Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jim Traficant, 1941-2014

Here is Jim Traficant on Chris Matthews' Hard Ball, 2009

Many are claiming that the Jewish mafia, or Mousad, had a hand in his death.  Hard to find that evidence, of course, but the Wikipedia entry leaves it open, 

Traficant was injured in an accident at his farm in Greenford, Ohio, on September 23, 2014. A tractor he was driving into a pole barn flipped over and trapped him underneath. 

Okay, so "Trapped him underneath" sounds pretty bad, life-threatening even.  

Traficant was taken to Salem Regional Medical Center in Salem, Ohio, then airlifted to St. Elizabeth's Health Center in Youngstown. On the evening of September 24, his wife described him as "sedated and not doing well".

His wife described him as "sedated and not doing well".  Well, there's no description of his state before hospitalization, but the fact that the wife utters the words, "sedated and not doing well," does suggest that he's not doing well.  Plus, the "sedated" is what one would expect from a hospital.  But what we've learned is that hospitals are untrustworthy.

A text message was sent out Friday evening September 26 by Jim Condit Jr., the Constitution Party candidate for Ohio's 8th congressional district and a close friend who had been traveling with Traficant to help promote Project Freedom USA. The text message stated that "the machines were disconnected at 2:00 p.m. (Friday). He is still breathing. Thousands are praying." On September 27, 2014, Traficant died at a hospice in Poland, Ohio, aged 73. By September 29, Traficant's body had been buried in an undisclosed location after the family had a private funeral, and announced that there would be no public funeral for him.

A subsequent medical investigation determined that Traficant had not had a heart attack or seizure before the accident, and was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In addition, he had not sustained any crushing injuries in the accident. The forensic pathologist who conducted the examination attributed Traficant's death to positional asphyxiation, stating that he had been unable to breathe because of the weight of the tractor on top of him

Not that there's any connection to James Traficant or Thomas Massie's wife.

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