Wednesday, April 3, 2024

What have feminists wrought in men?

When black is white. And death is life. Murdering babies is the ultimate form of societal degeneracy

KATHY MCGRADE: The Symmetry is the smoking gun

01:43  It can take 4 years for the amount of polyunsaturated fat that's stored in your body to fully accumulate when you're eating a diet rich in vegetable oils.  And when you switch from something like soybean oils to coconut oil, that polyunsaturated fat takes about 4 years to go back down to low levels.  And what that means is that if you've been eating polyunsaturated fat for one to two to three or four years, your need for vitamin E could stay elevated for the next 4 years AFTER you quit.  And so you may get a lot of benefits in the long term and maybe you'll even get some benefits in the short term, it's still possible that linger in the background there's this potential harm of the transition.  So what do we do about that?  

Well, let's say for simplicity that over the past 4 years you've consumed a diet that's 30% fat deriving all of the fat from soybean oil who knows maybe you concern consumed 40%, and it was a mix of different oils but for a simple calculation if that's the case your vitamin E requirement could could stay at about 20 I use per day for the next 4 years let's say you switch to coconut oil and butter you're getting some vitamin from butter but only enough to protect the polyunsaturated fats in the butter which isn't very much coconut oil has practically no vitamin E at all so in that case the easiest way to get 20 IU of vitamin E from food would be to consume four tablespoons of palm oil per day now that can be great if you like palm oil and if you're willing to eat that much added fat but you may have goals that require you to eat less added fat or you may want some diversity in the taste of your food because palm oil has its own taste.

04:00  So is there a more convenient way to hack around this?  They're absolutely is what I would do is simply as an insurance policy take a low dose vitamin E supplement for the next couple of years the problem is almost all the vitamin E supplements on the market have enormous quantities of vitamin e in them that could you know although the science isn't isn't totally clear on it it could increase your needs for other fat soluble vitamins and you don't really want to mess with that balance the vitamin E supplement that I would recommend for this purpose is Jarrow Formulas Toco-Sorb now the thing that I like about this vitamin E supplement is that it's amount of alpha tocopherol is 19 IU and Alpha tocopherol is the most important form of vitamin E and it's the most powerful antioxidant so you want to meet your basic needs for vitamin E largely as alpha-tocopherol and that's just about the perfect amount.  But it also has these other tocopherols and Toco trainol that reflects the natural blend of vitamin E forms found in palm oil so I think it's great that the blend you get is natural and yet you still know that you're getting about 20 IU of vitamin E as alpha-tocopherol now your vitamin E requirement isn't going to stay elevated forever and in fact even across the four years after you switch from a diet that's mostly vegetable oil to a diet of traditional fats it's only going to be elevated that much at first and it's going to slowly decline down to the level that's found in your diet over 4 years so you don't need to take the supplement forever. 

05:50. Your vitamin E requirements going to depend on a lot of things

CANADA'S ECONOMY: Houses cost San Francisco prices [while] jobs pay West Virginia wages, if you can find one

[Government workers in Canada] earn 30% more than the tax-paying suckers who foot the bill who by the way on average fork over [50%] of their salary.  --Peter St. Onge

If you happen to live in Canada and you haven't yet escaped, it's about to get a lot worse.  That's according to a newly secret leaked report by the RCMP,  Canada's equivalent of the FBI.  They warned that Canada's quality of life will deteriorate further in the next few years writing that the coming period of recession will accelerate the decline and living standards particularly for the young.  They even warn of "the end of abundance."  The RCMP goes on to warn this radical decline in living standards could lead to widespread dissolution with the government to which law enforcement needs to respond.  In other words, they're not just saying it's going to get bad, they're saying it could get so bad that once peaceful Canadians rise up en mass.  The report was obtained by activist professor, Matt Malone, of UBC who filed an "access of information request."  What they handed over was heavily redacted, meaning we can only imagine what other gems are in store for the long-suffering people of Canada.  We can also only imagine what countermeasures the RCMP is suggesting to law enforcement.  Given the redactions, perhaps they are actions or laws they imagine voters might not like.  The background here is that Canada has had a tough decade under their buffoon prime minister, Justin Trudeau.  I've mentioned in a previous video of what's happened in Canada's economy, and in short houses cost San Francisco prices but jobs pay West Virginia wages if you can find one.  According to the National Post, just 1 in 4 Canadian families can afford a house, while Canadian wages have been flat since 2016, that's 8 years.  The average Canadian earns almost $18,000 less than an American, hence, West Virginia.  Why?  Simple.  Under Trudeau the Canadian government has taken over the economy.  Business investment in Canada has plunged by a third while government workers are growing almost 4x faster than the private sector.  One in five Canadians now work for the government, so they presumably vote to make it bigger, and they earn 30% more than the tax-paying suckers who foot the bill who by the way on average fork over [50%] of their salary.  In theory, the government of Canada would see this and respond with new policies.  In fact, they are: they're building out the police state.  From the authoritarian crackdown on the truckers back in 2022 to a new so-called online hate bill that would throw you in jail potentially for life if they judge thinks you said something racist or transphobic on Facebook.  Now that might give it a hint as to what's in all those redacted pages about how law enforcement might address the "end of abundance."  

Canada's next election might not be for another year and a half.  In Canada's system, the date is at Justin Trudeau's pleasure.  Conservative apple muncher, Pierre Poilievre is ahead in the polls, one reason Trudeau might want to wait.  And Pierre is bass enough to at least stop things getting worse.  But, of course, Canada state-run media from the CBC on down are working Pierre the way our own loyal State media worked Trump.  Either way, a year and a half is a long time for things to get worse a long time for a Baby Doc Trudeau to impose whatever creative solutions the RCMP is hiding from voters.