.
I hate that phrase, "George Soros the man who broke the Bank of England." Bullshit! George Soros was empowered to break Margaret Thatcher's government to get the UK into the European Union. That's what that operation was for. It was never about breaking the Bank of England . . . so stupid. Richard Poe has done all of the forensic work. George Soros literally works for the British government and always has. Poe has written comprehensive and definitive, with sources, articles explaining all of this. It's on his Substack, Richard Poe, P-O-E. If you have not interviewed Richard, you really should. He wrote a series of articles. The first one was "How the British Invented George Soros," June 18, 2021. There is a June 2, 2023 interview Poe did titled, "How the British Invented George Soros, Color Revolutions, and Communism, and Blamed It on the Jews," June 2, 2023. The next [article] was "How the British Invented Communism and Blamed It on the Jews," January 10, 2023, and then he wrote an entire book explaining it all. Even if his argument isn't holistic in terms of everything that's going on, this is an angle on which to look at and reframe what you think you know and look at the world that way and go, "Wow, maybe that's a big part of this."
I feel like Tom Luongo's holding back on how he really feels about the entity of London re-hypothecating his 10 gold eagles thousands of times!!🤫😂 @TFL1728@Sorenthekpic.twitter.com/96q4SrE1ow
I think Trump and [Scott] Bessent are making a run on the Bank of England. That's the big one, folks. I've been arguing for years that SOFR was the real Declaration of Independence by the United States for the first time ever. 250 years, folks. So, yeah, we are implementing Basel III, London. Get over it. You won't be able to use unallocated pool accounts you've hypothecated my money a thousand times, and say, "Oh, no, we have reserves on the balance sheet, and we're going to use it to write 4,000 gold contract against my freaking stock of Gold Eagles," and say, "No, I've got tons in the vault."
Oh, really. Yeah okay pull the other leg and play Jingle Bells. The Bank of England is bankrupt, folks. They are getting bankrupt over Ukraine and the obligations there. The City of London in their infinite hypothecation scam needs to go away.
I'm ecstatic over here I'm going he did that he did that he did that and he did that yep it's hilarious and kind of Awesome it's the geopolitical version of winning the lottery what would you do if you were president for a day.
03:38. What Trump is doing now is walking in with a sledgehammer and breaking everything far beyond that I think even what the most radical of and I believe the sincerely because I kind of know these people the most radical Libertarians don't have the stones to do what he's doing they say they do and they would get into the office and and you can just tell they're just not any good at winning. They don't know how to win they don't have any real intestinal fortitude they just like sniping from the outside and so they never walk in and actually do what was necessary because they wouldn't be organized enough to do it they wouldn't understand the massive problem I'm getting in there and having a team ready to go to implement and get everything done implementing in real real time the plan. And Trump, the failure of the first season of the Trump show there is that whole thing about how television is due season 1 was always kind of the test bed hey let's get the Riders to figure out what the characters are let's get the actors to figure out what their roles are and everything else and then we'll do a classic postseason review after a corrective Action Report worked what didn't get rid of this character get rid of these guys you know and then season 2, 3, and 4 are usually the best of any television show because they've done the beta test everybody's comfortable in their roles and no one has gotten tired of doing it no one's taking for granted anymore. That's where we are with the Trump show right now right now and you can see it it's everywhere and so many people don't realize that's what happened he just went to Davos on Thursday the 23rd he just spoke at Davos an hour ago and he basically did exactly what he did when he was in the Rotunda he told everybody who are his political enemies and everybody who has sold out the United States oh by the way your Traders is oh by the way we are tearing down everything you've built and we're going to do it in an hour because it's all brittle bullshit and that's it it's gone and he did the same thing at Davos and then he started doing Q & A, and I didn't think my life would get any better so I turned off the stream after I watched him turn to Brian Moynihan CEO of Bank of America who is asking him some milk toast? And said, "Oh by the way, Brian, I want your assurance that you're going to stop de-banking conservatives." At Davos, he told Brian Moynihan get your shit together or we're coming after you.
07:05. If the permanent bureaucracy fights him on half of what he's already put in motion it is still the most wildly successful presidency ever in the last interview you and I did you called it maubocracy how did Trump get into this position of power now this time around he understands how the game is played now he understands that you don't just assume the presidency the presidency is he's an executive if an executive does not have good VPS of each vertical he does not have good staff if they don't have good staff if they don't have clear directives then he can't get this done and then he also has to have some institutional support behind him which is what I've been arguing for years that we have a 12 trillion dollar bill back better bill we have leil Brainard at in control of the Federal Reserve the fomc we have all this stuff happening we never get off the zero bound we are already doing mmt we're already doing massive social credit scores we have bits and pieces of the whole social credit score system in place and it's because those projects have been on autopilot they got funded they've been moving forward and there's not any real way to stop them there's no way because that's what these people want to do they've got the money it's been allocated you've got a congressman you know you can't stop that system so much of the criticism about these things ignores the fact that inertia is a very real thing. It's in everything. In order to change anything, you first got to arrest the momentum and the inertia and shipped it back in the other direction and then of course there's going to be a legacy of those systems continuing. Our friends over at Davos, if I want to use a very Putinesque construction, our partners over at Davos seem to think that all they have to do is wait Trump out and then they can get back to doing what they were doing four years from now. That's not going to happen. By the time he's done none of it will exist because he understands that you have to root these things out root and branch and empower the people deeply embedded in every one of these agencies that has been beaten down and beaten into submission and who have been running around with their heads down like this for 30 years and I'm not rocking the boat no one else wants to now everybody's been empowered like go read some of these EOs that he's put out? You've got 90 days to catch anybody trying to obfuscate the fact that D E I hire let us know what it is doesn't matter whoever is doing it doesn't matter if you were complicit before all of it like he's empowering people to stand up and take control of their jobs or careers their government their livelihood and you know he's saying look it's up to you if you want to do it let's do it if you don't want to do it then we'll continue I'll figure out other things to get rid of. I've got plenty of work to do on my plate but I would like to get it all done.
10:47. Hindsight is 20/20 but if you really think about the stuff isn't Davos weren't they always bound to fail to begin with given their philosophical underpinnings of rewarding and competence wasn't it all predictable in a weird way to begin with?
11:11. Of course it was but the question is timing and remember what pieces of the infrastructure that get put in place permanently and I'm talking now specifically of the monetary system and the way Capital flows around the world if they were able to get all that architected then they could limp along for an awful long time and do an awful lot more damage along the way look at what they've tried to do in the last 7 months Bill Gates is out there still trying to vaccinate cows to keep them from farting and he's got EU countries destroying their cattle industry that's damage that's a war against humanity that's mass murder by proxy it's insane. And yet it's happening even though yes at a head level and intellectual level so you can say absolutely this is all going to fail because the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money and all the bombs that you like to throw around but the truth of the matter is that these systems and with incentives built within those systems to keep them running for as long as possible you can change them you can change the incentive structure but again it's going to be one of these things churning very slow turning the battleship so on and how many people are going to resist it so what Trump and his team have spent four years figuring out how do we minimize that inertia as much as possible? I did a podcast with Vince launch you the other day
And in return Putin got insults , threats and attempt to strong arm Russia and of course let’s not forget about the latest - Russia hypersonic technology was stolen by Russia from the US 🤦♀️ Now he has accused the OPEC countries of allegedly being responsible for unleashing the…
Be worth your while to follow Clandestine (@WarClandestine).
Hunter’s pardon is 1000% about covering up Deep State criminality in Ukraine.
Hunter was the Deep State proxy that helped secure and wash funding for Deep State racketeering in Ukraine, including the biolab network, starting in 2014.
There’s a reason hundreds of billions of our tax dollars were sent to Ukraine.
There’s a reason the Dems impeached Trump just for asking about where the money was going in Ukraine.
There’s a reason the Dems/MSM lost their minds when I wrote a story about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine being a “sovereign nation” or a “beacon of democracy”.
They are covering up unfathomable criminality. They are willing to start WW3 to keep this a secret, because they are guilty of crimes against humanity, for which the punishment is death.
There's a reason why "we can't lose in Ukraine"
And it's because Joe made a deal with Trump to not escalate the war and stopped the steal.
Now, the False Flag of "Biden authorized ATACMS" has us on a very predictable path towards the 25th amendment and a coup by Harris http://et.al. to formally get us involved in Ukraine.
My prediction is the week of Christmas.
This is not just about the Bidens.
Hunter and Joe were just layers of separation from Obama.
In 2005, Senator Obama visited former Soviet biological and chemical facilities in Ukraine. Then as POTUS in 2014, his CIA/State Dept took over Ukraine.
"COVID was a big operation to collapse the US bond market and force the Fed back to the zero balance, get Trump to sign off on the CARES Act, spend $10 trillion, then run out Powell's 1st term and not give him a 2nd term." Who ordered Trump to do the COVID-op, Wall St?
34:25, LUONGO We're in control of monetary in the United States, they're in control of political policy. They need both in order to run their plan, and we're going to stop them for 5 years, and that should be long enough, 6 years and that should be long enough. That's the way I see it strategically.
34:52, MILETTE Why would you raise interest rates after being at zero for 18 months in a row when you were at zero, we're at 5.5% right now? It's good for the greenback. I don't see how this is good for the country.
35:17, LUONGO They're doing it for themselves, but they're also doing it. At the end of the day, JP Morgan doesn't care where they invest in the pipeline. They don't care if it's in the Donbas, they don't care if it's in Dubuque, Iowa. If you listen to Jaime Dimond talk, he'd rather invest in Dubuque, Iowa.
[the Bank of England] understood all of this because the British have done this for 400 years. Tom Luongo
⚡️Had an awesome chat with 1 and only @TFL1728, talking the Fed's next moves, why a MUCH HIGHER #Gold price is needed to service the US debt, and a whole host of other things economic and cultural 🤔
[The British, or Bank of England] want the flow of control of money in Singapore. They want control of the flow of money through those economies. If they control the money, and they control the cost of money, and they control the flow, and they're pulling a vig off of every currency transaction. . . .
34:32 That's exactly what they did with the United States and it's my argument about Libor versus Sofr controlling the value of that and then in the 20th century as they finally installed the central bank here in the United States as they moved us off the gold standard and then they eventually gave us the London interbank offer rate for the period of the dollars it was a Libor Reserve standard I just cleaned that phrase literally like Idaho just now take reframe these things when you start to think about them what was actually controlling the price of dollars wasn't the Federal Reserve on this point I agree with Jeff Snyder completely the Federal Reserve hasn't been in control of its monetary policies and the growth of the euro dollar markets in the mid-50s agreed or I disagree with you is that that was a free market process it wasn't a free market process. It was created by the Marshall Plan. It was created by the underpricing of gold and the overvaluing of the dollar that came out of Bretton Woods; that was a policy. And then they just let the policy circumscribe the boundary conditions of the global economy and then s*** just slowed naturally from there. Then you can apply free market principles within that box: here are the boundary conditions of your problem, and now we can let free market forces operate within the box, and, oh, look! It looks like the free market but we've artificially determined what the free market is, where the free market is, and how the free market is going to operate. That's not a free market process. That's bullshit, and if you don't think that that doesn't fuel knowing full well what the excesses are going to be, what the mistakes are going to be, they understood all of this because the British have done this for 400 years. They've done this. They understand how to manipulate FX rates to get what they want and to have that underscore and undergird their foreign and domestic, their foreign policy and everybody else's domestic policy condition, so you just create an artificial boundary condition, let it operate, and then blame it on capitalism. You can then take the underclass that you've created and use them as your useful idiots
37:16 If I was Emperor Palpatine this is what I would do and if I can figure this out you don't think the people who've been running the system for the last 350 years aren't good at it? Is that air you think you're breathing it's always about getting the underclass or middle class fighting with one another and then letting the elites go scot-free no the
37:39 the elite to fight for them there's always a natural incentive structure or natural relationship Richard Poe talks about this in his latest book. It's a great ok, called How the British Invented Communism and Blamed It on the Jews. It's more about how the British have used the mechanisms, and how they use class warfare to affect their foreign policy over the years. If there's an alignment of incentives between the lower classes and the upper classes to betray the burgeoning middle class, the bourgeoisie because they are the ones that if you allow the bourgeoisie then they exert political power and they overthrow the upper class. So what do you do? You set the upper class and the lower classes against the bourgeoisie.
And what are we seeing today, is the ruinous effect of government policy all across the West targeted the upper middle class, middle-class wealth, small business owners, and everyone. And it's now they've just ripped the friggin' mask off completely. They did it for a long time and everybody was like, "You know why are you doing this?" to the dumbest thing imagine you're killing small businesses. "Well, we're trying to help the poor." No, you're trying to destroy us, and unfortunately, a lot of poor people fall for it. You know they're disenfranchised, the victim crowds and they just target individual victim crowds, knowing full well that when you set up systems like this, you set up patterns of abuse within society, the reactions, the psychological damage that's done within families, within communities, and whatnot. The deracination and all of it; it's all really predictable across human behavior that's going to take out the middle-class . . . in Peoria, then tomorrow we're going to work on Gary, Indiana; then on Thursday, we're going to work on Charleston, South Carolina. No, they just know that if they set the boundary conditions up in a particular way and then let the clock run, they're going to get 85% of what they want, and they just fine-tune it along the way by a politician here, put a terrible Supreme Court Justice on the bench there, kill an Eastern European president over there. I mean this is the way it works.
00:00. So what are you going to do? You're going to get squeezed out because you have no chance at all to maintain your order. What does that mean? That means the Western financial institutions--JP Morgan, City Group, Goldman Sachs, European banks are going to lose control of all that collateral, which is massive, and that's, I think, only a question of time. I mean it's not a question of whether, it's just a question of when, and I think we're not looking at a 10-year thing; I think we're looking at the next year or two.
00:33. And I'm telling you that the people who don't have any collateral are the ones who are trying to keep the collateral as cheap as possible for their banks because it's they're banks that are underwater, and it's not JP Morgan; it's not Goldman Sachs; it's not Morgan Stanley. Sorry. It's Commerce Bank. It's Barclay's. It's Credit Agricola. it's Intesa Sanpaolo. It's these banks.
Part I
00:00. They are going to continue to escalate; they need a war somewhere, and they're desperately lashing out across all the theaters--the Middle East, the Ukraine, China.
00:10. Pakistan and Iran this morning are getting ready to restore diplomatic ties. " but I thought last week they were going to war because they sent missiles at each other?"
03:45. Davos this week is hilarious because two years ago it was "Build Back Better," and now it's "Rebuilding Trust" because you broke everything on purpose and now have the temerity to stand there and say, "Oh, it's your fault." This was the best part about this. Did you listen to Klaus Schwab's speech? Did you listen to Ursula von der Leyen's speech? What you heard from them was "It's your fault you lost faith in us." But we're like, "You broke the world on purpose to abuse us into going along with your insane, stupid plans, and they're like, "It's still your fault."
04:18. Because with narcissists the victim is always to blame. The pathology here is very clear. We've all grown up in homes or had friends do this to us. And this tracks on the global as well. The rules of reading charts, no matter what the time frame, one minute, 5 minute, one day, one month, one year, the rules are the same. Doesn't matter the time frame; it matters the scale. The same thing with psychology. Human psychology also scales from the individual to the to the group.
05:15. Basically their message is "Look what you made us do."
05:21. Or they grab for the belt and they start beating you, "Why are you making me beat you!"
Cope. This is a UK war. They have spent all of it trying to keep this thing alive when the US has been dragging its feet, because we know who fights this war.