Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

MICHAEL EADES, MD: subjects with mild renal failure on a ketogenic diet with plenty of protein. Not only did the renal failure NOT worsen, it improved

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

RICHARD POE: Now we know the military was in charge on J6, not the DOJ.

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump announced that he might use federal troops to quell the ANTIFA riots. No surprise there. Federal troops are routinely used to quell major riots in the U.S., last time in LA, 1992, many times during the Sixties. 

Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis. Really?

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Solomon Asch's famous experiment, showing that people bow to majority pressure, denying their own perceptions, successfully replicates in foreign country. And everybody is a conformist

I was vaguely familiar with the Asch Experiment, how one participant's knowledge, opinion, or understanding of shared reality can be manipulated by the group.  When I worked in a large school district, I saw his all the time.  To shore up consensus on some new program, or new trend, the district would stack a conference or a training program with personnel loyal to the district heads and program lieutenants.  To outsiders, this sounds like a conspiracy theory.  But one brave teacher raised his hand in a conference of about 40 "teachers" and asked bluntly, "How many of you in this room are district plants?"  And either stupidly or naively, a dozen hands went up.

I just had no idea that the Asch Experiment could corral 60% of an audience.  This means, contrary to the video above, that you don't need a majority of the audience to be privy to or participants in the experiment.  It's that powerful.  The cognitive dissonance of your own judgment is enough to change our minds.  And that change doesn't even have to be done with convictions, simply by peer pressure to conform.  I had no idea how powerful that was.  Well, I kind of did.  Look at any organization.  If a rumor is begun about you, and those spreading the rumor placed within it the instruction to commit violence, then that conformity contains a whole new level of concern.

This explains why critical thinking skills are essential for survival.  Too many of us take our life, our health, our wealth, and our survival for granted. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

SARHA WAGENKNECHT: The USA, in particular, has seen our energy price crisis as an opportunity and has set up a huge subsidy program for themselves with the Inflation Reduction Act, 2022.

from Bundestag member, Sahra Wagenknecht

00:00. Cheap gas from Russia with long-term supply contracts has been an important reason for Germany's economic success for decades.  With the outbreak of the war, the suspension of ineffective, nonsensical sanctions against Russia, which, however, have greatly damaged us, and the explosion of the pipelines [2022], gas, and thus all energy costs, have risen steeply.  Even if the Greens like to claim other things, the electricity prices for an average household are still around 36% above the 2019 level.  For large-scale consumers in the industry, the electricity prices are even 83% above the 2019 prices.  This means a massive location and that's a problem for all of us.  Instead of cheap gas from the pipeline, we are now buying expensive liquid gas from the USA, or from such exemplary democracies as Qatar  However, this LNG, in other words, liquid gas, is not only significantly more expensive but also significantly more environmentally harmful because it first has to be transported around the world by heavy oil-powered tankers until it arrives [in Germany].  The Greens obviously have no problem with that and a fifth of the industrial value-added products in Germany are now massively endangered.

01:24. The industry prefers to invest in foreign countries or relocate production entirely like China or the USA.  The USA, in particular, has seen our energy price crisis as an opportunity and has set up a huge subsidy program for themselves with the Inflation Reduction Act, 2022.  This promotes their own economy and should encourage European Industries to emigrate to the USA with success.  More than half of large industrial companies are already considering relocating their production abroad, and we have to spend more money on energy and have less money in our pockets for a restaurant visit or just for a stroll through the city center.  More than a fifth of us can no longer afford a one-week holiday a year.  Countless people are at risk of losing their jobs, and the German economy is at risk of losing its engine.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

“I'm not making it up. The University of Nebraska just got a got done with one of their studies that the way to save the world on carbon is raise more cows. K. And that's because cows are carbon negative”

Cindy Kaye writes,

And hopefully, reverse that absurd “close the farms and kill the cows” program. Good day for the Dutch, home of my ancestors.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

"You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby."

Michelle Gershman RN explains how her hospital went from 1-2 stillbirths per month to 20 per month after the 💉 rollout.  The hospital told her how to deal with the increase in infant deaths per month by writing an email to her and the staff, 

You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby.

Michelle is a nurse in Fresno, CA, and she's been interviewed about her practice as well as what happened to her mom in the hospital following a diagnosis of COVID-19.  Apparently, her mom was given Remdesivir.  

Monday, January 8, 2024

Medical Center Hospital in Odessa TX bagged COVID patients to protect their staff. This went on for over year WHILE DOCTORS TURNED A BLIND EYE

Must be the science. 

Friday, December 22, 2023

On Monday, June 1, 2020, President Trump announced that he might use federal troops to quell the ANTIFA riots. Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis.

 Purple ties were a symbol for the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution. 

Weirdly and unexpectedly, former President George W. Bush issued a statement on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, expressing solidarity with the protesters and saying that only "peaceful means" should be used to resolve the crisis. Really?

The next morning, June 3, Rod Rosenstein—the guy who appointed Robert Mueller as Special Counsel—testified before the Senate in a purple tie. Some speculate that Rosenstein was signaling solidarity with the "Purple Revolution," a codename for anti-Trump color revolution.

FBI director Christopher Wray had earlier raised eyebrows when he wore a purple tie at his February 5, 2020, Congressional hearings.  

from Politico

When the Clintons appeared in purple at Hillary's Nov. 9, 2016 concession speech, violent anti-Trump protests broke out, lasting for weeks (#NotMyPresident). Knowledgeable observers theorized that the Clintons had triggered a Purple Revolution.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

VINDICATION? So Malone's visibility and presence was to keep other doctors in line, keep the narrative on the reservation? [October 7, 2022]

Yeadon writes

My specific concern right now is that Dr Malone is berating [the] FDA about absent oversight of quality control and safety of these products. Many people may find it odd that I’m disturbed by this line of public argumentation.


There’s no doubt about it.

Therefore, all this posturing about [the] failings of [the] FDA is theatre. They’re not in charge. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Protein in corn called zein is indigestible & used extensively in industry for waterproof coatings of buttons & pills & in packaging. Corn and corn derivatives are everywhere.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Appendix is affected greatly by constipation and fecal matter gets stuck in the appendix.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

In a unanimous opinion written by Justice Clarence Thomas on May 22, 1995, the court found that Harmon's men had violated Sharlene's 4th Amendment rights by failing to adhere to the "knock-and-announce principle" before entering her home

When others cowered, Thomas stood firm against the "dark alliance."  Ricahrd Poe  Jeez. 

They even take out their own heads.

When others cowered, Citing English common law, Justice Thomas noted that a man's house is "his castle of defense and asylum" and that the King may not send his sheriff into a person's house either to arrest or to order the execution of the King's process without signifying the cause and requesting that the doors be opened Harmon had forgotten to study his Blackstone Commentaries.  So have the Arkansas courts.

"The Judgment of the Arkansas Supreme Court is reversed and the cases remanded for further proceedings," concluded Thomas it did not get her off the hook entirely.  Other convictions still held but it bolstered her claim that she had been a victim of legal foul play.

Monday, May 22, 2023

FLASHBACK: Trump honors Debra Seidel Wall, the archivist who triggered Mar-a-Lago raid

Apparently, Debra Seidel Wall, National Archivist, did not like Trump's belittling of her role at the National Archives.  I think that some of the people in Washington can be humorless.  Looks like Trump was teasing the importance of her assignment there.  She didn't get the full-dignity treatment that she feels she's entitled to so she went all in on trying to bring him down.  And it ain't over.  

From the Townhall.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Vladimir Putin Addresses the Russian Defense Ministry Board Dec 21, 2022 – English Subtitles


Dear Fellow Colleagues, 

It is well known that the military potential and capabilities of almost all major NATO countries are being widely used against us.  Still, our soldiers, sergeants, and officers are fighting for Russia with courage and fortitude and are fulfilling their tasks with confidence step by step.  Without a doubt, these tasks will be fulfilled in all territories of the Russian Federation, including the new territories, and a safe life for all of our citizens will be ensured.  Our armed forces' combat capabilities s is increasing day by day, and we will certainly step this process up.  I would like once again to thank everyone who is fulfilling their combat duty today, including tank crews, paratroopers, artillerymen, motor riflemen, sappers, signalmen, pilots, special operations forces, air defense troops, sailors, military topographers, logistics support specialists, National Guard personnel and other formations for the way that you are fighting.

[Could you imagine General Milley making these remarks in front of his generals?  I can't.  He'd say something like I want to know "white rage" [see 5:40]  Douche.]

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Dr. Pavlevsky on What's in the Vaccines

"What's in the vaccines?" (Dr Pavlevsky) 2021— Spiritonajourney (@LawsofLORE) November 18, 2022

 So because these injections are experimental and are only being used under the EUA, we do not know the full list of ingredients that's in them.  No one knows.  We do know that there's supposed to be mRNA to manufacture spike proteins.  We found out that there's mRNA in there to stop the body from stopping the body to remove the mRNA. We do know that there's nanoparticles in there.  We know that there's Polyethylene Glycol in there.  What else is in there?  We don't know, and no one is holding them responsible for letting us know what is in the shots.  The German doctor that you mentioned, Andreas Noack,  found that it wasn't graphene oxide that was in it; it was graphene hydroxide.  And the potential for graphene hydroxide, based in his scientific understanding was that it breaks apart in the bloodstream and causes razor blade cuts into the endothelial lining of the blood vessels.  Now, we're seeing people with increased clotting in their blood, and strokes.  We're seeing over a hundred soccer players internationally who've already collapsed and died onto the field.  And he raised the suggestion that the action of the graphene hydroxide is what's causing these blood clots, heart attacks, and these strokes. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

FEBRUARY 2022: The People’s Convoy singing AMAZING GRACE and chanting USA! USA! USA! in Aledanto, CA.

I never saw much related to this convoy.  Seemed censored to me.   

Monday, August 29, 2022

Rosalind Peterson addresses United Nations in 2007 on chemtrails

Rosalind Peterson at the United Nations, 2007.

It's not just about the noxious chemicals that are found in the chemtrails, the lattice formations that hang in the sky diminish sun exposure to Earth and disrupt photosynthesis.  

A lot of the discussion about chemtrails revolves around mitigation of climate change, a rather ill-defined term at this time.  I'll say.  And so many times we're talking about putting chemicals, like sulfur, or particulates into the atmosphere in what they call geo-engineering schemes to reduce . . . and to help the planet not go through a tremendous climate change to mitigate global warming.  However, the incidents of putting chemicals into our atmosphere is going to change and impact agricultural crop production. And if you take and put up into our skies, chemicals, the amount of sunlight reaching the earth you are going to begin to reduce crop production.  Studies at the University of Illinois on corn crop production show reduction.  Without the process of photosynthesis, whereby plants from direct energy with the sun find the energy to grow, we're going to find ourselves if we mitigate in that direction impacting crop production not only here in the United States but worldwide.  One of the things that is impacting crop production right now in the United States is reducing photosynthesis and impacting the ability of solar-powered panels to generate the power that they should is precipitate contrails.  

Here is the full presentation given at the UN in 2007.  She founded the Agriculture Defense Coalition in 2006.  

Friday, August 19, 2022

The pineal gland is crucial to critical thinking abilities among other important brain functions. This may be related to the known effect of fluoride exposure lowering IQ in children according to Harvard researchers

The pineal gland is crucial to critical thinking abilities among other important brain functions. This may be related to the known effect of fluoride exposure lowering IQ in children according to Harvard researchers.

Fortunately, this is an easy and painless process as long as you go slow! In addition, this method is supported by scientific research.

All that needs to be done is add supplemental boron to the diet for a short period of time.

Bonus! Boron is important for removing heavy metals from the body as well and will likely improve your arthritis (both RA and osteoarthritis) if you suffer from this degenerative ailment.

This might help with choosing which boron to use.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Su casa es mi casa

The original phrase is "Mi casa es su casa." But the media loves taking gentle colloquial phrases and spinning them into political salvos.  And there's definitely a political thrust to the topic of immigration.  I mean democrats, whose goal it is to render America's middle class destitute, own and operate legal and illegal immigration policy of this country, and if you live in one of the southern borders states your life, property, and culture has been irrevocably displaced because the democrats tell us that their invasion of your country is really a reclamation by siege of middle-class neighborhoods in which you live and grew up, the justification of which was that the land underneath your home really belong to someone else, shaming you the citizen for sins of our government.  And I don't think that any populist movement is going to provide restitution. Oh, don't get me wrong.  This is the same ethic of the NeoConservatives, who when they want to invade Iraq or Syria will ask, "Hey, what is our oil doing underneath your land?"  We've adjusted . . . by becoming thoroughly dispossessed of our history, the vacuumed soul that rises out of the ashes of global migration.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Fascinating interview with Richard Booth on the Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19, 1995

Fascinating interview with Richard Booth, here and here.

Thank you to Senor Jose

Here is No Way, Jose!'s channel.

He starts with ID'ing Idabel, Oklahoma investigative writer, J D Cash, who wrote for the McCurtain Gazette and did some excellent reporting on the Oklahoma City Bombing.  

Oklahoma City and What the Investigation Missed and Why It Still Matters, Roger G. Charles and Andrew Gumbel, 2013.  Reached out to various researchers, and various academics, and started collecting documents.  By 2014 to 2016, I had amassed a huge collection and donated documents and archives to Scott Horton at the Libertarian Institute and he put them all online to make them searchable.  Other researchers, Jesse Trentadue, Wendy Painting

Timothy McVeigh's favorite book was The Turner Diaries, William Luther Pierce, 1978.  Another book he really liked was called The Silent Brotherhood: The Chilling Inside Story of America's Violent, Anti-Government Militia Movement, Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt, 1990.  He wrote the story of a terrorist group called The Order.  And most people when they look at the Oklahoma City Bombing, they completely miss this context.  

14:35. McVeigh was reported to have been seen at Waco.  

Important part of the context here.  You had an FBI hostage team kill women and children.  Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver, Randy's wife, and child.  And you had Waco occur that next April, April 19, 1993, where they burned Americans and American children using tanks and flame throwers, an environment where you had the federal government acting in accordance with their true scorched earth policy nature.  Especially on the gun show circuit, you would see a lot of videos about Waco and Ruby Ridge being sold, which served as a motivating factor for McVeigh in Oklahoma City.  He considered the bombing to be revenge for Waco.

McVeigh chose the Murrah Building after he learned it had a daycare in it.  Gives you some insight, I suppose, into his mind. This would be his revenge for the slaughter of the children at Waco. Throughout the country at the time, the militia was a very big and burgeoning movement. Within these militia groups, they were just as outraged as an average, Midwestern white family might view Waco (April 19, 1993: the Mount Carmel Center was incinerated on April 19, 1993or Ruby Ridge, August 21, 1992, totally outrageous.  Date was no coincidence, April 19, Patriots' Day, the holiday celebrating the start of the Revolutionary War.  Also, the same date as Waco.  The main difference was that these were radicals advocating for violence.  

17:30. What about the role of white supremacy? Was it just an inflammatory tag to create a convenient scapegoat and self-hatred among whites, or was McVeigh truly motivated by it?  

When this happened, Timothy McVeigh was being characterized as a militia guy, attending militia meetings, but the truth is that Timothy McVeigh was not a militia guy. He was not a member of any militia.  He had been to a couple of militia events, but at one of them he was kicked out, meaning that they didn't like the kind of talk they heard from him.  

18:55. He was equated as a militia member in the media at the time, who were trying to demonize the militia movement in the country by associating them with McVeigh.