Showing posts sorted by date for query Graphene oxide. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Graphene oxide. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

"The pathogens already exist inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel,...that have not opened yet."

Jason Shurka claimed that on October 4, 2023, FEMA would be using 5G frequencies to activate nano pathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.  That turned out to be a nothing burger, thank God, except for the personal self-aggrandizement that it blessed Shurka with.  My question is who in the medical freedom movement simply boosted this guy to some credible source for mass craziness?  Who endorsed him?  Who found him credible?  Greg Reese claims at the end of the video that he doesn't know who the guy is.  Okay, then why would you promote him?  If the medical freedom movement so addicted to clickbait that they'll promote anyone, anything?  What, can't find enough material to review?  I mean the 5G is probably a concern, so work on that; work on that first. 

On October 4, 2:22pm Eastern time, the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated across the entire United States under the leadership of FEMA disguised as a test.  However, this test will be used to send a high-frequency signal through devices like SMART phones, radios, and TVs with the intention of activating graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted into billions of human beings around the world through the obvious mediums.  If the October 4th date does not occur for any reason, the backup plan will be to do it on October 11th at the same time.  In the case that this is not able to be stopped, I ask you to shut off your phones and all other relevant devices at 2pm eastern time for a period of 2 hours to be safe.  --Jason Shurka 

FYI, this guy's prophecy was from last year, 2023.  I don't know why Greg Reese is showing him this year, a full 6 months post the deadline, which kind of came and went without a whimper, thank God.  

Greg Reese says that he doesn't "know who this guy is."  Well, . . . 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


So let's assess the damage.

LNPs.  There are the lipid nanoparticles, the LNPs, the fatty capsule in which the virus is transported throughout the body and that, in women at least, accumulate in the ovaries, causing horrible disruptions to women's menstruation, even to post-menopausal women. 

Dr. Elizabeth Eads says that

27:17  No.  Actually, the nanoparticles can be shed during transmission as well and they can jump from person to person.  And that's been seen in the DoD literature and supported by James Giordano, who is Advisor to U.S. Military Intelligence community.  In fact, he wrote that "neurotism technologies and neurotechnology nanoparticles, such as NeuroLink, Neurolace should not be considered for their mass destruction effects."


CLOTTING.  Clotting creates a hypoxic environment.  So if you fear that your body is clotting, one way to redress hypoxia is vitamin B1, but use the fat-soluble B1, Allithiamine.




MYOCARDITIS.  What is causing it?

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Synthetic biology in unvaccinated individuals. 
First, your overview was really important because part of her work was to study what is happening with the C19 vials and geoengineering, but the technology is the same

There have been more than 26 teams worldwide who evaluated the shots.  They were called mRNA shots, but many did not find any mRNA.  What they found are metals, undisclosed metals like gadolinium, aluminum, cesium, cerium, and tungsten.  Danie Nagase's researcher who performed an electron mass-spectroscopy who found no elements of life--no nitrogen, no phosphorous, meaning that there was nothing biological in the vials.  Okay.

Shimon Janovitz from Israel had incubated the vials and showed that out of the lipid particles nanotechnology was growing.  Okay, what does that mean?  

Then I started working with Dr. David Nixon, and he put the contents of the vials under the microscope, dark field microscopy, and did time-lapse videos, and he showed that microchips and nanorobotics were assembling this technology that has also been associated around the world with a MAC address.  [now that sounds like they're really converting people into robots.  Now, we're all remote-controlled.] So the injected are emitting a Mac address.  [that sounds like a patent.]  So I started working with David Nixon, and it is illegal in the United States and around the world to look at the contents of the vials because it's military property and is classified as a weapon.  Yeah, a bioweapon.  So this is why it was so dangerous for any of us who were just trying to save humanity.  I also got a very good dark field microscopy and worked with Dr. David Nixon who first found these fibers, which Philippe van Welbergen from England had described as graphene oxide in the body of the vaccinated.  

Just something that a lot of people don't know about so Clifford chronic him has some 30 years of research into what he called cross domain bacteria why did he rename more gallons to this because he found that this is a synthetic biology organisms belong to one category of life not all three categories of life but then also he did chemical analysis and found that there were polymer Plastics part of this which is this hydrogel which were describing so I started working together because he said hey I've been seeing this for 30 years everyone nitrogel signature chemical signatures polyamides polyamillo alcohol so this is plastic basically you know so then I also found for example chemical analysis of these environmental filaments from 2012 I look at the big picture Okay somebody can say look you're a science doesn't match up to MIT or what not but it's like I'm a doctor who is no funding is endeavoring to answer these questions that are affecting humanity and we are up against a trillion dollar project like butan ol a request for Australian Pfizer it was found that Boot Town that was in there so these are derivative of butyric acid that a part of the banana particles and there were Manchester Connecticut so this is where this this connection comes from then just to let you know I I started I connected with many people in the engineering field like for example a lot of Freeland who is author who wrote transmission 25 no natural humans would be alive so this is a very broad overview but I wanted to just draw some of these connections thank you and just to add to your point in a modern science and technology have become here form could be through vaccine and Technology many patents and studies show how nanoparticles such as lipid or polymer or even graphene are used as the vaccine system and in addition breathing the the stuff the technology I think it already had Georgetown University Academy recruits that you can take Nano size materials like to be mechanism that would give you an antibody response within the body as if it was the coronavirus so they used Quantum that you know Nano Crystal technology to mimic coronavirus Well turns out nobody around the world has quieter isolated coronavirus frequency pathogenic jeans and coronavirus and make it more virulent at the same time there was a paper retracted that showed that in skin cells you can induce coronavirus and skin cells via 5G radiation so there was a connection there and again the world and basically you know by by being able to do this and the the mechanism of these Metals by the way so aluminum all of the things that are being sprayed upon us I'm a certificate undisclosed nanoparticles metal contamination and this is used for facial reconnaissance for surveillance purposes they can Target you from via satellite from space just based on the metals that you have in your body aspect of Domino's it's not only chemical biological but also the the effects of electromagnetic fields and yes I I definitely see it in the weather modification geoengineering efforts where we have the to to affect the weather and and also use for military communication and another purpose is that that is just really you know it's like sci-fi the possibility of spreading vaccines through body contact which is called vaccine shedding right or by using different insects right now so first of all these wording to the father documents so this is not science fiction because it is in their own document so flies are had in their documents that if a man gets in contact with a vaccination woman and over a year ago I witnessed in my office and increase of G Diamond Mercy I started checking it because there's a Charles Hall from Canada publicize that 60% of his vaccinated patients had abnormal blood clotting markers and this was my initial documentation understood the mechanism but I see people whose spouse was vaccinated and they come to me because they're unrected and I would call myself a specialist in long covid and vaccine shedding and reverse thing that and it turns out there neurological problems seizure like activities you know even I mean paralysis like symptoms heart attacks blood clots I mean the list just goes on and what I want to mention here and in regards to this hydrogel is so what do we found with you recognizably transformed into a mesh of polymer filament okay there was no blood visible anymore and so then we also did other work in which we cultured on vacation the recent data that that clearly graphing oxide and gold nanoparticles are used to create that spy protein hydrael so

Saturday, June 3, 2023

"metal detox abilities of EDTA and the effects against Hydrogel, this should be considered as a treatment option"

To start, you're going to have to find some way of managing and overriding the dread and constant setbacks.  Initially, these self-assembling nanotechnologies seemed so odd and conspiratorial and reviewed with amazement and fear shrouded in conspiracy language, that I all but ignored it until it were confirmed else.  And I am talking about Dr. Carrie Madej.  She was the first one from whom I'd heard about these self-assembling particles.  But be of strong heart, for there are positive remedies.  Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has been able to separate the hydrogel from the blood using EDTA.  
To get the EDTA via IV, see here.  If the location is not feasible for you, still call them and ask if they can recommend someone who does EDTA chelation therapy in your area.  Find more here.  Please.

So contamination with microscopic fibers and these fibers seem to be everywhere in the environment.  Not good.  

Dr. Ana Maria Michacea has used EDTA in her practice with impressive results.  

Here is the Link for our Interview:  EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene, and Hydrogel

In this interview, we discuss EDTA studies, excellent safety profile, and questions regarding renal dosing. We review the literature on benefits. EDTA for detoxification of metals, Graphene, and Hydrogel is discussed. I show before and after live blood images that document the clearance of the blood from the ribbon structures with EDTA IV Chelation. 

This impressed me.  I'd read Dr. Mihalcea's review of EDTA last year, but what any of us need to make a decision on a product is corroboration from someone else who is watching.  For me, it was Sasha Latypova. 

While certainly more studies are required, given the metal detox abilities of EDTA and the effects against Hydrogel, this should be considered as a treatment option. I use IV EDTA Chelation now to clear the blood and for periodic maintenance due to the assault on human health. I recommend the cream as a daily prevention detox modality in addition to nutritional optimization, and other supplements I have written about, like Humic and Fulvic Acid, Nitric Oxide supplementation with Neo 40, DMG, NAC and others.

Please see for yourself our review of this important molecule for detoxification purposes.

Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to providing for and educating the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle, and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN, and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website:  or email:

To find the EDTA Detox Cream:

Soma Health

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

DR. RYAN COLE: [vaccines] do not contain graphene oxide.

Monday, March 13, 2023

So what?

Sometimes I just want to cry, not at the news but at the reporting of it.  Erin Elizabeth posted a report on the contents in the vaccines found by a Pfizer whistleblower.  They're coming out of the woodwork.  Fine.  I mean good.  But who cares?  What is the significance of the information that we haven't known about, say, for 24 months already?  To be fair, I don't expect anyone to be a full-time reporter with sources.  People have their livelihoods, their jobs, family, and daily production schedule.  

So her opening paragraph reads like this,

BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Covid Vaccine vial contents exposed by WHO whistleblower. It contains graphene oxide, parasites, RFID, metals, and nanocircuitry. DARPA and Bill Gates developed these nonbiological synthetic injections to control the minds and bodies of the population.

The only new ingredient that I learned about here is RFID. But what is the importance of this RFID in the vaccines? What does it track, and how does it do it? You see? These are the questions that would make this discovery or whistleblowing compelling.

The second paragraph reads,

Professor states in front of lawyers anyone who administers these Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccines is committing crimes against humanity and is a criminal.

My response is so what? No, really, who cares at this time and date, a full two, maybe two-and-a-half years since we've all just watched the dead dying and dropping dead. So why care about this now? Since 2021, Dr. Reimer Fullmich has been interviewing guests and getting their assessment of the criminality of the vaccine rollout. Yet, no court hearings. No prosecutions. No assassination attempts.

The third paragraph gets more interesting, where she introduces Dr. Charles Morgan.

Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting talking to the U.S. Military about mRNA CRISPR gene editing technology says they can engineer a "unique thing" to kill only one person in the world. In this case they used this mRNA technology to kill millions of innocent people in the world.

Again, it's interesting, but so what? How does this information compare to what we've been hearing ad nauseum? Seriously.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Thank you to Jennifer Depew.

Concerns with EDTA.  

PubMed 13 patients were treated with EDTA.  Creatine clearance significantly improved.  Safe and therapeutic.  For renal function, EDTA is extremely safe.  The cream even more so, because it enters the bloodstream so slowly.  EDTA breaks up kidney stones quite well, broken up and excreted out of the body. 

EDTA a Carcinogen?  Just the opposite is true. 

Not just chemtrails, but lead from auto exhaust, cadmium, petrochemicals, tires, and EDTA has proven to remove these toxins and heavy metals.  Just as vitamins act synergistically, so do these toxic metals. 

The spike proteins from the mRNA form the spike proteins in the muscles.  The neutrofils break down the spike proteins.  That's good news.

From the show notes:
Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle, and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN, and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website: or email:

To order EDTA Detox Cream go to Use Coupon Code Dr. Ana for 10% discount.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and President of AM Medical LLC, an integrative health clinic with a focus on anti-aging and reversal of all diseases. Dr. Ana is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”.
For more information on
Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
Dr. Ana’s Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, and more.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Mustard Kills Up to 80% of Bladder Cancer Cells

Not just mustard but other spicy foods are quite healing.  Horseradish dissolves any graphene oxide from the body that cane through in the injection. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Dr. Pavlevsky on What's in the Vaccines


 So because these injections are experimental and are only being used under the EUA, we do not know the full list of ingredients that's in them.  No one knows.  We do know that there's supposed to be mRNA to manufacture spike proteins.  We found out that there's mRNA in there to stop the body from stopping the body to remove the mRNA. We do know that there's nanoparticles in there.  We know that there's  Polyethelene Glycol in there.  What else is in there?  We don't know, and no one is holding them responsible for letting us know what is in the shots.  The German doctor that you mentioned, Andreas Noack,  found that it wasn't graphene oxide that was in it; it was graphene hydroxide.  And the potential for graphene hydroxide, based in his scientific understanding was that it breaks apart in the bloodstream and causes razor blade cuts into the endothelial lining of the blood vessels.  Now, we're seeing people with increased clotting in their blood, strokes.  We're seeing over a hundred soccer players internationally who've already collapsed and died onto the field.  And he raised the suggestion that the action of the graphene hydroxide is what's causing these blood clots, heart attacks, and these strokes. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The problem with these claims in general and with this claim in particular is that he's lacking documentation, studies that prove his claims.  Without it, all he is doing is trading on his reputation.  And though he may in fact have an excellent reputation, when it comes to information about anything, it's fine to trust, but please, please verify the information.  Otherwise, you'll just end up as one of these social justice warriors who love to tag anyone they don't agree with or like with a horrible moniker, like "Nazi" or "fascist" or "racist."  I am sure I am missing a solid half dozen lefty tags.  So it would have been nice to have documents supporting his claim.  

And then his statement that the symptoms of graphene oxide are similar to COVID, well, that's not convincing,  You have a hundred other conditions whose symptoms match COVID, so that's not helpful.  Be specific with the symptoms of both COVID and graphene oxide.  And I am surprised that he failed to offer a single remedy that might even relieve the symptoms or the presence of graphene oxide in the tissue.  I have before.  Things like horseradish can dissolve the graphene oxide.  

Thursday, March 31, 2022


Due to my limited knowledge and limited experience looking ar cells through a microscope, these videos can be a challenge. Differentiating cells from my Android screen is not much help. Without navigable clues, it's a challenge to understand what's going on.  

Video #1 is video of blood cells from someone with "Long COVID" or "post-COVID." 

The poster states that "the more damaged cells that appear on the slide, the sicker you probably feel." 

To my amazement, she includes a picture of "a pocket of . . . cells and can watch them vibrate."  What's causing them to vibrate?  She doesn't say.  The spike proteins?  The graphene oxide?  Something else?

Next, she offers how to resolve the vibration and the clumping of cells.  Is the clumping a prequel to clotting?  Could be.

The solution?  6 sessions of MRT, or Magnetic Resonance Therapy and two lifestyle changes--drink more water and take a good multi-vitamin.  This one has come highly recommended.  It's cheaper if you buy in bulk.  I'm beginning to like her work.

In this next image, she has marked the WBCs, or the white blood cells, pointing out how few of them there are.  I wonder if there isn't a vitamin or mineral that can increase the number of WBCs?

Next, she does us all a solid by showing what healthy cells look like after 6 sessions of MRT.  It's nice to see results so that we can build appropriate expectations.  

Check this out.  She adds sound.  We can almost hear the cells talking to each other. I love it.

This may be the best before and after lesson you could ever expect in a biology class.  But Ms Anastasia goes beyond that.  She points you to what MRT is and where to go to find a practitioner in your area.  I wonder how often one could do this.  And I wonder what the cost is.  No worries.  She's provided us with the necessary resources.  Do you know how rare this is when someone furnishes her audience with these resources where you can go from knowing nothing about a concept to having all the resources to improving your health literally at your fingertips? 

Magneceutical.  Check it out.   


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Stephane Bancel, Moderna's CEO, fails to dispute the claim that a 19 nucleotide strand found in SARS-CoV-2 was patented by his company years before COVID

I sure hope these mass murdering, criminal CEOs get sued into extinction or live the rest if their lives in a jail cell.  Short of that means the justice system is bought, paid-for, and owned by some extrajudicial cabal.  Remember what is known so far.  It's not just the jabbed who are living through the hell if gene therapy but plenty of close friends and family who been passively vaccinated due to shedding.  The graphene oxide inside the vaccine is wreaking havoc on blood and circulation and cancers.   

Thursday, February 17, 2022

our body can naturally eliminate this nanomaterial within 6 months to a year thanks to the enzyme myeloperoxidase

Myeloperoxidase helps to detox. 

As already known, our body can naturally eliminate this nanomaterial within 6 months to a year thanks to the enzyme myeloperoxidase. However, it's necessary to help the body through detoxification protocols, such as AI, which Dr. Andreas Kalcker recently talked about.  

In addition, it's important to protect oneself from electromagnetic radiation, since graphene oxide amplifies it and makes patients sick.

 Wow.  This headline was promising, "A New Player in Autoimmunity."  

Friday, January 14, 2022

FULVIC ACID: Dissolves graphene hydroxide and graphene oxide chelating and removing it from the body.

This is the latest in a series of recommendations that I've read that will degrade the graphene oxide that was injected into too many people's bodies.  The other compounds that I've heard degrade graphene oxide is horseradish.  Yeah, and I don't think that you actually need exclusively the plant itself.  You can pick up a horseradish spread in the delicatessen part of your grocery store.  And just as horseradish is spicey, I am guessing that other equally spicey foods should degrade graphene oxide, foods like wasabi that you eat with sushi.   

Here are some articles on Fulvic Acid.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

HORSERADISH: An enzyme found in horseradish called horseradish peroxidase successfully degrades Graphene oxide.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

INTERESTING: A team from the UK has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on behalf of the people

A team from the UK has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on behalf of the people. The report alleges that government officials, pharmaceutical executives, and others profiting from the pandemic have violated the Nuremberg Code, committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as aggression against civilians. The 44-page complaint extensively lists the crimes committed by the following individuals:

The complaint states that the aforementioned individuals have committed the following crimes:

Violations of the Nuremberg Code

Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute, Genocide

Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute, Crimes Against Humanity

Violation of Article 8 of the Rome, War Crimes

Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute, Crimes of Aggression

The document contains a lot of detailed information that I will summarize:

COVID Is a Biological Weapon – Gain of Function Research

COVID was created in a laboratory. Leo Poon. Dr. Li-Meng Yan and her team published a report (Appendix 4) claiming that the novel coronavirus was developed “as a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone.” ZC45 and ZXC21 were discovered between July 2015 and February 2017 in military research laboratories. Once the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre, a non-military laboratory, published a conflicting report and was quickly forced by the government to retract its statement. “The existing scientific publications supporting a natural origin theory rely heavily on a single piece of evidence – a previously discovered bat coronavirus named RaTG13, which shares a 96% nucleotide sequence identity with SARS-CoV-2.”

Again, all evidence discredits the notion that the COVID-19 virus developed naturally. “The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA has admitted to funding gain of function research on bat coronaviruses at China’s Wuhan lab – despite Dr Anthony Fauci repeatedly denying this.” There is clear evidence that the NIH funded gain of function research between 2014 and 2019. A $3.1 million grant was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance for coronavirus studies on bats. Another grant of $599,000 was provided to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to also study COVID in bats.

Conclusion: The coronavirus did not develop naturally. Rather, the virus was deliberately created in a laboratory after years of government-funded research.

Experimental Vaccines

The vaccine received temporary authorization under Regulation 174 of the Human Medicine Regulations Act (2012). The report notes that mRNA vaccines have never been approved for human usage and the effects are completely unknown. “The long-term effects and safety of the treatment in recipients are unknown. It is important to note that the Corona Virus ‘vaccines’ are the world’s first introduction to the synthetic m-RNA technology and all previous immunisations [sic] worked in a totally different manner, by way of introducing a deactivated or weakened virus to the body to trigger a natural arousal of the immune system against it.”

The COVID vaccination should be categorized as a gene therapy as it does not meet the requirements for the term “vaccine.” In February 2021, Merriam-Webster changed the definition of “vaccine” to include the COVID-19 mRNA injection. Dr. Mike Yeadon stated in the report: “It’s not a vaccination. It’s not prohibiting infection. It’s not a prohibiting transmission device. It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with it, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.”

Conclusion: The COVID-19 injection is not a vaccine, but rather a mass experimental form of gene therapy with unknown consequences.

Presence of Graphene Hydroxide in Vaccines

German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack was one of the EU’s top graphene and carbon experts who formulated his doctoral thesis by converting graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide. Dr. Noack examined the vaccines along with other experts and found that the vaccines contain graphene hydroxide. “On November 23, 2021, Dr. Andreas Noack released a video explaining what graphene hydroxide is and how the nanostructures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins of ‘vaccine’ recipients. Dr. Andreas goes on to explain how due to the nanosize of the graphene oxide structures they would not show up in an autopsy as toxicologists can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels causing people to bleed to death on the inside so they would not be looking for them, given their atomic size.”

After speaking out about graphene hydroxide in vaccines on a live stream broadcast, Dr. Noack was arrested on film by German police. On November 26, 2021, Dr. Noack was attacked and murdered. His case remains unsolved.

Conclusion: There is graphene hydroxide in the vaccine, and Dr. Noack was assassinated for speaking the truth.


Friday, November 5, 2021

TREATING SPIKE PROTEINS: Pine Needle Tea, Anise, & Black Seed Oil Helps with the Spike Proteins.

"You don't leave your wounded on the battlefield."

from Dr. Mercola @ Lew Rockwell

Kyle Warner is 29 years old and was at the peak of his career as a professional mountain bike racer when, in June 2021, he got his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot. He suffered a reaction so severe that, as of October, he was still spending days in bed, easily overwhelmed by too much mental or physical exertion.

Warner shared his detailed experience with John Campbell, a retired nurse, and teacher based in England, and headed to Washington, D.C., in early November 2021 to get the word out that COVID-19 shots aren’t always as safe as you have been led to believe. Even someone in their 20s, in peak physical form, can be severely harmed, which is why Warner is also speaking out against vaccine mandates.

He developed POTS, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

Things that Kyle has tried to help with the spike proteins from the Pfizer jab.  He said that the Ivermectin helps your body keep the spike proteins at bay but that Ivermectin does not eliminate the spike proteins.  Doesn't sound like the Ivermectin turns off the switch on the spike proteins either. 

Many of the items that he lists corroborate what David Avocado Wolf has recommended.  He does say that pine needle tea, anise, and black seed oil helps with the spike proteins.  So that is good to know.  

At the 18:15 mark, Dr. Campbell asks Kyle about his arthritis, and Kyle cites his vertebrae and SI joint, or Sacroiliac Joint.  Some people I've talked to have had arthritis at the hip joint--where your femur meets the pelvis--a bone made up of 3 bones: the ilium, ischium, and pubis.


Pine Needle Tea for Shikimic Acid or Shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too!


Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea from a pine tree

Spike Protein: Shikimate neutralizes the Spike Protein

This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding (transmission):

Shikimate is the main source that detoxes spike proteins.

Black Seed Oil.  

They talk about support groups. is working with the FDA & NIH, acknowledges that the vaccine symptoms have been known since December 2020.  In Singapore, there's a website that you can enter your adverse effect from the vaccines and they'll help you with your medical bills in this treatment.  Wow.

the Panel on COVID-19 was named, Real Not Rare


1.  Pine Needle Tea for Shikimic Acid or Shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too!


2.  Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea


3.  Schizandra Berry Tea

4.  Iodine* (dosage depends on the brand; more is not better). Iodine is a product you have to start with small dosages and build up over time.

5.  Vitamin D3* (10,000 IU’s per day)


1.  C60 (1-3 droppers full per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 Super Concentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons. C60 is recommended to neutralize spike protein, detoxify graphene oxide and SM-102 [which is a lipid nanoparticle that forms the envelope to the SARS-CoV-2 virus].

2.  Kohlbitr Activated Charcoal: Take between 400-2000mg (1-5 capsules) a day with water. On the benefits of activated charcoal, check the product description toward the bottom here.

3.  NAC: N-Acetyl Cysteine is the best precursor to glutathione in the body which has the best research for neutralizing graphene oxide. Take 900-1800mg a day. Get it while you can. The US Federal communist government is trying to make NAC illegal unless you have a doctor’s prescription.

4.  Enzymes (especially those containing serrapeptase and nattokinase such as VeganZyme—dosage for VeganZymes is 3 caps, twice daily):

5.  Serrapeptase: Serrapeptase provides the anti-inflammatory breakdown of excess and unusual protein. Dosage: 100-200 mg on an empty stomach per day.

6.  Nattokinase: Nattokinase has a long history of being used to prevent blood clots. 2000-4000 Fibrinolytic Units per day (2-4 capsules) with or without food.  

A note about the clotting.  It's not the virus that is causing the clotting, it's the lack of oxygen.  

Peter McCullough, MD also advises that, if hospitalized, you demand FULL DOSE blood thinners to avoid clots. 

He says that dropping oxygen levels is clottingnot the virus.  So start anti-clotting medicine immediately.  And to increase oxygen, get some fat-soluble vitamin B1: Benfotiamine is one kind.  

Special Note: Ivermectin is showing great promise against hydrogels containing graphene oxide and found on PCR test swabs, but it is a pharmaceutical, so I do not include it.


1.  Coated Silver [ouch on the price, $124] (1-6 drops per day, depending on the degree of exposure) (Coated silver blocks the sulfur-bearing protein on the spikes from entering the cell. Sulfur-rich amino acids on the spike protein interact with silver causing them to fold incorrectly).

2.  NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) (accelerates detoxification and is considered a producer of the super detoxifier glutathione in the body) Dosage: 1200-2400 mg per day on an empty stomach. NAC is recommended to detoxify graphene oxide and SM-102. NAC is tough to find after the FDA recently made it illegal to purchase over the counter in the USA. Request NAC from your doctor!

3.  Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)

4.  Vitamin D3* (10,000 IU’s per day)

5.  Lyposomal Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*

6.  Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)*

7.  Iodine* (dosage depends on the brand; more is not better). Iodine is a product you have to start with small dosages and build up over time.

8.  PQQ* (20-40 mg per day)


1.  Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)

2.  Hesperidin sources to help disable spike protein: Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content—hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein).  Hesperidin is found in the peel of citrus fruit.  So eat the meat of the fruit AND the peel. Supplementing with Hesperidin will make your arteries, veins, and capillaries quite strong.  

3.  Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)


1.  Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means “three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.

2.  St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)

3.  Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)

4.  Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)

5.  Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)

6.  GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)

7.  LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.

8.  Glycyrrhiza glabra (Chinese medicine’s licorice root): Glycyrrhizic acid is extracted from the root of the licorice plant inhibits spike protein.

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