Tuesday, January 7, 2025

MICHAEL BARDEN: Who were the communist East German Stasi police, and why does that matter to you in the United States?

Who were the communist East German Stasi police, and why does that matter to you in the United States?  The Stasi was a large organization that covertly and overtly attacked citizens in East Germany who did not want to comply with the Communist dictatorship.  These attacks are called is there Zersetzung, which means decomposition.  The reason they called it this is because every aspect of one of their target's lives was destroyed.  They kept large files or dossiers with every detail [on] one of their targets' lives.  They blacklisted the target from getting work they used slander campaigns to destroy their targets' credibility.  They destroyed their finances and even their relationships their targets were surveilled 24 hours a day 7 days a week home break-ins or destruction of personal property was very common this is Marcus Wolff who was the number two director of the Stasi police.  Why is that important to you as a US citizen?  Here is why . . .  because Marcus Wolff was consulted when our very own Department of Homeland Security was created . . . in 2002.  

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