Showing posts with label ACE2 Receptors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACE2 Receptors. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


So let's assess the damage.

LNPs.  There are the lipid nanoparticles, the LNPs, the fatty capsule in which the virus is transported throughout the body and that, in women at least, accumulate in the ovaries, causing horrible disruptions to women's menstruation, even to post-menopausal women. 

Dr. Elizabeth Eads says that

27:17  No.  Actually, the nanoparticles can be shed during transmission as well and they can jump from person to person.  And that's been seen in the DoD literature and supported by James Giordano, who is Advisor to U.S. Military Intelligence community.  In fact, he wrote that "neurotism technologies and neurotechnology nanoparticles, such as NeuroLink, Neurolace should not be considered for their mass destruction effects."


CLOTTING.  Clotting creates a hypoxic environment.  So if you fear that your body is clotting, one way to redress hypoxia is vitamin B1, but use the fat-soluble B1, Allithiamine.




MYOCARDITIS.  What is causing it?

Friday, November 26, 2021

Soluble ACE2 reduces viral load from 1000 to 5000 times

"ACE2 thereby helps to protect multiple tissues such as the lung, blood vessels, heart, or kidney, and inactivation of ACE2 results in severe disease pathologies in these organs including diabetic nephropathies. ACE2 has also been identifying as the critical receptor for the Spike proteins of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2 and is intricately involved in SARS and COVID-19 pathogenesis."

This video was released on February 3, 2021. 

ACE2 Receptors protect against heart disease.  ACE2 is heavily expressed in the lungs, and we didn't know what it was doing.  Severe inflammation and increased vascular permeability in ACE2 knockout mice in ARDS, or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  

PubMed explains that 

Soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (sACE2) could be a therapeutic option to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) utilizes ACE2 receptors on cell surfaces to gain intracellular entry, making them an ideal target for therapy. High-affinity variants of sACE2, engineered using high-throughput mutagenesis, are capable of neutralizing COVID-19 infection as decoy receptors. These variants compete with native ACE2 present on cells by binding with spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2, making native ACE2 on cell surfaces available to convert angiotensin II to angiotensin-1,7, thus alleviating the exaggerated inflammatory response associated with COVID-19 infection. This article explores the use of sACE2 as potential therapy for COVID-19 infection. 

At the 8:51 mark, he cites Yumiko Imai's findings of the function of ACE2 receptors, and you can check out that discussion here.  Besides ACE2 receptors, other receptors were reported in cell lines, like the cell membrane protein, L-Sign/CLEC4M.  But he learned that the ACE2 receptor is essential for Coronavirus infection; no ACE2 receptor, no COVID.  Check this out, 

SARS infection downregulates, lowers the rate or level of, ACE2 expression in the lungs.  The ACE2 receptor disappeared in the lungs and in the heart.  The virus binds to ACE2 and takes it with it into the cell, where the ACE2 is being degraded.  The virus more or less creates an ACE2 mutant background.  And this was interesting becauase it gave us a molecular understanding of how the SARS-CoV-2 became such a killer virus because of various injuries in the lung.  

14:07  ACE2 as therapy for acute lung injury.  If this is the acase, then we can create an enzyme replacement therapy.  

Biotech company in Vienna, Apeiron Biologics, developed a soluble Recombinant Angiotensin Converting Enzyme System 2 molecule APN01 for therapeutic use against lung failure.  Lung failure is an end stage of many diseases-sepsis, gastric aspiration, the Spanish Flu, bird flu, bioterrorist agents.  This moleculre actually went through 89 humans already, healthy volunteers in Phase I trials and in Phase II trials.  Also into people who had lung disease.  

Just to show you there's some that actually developed with Glaxo-Smith Kline with older rights belong to us--to us meaning this biotech in Vienna, Apeiron Biologics.  So Glaxo-Smith Kline is not involved with this anymore.  

It's a key regulator of the Renin-Angiotensin System, which in turn regulates blood pressure.

Thursday, November 11, 2021


There are several mechanisms by which you want and you can destroy spike proteins.  Remember, these are toxins, and these are the compounds that are wreaking havoc on your blood vessels in every organ where they exist.  And what you might want to know, or maybe you wouldn’t, is that the lipid nanoparticle that houses the SARS-CoV-2 virus is attracted to organs in your body that contain lots of lipids or fats—your brain, your adrenal glands, your ovaries, or testes.  It’s now known and it’s been found that they go to the heart and other vital organs.  Dr. Peter McCullough observed this.

So you want to immobilize these spike proteins immediately so that you can abort any further damage to your vital organs. 

How to do that?

One way is to block them.  The spike proteins land on the ACE2 Receptors.  The goal here is to block the spike protein from landing on the ACE2 receptor.  But if you do that, where do the spike proteins go?  Good question.  Not sure.  But as to blocking this process, use dandelion leaf extract.  Keep that in mind.  

from Natural News

(Natural News) The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinalecan block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. The water-based dandelion extract, taken from the plant’s dried leaves, was effective against spike protein D614 and a host of mutant strains, including D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K. 

Okay, so the dandelion leaf extract works against spike proteins in the lungs and in the kidneys.  That's at least two organs.  And although the test was conducted in-vitro, my assumption would be that the dandelion lead extract could work on cells in other organs.  One comment did give me pause, 

Better yet, dandelion extract could prove to prevent infections altogether, by blocking the precise channel by which the spike proteins attach and cause viral replication. 

I wasn't aware that the spike proteins cause viral replication.  It was my understanding that they're responsible for the clotting and degrading organ tissue wherever they reside, like the capillaries, brain, spine, and so forth.  

Good to know that there are additional products that can perform the same function as dandelion lead extract in blocking the spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 receptors.  As far as I know, the ACE2 receptors are the target for the spike proteins.  What do they do when they can't land anywhere on the cells?  

Those other products are Hesperidin, Licorice root (not the candy), pomegranate peel extract.  It sounds like the blocking function is not 100% but is measured in percentage.  

Other natural compounds have been investigated using molecular docking studies. Nobiletin is a flavonoid isolated from citrus peels. Neohesperidin, a derivative of hesperetin, is a flavanone glycoside also found in citrus fruits. Glycyrrhizin is a molecular compound extracted from licorice root. All three of these natural substances also block spike proteins from binding to ACE2 receptors. Hydroalcoholic pomegranate peel extract blocks the spike protein at the ACE2 receptor with 74 percent efficacy. When its principal constituents were tested separately, punicalagin was 64 percent effective, and ellagic acid was 36% percent effective.

For example, I'd read that Resveratrol blocks the spike protein from attaching to the ACE2 receptors by 98%.