Showing posts with label Carnivore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carnivore. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

CARNIVORE IMPROVES KIDNEY DISEASE: Patient goes from Stage 4 Kidney Disease to Stage 3B on Carnivore Diet

Note this comment by the American Kidney Fund

CKD [Chronic Kidney Disease] is broken into 5 stages or categories based on your eGFR value.  The 5 stages of CKD refer to how well your kidneys are working. Kidney disease can get worse in time. In the early stages (Stages 1–3), your kidneys are still able to filter waste out of your blood. In the later stages (Stages 4–5), your kidneys must work harder to filter your blood and may stop working altogether.

Did you read that sentence, "In the early stages (Stages 1–3), your kidneys are still able to filter waste out of your blood," as if they're on the precipice of failing; we all know what failing means, right?  Death awaits you.  But nowhere on their site do they mention the life-saving, life-enhancing value of diet, like a carnivore diet. 

The goal at each stage of CKD is to take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep your kidneys working as long as possible.

Again, the article refrains the gloom and doom.  

goal at each stage of CKD is to take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep your kidneys working as long as possible. 

"Slowdown the damage," as if we're all in a hand basket or on a bob sled to Hell.  This kind of fear porn is criminally indifferent at least.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

LINDA THE CARNITARIAN: You can do so well on grain-finished meat

Linda is Linda Salant, owner of the podcast, The Carnitarian.  The Carnitarian YouTube Channel.

She is a carnivore and fasting coach

Her Facebook page

The above excerpt comes from this interview on December 25, 2024. 

45:00.  I will not age into the person that has 6 medications in their medicine cabinet, and this is the path for so many people. When studies like this come out, it allows doctors to prescribe better nutrition for people rather than prescribing medications to people.  The polypharmacy that goes on because you start on one medication, which leads to side effects, which leads you to then have to take a second medication to take care of the original side effects, and on it goes, is so typical.  It's so typical in the US.  And it is really such a shame and I think it is contributing to a lot of the metabolic dysfunction that we see in people.  It's just the quantity of medications that they're on.  The side effects can be very drastic like they can have life-changing consequences and sometimes worse than the disease that you're trying to treat.  So I'm excited about it.  I think it's very important for the up and coming generation . . . like you mentioned IBD or IBS, but studies on fiber and the relative unimportance of fiber and the benefit to reducing or eliminating fiber, I think would be fantastic to see.  Because so many people out there are harming themselves with adding in so much fiber and the sicker they get the more fiber they need the worse off they are I think that's a really important one because when you try to increase fiber you are then increasing plant toxins, oxalates, phytates, lectins, all the . . .  everything that comes with plant food because you're trying to increase fiber so much.  And we've gotten in this generation and I seen it in my daughter's friends with all these teenage girls with IBS, that there's even a slogan, "Hot girls have IBS" is the slogan and it's just crazy to me that this entire generation of teenage girls think that it's normal to have IBS and then they just keep shoveling in more plant Foods it's not normal to have IBS so I think it's very important I'm excited for it.

47:23.  I was on Ben Greenfield's podcast yesterday and doing a debate with a guy named Joel green who wrote nice guy he agrees with me but he thanks long term problems if you don't introduce things like fiber.  That's not been my experience and obviously it's not your experience but have you noticed that you had to change much over the years like once you started with is the same thing that you've been doing for the whole 10 years or have you mix it up?

47:55.  I've been very distant in terms of the amount of plant foods I eat it's like next to nothing so I include spices as I always have so I haven't changed that the only thing that I've changed has been the fat percentage of my Foods because I find that I can maintain leanness I was able to switch from a higher fat carnivore approach to a lower fat approach and I saw more muscle gain better body composition percentage wise less fat and more muscle more bone density by switching to a higher protein approach but no I'm not had to add back in any but no I've not had to add back in any fiber

48:44. What I have added in is hormone replacement therapy because of my age that's something that you just can't get around hormonal decline happens as you age carnivore diet is not going to change that so for me adding back in some hormone replacement has been fantastic so I did change that other than that no I'm I'm staying the course with a very standard what you would call a zero carb carnivore diet what they talked about in zeroing in on health where the focus is not on the micronutrients it's not on the organ Meats it's just on eating meat and if you spice it cool if you don't cool if you like salt fine if you don't fine so it's not that out of focus on getting all of my new show that people get wrapped up in you just focus on hey everybody eat meat and be healthy and as you are on this carnivore Journey you can figure out what I did like what percentage is work better for you and there's tons of little tweaks that you can make like I said about Oxford some people find that if they add back a little blueberry they do better because it mitigates The Dumping symptoms some people find that they use an electrolyte pack everyday and that helps them feel better fine so little tweaks here and there but I haven't had to make any radical changes I'm not dipping into sweet potatoes avocados are not back on the table I haven't found that I need any additional fiber.

50:00.  I agree I think keeping it simple as soon as nutrition shouldn't be that hard I think we're the only species on the planet that labor our thoughts about this every other animals what they're supposed to eat obviously

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


The nutrients in the grass and plants that cows eat get transferred to you when you eat beef. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

NUTRITION W/ JUDY: Kids need meat, and lots of fatty meat. Both of my children are meat-based.

Judy Cho.   

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pentagon Adopts Carnivore Diet for Troops to Enhance Readiness and Reduce Healthcare Costs