Showing posts with label — AwakeningDivinity (@visiblesoulfire) February 16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — AwakeningDivinity (@visiblesoulfire) February 16. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

"The pathogens already exist inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel,...that have not opened yet."

Jason Shurka claimed that on October 4, 2023, FEMA would be using 5G frequencies to activate nano pathogens in the blood of the vaccinated.  That turned out to be a nothing burger, thank God, except for the personal self-aggrandizement that it blessed Shurka with.  My question is who in the medical freedom movement simply boosted this guy to some credible source for mass craziness?  Who endorsed him?  Who found him credible?  Greg Reese claims at the end of the video that he doesn't know who the guy is.  Okay, then why would you promote him?  If the medical freedom movement so addicted to clickbait that they'll promote anyone, anything?  What, can't find enough material to review?  I mean the 5G is probably a concern, so work on that; work on that first. 

On October 4, 2:22pm Eastern time, the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated across the entire United States under the leadership of FEMA disguised as a test.  However, this test will be used to send a high-frequency signal through devices like SMART phones, radios, and TVs with the intention of activating graphene oxide and other nanoparticles that have been inserted into billions of human beings around the world through the obvious mediums.  If the October 4th date does not occur for any reason, the backup plan will be to do it on October 11th at the same time.  In the case that this is not able to be stopped, I ask you to shut off your phones and all other relevant devices at 2pm eastern time for a period of 2 hours to be safe.  --Jason Shurka 

FYI, this guy's prophecy was from last year, 2023.  I don't know why Greg Reese is showing him this year, a full 6 months post the deadline, which kind of came and went without a whimper, thank God.  

Greg Reese says that he doesn't "know who this guy is."  Well, . . .