Showing posts with label PhD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhD. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

JOSEPH SANSONE: [DeSantis] was a military attorney. He prosecuted people in GITMO, he was an attorney. He was process served with the document. You know, how could he not look at it?

🔥"At this point, the governor of the state of Florida [Ron DeSantis] and the attorney general of the state of Florida are behaving like accessories after the fact" with regard to the COVID jab "biological weapons of mass destruction." Dr. Joseph Sansone M.S., PhD (), "a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism," describes for Tom Dienes (@dienes_tom) how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (), "are behaving like accessories after the fact" with regard to the COVID jab "biological weapons of mass destruction." Sansone, who's on the board of the National American Renaissance Movement, says he's filed a writ of mandamus, which the governor has seen. (From Cornell Law School: "A writ of mandamus is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.") 00:00, SANSONE.  Question, whose job is it when we are being attacked with biological weapons of mass destruction?  Should the governor, who's the head of our state military, shouldn't he do something? Shouldn't our attorney general do something?  Shouldn't our sheriff or constitutional officers here in Florida shouldn't they be doing something?  You know, whose job is it?

00:24, DIENES.  It's, it's, I, I just think they just don't buy it right I mean they see seem to me if I talk to DeSantis like I mean the first thing I would say to him with regards to this is like you know why don't you take a look at Samsung's work or Kingston, like at least . . . 

00:35, SANSONE. He knows. He's seen it. He's seen the evidence of this mandamus, he was served. 

Sansone, who's on the board of the National American Renaissance Movement, says he's filed a writ of mandamus, which the governor has seen. (From Cornell Law School: "A writ of mandamus, Latin for "We demand," is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.")

00:40, DIENES.  Do you think he actually read through everything?

00:42, SANSONE.  Of course, he did.  He was a military attorney.  He prosecuted people in GITMO, he was an attorney.  He's not, he, of course, did he was, and I mean he didn't sign for it, but one of his assistants signed for it.  He was process served with the document.  You know, how could he not look at it? Of course, he saw it.

01:01, DIENES.  I hope you're right because sometimes these people they just, you know, they skim over and they're just like, you know, I don't know, you know, look at that.

01:09, SANSONE, Tom, at this point, at this point, the governor of the state of Florida and the Attorney General of the State of Florida are behaving like accessories after the fact that law and we have that law in the original complaint now I don't accuse anybody of anything in this complaint I just say that the law is being violated I'm just asking for the shots to be taken off the market but you know we have an accessory after the fact law in Florida and if you're shielding someone from prosecution or in allowing a crime to continue you're in accessory after the fact I don't see anything in there that says in a in a law that says you're immune if you're a politician or a government official I don't think that any immunity allows you to make crimes against human beings like this or allow it to continue so the governor if I work governor I would start looking at this seriously and seeing the tide shifting and you know there's a guy who used to prosecute people . . . 

Full interview:

Friday, April 19, 2024

DR. BRIAN HOOKER, PHD: This is exponential growth. It's astounding that they put out these numbers, they put out absolutely no explanation, and yet there's no emergency

They stopped even saying that it's an urgent public health concern.  I'm sorry, we should not be celebrating a lifelong disability.  These kids will be dependent on their parents or the state for the rest of their lives.  There is no benefit to being diagnosed autistic.  --Mark Blaxill

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

RAND PAUL TO SAMANTHA POWERS: Why was the public never made aware that they were trying to do dangerous research to create a virus very similar to what COVID-19 became after 15 agencies showed up for a briefing and no one exposed this to the public and we only hear about it by a whistleblower?

USAID Predict.  

Defuse Project. 

Dr. Paul sends letters to 15 Federal Agencies after discovering their knowledge of the risky Defuse Project

RAND, 00:00.  Miss Powers, on April 26th, 2023, you testified before this committee that USAID did not fund Gain of Function research. I'd like to give you a chance to correct the record.  Is it still your position that USAID did not fund Gain of Function research?

POWERS, 00:20. We have no evidence that USAID has funded data function research and we certainly haven't authorized gain of function research.

RAND, 00:28. Well I'll help you behind me we will list a paper from 20 2015 this is a paper produced by the Wuhan Institute of Virology and also by Dr. Barric from UNC in this paper, if you'll see the funding aspect highlighted, it says USAID APT Predict by funding from Equal Health Alliance.  So this paper was one where they took a virus, SARS virus, the backbone of the SARS virus, and then took an S protein from an unknown virus they found in the wild and put them together.  Are you aware that these experiments and study were supported by USAID Predict and grant through EcoHealth Alliance?

POWERS, 01:09. As I said USAID has not authorized gain of function research this is the first time seeing this will have to look into it 

RAND, 01:16.  Well, this has been around since 2015.  We've been over numerous times.  It's been in the public record.  We have repeatedly said that, yes, the USAID did fund Gain of Function research.  Here's the evidence.  But here are some comments from different people about this study, because some will try to argue that this is still not Gain a Function.  Simon Wayne Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, he points out that 

the researchers have created with this research funded by USAID a novel virus that grows remarkably well in human cells.  If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory.

Richard Ebright from Rutgers says 

the only impact of this work is the creation in the lab of a new non-natural risk to humanity.

So is your position that this study was not Gain of Function or that you didn't fund it?  Which is your position?

POWERS, 02:12. We have had an awful lot of back and forth, we've provided thousands of pages of documents.  On this article . . . I can't . . . it looks like it's from 2015, so we will have to look into these specific claims, but again to put on the record USAID has not and will not authorize Gain of Function.

RAND, 02:34. I know that's your position but the record will show that you did.  And this is before your time I don't know why we can't just admit it it did happen and the reason that this is important is that many people want to collect all these viruses from around the world they don't want to just collect the viruses to sort of have them and have a library of viruses.  They take the virus and then they take an S protein from another virus and create a virus that doesn't exist in nature that often has ramifications that can be quite different or quite serious I will give you the words of the authors of this paper on the basis of these findings scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue so this was funded by usaid it was funded through the predict program there's no question of that and even the authors admit that it was gain of function so we have to get Beyond sort of quibbling over whether it was because we have to make sure that in the future we are not doing this and that we don't fund this going forward now the predict program was going to be surpassed by another program going after viruses and that has been suspended and that's all good but we have to admit the past and be truthful about the past in order to go forward because millions of people died from Covid-19.  The FBI has concluded that it came from a lab in Wuhan.  The Department of Energy has concluded that.  Even the CIA initially their scientific board voted 6 to 1 until they were overturned by higher-ups at the CIA to say otherwise. They voted to say that this thing came from the lab as well.  It only comes from the lab if we are in favor of creating these things.  We can't control everything China does, but we certainly shouldn't be funding it.  So we have to be honest that this was funded.  Now there was a warning sign to us that this was going on.  There was something called the DEFUSE Project in 2018 that was presented to DARPA once again by Baric and Dr. Shi Zhengli in Wuhan.  The DEFUSE Project was to create a Coronavirus with a furin cleavage site which doesn't exist in nature but is incredibly more infectious in humans.  There was a briefing to 15 agencies.  One of the agencies was USAID.  There is a briefing about this DEFUSE Project but nobody from USAID, nobody from all 15 agencies ever told anyone about this project.  It was hidden for years and years, and only revealed by a brave lieutenant colonel Marine, Andrew Basiago, working at DARPA who exposed this when everybody else had hidden this.  And so my question is was USAID in this briefing about a research project that had incredible danger to our country and finally was funded?  Will you provide the names of the people from USAID in this meeting who can be interviewed, so we can find out why didn't they tell anyone, or did they tell anyone, their superiors, and nobody or did people ignore them?  Why was the public never made aware that they were trying to do dangerous research to create a virus very similar to what COVID-19 became after 15 agencies showed up for a briefing and no one exposed this to the public and we only hear about it by a whistleblower?  Will you provide us the name of the person through USAID who attended this briefing in 2018, and let us interview them to find out what happened?  Why was this never revealed to the public?

POWERS, 05:44 So I think within the 10,000 pages of documents that you have from USAID or whatever documents we have on this DARPA proposers meeting I received a letter we received the letter from your staff yesterday we certainly looked at the requests but to give a little context US government agencies often on good days show up for one another go to each other's meetings this is not something US AIDever considered funding or was ever engaged on in some substantive way.

RAND, 06:19. The point is that after hearing that somebody wanted to put a furin cleavage site in the virus, alarm bells go off, and then when you see the virus in 2020 and you say "O, my goodness!  They did what they were asking," someone should have said, "Wow, I was in that hearing and I didn't think anything of it at the time.  But now I am like, you know, maybe I should tell somebody.  Maybe I should call up the president.  Maybe I should call up Anthony Fauci.  Maybe somebody should be informed that we learned about this, and I didn't think anything of it at the time.  You're right, it could have been inconsequential in 2018, but in 2020 it becomes profoundly important.  Why didn't anybody from government come forward and warn us that this could be a virus not from nature, which is not very infectious usually, it was incredibly infectious because it had been pre-adapted in a lab for human transmission.

POWERS, 07:00. Look I just want to come back to your earlier point all of this ended at USAID in 2020.  It is before my time.  We don't feel defensive about these engagements.  We've appreciated . . . 

RAND, 07:15. All that we are asking for is that we'd like to interview the person who was at that meeting

POWERS, 07:17  I understand.  We will look at that request.  But what I just want to make clear is that in a collaborative spirit, we also understand the stakes, the human stakes, of history, of recent history, and the risks you have raised flags in a manner that has required us to dig in in important ways on top of what we have been doing previously.  And so we will continue the back and forth with you and your office, and certainly don't ever want to be in a position to do anything ourselves using taxpayer resources to create risks.

RAND, 07:55. Thank you, and I do appreciate the cooperation that your agency has given us.  

Thursday, December 14, 2023

"In the women aged 20 to 24 who were in the clinical trials who did get pregnant, they had a spontaneous miscarriage rate... of 25%. That's a staggeringly high rate. A background rate in the U.S. it's 10-15%." For Gardisil 9 [the Gardisil shot made for nine to 45 year-olds] it was 27.4%

NEVRADAKIS, 11:46.  Michael because you're involved in a lot of these lawsuits that are currently in progress against Merck which is the pharmaceutical company that produces Gardasil before we talk about where these lawsuits are at the moment, and there are a lot of them that have already been completed, settlements and payouts.  You've dug into the numbers you've looked at the evidence what data have you found in terms of the number of injuries deaths Adverse Events connected to Gardasil 9 in the United States and worldwide.

BAUM, 12:26.  The first thing I'd start with is we've done most of our research on the Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and premature ovarian failure.  For both of those, if you do an analysis of the reporting of Adverse Events over time and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, there is about a 20 times greater rate of POTS, Postural Orthostatic  Tachycardia Syndrome, compared to all other vaccines over time.  So it means it's got more POTS than any of these other vaccines EVER.  Very similar with the premature ovarian failure it's up to 50 times greater rate premature ovarian failure or premature ovarian insufficiency among girls that were given Gardasil. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Y’all meet Peter Tontonoz, MD, PhD. He sold his myocarditis research data for $14M. Pfizer bought it and buried it! The DOJ was tipped off in 2022 by an auditor/whistleblower

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

People take polyethylene glycol internally by mouth for constipation called Miralax, pretty commonly used. But there's a very high rate of allergic reaction to intravenous polyethylene glycol.

The white blood cells are what eventually cause damage to the myocardium.  Releases things that turn the muscle into fiber.  PhD 

He's done medical missions around the world for 23 years.  He's been to Mongolia 48 times.  Been to Iraq over 40 times.  Been to Africa 30 times.  That led me to become a full-time pastor here in Maui.  

Milhoan and his wife, Dr. Kim Milhoan, a pediatric anesthesia specialist, have been involved with volunteer work across the whole world.  

People take polyethylene glycol internally by mouth for constipation called Miralax, pretty commonly used.  But there's a very high rate of allergic reaction to intravenous polyethylene glycol.  I've heard upwards of 10 to 15%.  And so that's one of the problems.  The other problem is that these lipid nanoparticles can go everywhere.  And it seems like there are places, according to the early Japanese studies, that all the vaccine makers knew about, meaning Pfizer product and the Moderna product.  

Friday, March 24, 2023

"At no time in human history have we ever vaccinated anybody this many times"

the more frequently you vaccinate people with these lipid nanoparticles and adenoviruses, the more it shifts the immune response from an IgG3 to IgG4.  What that does is allows the human body to recognize the vaccine as part of the human body and it ceases to reject it,  allowing more genetic code to be sequenced and injected into people.

At no time in human history have we ever vaccinated anybody this many times with this type of problem.  The shift in the human immune response . . . .  

Friday, March 3, 2023

"submit your cover letter to Mr. Paxton and Governor Abbott. Download the cover letter AND the Indictment Letter and mail it in this weekend." Ditto for California and Florida, as well as your state

Do one act that takes one whole hour to get done from start to finish, an action that says to yourself and to the state that you're not pleased with what they've been doing to you.  Just 1 act.  Takes one hour.  Treat it like an opportunity, because it is.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Thank you to Jennifer Depew.

Concerns with EDTA.  

PubMed 13 patients were treated with EDTA.  Creatine clearance significantly improved.  Safe and therapeutic.  For renal function, EDTA is extremely safe.  The cream even more so, because it enters the bloodstream so slowly.  EDTA breaks up kidney stones quite well, broken up and excreted out of the body. 

EDTA a Carcinogen?  Just the opposite is true. 

Not just chemtrails, but lead from auto exhaust, cadmium, petrochemicals, tires, and EDTA has proven to remove these toxins and heavy metals.  Just as vitamins act synergistically, so do these toxic metals. 

The spike proteins from the mRNA form the spike proteins in the muscles.  The neutrofils break down the spike proteins.  That's good news.

From the show notes:
Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle, and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN, and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website: or email:

To order EDTA Detox Cream go to Use Coupon Code Dr. Ana for 10% discount.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and President of AM Medical LLC, an integrative health clinic with a focus on anti-aging and reversal of all diseases. Dr. Ana is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”.
For more information on
Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
Dr. Ana’s Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, and more.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

“If you lost your baby… Pfizer said your adverse event was recovered or resolved.” - Naomi Wolf

Not Orwellian.  Demonic.  Goebellian.  Lavrentiy Berian.  Orwellian is way to milquetoast, Bannon.  

Thursday, October 21, 2021

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENTS OF THE PANDEMIC: Doctors esp. pediatricians, teachers, clergy, judges, . . .