55:20 If you look at the period we call "The Age of Revolution," when all of a sudden people started rising up and overthrowing governments, late 18th century through the early 20th century, the Russian Revolution. This was the age of Revolution, and this was exactly the age when the British Empire rose and basically took over the world and became the master of the entire planet. Its only real rival was, by the time of WWI, the real rival of Great Britain, was not Germany, it was Russia, and I explain in geopolitical terms why this was in my book.
56:00 Germany was a rival, yes, but they understood that Russia was potentially a much greater rival, and there is no question that British elites went into WWI with a very definite plan to defeat both Germany, their enemy, and Russia, who was supposedly their ally, and they accomplished both. And the reason they dared to do this, obviously, it was a very risky thing to do, to take out your ally, Russia, in the midst of trying to defeat Germany, but they did it because they already knew that the Americans were going to enter the war because this had already been arranged in advance with Colonel House and Sir William Wiseman and all the British intelligence people who were controlling Woodrow Wilson. They said, "Oh, it's already been set up and arranged," so the British already knew that the instant that they took out Russia the Americans were going to come in and replace Russia with fresh troops and finish off what was left of Germany. That's exactly what happened. It was admittedly a very risky move; could have gone badly for the British, but they're a risk-taking people; that's why they got where they got. They took this risk and they won. It absolutely happened exactly as they planned it. And the key was their control of the United States, and their absolute ability to know with 100% certainty that they could get Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany. It was an intricate and fascinating set of maneuvers, but it really happened. It was so well documented. But the way that covered it was the British to have Winston Churchill get up in 1920 at a point when the whole world was totally disillusioned by war, by geopolitics. So many people had died, and the catastrophe in Russia, in particular, was still going on, so many millions slaughtered. What was it all about? And so Churchill got up there and said "It was the Jews. The Jews did it. It was all their fault. And we need to defeat these bad Jews in Russia," he said, "and we need to encourage these good Jews who are going to set up
Your latissimus dorsi is the most powerful pulling muscle in your back, and during a pull-up, it's the primary mover or the muscle that provides most of the power to bring your body up to the bar. One of the movements it performs is shoulder adduction, or bringing your arms down toward the sides of your body. But because the pull-up bar is fixed in place and your body is not, it's your body that moves up to the bar.
This could be huge. This video from earlier today seems to confirm Laura's report. If they really are preparing to lock up Trump mere weeks before the election, using the military no less, this country is in real trouble. pic.twitter.com/Qk8kbLOVxS
Ireland now joins the UK in rounding up dissidents for wrong think. This time, they are after a teacher who refuses to endorse transgenderism. pic.twitter.com/r8Xaw3tyJ6
Classic ending. His point is well-taken. If people feel like they do have free healthcare, gifted to them from their employer or parent, doesn't it stand to reason that they may not value their health as much, meaning that they'll ruin or harm their bodies deliberately?
If you have an electric car, you should never sit in it while charging until you get an RF meter to see how much you're irradiating your balls/ovaries.
Building infrastructure to irradiate peoples' reproductive organs while they drive is beyond stupid. https://t.co/1akYiZrpe5
I'm telling you right now, the Russian Doctrine is clear: if a nuclear weapon of any size is detonated on Russian soil, Russia will respond with the totality of its nuclear capabilities. --Scott Ritter, Former UN Weapons Inspector
The Kremlin has made adjustments to its nuclear doctrine.
In the U.S., we speak of potential conflict with Russia.
That if there's a nuclear war in Europe, the United States will be hit. Russia will not only hurt the US, but if Russia makes the decision to strike it will be a killing strike, designed to destroy America's nuclear force before it launches to minimize America's retaliatory capacity. This is what Russia will do. I hope people will take a look at the maps when 150 to 300 megaton warheads, or kiloton warheads land on American cities, the spread of the radiation, how long contamination will be . . . . Guys, it's over. Game, set, match, humanity is gone. The Russians aren't playing around. They understand the seriousness of this and they are not going to sit back and allow the United States to play stupid games that put the existential survival of Russia at risk. If you think Russia is going to let the United States put a standoff strike weapon American-made, an American F-16, and pilot it with Ukrainian and, you know, have these weapons be launched against Moscow or St Petersburg, you're insane. Russia will know exactly where that attack came from, from the United States, and the United States will pay the price. This is why I say we are on the edge, on the edge of the abyss, and we are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been. Look at the Biden Administration. How have they responded to this? They've issued a new Nuclear Employment Guidance. This is the war plan which will make it even easier for the United States to use nuclear weapons. So we are front-loading any potential crisis with Russia with a nuclear employment strategy that's contingent upon limiting the conflict to Europe. This is why we have a low-yield nuclear weapon the W76-2, so that we can send a signal to Russia. I'm telling you right now, the Russian Doctrine is clear: if a nuclear weapon of any size is detonated on Russian soil, Russia will respond with the totality of its nuclear capabilities. That's not me saying this, this is Vladimir Putin saying this. That's what Lavrov is trying to remind us of: play with fire, and you will get burned. But ladies and gentlemen, this isn't going to be the burning of the fingers. This is going to be the burning of your entire neighborhood, of your entire city, of our entire nation.
We reached the final step on the escalation ladder. The Pentagon gave Ukraine permission to strike targets deep inside of Russia with ATACMS missiles. They can only be operated with US satellite targeting assistance.
“Washington is now a direct party to the war.” Moscow says.
"If you look at the PCR process, it's not a diagnostic, so it's always a false positive...the error rate in any testing, if you do mass testing on millions of people, you can create a pandemic anytime you want based on the error rate of the test."
"If you look at the PCR process, it's not a diagnostic, so it's always a false positive...the error rate in any testing, if you do mass testing on millions of people, you can create a pandemic anytime you want based on the error rate of the test."
James Roguski (
's Polly Tommey how the so-called "PCR test" for COVID is, in fact, not a diagnostic tool—meaning any time it turns up a "positive" result, it's actually a false positive. Roguski notes that by using false-positive test results, specifically based off of PCR "tests," health authorities can fabricate "pandemics" out of nothing.
"I've tried to explain that math in [a] video on PCR fraud, but you just have to stop and go, 'Wait a minute: a positive result could be wrong 50% of the time.' And quite frankly, it could be even more than that," Roguski says. He adds that "if you look at the PCR process, it's not a diagnostic. So it's always a false positive."
"The error rate in any testing, if you do mass testing on millions of people, you can create a pandemic anytime you want based on the error rate of the test," Roguski adds. "That's how they trick people into believing that they have an asymptomatic case of whatever the heck it is they're testing for. Don't fall for the fraudulent PCR test and don't fall for any of the other tests."
Partial transcription of clip:
"If you remember, good old Deborah Birx, who was a member of the COVID Task Force, early on, she presented you know, Donald Trump was standing right by her side and she was presenting to the nation.
She said something that I think went right past almost everybody. She said, well, if the specificity of the test is 99 percent, which means it's wrong 1 percent of the time and 1 percent of the population is actually infected if you believe the contagion myth, then a positive result is fifty-fifty. It might be a true positive. It might be a false positive.
"And you just go, how does that math work out? Well, I've tried to explain that math in the video on PCR fraud, but you just have to stop and go, wait a minute. A positive result could be wrong 50 percent of the time. And quite frankly, it could be even more than that. And if you look at the PCR process, it's not a diagnostic. So it's always a false positive. And so number one, the math at some point, you go, oh my god. They're just tricking me with statistics. There's a famous picture of Bill Gates with a book in the background, you know, how to lie with statistics. Well, this is how they do it. If you had a pregnancy test and it was 99 percent accurate and you gave it to, you know, a million men. Now I know, you know, in today's world, men can get pregnant. But if any test is wrong one percent of the time, if you gave it to, you know, a hundred or a thousand or a million men, one percent of them would be told by the test that they're pregnant. Now that's a, you know, silly little answer or or analogy, but the error
rates in any test and in the PCR process, it's a hundred percent.
"But the error rate in any testing, if you do mass testing to millions of people, you can create a pandemic anytime you want based on the error rate of the test. Once people realize that that is how big medicine tricks you, take a cholesterol test, a high blood pressure test, a sugar test, a mammogram, a PSA, you know, prostate-specific antigen test. It's a customer acquisition tool. They go, "Oh, you have to take this high-technology test that you don't understand." And that's how they trick people into believing that they have an asymptomatic case of whatever the heck it is they're testing for. Don't fall for the fraudulent PCR test and don't fall for any of the other tests, you know, quite frankly.
pcrfraud.com. PCR Tests cannot identify any active variant. Don't submit to these or any other tests. Their margin of error is too high for them to be used ethically or reliably, and will only be used by your doctor to justify some suspicion they've already concocted to prescribe you something.
And it takes about 12 hours for a streptococcus mutans to land on your tooth, call its buddies to come and join it and start developing into this infected mass. So you have to brush your teeth every 12 hours otherwise you are going to develop plaque but that is an ongoing process that never gets better. --Dr. Ellie Phillips
We talk about the biome as gut health all the time here. But people don’t link that up with eyeball fluid, nostril mucus, and realize that the entire body is a biome. Listen to the dentist explain why you don’t need to do the regular cleanings -https://t.co/oqPMxo2OUs
00:40 Do you need a dental cleaning? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Does a cleaning stop you from getting cavities? How does that happen? What's the science? And when it comes to little children I get really mad because some mothers pay for every child to have a cleaning, and do they need it and is it beneficial?
01:10 If your dentist or hygenist tells you that, yes, you do need a cleaning because you have that crusty stuff they call tartar, calculus plaque in places around your mouth, then you do need to do something about that. The hygenist could clean it off your teeth, but believe me, it's going to come back and you don't have to have that.
01:35 Plaque is a bacterial infection. Yeah, it's not a thing, it's not a substance. It looks like a substance in your mouth but let's go down a microscope and start at the beginning. In your saliva, in the liquid in your mouth are lots and lots of kinds of bacteria. I think they're now saying that there are 900 different kinds of bacteria and most of them are really good and helpful. One particular kind of bacteria is called streptococcus mutans. What they do is travel around the mouth, say the mouth of an infant before they have teeth they can't land anywhere, because the only place where streptococcus mutans can multiply is on the hard surface of a tooth, a non-shedding hard tooth. They love teeth. And the strep mutans consume sugars. So if you have sugars in your saliva from the foods and drinks you eat or drink, strep mutans will take those sugars and use it as an energy source to multiply and also to make sticky pads that glue streptococcus mutans to your tooth and to other streptococcus mutans, so they start lining up and maturing and when they're maturing, they're kind of like little columna, like little pencils under a microscope, lined up, stuck to each other and then they form these blankets. And the next blanket comes on top, so they not only lay sideways but thicken. And when they grow so thick, they can actually be seen, that is when you have plaque on your teeth. So if you scrape with your fingernail and get a soft, white fluffy stuff off your teeth and you were to look at that under a microscope, it is a seething mass of all these bacteria that are all glued together with the sticky glucans from sugars that you've been eating or drinking.
03:43 Now, yes, you can brush that stuff off your teeth, you can floss it off your teeth, but it's not going to go away because in your saliva you have more streptococcus mutans just waiting to land on your tooth. And it takes about 12 hours for a streptococcus mutans to land on your tooth, call its buddies to come and join it and start developing into this infected mass. So you have to brush your teeth every 12 hours otherwise you are going to develop plaque but that is an ongoing process that never gets better. The suggestion I would make is that you start using strategies that I recommend. You see, we knew in 1970 that if you consume a tiny amount of xylitol, the sugar from birch trees, at the end of meals and then you don't eat or drink, over a period of 1 month the Xylitol will feed all the bacteria in your mouth, feed all the good ones, it will also feed those nasty strep mutans that are on your teeth. The thing is strep mutans cannot use Xylitol. It's the wrong shape. It's a 5-carbon sugar, and it's just like the wrong cog in a wheel. It cannot use it for energy. And without energy, the strep mutans can no longer make their sticky pads to stick to your teeth, so they become slippery, so you can wash them away
04:00. I thought I'd lay out my observations. July and August have been extremely eventful, and all of these events had something very interesting and common and that is the well understood pending default by Ukraine, which was expected at the end of July. And there was frenzied activity around Ukraine's Bond Servicing, and between Ukraine's government and Starmer's cabinet. Here's what's been happening. 2024 has been very bad for Ukraine. It's become clear that they cannot win in their war against Russia, and already in January about 10% of people polled in Europe, on a sample of 17,000 people in 12 European countries, only 10% of them felt that Ukraine could win against Russia. Which tells you that's the True Believers, 10%, right? So things are looking bleak and then the aid package gets stalled in US Congress for months, the $61 billion aid package. And then in March, the World Bank gives Ukraine a $1.5 billion loan but what we learned from that is that the World Bank thinks that Ukraine state of finances is catastrophic and at the risk of dealing with Ukraine is extreme, meaning you can lend the money but you're not going to see it back. That's bank talk for that.
06:00. So there's a lot of anxiety between the private bondholders who hold about $20 billion dollars worth of _________ Ukraine bonds. When Russians launched their special military operation these private bondholders granted Ukraine a two-year grace period so you don't have to service your debt for 2 years. That expires when? It expired on the 1st of August, 2024, so 27 days ago. In May, according to the Wall Street Journal, they start this discussion between a bondholding committee representing people like Black Rock among the Pimco and who knows who else and they start negotiating with Ukrainians because they're like, "Hey, you need to start servicing those bonds. You need to start paying at least the interest," and so the Ukrainians are like, "We can't. If you take a haircut, like 60%, then maybe we can talk. And so there were negotiations going on, Ukrainians were demanding 60% reduction in debt and the bond holders were offering 22% so this gets to July then on 12th July they have these intense negotiations and by the 19th July they reached the agreement okay so ukrainians are going to start restructuring their debts they're going to be at 37% haircut for the bond holders and this happens in London on 18th July zelensky flies to London where the recently appointed Blair's salonski as his ambass ador as his ambassador to London who used to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in Ukraine
1:16:40 Steve Hogarth put it in one of Marillion's songs, we don't even have the haves and the have nots, we have "the haves and the have-nothings."
That's Britain, man.
They had a poll in which 25% of the British people said they were going to have to switch off their heating this winter to survive financially. Off! And 48% of them said "Off or down," meaning maybe we'll heat a little bit, but that's half the population.
1:17:31 And their leadership, as you pointed out in your article, the leadership is telling them "Well, you're probably going to have to suffer and you probably don't deserve to heat your homes," like a number of them are like "this is what you're going to have to do to save England." Ah, no. Fuck you.
The Merck Manual is the medical student’s Bible. And yes, it’s written by the drug company with the same name. @SharylAttkisson uncovers this and more BigPharma corruption in her new book “Follow the Science.” Preview before the release on Sept 3rd by listening to her interview…
Here is the podcast, and the 36-minute interview doesn't start until the 1:08 mark.
18:45. Well, like you say, the stuff that sounded unbelievable to me but as I started to understand the science behind it these are things that opened my eyes. One of them I would say is Viagra causing blindness. I broke that story internationally some years ago at CBS when other journalists didn't care. It was nothing more than a laugh to them when a small article came up on the wire services, and I talked about how the people who uncovered these side effects that the government should [have been] covering, the drug company should be telling us about, like blindness with the erectile dysfunction drugs, they're not coming up with it because they're not looking for it for whatever reason. The doctors who are prescribing it aren't asking. So this tells how this was discovered by me and also by independent doctors who were treating as it happens; not the urologists who should have been looking for this, but an eye doctor noticed these patterns. So I thought that was fascinating. I talked about the tricks that FDA scientists say the drug companies use to hide Adverse Events in their studies that they submit to being approved so that these things won't show up until it's too late
"Adults who were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata... They started hand-flapping, they stopped talking...we call that mercury poisoning over [there], but if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism."… pic.twitter.com/ytekaTW4IA
"Adults who were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata... They started hand-flapping, they stopped talking...we call that mercury poisoning over [there], but if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism."
Scientist, CEO, author, and human rights advocate James Lyons-Weiler (
) podcast about how autism is caused by "a long list" of environmental toxins, which he refers to as "autismogens."
"Like there are many carcinogens, there are many autismogens," Lyons-Weiler says. "These autismogens include any number of organic pollutants [including] mercury of both types."
The scientist highlights the Minamata disaster in Japan, which saw citizens in the 1950s, in the city of Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture, fall prey to mercury poisoning following the release of methylmercury into the ocean from industrial wastewater from a chemical factory. The methylmercury bioaccumulated in shellfish and when citizens subsequently ate them, they were poisoned.
"Adults that were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata after the Minamata disaster...[they] stopped making eye contact. They started hand-flapping, and they stopped talking, it's a one-to-one correspondence. We just call that mercury poisoning over here. But if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism, if it's mercury-based."
Partial transcription of clip:
"All of the literature up to 2015 showed environmental toxins that are associated with autism. It's a long list.
"Like there are many carcinogens, there are many autismogens. These autismogens include any
number of organic pollutants. They include mercury of both types. And proof of this is the Minamata disaster in Japan. Adults that were exposed to too much mercury because they ate fish from the Bay of Minamata after the Minamata disaster, [and] well, let's go through the symptoms of autism: you stop making eye contact; you can't speak; you lose the ability to speak; you don't interact with people socially; you act like they're not there in the room If it's severe, you might hand flap and do repetitive motions.
"Anybody can identify a kid with autism that way or an adult. The adults that were exposed to high levels of mercury stopped making eye contact. They started hand flapping, and they stopped talking, it's a one-to-one correspondence. We just call that mercury poisoning over here. But if you poison a kid with mercury to their toxic level of tolerance, it's autism, if it's mercury-based.
So autism...it often involves an autoimmune reaction...but it's simply the body's intolerance of toxins and the brain becomes overwhelmed, can't do the
things that the brain needs to do.
"What happens in the brain if a brain cell dies due to the toxins that are present of any kind, it actually activates, it sends out cytokines that activate microglial cells, which are the scavengers and the immune cells of our brain. And those microglial cells will pick up the cellular debris and clean it up. They also do pruning of the brain during neurodevelopment and they have two roles. They're the trash collectors of the brain and they prune the brain for neurodevelopment. Well, if you fill the brain with toxins to the point where these microglia are so busy taking out the trash all day long, they can't build the brain properly. So we have altered neurodevelopment due to toxins.
"So please, let's stop with, okay, for the greater good, you're taking on risks for to protect other kids, and what about these kids? What about these kids' rights to live in a world free from the ravages of pharmaceutical toxins to save some other kid from a mild childhood illness. That's where the balance of ethics should be and we need to revisit that as a society.
Shocking documents reveal that federal inspectors uncovered a disturbing number of violations at the Virginia Boar's Head facility, the epicenter of a deadly deli meat recall.
The listeriosis outbreak has already claimed at least nine lives and sickened dozens more, with new… pic.twitter.com/DnVXzvK6Ct
Shocking documents reveal that federal inspectors uncovered a disturbing number of violations at the Virginia Boar's Head facility, the epicenter of a deadly deli meat recall.
The listeriosis outbreak has already claimed at least nine lives and sickened dozens more, with new fatalities reported in recent days from Florida, Tennessee, New Mexico, and South Carolina.
Inspectors found mold, mildew, and insects repeatedly infesting the site, raising alarms about the facility's safety standards.
Boar’s Head, a member of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S., has been involved in efforts to hire, train, and mentor refugees.
This marks the largest listeriosis outbreak since the devastating 2011 incident linked to cantaloupe.
The Bitcoin 2024 conference included speeches by two presidential candidates, President Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr., both promising significant changes to Federal policies related to bitcoin and private crypto. Whitney Webb and her co-author Mark Goodwin wrote an overview of Trump's speech, and I published questions for Kennedy about his more radical proposals.
If this Bitcoin dollar thing is true which I think it's very likely true now that a leading presidential candidate is out there basically saying hey we're going to do it the guy
I’d like to add that humic acid can help detox some of the toxins in the body. Especially pertaining to the c19 injections. But there were many different vials and some were placebo, some of them killed people immediately, Some of them put people into prolonged suffering, and…
Humic acid does not affect the volume of bifidobacteria, but it might still be used as a serious alternative to fecal transplants.
The concentrations of pioneer groups of Bifidobacteriaceae, Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium difficile increased but the observed differences were statistically not significant.
Our investigations in healthy volunteers show that orally applied humic acids increase the sum concentrations of preexisting colonic microbiota from 20% to 30% without changes in the bacterial diversity of the individual microbiome and may be a serious amendment/alternative to fecal transplantation or probiotics.
Flora Fulvic | Fulvic Acid + Humic Acid Complex – 550 mg |Mined in Utah, Prehistoric Deep Earth Extract | Immunity, Gut, Digestion – Natural Trace Mineral Complex, Fulvic Acid Supplement – 60 Capsules https://t.co/r2BHy8c6EJ via @amazon
"City Will Enforce Voluntary Lockdown", "Mosquitos Lockdown City"
You won't believe how they "enforce" a "voluntary" lockdown, nor the hours of "curfew". Mainstream media and government are telling some major whoppers to panic people and retain their usurped powers. It will… pic.twitter.com/NLYu4kPxjY
— David Knight Show LIVE 9am EST, M-F (@libertytarian) August 27, 2024
Residents who wish to use town fields during curfew hours must provide proof of insurance and sign an indemnification form. What happens if you don't provide proof of insurance? What happens if you don't sign their form? Who says that they're responsible for you being outdoors anyway, right? But I have to show proof of insurance to be outside? That sounds like what they do to us with cars. Now, walking outside has been turned into a government-granted privilege. It's an evening curfew and you have to stay indoors after 6pm until September 30, 2024. And then on October the 1st, they're going to ramp it up when the curfew starts at 5pm.
This report reminds me of Ray Bradbury's short story of a dystopian police state, titled, "The Pedestrian," 1951.
Unfortunately, the Oxford, Massachusetts mosquito curfew is much worse.
Since posting this, one person I talked to reversed their leg hair loss with vitamin K and thyroid, and another with just vitamin D. Remember that this symptom is not superficial and can indicate early arterial stiffness. Both told me that their scalp hair loss improved. https://t.co/WPZYUnDWwe
Who knew that when Dad was telling us to go play on the freeway, he was really trying to have us get more negative ions to fortify our health. And here I was thinking that he was just tired of dealing with his teenage boys.
This was my first graphic of the New Narrative Network and who was funding them. Most of these people have been increasingly force-fed to us since I posted in April 2023. Can you see how they've steered the narrative over time? Many of them dominate the news now. (video in next) pic.twitter.com/zKpj9CoKYQ
— Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs (@FringeViews) August 27, 2024
I just spoke to a gentleman who retrieves vehicles for banks from customers that are delinquent, and he said he is now retrieving from Ford and Dodge DEALERS. He said they overpriced the vehicles and could not sell and are now delinquent themselves. North Idaho area.
Dave Grohl was upset about their song, "My Hero," 1997, saying that they didn't give the Trump campaign permission. Then the Operation Mockingbird assets immediately amplified their anger, spreading fake news. But claiming that the Foo Fighters did not give the Trump campaign to use their song at the rally. Guess what? It doesn't matter because the band members themselves have no say whatsoever about who buys licenses for their music. It took a foreign media outlet to do journalism and reached out to the Trump campaign and asked them if they did buy the license to the song, which, of course, they did. The one at the Independent has seen the documents, they say, "appearing to confirm that the campaign did indeed license the song from BMI's song view service" because when a major band records a song, they no longer own that song; they sell the rights to the record label. Then, the record label can do whatever they want with it, selling the rights to distributors and then the distributors sell licenses to people who could play the song publicly. You actually do need a license for that. And so, of course, the Trump campaign got the license. Technically, the band didn't give permission to play the song, but guess what? It doesn't matter.
Keep this handy for that moment when Dave Grohl and the Foo Pfizers complain about Trump using their song, There Goes My Hero. Because you know they will. pic.twitter.com/HhzLdHxGuy