Wednesday, August 7, 2024

DR. KIMBERLY BISS: "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies.

There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. --Dr. Kimberly Biss

"The pseudouridine is...causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike a problem, and now we know there's DNA [present]. The immune system is being compromised...which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome...but also causes cancer." Dr. Kimberly Biss (@docbiss) describes during a recent VaxxCHOICE (@VaxxCHOICE) discussion the litany of—extremely serious—problems associated with the COVID-19 injections. Biss highlights the problematic use of pseudouridine and lipid nanoparticles, as well as the production of toxic spike proteins in the body. The OBGYN also notes that there is DNA adulteration in the injections and that the shots compromise the immune system, which, in turn, "induces an AIDS-like syndrome" and "causes cancer."

Furthermore, Biss highlights the problem with the injections suffering from a ribosomal frameshifting problem, which creates "Frankenstein proteins" in the body along with the already dangerous spike protein. Partial transcription of clip: "These are not vaccines. They do not confer immunity. They're genetic therapies. They're marketed as vaccines because nobody would have taken them [otherwise]. If you said, 'Hey, I got this new genetic therapy that the last 30 years we haven't been able to produce, and all the animals died in the trials, do you want it?' nobody would have taken it. They're RNA. They're injected. And, essentially, when I saw the first animated thing that they sent out to doctors on how this was going to work, I said, 'Well, that looks like an autoimmune reaction.' And what do we have now? All these women, primarily, men too, but with autoimmune reactions. "You know, antibodies are made to spike...and that's the toxin on the virus. I mean, coronaviruses have been around forever, but this was made and they added spike, and that's the toxin. There's frameshifting that occurs, which means we're making Frankenstein proteins, not just spike. There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. And it's probably getting reversely transcribed into our genome. And now they're finding that they're adulterated with DNA, which could be transcribed into our genome. And what does that mean as my profession for the gametes? "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies. Could possibly be getting into her, you know, cells that are destined to be eggs And then this is gonna be a multigenerational thing like DES [presumably Biss is referencing diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic form of estrogen]. We're not gonna know for many, many years to come. All the components are causing problems. The pseudouridine is what was used to modify the RNA, and that's causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike protein obviously is a problem and now we know there's DNA there. The immune system is being compromised because of the IgG 4 overproduction, which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome without HIV but also causes cancer. So we were flying in the plane as we were building it [and] the wings and doors were falling off."

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