Sunday, June 23, 2024

LATYPOVA: [U.S. Military] crossed the proverbial Rubicon; that was the point of no return. You were not allowed to deploy US military onto Roman Republic. But they did. That's what they did in 2020. They deployed the military. There is no return from this. This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.

You were not allowed to deploy military onto the Roman Republic . . . just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil.  But they did.  That's what they did in 2020.  They deployed the military.  There is no return from this.  This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.  So they made damn sure that they're not going to be prosecuted. --Sasha Latypova

I'm pretty certain that in 2020 while this creeping tyranny and control of the military was over decades, maybe starting in 2012 they started building up this capacity.  I think in 2020 what actually happened with this "COVID live exercises," Mike Pompeo [70th Secretary of State, 2018-2021] called it, they essentially crossed the proverbial Rubicon.  If you remember from Roman history when Julius Caesar with his troops crossed the Rubicon that was the point of no return.  You were not allowed to deploy military onto the Roman Republic . . . just as you're not allowed to deploy US military onto US soil.  But they did.  That's what they did in 2020.  They deployed the military.  There is no return from this.  This is treason punishable by death, and they know it.  So they made damn sure that they're not going to be prosecuted.  So this whole deployment of this fake pandemic fear and then injecting everybody with poison was pre-planned for years, and executed by the US Military.  I don't know if they work for themselves or they work for others or if it's a matter now of servant controlling the master, I don't know.  But this needs to be investigated.  But, in fact, what I have documentation on, evidence is that the US military deployed themselves on American soil and worldwide because they control all these bases, you know, they have a military presence all over the world.  They drove this fake pandemic, fake fear, and the purpose of this was to inject everyone with this mRNA poison and to poison, disable, and kill as many people as possible.  

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