Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects.
What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference:
Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!! Brook Jackson
🚨What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth
Background: The case involved Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures & developmental problems after receiving a DTP vaccine manufactured by Wyeth, now a part of Pfizer. The…
What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth.
Background: The case involved Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures & developmental problems after receiving a DTP vaccine manufactured by Wyeth, now a part of Pfizer. The family sued Wyeth, claiming the vaccine was defectively designed.
Legal Context: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 established a no-fault compensation program for vaccine injury claims & removed the liability of vaccine manufacturers.
The FDA's role in approving vaccines & its interpretation of safety standards were central to the case.
Court's Decision: In 2011, SCOTUS ruled in favor of Wyeth, holding that the NCVIA preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by vaccine side effects.
Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects.
What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference:
Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!!
Plaintiffs might be more likely to challenge FDA approved vaccines in court, arguing that the FDA's safety standards or approval processes are insufficient or flawed. WIN!!
Courts would scrutinize FDA decisions more closely, likely leading to different outcomes in cases involving vaccine injuries or side effects. WIN!!
Vaccine manufacturers will face more uncertainty regarding liability & regulatory standards impacting vaccine development & availability. WIN!!
Captain Richard Patterson, FDNY, ret., was himself an institution within the New York Fire Department. He was off-duty in uptown NYC on 9/11 but made his way down to the World Trade Center by hitching a ride in an ambulance.
He was carrying out duties just outside the North Tower when he was knocked back by explosions. He survived, but lost 41 firefighters that morning—brothers who he knew personally. He saw the jumpers from the towers, and he picked up body parts from the aftermath of the explosive destruction.
He is my guest today on RichardGage911: UNLEASHED!
Captain Patterson has a Bachelor of Arts in Fire Service Administration from John Jay College and 20 years as a firefighter.
If you created a product that wasn’t a pharmaceutical and it killed so many people, wouldn’t you be on trial for murder or at least negligent homicide? Isn’t it strange that, year after year, decade after decade, medical “error” is the third leading cause of death? Why do we…
Here you've got Peter Duttonpraising Scott Morrison, the great leader and official scumbag of Australia. Is Peter Dutton gay? By "sacrifice," does Peter mean payout? I mean since all of these guys are in charge simply to protect both international and domestic rackets.
"This breaks national boundaries, it breaks state boundaries, it breaks county boundaries. It's also a project of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation," the late author says. She adds that this is "regionalization and world government: You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties." --Rosa Koire,
"I'm gonna show you the new map of the United States of America...[these are] mega-regions...*mega* *regions*...these[and]...the federal in [the] process of creating [them]."
"I found out about this because I saw that people were not being able to use their land, and I looked behind that, and I found Agenda 21," Koire says. She adds, "The federal government of the United States is doing this—is in [the] process of creating 'mega-regions,' which are, essentially, crossing national boundaries."
Koire highlights one specific region, "Cascadia," which will be made up of a portion of Washington state, Oregon state, Idaho, and even Vancouver. Koire notes that the "Southern California and Texas triangle areas" will include parts of Mexico.
"This breaks national boundaries, it breaks state boundaries, it breaks county boundaries. It's also a project of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation," the late author says. She adds that this is "regionalization and world government: You use trade agreements to destroy boundaries and you actually cannot make local law that breaks those treaties."
9:40. There were 18 votes on Ukraine, and I voted against every single one of them since 2014 when we started saber rattling. We do these non-binary resolutions where, you know, "Russia is evil," "We support democracy," and even then we knew that Ukraine was corrupt as hell.
CARLSON: The most corrupt country in Europe by far.
MASSIE: So there been 16 or 20 votes on Ukraine, and I've been against all of those. Just in the last 7 months there have been 30 votes on Israel and the Middle East.
CARLSON: How many votes on the US border during that time?
10:22. Maybe 4 show votes where we know that they were going nowhere in the Senate. Look, we have a name 30 post offices. Last month we voted 15 or 16 times on issues related to Israel and I've been hit because I vote no on all of those.
CARLSON: Why do you do that, because you hate Israel?
MASSIE: No, because I'm against sending our money overseas. I am against starting another proxy war. I'm against sanctions, because it's going to weaken the dollars and that's why I can't vote for them.
CARLSON: Tell us what the Free Speech part of it is.
MASSIE: Recently they brought a bill to Congress, and this is actually a binding bill, not a non-binding resolution like this was going to have the effect of law and people would get prosecuted if they engaged in any anti-semitism on campuses. And the problem with this bill is they use some International definition of antisemitism on a website somewhere? My first question is, why don't you just put the definition in the bill? Why are you pointing to somebody's URL in a piece of legislation?
CARLSON, 11:35. You are the Congress, right? You write the laws . . . .
MASSIE: Right, we are the Congress. We should be writing the laws. Instead, we are referencing a website that's not even hosted in the United States. And so I went to this website, and it's got a fairly short definition but it's also got examples of things that would be considered anti-semitism. Some of these are actually passages in the New Testament, if you will, would be banned by this International definition of anti-semitism. For instance, saying that Jews killed Jesus, which is as you know in the Bible. He was not welcome among his own people, okay, and so that would be anti-semitism. And if you engaged in that on campus or just offered that as a thought, say, in a classroom, it would be anti-semitic and you would run afoul of the Department of Education in some federal law. There were other examples in there that were hard to believe. For instance, comparing the policies of Israel to the Nazi regime would be anti-semitic. But the question is what if their policies ever became the same? Is this a static definition?
CARLSON: Or what if we just have different opinions, and now your opinion is a crime?
Now that the dust has settled, here’s what I believe happened with the debate:
The war between Biden machine & the Obama machine spilled into the open
Democrat leaders on both sides are truly panicking about Biden’s crashing poll numbers
Biden knows if he’s out of power, his crime family will be prosecuted and disgraced and Jill Biden has gotten way to used to the lifestyle - she won’t give it up
Obama team knows their mafia operation will be prosecuted under Trump as well
So both sides are desperate and fighting over whose strategy is best to beat Trump
Obama machine launched a final sneak attack to pressure Joe to drop out after the debate that they knew he would be awful in
It didn’t work
Biden met with Obama the next day, made clear he wasn’t quitting, and now Obama machine puppets are all backtracking, including Obama himself
It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine
The Democrat machine as a whole is begrudgingly unifying behind Biden in hopes that he can pull it off
But make no mistake - these people are truly scared of what’s coming down the road for them under Trump
I’ve never seen them act this desperately
These are not the moves of a confident & powerful regime
They are divided and desperate
If Trump wins, we will truly destroy the Deep State and they know it
Push forward with everything you’ve got b/c these weakened criminals are on the ropes
Here is Jim Traficant on Chris Matthews' Hard Ball, 2009
Many are claiming that the Jewish mafia, or Mousad, had a hand in his death. Hard to find that evidence, of course, but the Wikipedia entry leaves it open,
Traficant was injured in an accident at his farm in Greenford, Ohio, on September 23, 2014. A tractor he was driving into a pole barn flipped over and trapped him underneath.
Okay, so "Trapped him underneath" sounds pretty bad, life-threatening even.
Traficant was taken to Salem Regional Medical Center in Salem, Ohio, then airlifted to St. Elizabeth's Health Center in Youngstown. On the evening of September 24, his wife described him as "sedated and not doing well".
His wife described him as "sedated and not doing well". Well, there's no description of his state before hospitalization, but the fact that the wife utters the words, "sedated and not doing well," does suggest that he's not doing well. Plus, the "sedated" is what one would expect from a hospital. But what we've learned is that hospitals are untrustworthy.
A text message was sent out Friday evening September 26 by Jim Condit Jr., the Constitution Party candidate for Ohio's 8th congressional district and a close friend who had been traveling with Traficant to help promote Project Freedom USA. The text message stated that "the machines were disconnected at 2:00 p.m. (Friday). He is still breathing. Thousands are praying." On September 27, 2014, Traficant died at a hospice in Poland, Ohio, aged 73. By September 29, Traficant's body had been buried in an undisclosed location after the family had a private funeral, and announced that there would be no public funeral for him.
A subsequent medical investigation determined that Traficant had not had a heart attack or seizure before the accident, and was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In addition, he had not sustained any crushing injuries in the accident. The forensic pathologist who conducted the examination attributed Traficant's death to positional asphyxiation, stating that he had been unable to breathe because of the weight of the tractor on top of him
Not that there's any connection to James Traficant or Thomas Massie's wife.
President John F. Kennedy and US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy forced the American Zionist Counsel to register as a foreign agent, blocking them from donating to US officials.
00:18 During WWII, the U.S. imprisoned Japanese Americans . . .
00:23 About a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the War, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing 300,000 civilians into concentration camps. And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps. The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents.
01:02 In 1961, Strategic Hamlets the U.S. forced 8 million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.
01:14 Starting back in the late 1990s, Alex Jones has been releasing films [Police State II: The Takeover, 2000, Parts I and II] warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps, such as the WTO protests, where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail.
01:34 The 2004 Republican National Convention [in Madison Square Gardens in New York] where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison . . .
01:42 And in Katrina, 2005, where police went door to door confiscating guns.
REPORTER #1: The police and national guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn with instructions to disarm anyone inside.
REPORTER #2: You say guns will be taken?
P. EDWIN COMPASS, III, SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE: No one will be armed. We will take all weapons.
ALEX JONES: You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing and maintaining concentration camps as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populous so that the populous will believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.
As we say in the research community, this is a psy-op. They're preparing people for what is coming, not what is being presented today.
ALEX JONES: So you're saying that they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?
That is correct. Like the old frog example. You put the frog in the water and just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked.
02:57 After 9/11, came the PATRIOT Act and American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.
In 2006, President Bush amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the president the power to declare martial law, and in 2007 signed Directive 51
ALEX JONES: for the smallest of reasons, including the document's own text, "any incident in the world regardless of location that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions, can trigger at will total martial law.
03:39 During COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR Test, and if they tried to escape their fellow prisoners reported them.
Yeah, but you can't leave your balcony to go to the fence to talk to somebody else.
Quotes from Ray Peat, PhD in 2019 about lidocaine: DR: So lidocaine's benefits are far more than just anesthetic?
RP: Yes, much more—similar to procaine, but without the risk of allergic reactions, since it prevents mast cell degranulation. It’s nerve-protective, antistress,…
Nazis were issued meth twice a day throughout the entire war. What were they called? Perv and dicks. One of the side effects of meth is fashion and Jew hate
PERVitin was nazi meth that they pumped into the whole population. “Germany awake” was the slogan for the movement and the pills. It’s my opinion that this is why they got so into fashion and cleanliness. I’ve known people who do a lot of meth and it gets very very leather…
Teflon pans . . . get rid of them. They contain forever chemicals.
Ceramic-coated pans? Some lead in these. If you heat them up too much, you're going to get some pitting. Not good.
Likely the most used in the world is stainless steel, but not all stainless steel is created equal. 18/0 is preferable to 18/10. 18/10 is more corrosive resistant but nickel, the corrosive-resistant metal, is a neurotoxin and can cause allergies. If it's 18/0, the magnet will stick; if it's not 18/0, the magnet will not stick.
Cast iron, the Buyer B series because they coat it with wax so there's never any mineral oil or toxins on these. Or a completely ceramic by Surema, super nontoxic, great for sauteeing.
Time For A New Look At TB: Infectious Bacillus Or Iron Poisoning? “The symptoms of TB are identical to those of a disease called siderosis, which is poisoning by toxic iron fumes.”
— Weston A. Price Foundation, London Chapter (@WAPFLondon) June 28, 2024
Is tuberculosis infectious?
In 1897, Dr. Robert Hunter, an experienced physician in lung diseases with over 50 years of practice and having examined around 50,000 patients, made a parallel observation regarding tuberculosis. He also noted that the experience of over 60 years in the largest lung-disease hospital in the world found no evidence of transmission from the sick to the well. Based on this information, Dr. Hunter firmly and unequivocally stated that tuberculosis was not infectious.
“The great Hospital for Consumption at Brompton, London, in existence for over sixty years, is the largest hospital for lung diseases in the world. It has a large staff of physicians, with scores of nurses and other hospital attendants. If consumption [tuberculosis] was infectious it certainly would show itself among those in such close and constant contact with it, in all its worst and most advanced stages; and yet Dr. Williams, the senior physician, says: ‘Infection in the wards of the hospital between consumptives and non-consumptives is unknown.’...
My own personal experience for more than 50 years of active professional life, the chief part of which has been given to the study and treatment of lung diseases as a specialty – each day being spent in the examination of their chests, analyzing their sputa [saliva mixed with mucus or pus, expectorated from the lungs and respiratory passages], exposed at all times to their breath and to emanations from their bodies, with the expectorations always in my cuspidors [place for spitting] – show conclusively that it is not infectious and cannot be communicated by association. I have never in my fifty years of practice met with an instance of infection, or seen anything to make me believe it could be communicated from the sick to the well.
With the records of over 50,000 cases so examined and treated by me, I am able to speak with all confidence and assured judgment in saying that there is no warrant or foundation for any belief consumption is infectious or communicable in any degree or under any circumstances whatever. The assumption that it can be communicated is disproved by the statistics of consumption in all civilized lands, by the reports of consumption hospitals and all institutions for the treatment of lung diseases, and by the united clinical experience of scientific specialists throughout the civilized worlds who have made lung diseases a life study.
No physician can believe consumption is infectious without discrediting the annals of his own profession, the teachings of its leading authorities, and the overwhelming judgment of the great body of medical practitioners.
In the face of these facts, the setting up of this bogey and fake infection was an outrage and crime against truth, science and humanity...
Consumption is not infectious – It is not communicated from sick to the well. – And it can neither be prevented nor cured by segregation in pest hospitals...”
— Robert Hunter, MD, 1897
Robert Hunter, MD, Consumption Not Contagious, The Canadian Magazine, vol IX., 1897, Ontario Publishing Company, Limited, p. 540.
Know what you’re buying. This picture has store beef(right), and farm beef(left). There is an obvious visible difference between the two but the differences don’t stop there!
1. You may notice the color difference in the picture. The store-bought is pumped full of additives and preservatives, including propyl gallate, to protect against spoilage due to long-term air exposure.
2. There isn’t a guarantee of where that beef came from, OR how many cows are in it.
Yes, it may have the USDA label on it, but as long as that animal was packaged in the US, it can be called a Product of the USA.
And yes, the meat in the right package is not from one single cow but rather scraps from multiple cows. It may have come from Argentina, Canada, or Brazil.
3. The beef on the left is fresher, darker, and farm-raised. It is filled with more nutrients & flavor. The ground is also from one cow, not just low-quality scraps from multiple cows.
The Chevron doctrine—which forced federal courts to defer all interpretive regulatory authority to executive bureaucracies since 1984—has been overruled by SCOTUS in a 6-3 opinion.
In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.
In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.
2 great Supreme Court decisions today. Grants Pass allowed cities to evict homeless encampments from public property, and the big one Loper v Raimondo gutted the so-called "Chevron Doctrine" that gave government agencies the power to effectively write laws.
Why am I making this video? Because when I garden and show people homestead sometimes the reaction is that I run away, and that I'm not doing what I have to do to affect political change when the reality is it's the exact opposite. My kale never migrant hands; it's grown in my home, requires no carbon to transport, no trade routes, no international agreements, no Chinese manufacturing. Even the packaging of the lettuce in the organic section is plastic. That was definitely made in a Chinese factory using petroleum, all right. So maybe this will help explain what I'm talking about. But gardening, homesteading, planting your own food, fruit trees, when I buy a fruit tree some of them can be expensive, $199, but that money goes into my community. It's grown in a nursery 50 Mi away sold any gardening place right down my street that money which is my labor goes into my community and then I own the supply chain I own the supply chain of fruit which would end Mass migration now you might say well you're just one man it's all about voting if
Neither failure of treatment nor increased deaths stop the Spaceship of Fools that gene therapy is! Despite consistent failures to produce any medicinal value, the FDA will expand the indication for Sarepta’s product:
Within the narrow group of patients eligible for Elevidys, demand has been high. The FDA is expected to decide by June 21 on whether to expand the eligible population based on mixed results from a confirmatory study.
Of course, the demand is high!! Doctors poisoning terminally ill boys for $4M a pop are not stupid. Famous quote by Robert Malone quoting his friend Steve Hatfill - “they are going to die anyway!” So, what’s the big deal, folks? $cience needs to experiment on somebody! For the greater good!
We have been warning about aPeel for some time. There is some evidence that the compounds in aPeel could be used with the GMO modifications in food to make them work in a way similar to the mRNA shots. If you see the aPeel label avoid at all costs. @VigilantFox@P_McCulloughMD…
Whole Foods and Sprouts are upcharging customers under the impression they’re getting grassfed organic chicken and beef.
The curtain has been pulled back and they’re selling meat from Tyson and Cargill, not to mention still serving a seed oil-infested hot bar.
Food & Wine (2017): According to a Bloomberg report, a growing percentage of Whole Foods' poultry and beef is now sourced from mega-sized producers, including Perdue and Tyson-owned brands. One way this occurs is that after the products are delivered to Whole Foods for final processing, the company packages the chicken under the 365 Everyday Value label and sells it in its stores, despite being available for a lower cost at other supermarkets. Additionally, while Whole Foods only sells meat that is certified as Step 1 or higher by the Global Animal Partnership (GAP), the company sources some of its beef from Meyer Natural Angus, which processes its meat in a Cargill facility in Colorado that also processes GAP-uncertified cattle simultaneously, albeit separately.
Pictured today: screenshots between Jamieanneaesthetics and Sprouts, with them admitting their chicken is just Tyson.
What’s the solution? Know your local regenerative and organic farmers. Ask them hard questions. Build a relationship. Collapse Big Food.
Why should a health conscious customer base continue shopping with these companies if they’re just becoming expensive Walmart?
🚩 Aaron Siri Shares the Heartbreaking Story of a 12-Year-Old Girl Who Was Seriously Injured in the Pfizer Trial & How the FDA Looked the Other Way
"The FDA did finally ask Pfizer about Maddie de Garay but it was only after somebody who's very, very wealthy emailed Janet…
Home prices jump as Washington eyes the effective nationalization of second mortgages.
For 50 years Washington has done everything to pump house prices. They’ve finally done it, pricing the young and the working class into renting for life.
New home sales are tumbling yet home prices just hit a fresh all-time record, pretty much on brand for this miracle economy of ours where nothing is selling but it's all really expensive. The numbers come from the National Association of Realtors who report that the median existing home price in May was a record $419,000, up nearly 6% from last year. Meanwhile, sales of existing homes plunged to just 4.1 million; that's down 6% on the quarter and down 40% since Joe Biden took office. What's crashing the number of sales, of course, is interest rates, which at 7.5% are putting houses out of reach you need to make six figures to qualify for a starter home and your mortgage will be half your income. What makes this interesting is that crashing sales were supposed to bring prices back to earth after the pandemic bubble. They have not for the simple reason that rates went up so fast that it's locked people in. They can't afford a replacement house; after all, maybe your condo went up 40%, but that starter house also went up 40%. So even with the gains you cannot afford to upgrade at 7.5% mortgage unless you are retiring and moving to Costa Rica. So I mentioned recent videos, this is all done a number on the young and working class. It means pretty much the only buyers are people who need to: they got a job at a new city, or maybe they lost their job and are moving down to renting. For everybody else, young families, empty nesters, they are locked in.
1:33. Meanwhile, of course, inflation keeps marching up driving up house prices. It's a roughly centuries-long trend that houses move up almost in lockstep with inflation. That means for all those people waiting for the pandemic housing bubble to burst, it may never burst. Inflation will just push the prices up to meet it. In fact, house prices could take another jump, because ZeroHedge reports that government-owned mortgage bundler Freddie Mac, which already owes roughly three trillion dollars worth of mortgages, just applied to deal in second mortgages. Now, a second mortgage is when you take a fresh loan out to take money out of your house. The problem is that this effectively turns a house into a credit card; in fact, one that is government-subsidized by Freddie Mac. That does two things: that drives house prices even higher because a credit card is worth more than frozen equity; worse, it encourages people to drain every last dime out of their house. That leaves them right on the edge of default when a recession or just a layoff does hit them. We saw that in 2008 when millions of owners bailed on their houses because they owed more than it was worth. With subsidized second mortgages, if you are smart you should owe more than your house is worth; it's a cheap loan.
2:47. For 50 years, Washington has done everything possible to pump up house prices as a kind of upper-middle-class welfare scheme that buys votes, pays the affluent, but fleeces the have-nots. Now we've got a world of rich boomers stepping over the young, who are not only giving up on starting a family, they're losing faith in the entire system, doom spending their way to oblivion. In terms of what is next, if you own a house here comes another jackpot; if not, it is time to start driving for Uber.
Read the whole article with charts and all the gory details at
This is Lisa Kirnos, one of the little girls that Joe Biden killed with US missiles on a beach in Crimea, Russia. American drones and satellites were used to target this sweetheart with cluster ammunitions. Remember her when you vote in November.
This is one of the reasons that they didn’t want to tell you the Covid shots were gene therapies. They absolutely knew that gene therapies had been shown time and time again to have significant and severe safety risks including death.
17-year-old Jesse Gelsinger suffered from the genetic metabolic disease called orinthe transcarbamylase OTC deficiency this prevents the body from breaking down ammonia a metabolic waste product unless a person's diet is immediately adjusted and monitored throughout their life they will die soon after birth.
Although gel singer had controlled his OTC well he volunteered for a genetic therapy experiment in hopes of helping infants with a more severe form of the metabolic disorder he had a negative reaction to the treatment caused by severe immune response to the virus Vector used to deliver the corrective gene and died.
Three ethical issues with regard to gene therapy emerge from the Gelsinger case one should a relatively healthy adult volunteer with OTC have been used as a volunteer rather than newborns that were very sick too Gelsinger was told that the treatment was relatively safe however it emerged that past research subjects and experimental animals had become sick from the treatment was there adequate informed consent with regard to the risks three the lead doctor and institution had financial interest in the development of the treatment that was used if it had been successful they would have been well positioned to make a lot of money should researchers and research Institutes have a stake in clinical trials?
Jesse Gelsinger (June 18, 1981 – September 17, 1999) was the first person publicly identified as having died in a clinical trial for gene therapy. Gelsinger suffered from ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, an X-linkedgenetic disease of the liver, the symptoms of which include an inability to metabolize ammonia – a byproduct of protein breakdown. The disease is usually fatal at birth, but Gelsinger had a milder form of the disease, in which the ornithine transcarbamylase gene is mutated in only part of the patient's cells, a condition known as somatic mosaicism. As his deficiency was partial, Gelsinger managed to survive on a restricted diet and special medications.
🔥 Aaron Siri Asks Why Vaccine Manufacturers Receive Liability Protection If Their Products Truly Are 'Safe & Effective'
"Everybody here is saying they're safe...Then there should be no reason to continue giving those companies the immunity to liability for injuries if they are…
The issue is that groups get together and have meetings with public officials and beg them to look at the evidence.
The officials then grinfu*k them for an hour and send them on their way … meeting after meeting for decades as rhe officials are thanked by the group members for…
— John Beaudoin, Sr. aka, Coquin de Chien (@JohnBeaudoinSr) June 26, 2024
Naomi Wolf is the leader and CEO of Daily Clout. Daily Clout hired a law firm, John Howard's law firm, to file a letter with the Department of Justice which they sent at the beginning of July asking the Department of Justice to investigate the things that Daily Clout has found about how Pfizer conduct the clinical trials or the things that where presented to the public as clinical trials which way now know were not actually clinical trials. They were fraudulent they were a pre tents intended only two convince people that clinical trials were happening when in fact they were not
Your colon's health is not only about poop. What else happens?
Large and Small Intestines. The bowel is about 5 feet. The intestinal tract is where you digest food above, and the small intestines are approximately 23 feet. 30 feet from mouth to anus.
Pay attention to the graph on your colon. Notice the major aorta in all the veins that attach to the colon walls. Why is that vitally important?
Because when you have poop stuck in your colon, you are technically poisoning yourself with the toxic substances sitting in your bowel. And I just showed you all the blood attached, all the veins and the arteries, so all the toxins--skatole, cresol, indole, phenol, and the permeability of your wall. All of these things are affected by stools sitting in that bowel and directly poisoning your blood. And don't forget, your liver is cleansing that blood every 7 minutes.
1:25 So what else about this blood supply? What else do we know? Picture of blood vessels and a major artery that's attached to the colon wall. Well, look at this. It's the Superior Mesenteric Vein that affects your lymph drainage and your nerve supply. Nerves, meaning your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. That's your Vagus Nerve. When you go to a chiropractor, they will adjust your Vagus Cranial Nerve. It goes from the cranium all the way down the bowel.
The Vegas nerve operates mainly within the parasympathetic nervous system linking major organ activity to the brain. According to Medical news today it's four main functions are:
1) SENSORY: providing sensory information from the throat heart lungs and abdomen.
2) SPECIALSENSORY: providing taste sensation behind the tongue.
3) MOTOR: providing movement for neck muscles so you can swallow and speak.
4) PARASYMPATHETIC: responsible for your digestive tract respiration and heart rate functioning.
While the sympathetic nervous system controls the fight or flight response sending out stress releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol so you can take action.
The Vagus Nerve does the opposite, helping you get rid of stress and remain calm the more things you do to stimulate the Vagus Nerve the more relaxed you are and less stressed you'll feel.
GUESS WHAT? It attaches right to your colon, and that's why people feel so much better after they've had a colonic
It's a mixed nerve.
It's the longest, most widely distributed Cranial Nerve.
It contains Afferent, Motor, and Parasympathetic fibers.
It can affect you because it's responsible for your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the calming influence. The sympathetic nervous system is stress, cortisol, you're running away from a bear . . . . But this Vagus Nerve does the opposite. It helps you get rid of stress and remain calm.
2:35. Here is your colon, and she's already shown us the major artery in the veins attached to that column wall which affects everything in your body because it's your blood. It's like soil to a plant. This is your blood directly affected by your colon. But look at this these little green dots. Those are your lymph nodes. How important are your lymphs? Well, basically your lymphs are your immune system. The lymphs are like little trash cans that take out the garbage, and when they are full and when they don't move they get full of waste and matter. And if they're attached here to this colon wall that's full of poop, you can see this is going to be a big problem.