Tuesday, January 7, 2025

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES on POLIO: So why were these legs paralyzed? . . . they were paralyzed because doctors decided to start cutting tendons on spasm[ed] muscles and putting children in casts for 2 years


There were trials done on the polio vaccine, and I think one of the biggest, interesting things is that they didn't release the data on that horribly fraudulent, very poorly designed trial with very bad interpretations of the statistics.  They didn't even give doctors at the time the data until 2 years later.  So doctors were pretty much rounded up and said here's the vaccine that we've all been waiting for.  Give it.  They weren't given information.  Even the doctors were told to give it and it was licensed in a matter of 8 hours.  That's pretty much a record for them in 8 hours.  They pressured the committee to license the vaccine the day that the Francis trial data was supposedly finished.  So I just say look, you have to look at the history of what happened around here.  That's what Dissolving Illusions is all about.  Why would this have been going on like this? What was making people die?  What was making people crippled?  Let's look at the history of how people were living, what were they bathing in and marinating in in society?  What are the drugs that people were using to treat?  I mean every disease that has the vaccine in history, the doctors were doing the most insane things to treat the disease.  So why were these legs paralyzed?  Good question.  I had to ask that.  I had to research that.  Well, they were paralyzed because doctors decided to start cutting tendons on spasm[ed] muscles and putting children in casts for 2 years.  So we have to look at the treatment of . . . it's same with COVID.  How are people being treated?  Completely poisoning them.  Wrong treatments.  Not allowing the right treatments to be given.  I mean it's, it's just there's so many amazingly easy arguments to kill this polio idea.  It's not even funny.  So it's an easy one.  Trap me in an elevator any day, polio is the one I can just nail in 5 minutes probably. 

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