Thursday, August 8, 2024

MICHAEL YON: Our government is predatory . . . including Trump. People are like, "Ah, he gave us Ivermectin," talking like slaves.

When [Trump is] pushing the jab, and they're like "Well, he didn't make it mandatory," I'm like guess what, if he sells the weapons or provides the weapons to your enemies who do make it mandatory, hello!  "I'm not going to make you take it, but I'm going to give it to him," and you'll lose your job if you don't take it.  Ah, but you got your HCQ!  But they take advantage of this, right?  --Michael Yon  

"Our government is predatory. They have pushed the jab hard, including Trump. And people [say] he gave us ivermectin...talking like slaves...If he provides the weapons [C19 jabs] to your enemies who...make it mandatory—hello!" Combat correspondent and author Michael Yon (@Michael_Yon) describes for Seth Holehouse (@ManInAmericaUS) how the U.S. government is "predatory," having pushed the deadly COVID bioweapon injections "hard" on Americans. Yon highlights among the jab pushers Donald Trump, who he says is "one of them." (Yon has previously said that Trump is clearly a globalist.) Partial transcription of clip: "And just like, you know, a lot of us that were in the military now realize that a lot of things that we did, we were just meat puppets. At this point, if you volunteer for the military to go fight Iran for Israel, you gotta be out of your mind. You know what I mean? Or to go Ukraine, you gotta be out of your mind. They're gonna use that to kill you all. Right? "There's no government watching your back. Our government is predatory. They have already pushed the jab hard, including Trump. And people are like, he gave us ivermectin, whatever. Talking like slaves. You know? I'm tired of hearing people go, 'He gave us ivermectin. He gave us HCQ.' I'm like, you're American. You're hurting my ears. You're talking like a slave. Right? When he's pushing the jab and they're like, 'Well, he didn't make it mandatory. I'm like, well, you know, guess what? If he sells the weapons or he provides the weapons to your enemies who do make it mandatory—hello! So you know what I mean? You know? I'm not gonna make you take it, but I'm gonna give it to him, you know, and you'll lose your job if you don't take it. but you got your HCQ. You got and then he's the biggest if he was a Nike shoe salesman, you'd have American you'd have millions more Americans wearing Nike. Instead, they took the jab. Right?  
"He's clearly predatory and one of them. Right? And but Americans and not just Americans, humans, we have a hard time detaching our fears and our emotions away from our analysis. And that's quite deadly, and they take advantage of this. Right? And then they'll say, who do you want Biden? Who do you want Kamala? Of course not. They're all the same thing. Right? But when you say this, people click off." 

Complete video:

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

UNUSUAL WHALES: Homelessness in the USA was the highest ever on record in 2023, per Heather Long of WaPo. In 2024, homeless shelters and services are seeing an uptick in people WITH JOBS who are living in cars

DR. KIMBERLY BISS: "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies.

There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. --Dr. Kimberly Biss

"The pseudouridine is...causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike a problem, and now we know there's DNA [present]. The immune system is being compromised...which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome...but also causes cancer." Dr. Kimberly Biss (@docbiss) describes during a recent VaxxCHOICE (@VaxxCHOICE) discussion the litany of—extremely serious—problems associated with the COVID-19 injections. Biss highlights the problematic use of pseudouridine and lipid nanoparticles, as well as the production of toxic spike proteins in the body. The OBGYN also notes that there is DNA adulteration in the injections and that the shots compromise the immune system, which, in turn, "induces an AIDS-like syndrome" and "causes cancer."

Furthermore, Biss highlights the problem with the injections suffering from a ribosomal frameshifting problem, which creates "Frankenstein proteins" in the body along with the already dangerous spike protein. Partial transcription of clip: "These are not vaccines. They do not confer immunity. They're genetic therapies. They're marketed as vaccines because nobody would have taken them [otherwise]. If you said, 'Hey, I got this new genetic therapy that the last 30 years we haven't been able to produce, and all the animals died in the trials, do you want it?' nobody would have taken it. They're RNA. They're injected. And, essentially, when I saw the first animated thing that they sent out to doctors on how this was going to work, I said, 'Well, that looks like an autoimmune reaction.' And what do we have now? All these women, primarily, men too, but with autoimmune reactions. "You know, antibodies are made to spike...and that's the toxin on the virus. I mean, coronaviruses have been around forever, but this was made and they added spike, and that's the toxin. There's frameshifting that occurs, which means we're making Frankenstein proteins, not just spike. There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. And it's probably getting reversely transcribed into our genome. And now they're finding that they're adulterated with DNA, which could be transcribed into our genome. And what does that mean as my profession for the gametes? "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies. Could possibly be getting into her, you know, cells that are destined to be eggs And then this is gonna be a multigenerational thing like DES [presumably Biss is referencing diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic form of estrogen]. We're not gonna know for many, many years to come. All the components are causing problems. The pseudouridine is what was used to modify the RNA, and that's causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike protein obviously is a problem and now we know there's DNA there. The immune system is being compromised because of the IgG 4 overproduction, which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome without HIV but also causes cancer. So we were flying in the plane as we were building it [and] the wings and doors were falling off."

Full video:

Tom's remarks about Mark Walz, Kamala Harris' new VP pick, were extremely interesting. 

33:36. And as Alexander Mercouris pointed out ages ago, he said "But then that effect of this has been to hold everything in this band and hold everything and Innovation behind the curve technology then the lack of competitive then the lack of competitiveness of German industry is exposed badly, especially with the rise of China.  So now Germany is ultimately the target.  Now you can kill the ECB, and you can kill the EU.  If you were a bunch of predatory Fed and New York and Tokyo bankers and you like more open Capital markets than the Europeans do, well then you're going to not argue; you're not going to be down there.  That's why they hate Trump who put Powell in place and they replaced Libor with Sofr.  This is the story I've been telling for 3 years.

from Luongo's Gold, Goats, and Guns:

What is SOFR? The Secured Overnight Funding Rate. It is the U.S. domestic replacement for LIBOR. SOFR is market-driven and arrived at through actual transactions in the U.S. money markets with the daily quote arrived at by real data from real US banks.

LIBOR, on the other hand, is a rate set by 17 foreign banks and 1 U.S. bank (JP Morgan Chase’s London Division). It’s still not market-driven but arrived at by consensus. Regardless of that, it represents the activity within London’s and Europe’s banking system, not the U.S.’s.

Ad therein lies the rub.

For all intents and purposes for decades, LIBOR was the mechanism by which the City of London and Europe controlled the flow of dollars into and out of their banking system. No wonder the Fed had no real control.

Broadly speaking, when the Fed raises rates and it causes a drain on the eurodollar system, it puts upward pressure on LIBOR. If Europe’s banks are more exposed to a rise in the cost of dollars then LIBOR should blow out faster than the Fed raises rates.

In past cycles, before SOFR, all US debt was indexed to LIBOR. So, it didn’t matter if the Fed raised rates domestically, our mortgages, lease rates, and credit lines blew out with LIBOR even if there was no underlying stress in these domestic markets.

BOB SULLIVAN: Business shuts down if trust disappears, and that's why these scams are a bigger deal than just someone losing money or having money stolen from them.

Check out Bob Sullivan's podcasts.  He's also on Substack.

"All the news while they're still time to do something about it."  And that's how I think of you, that you give the people the news they need to know while they can still use that knowledge to really protect them and I think you've done an incredible job in helping consumers navigate which is a really high friction environment so thank you.

00:56. I'm not so sure there's anything you can do about it cuz I've come to the realization over the last 5 or 10 years that while consumer education is great I think it's important to arm yourself with all the tools that you can get but at the same time some of these crimes are so sophisticated and some of the systems are so built against you that in truth consumer education is not going to solve the problem the problem has to be solved at a much higher level.  Cybercrime scams are no longer the orbit of small operations where there are a couple of people in a dark room trying to steal $500 at a time this is all big business now billion-dollar businesses that use customer relationships management software they're organized, they have dozens of employees.

01:37. One thing I don't think we talked about nearly enough is that there are all these things that we can put in place to protect people in commercial situations but in the end there's always a moment of trust that is required in any transaction not to oversimplify it when you're buying something there's a moment where one person has both the money and the thing.  Business shuts down if trust disappears, and that's why these scams are a bigger deal than just someone losing money or having money stolen from them.  We risk our entire way of life.  If we continue to let these scams proliferate, trust just disappears.

02:20. Excellent point I hadn't thought of that what do you tell people what can they do to protect themselves?

02:30. There are a couple of really straightforward things that work well and are hard to do on a human level. Silence is the biggest weapon that all of these criminals have whatever the cover story is there all cover story the first instructions don't tell anyone and there's some really interesting research about how these crimes work or don't work that even a telling of the story to one other person whether it's law enforcement or a friend or someone like your face like yourself someone at a financial institution so I got this call and they said that there was this warrant out for my arrest, so I'm going to go to this Bitcoin machine the person reacts, "that doesn't sound right," just the words coming out of your mouth often are enough to give you pause.

03:30. They break the trance.  

03:35. So talking really is an effective way of stopping all these things, but that means you have to trust. So if you are the son of an older person or again it's going to happen to anybody, at family parties, bring up my podcast, bring up your report.  A big reason that we do the podcast is that I want to be my story true play wants to be like a Netflix series that you can just talk about to raise a subject in a non-threatening way.  My podcasts are true crime narratives. 

Find Bob Sullivan's podcasts here

Stop Getting Ripped Off!  Why Consumers Get Screwed and How You Can Always Get a Fair Deal, Bob Sullivan, 2009.

The Plateau Effect: Getting from Stuck to Success, Bob Sullivan, 2013, 9-hour audiobook.  

Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day and What You Can Do About It, Bob Sullivan, 2007. 

Your Evil Twin: Behind the Identity Theft Epidemic, Bob Sullivan, 2004.