Showing posts with label Ron DeSantis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron DeSantis. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2024

JOSEPH SANSONE: [DeSantis] was a military attorney. He prosecuted people in GITMO, he was an attorney. He was process served with the document. You know, how could he not look at it?

🔥"At this point, the governor of the state of Florida [Ron DeSantis] and the attorney general of the state of Florida are behaving like accessories after the fact" with regard to the COVID jab "biological weapons of mass destruction." Dr. Joseph Sansone M.S., PhD (), "a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism," describes for Tom Dienes (@dienes_tom) how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (), "are behaving like accessories after the fact" with regard to the COVID jab "biological weapons of mass destruction." Sansone, who's on the board of the National American Renaissance Movement, says he's filed a writ of mandamus, which the governor has seen. (From Cornell Law School: "A writ of mandamus is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.") 00:00, SANSONE.  Question, whose job is it when we are being attacked with biological weapons of mass destruction?  Should the governor, who's the head of our state military, shouldn't he do something? Shouldn't our attorney general do something?  Shouldn't our sheriff or constitutional officers here in Florida shouldn't they be doing something?  You know, whose job is it?

00:24, DIENES.  It's, it's, I, I just think they just don't buy it right I mean they see seem to me if I talk to DeSantis like I mean the first thing I would say to him with regards to this is like you know why don't you take a look at Samsung's work or Kingston, like at least . . . 

00:35, SANSONE. He knows. He's seen it. He's seen the evidence of this mandamus, he was served. 

Sansone, who's on the board of the National American Renaissance Movement, says he's filed a writ of mandamus, which the governor has seen. (From Cornell Law School: "A writ of mandamus, Latin for "We demand," is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.")

00:40, DIENES.  Do you think he actually read through everything?

00:42, SANSONE.  Of course, he did.  He was a military attorney.  He prosecuted people in GITMO, he was an attorney.  He's not, he, of course, did he was, and I mean he didn't sign for it, but one of his assistants signed for it.  He was process served with the document.  You know, how could he not look at it? Of course, he saw it.

01:01, DIENES.  I hope you're right because sometimes these people they just, you know, they skim over and they're just like, you know, I don't know, you know, look at that.

01:09, SANSONE, Tom, at this point, at this point, the governor of the state of Florida and the Attorney General of the State of Florida are behaving like accessories after the fact that law and we have that law in the original complaint now I don't accuse anybody of anything in this complaint I just say that the law is being violated I'm just asking for the shots to be taken off the market but you know we have an accessory after the fact law in Florida and if you're shielding someone from prosecution or in allowing a crime to continue you're in accessory after the fact I don't see anything in there that says in a in a law that says you're immune if you're a politician or a government official I don't think that any immunity allows you to make crimes against human beings like this or allow it to continue so the governor if I work governor I would start looking at this seriously and seeing the tide shifting and you know there's a guy who used to prosecute people . . . 

Full interview:

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

"Since Ron D. knows this and outed them, there's no way they want him running the US"

Monday, April 3, 2023

TRUMP'S CRIMINAL CASE IN NEW YORK: So you have one of the more problematic jurists, somehow apparently assigned the case. It doesn't appear to me to be a truly random assignment.

There's nothing about this that really is New York.  There's no victim in New York that they can identify.  So why is New York prosecuting? --Robert Barnes

When the Mar-a-Lago case blew up, they went back to New York, there had been a quid pro quo to DeSantis, that they would get DeSantis to run and challenge Trump, but the only way that he would do so was if he was convinced Trump was going to be taken out politically by criminal indictment.  --Robert Barnes

Trump Indictment: The Deep State's effort to take Trump out and to get De Santis to run.  


Breaking news. it appears that we know what judge is assigned the case. there's been some manipulation of the judicial assignment process.  And one way that works is they claim that a case is related to another case.  And it appears that the prosecutor has helped manipulate the process or the court or both to get Judge Juan Merchan assigned to the case.  Wow.  Does he not look like the Los Angeles DA, Gascon? 

According to Trump, Judge Merchan showed a bias, a lack of impartiality, and a lack of respect in my view of his duty and obligation to be a true neutral in a criminal case and prior cases concerning the Trump organization.  And so it looks like they're manipulating the criminal process already in New York to get a politically biased judge assigned to the Trump case, and the risk there is he tries to rush the trial proceedings, he tries to misuse bail to try to limit President Trump's ability to travel in support of his campaign or to raise funds for his campaign.  May even try to issue a gag order on him to try to prohibit and prevent him from speaking either about the case or a bunch of other topics.  So you have one of the more problematic jurists, somehow apparently assigned the case.  It doesn't appear to me to be a truly random assignment.  It appears to me that they probably manipulated it by something called the "Related Case Rule," where you pretend one case is related to another case so you can get the judge you want, and the person who typically does that is the prosecutor.  They did this by the way against Roger Stone.  They listed the Paul Manafort case as somehow connected to the Stone case and got Roger Stone in front of the same judge that Manafort had, and that was the judge who had been illegally restraining his ability to raise funds for his defense, illegally gagging his speech, illegally preventing his travel.  In the case of Paul Manafort helped orchestrate the prosecution of Paul Manafort.  

Of course, you're talking about Amy Berman Jackson, ironically who said, which should be used in Trump's case with the documents and maybe Biden's case, that said that if you're the President of the United States, there is no such thing as classified documents.  You can take whatever you want.  When Bill Clinton got caught with the documents, she was the judge that set that precedent.  Now that precedent doesn't apply to vice presidents.  But the point that you're making here is that we're talking about a rigged judicial system, something that you could argue is supposed to be the backbone of our free civilization is justice, actual justice, fair and equal justice, and now we're talking about the democrats completely rigging the entire process.  Of all the different levels of checks and balances, they're rigging every single aspect of it.  

5:09  I mean they rigged by even having a New York prosecutor involved in this case.  For example, the money laundering was paid to someone who isn't in New York.  The issues concern a national campaign.  There's nothing about this that really is New York.  There's no victim in New York that they can identify.  So why is New York prosecuting?  So everything about this case has already been rigged and it looks like they're going to continue to try to rig it against the president, and as you note if our courts don't enforce the Constitution, then we don't have an enforced Constitution.  So these are serious concerns.  

5:42  Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels is going on a merchandise-selling tour.  I mean that's how clown world this has gotten.  Trump says Juan Merchan hates him and was handpicked by Alvin Bragg.

6:30  Let's consider they've done a lot of groundwork here.  This is not something that's just been thrown together willy-nilly.  The judge to trying to get him arrested tomorrow on 34 counts and the fact that they know this is the weakest case, is so weak that even the Feds wouldn't take it.  The statute of limitations signed document saying that Stormy Daniels never took hush money from Trump, never slept with Trump, signed document from Michael Cohen saying that he was the one who paid Stormy Daniels, not Donald Trump.  Plus, it's going to be impossible to prove that he did this for a campaign issue and not to save his marriage.  Considering the current political climate we're in right now, do you think this is to get Trump?  Obviously, Bragg is not acting unilaterally here.  He did make a campaign promise to get Trump, so he's delivered on that.  Is this really their big move to get Trump?

7:40  My view is that this is the Deep State's effort to take Trump out.  And I said so a couple of months ago when this case got resuscitated because it's important to note, as Professor Dershowitz mentioned, this same prosecutor rejected this case a year ago.  So they knew they didn't have good legal grounds to pursue this case.  So why did it come back to New York?  First, the Mar-a-Lago case blew up.  As you noted, Judge Jackson, a democratic liberal judge said the President can declassify anything he wants, anytime he wants and that can't be a violation of the law to have documents that he can declassify anytime he wants.  Unlike President Clinton, who had his documents stored in his sock drawer, Trump actually had them in a secure SCIF facility.  Again, he could declassify any time, anything, while he was president, which he acknowledged he did.  So the fact they had labels on it means nothing.  It means that they were once classified, but now they were still classified.  So the Mar-a-Lago when some white hat within the FBI disclosed that Biden had committed actual crimes while he was Senator and Vice President.  And Pence himself had issues and so forth.  And so they know the Mar-a-Lago case is DOA, so they would have to likely bring that case in Florida.  They don't want to do that.  They could try to bring it to the District of Columbia, but that has its own political problems.  The January 6th cases have gone nowhere against Trump, and so they could never get anybody to flip and come up with some bogus, fake story about Trump somehow orchestrating it.  In fact, we now know that it was the capitol police and the FBI who were infiltrators and informants who were actually organizing it and orchestrating it as has come out in the recent Proud Boys Trial in D.C.  And then they got Georgia.  Two problems with Georgia: one, they got a complete nutjob [judge, Emily Kohrs], an actual living witch who was the head of the Grand Jury [to see if there was a case against Trump to overturn the 2020 Election] who was so looney that even Anderson Cooper said she was embarrassing.  And the other problem they have in Georgia is the Governor is a Republican, so there are ways in which that case can be set aside, pardons issued, and so on and so forth.  So that's why they went back to New York.  When the Mar-a-Lago case blew up, they went back to New York, there had been a quid pro quo to DeSantis, that they would get DeSantis to run and challenge Trump, but the only way that he would do so was if he was convinced Trump was going to be taken out politically by criminal indictment.  So they had to bring forth the indictment to get DeSantis to run.  Now DeSantis has been deceived into running, but that ship has already sailed.  It's not a coincidence on the day of the announcement of the indictment DeSantis puts in proposals to the Florida Legislature to allow him to run for President.  So it literally happened right after.  So you could tell with the timing, leaks from Politico, the New York Times, and elsewhere about this being a public discussion amongst New York donors.  So this was the Deep State's efforts to get DeSantis to run.  This is the Deep State's effort, in their view, to take Trump out.  Like Drudge, we know Matt Drudge sold Drudge Report several years ago, and the people who run the Drudge Report now are the political establishment.  Yesterday, they were bragging on the front page of their Drudge Report on a fake poll that nobody would trust Trump anymore or vote for him if he got indicted.  That's completely nonsense.  We'll see otherwise.  But this is what they believe.  They believe they can get DeSantis to run by indicting Trump and they believe that they can get Trump defeated either in the primary or in the general election by indicting him.  That's what they really believe.  Now, it looks like--even worse--they're going to weaponize the process we'll discuss a little bit later.  This is a case where Trump is legally innocent, factually innocent, and Constitutionally innocent, yet they're prosecuting him anyway.  Watch for them to try to misuse and abuse all the other powers of the criminal justice process, about how they do the entire criminal processing of Trump.  Do they arrest him?  Do they put him in jail?  Do they do a mugshot?  Do they try to perp-walk him?  Secondly, do they abuse the bail authority?  Do they use the bail authority to say he can't raise funds?  Do they say he can't speak out on his own behalf?  Do they issue a gag order?  Do they issue a financial restraint order?  Do they issue a travel restraint order to try to prohibit him from being able to travel in support of his campaign or 2024?  Do they ban his international travel?  Do they try to limit his domestic travel?  Do they try to fast-track the trial?  Do they try to hide exculpatory evidence?  Do they try to put on perjured testimony? If they have a judge which is a handpicked judge, which they have according to President Trump it appears that is precisely what happened, then what you have is a completely rigged case, a case of a rigged prosecutor, a case of rigged witnesses, a case of a rigged Grand Jury, and if you rig the judge, then you can rig the jury trial itself!  So look to them to weaponize everything they can, because they're that terrified of Trump.  They're terrified that if Trump gets re-elected, the American people will finally have an effort, a man committed to dismantling the Deep State, who realizes that his only mistake in the first term was not dismantling the Deep State.  He's learned the lesson that Huey Long learned years ago, "that I tried to negotiate with them, but now I learned that you've got to crush them."  Trump has said so publicly, "In this next election, either the Deep State wins and America dies, or America wins and the Deep State dies." This is the Deep State's last-gasp Empire Strikes Back effort to remove President Trump from meaningful office from 2025.

13:07  The Georgia Grand Jury head was literally a witch.  It was this crazy person, Emily Kohrs,