Showing posts with label — James Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — James Lindsay. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Shortages. High food prices. Communism

The root of the problem goes back to that Twin Falls Canal company.  They have some of the oldest water rights in Idaho.  And up here, we're kind of further up the valley, we have junior water rights; they have senior water rights.  

Saturday, June 15, 2024

HRC imposes that agenda on the most powerful corporations in the world through something called the Corporate Equality Index, or CEI for short.

June is Pride Month.  Suddenly everything around you from the businesses you frequent to the sports teams you cheer for is covered in rainbow flags.  Your TV screens are filled with LGBT activists promoted by all the big brands.  It's everywhere you look.  You ever wonder how it got that way?  Even just a few decades ago, Pride Month meant a few parades and a handful of carefully worded statements.  Now every major business, brand, and Institution is all in on LGBT.  The roots of a lot of this lie with a group called The Human Rights Campaign, a powerful LGBT activist group that cut its teeth in the fight for gay marriage.  Once that fight was over, HRC quickly moved on to far more radical causes using its considerable power and influence to lobby for things like pornography in elementary schools, the destruction of women's sports, and sex changes for children as young as 3-years-old.  HRC imposes that agenda on the most powerful corporations in the world through something called the Corporate Equality Index, or CEI for short.  CEI ranks companies based on their LGBT activism.  Companies can score points by doing things like donating to left-wing LGBT groups, or paying for their employees' sex changes, or for promoting transgender influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney.  Every year the criteria for a good CEI score gets a little more extreme than the year before.  And if companies don't want to participate in LGBT activism, they are in big trouble.  You see major investors like Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street Bank are in bed with HRC, which means that a good CEI score is often a prerequisite for securing the investment a company needs to stay afloat.  In this way, groups like The Human Rights Campaign are a major player in corporate America's embrace of left wing activism.  They control the purse strings, and that gives them the ability to launder their radical agenda through the most powerful companies in the world.

How did LGBTQ propaganda get everywhere so fast?

The Human Rights Campaign is a powerful lobby group that ranks corporations based on their corporate policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, ‘transgender’ and ‘queer’ employees. 

And the 3 heavy hitters in the investment arena — Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street — are all on board with this Queer Marxism. If companies want to secure their investments, they need to play ball. So they do. 

The same goes with Race Marxism, and ESG, where equity for stakeholders — not investment return for shareholders —became a dominant driving force. 

I used to work in the investment arena, and it blows my mind how quickly this neo-Communism snuck in through the back door. 

The slippery slope is not organic. It’s orchestrated by political leaders, a handful of lobby groups, and ideologues managing the big money. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Snitch culture is a powerful tool for totalitarians

Graham Green writes, 

For some reason they can't seem to get the pipe fixed and are now considering becoming more authoritarian - it's playing out just like the pandemic.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FRANK DIKOTTER: Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled

On Woke churches, but in 1950s China. Sound familiar? 

"Before liberation, there were approximately 3 million Catholics and 1 million Protestants. Their faith was singled out for slow strangulation. Brutal persecution, at least in the first years of the new regime, was not compatible with a policy of toleration. … Gradually the pressure increased. Cadres and activists questioned believers, at home, in church, at the marketplace or in the police station, day and night. They were cajoled, threatened, pressed, nagged, and prodded, sometimes for days on end. Like all other people in China, they were called upon to reform themselves and provide accusations against others. They had to join daily study sessions, examine their links with foreign imperialists, and renounce their faith at public meetings. Everywhere religious networks crumbled, as people left the church in droves. 

"Protestants were further isolated by the rise of a 'Patriotic Church' in 1951. It received funds from the state, preached according to the state, and followed every command from the state. Those who refused to join were put under house arrest and sent to labor camps. In parts of the country, Christians were forbidden to have rosaries, patron saint medals, or crucifixes. Homes were searched and prayer books, catechisms, and holy pictures were destroyed. Churches were stripped of sacred objects. Troops carried away altars and benches. Seminaries for training clergy were banned. 

"Reformed churches, on the other hand, fared better. In Beijing, St Michael's Church had red flags draping the main altar, communion rail, vestibule, and the path to the gate. Streamers hanging from the church columns proclaimed 'Long Live Mao Zedong' and 'Long Live Communism'. Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled . . . 

"Throughout the province, by contrast [to a kind of defiant revival], believers deserted the Patriotic churches. Some of them stood empty. It was the same story in Sichuan."

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The United Nations is among the most evil organizations to ever have cursed the Earth . . .

[here is Robert Muller's web page.]

This vision was first articulated by a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Robert Muller, who laid a vision leading up to the Millenium Assembly 25 years not just for a global tyranny but for the United Nations to seize control of the entire evolution of man and the evolution of the earth.  That cannot be.  He put forth this vision believing that the world is a meta-organism--the nations of the world, and the ecosystems of the world are like organs of a single body.  The people, the plants, the animals are like its cells, and for them the United Nations will be its central nervous system, its brain, the center of its soul.  

At the 1:33 mark, Dr. Robert Malone is seen sitting in the audience.  

Obviously, we will have to sacrifice our sovereignties, national and individual, to achieve this vision, this evil, demonic vision, and we must say no.  The Sustainable Development Goals show that this was crystalized and taken seriously and we come to Geneva to say, "No!  We will not go with you."  We will not allow this.  Absolutely not.  Our sovereignty is sacred.  We cannot give it, and you cannot take it from us.  But to the United Nations, I give a warning: that is not a building of glass and steel and concrete.  That is Babel.  And God shall not be mocked!  Their judgment is coming.  

Thanks to James Lindsay.  who writes, 
The United Nations is a religious organization, and the religion behind it is a cult. More specifically, it is a theosophical cult based on an “evolutionary” vision for mankind that it wants to control. This fact is revealed in a strange book by late UN big-wig and creator of the World Core Curriculum (Common Core in the United States), Robert Muller, from about 25 years ago titled 2000 Ideas for a Better World, which he published in four volumes in the lead-up to the year 2000 (links below). Muller delivered this book and a summary of the key spiritual points to the UN Secretary-General in March of 1999 in advance of the Millennium Assembly with the hope that it would guide UN global policy and global spirituality in the 21st century and third millennium. He then went on to publish five thousand more ideas. The book is shocking in its contents, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay dives into a rather narrow sample of the troubling ideas contained in the summary document Muller stressed to the UN Secretary-General to set the agenda for our current century. Join him to find out what the UN really is. 

Muller developed the World Core Curriculum, a new education method FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET.  If you're a teacher, parent, or student of education, then you've heard of the Common Core Curriculum, which is a branch of the original.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Top Khmer Rouge Leader, 84, Tells Court [in 2016] He Fought for Social Justice

This is from 2016, but stunning.  And to think that so many of the schools across the United States have Social Justice defaulted, if not in their curriculum, then in the demented minds of young teachers. 

Phnom Penh: One of the Khmer Rouge’s top surviving leaders Wednesday challenged his life sentence for crimes against humanity and said he had only fought for “social justice” in Cambodia, in rare comments made to a UN-backed court.
The brutal regime’s former head of state Khieu Samphan, 84, raised his voice to a chamber in Phnom Penh that will decide whether to accept an appeal on the guilty verdict handed down to him and another senior leader, 89-year-old Nuon Chea.
The men were convicted of committing crimes against humanity in 2014 for their pivotal role in the communist government that oversaw the deaths of up to two million Cambodians from 1975-1979 — nearly one-quarter of the population.
“What I want to say today and what I want my countrymen to hear is that as an intellectual I have never wanted anything other than social justice for my country,” Khieu Samphan told the court’s seven judges on the final day of the appeal hearing.
“I shall shout loudly that I never wanted to agree to any policy that is against the Cambodian people,” he said.
Nuon Chea, known as “Brother Number Two” to chief leader Pol Pot, did not exercise his right to make a statement.
Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea were the first high-ranking leaders to be jailed from the Khmer Rouge regime, which ruthlessly dismantled Cambodia’s modern society in pursuit of an agrarian Marxist utopia.
But their lawyers quickly appealed the ruling, accusing the court of a string of errors and the judges of failing to remain impartial due to their personal experiences under the regime.
The pair are also currently facing a second trial on charges of genocide for the killings of ethnic Vietnamese and Muslim minorities, as well as for their regime’s use of forced marriage and rape.
An estimated 100,000 to 500,000 Cham Muslims and 20,000 Vietnamese were killed during the Khmer Rouge’s brief but brutal reign.
The court, located on the outskirts of the capital, was set up in following an agreement between Cambodia and the United Nations to prosecute the Khmer Rouge leaders “most responsible” for the regime’s crimes.
The case against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan was split into a series of smaller trials in 2011 for reasons including their advanced age and the large number of accusations.

Many key Khmer Rouge leaders have died without facing justice, including “Brother Number One” Pol Pot who died in 1998. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Boeing hit DEI targets and climate targets but missed quality and production targets

00:15. Hello, I'm here to encourage you to support Proposal 7 regarding a DEI risk report.  I hope to clarify DEI in its related programs for you today.  Words like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion have specialist meanings, not just their everyday meanings.  Diversity means diverse to existing standards and values which in a corporate setting can mean diverse as opposed to a standard of merit and competence in hiring and promotion.  It can also refer to implementing activist programs that are off-mission of corporations.  Inclusion means rearranging a work environment to accommodate that diversity and its politics.  Equity means redistributing shares to make groups more equal.  Sustainability is also a political program with a specialist meaning.  These are not Boeing's missions.  They are scams.  Boeing's mission is to manufacture safe, reliable, technologically superior aircraft.  Boeing prioritizes DEI, though perhaps illegally.  Evidence is provided in a proposal report and it's explicit in this year's SCC filing, which indicates that Boeing hit DEI targets and climate targets, but missed quality and production targets.  People are noticing.  DEI and ESG are not only legally risky and bad PR, but they also divert scarce resources away from Boeing's core mission in terms of production, safety, and quality.  Every dollar spent on these programs takes away from Boeing's mission and shareholder returns, and shareholders are right to question the fiduciary responsibility of these decisions.  These programs may be being implemented to check boxes and miss understanding as to what they are or do ideological drivers.  And previous SEC filings indicate executive compensation depends on them, specifically the G part of any ESG score can be increased by tying executive compensation to implementing ESG, which previous SEC filings have happened at Boeing.  This indicates the kind of naked corruption shareholders have a right to be concerned about, especially given the poor performance of ESG and DEI in making companies profitable.  I'm not here to accuse anyone though; in fact, I suspect Boeing is under tremendous pressure from large institutional investment firms on this issue, and executives' hands may be tied.  Still, DEI and ESG represent a rapidly growing risk of discrimination and fiduciary responsibility lawsuits they divert scarce resources away from Boeing's mission to build the best and safest aircraft in the world as a lifelong lover of aviation myself and a frequent passenger in Boeing jet I believe bowling represents the pinnacle of American manufacturing so I hope to see leadership make good decisions going forward including by supporting proposals 7

DEI and ESG [DEI is the S in ESG] 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Oprah has been a watercarrier for the Gnostic New Thought religion for decades

Thursday, April 25, 2024

LINDSAY: This is the cult, related to Communism, behind much of the radical culture shift that has allowed our current Communist revolution to be as successful as it has been.

Monday, April 15, 2024

INTERESTING: Pro-Palestinian Protesters in San Francisco and Seattle? You're good. Brooklyn and Miami? Get the f*** outta here





The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS)

In this case, that capture is run through the "Stakeholder Capitalism" or "Inclusive Capitalism" or "Sustainable Development" model coordinated by the UN and WEF and facilitated through financial firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, plus proxy advisory firms like ISS and Glass Lewis. These effectively create a corporate cartel (Soviet) environment that's playing Hunger Games with Western industries while passing the economic superpower torch to the CCP and BRICS alliance. 
The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS) production under their broadly corporate-socialist model. --James Lindsay

It's important to understand what's going on at Boeing, which is why I controversially brought it up on Rogan. America and the West are being deindustrialized (Degrowth) to increase our dependency on the CCP-controlled PR of China.

This includes using DEI and ESG requirements to misdirect corporate priorities and resources (see Boeing's latest SEC filing, e.g.) to "suicide" (action verb) corporations while establishing a tyrannical regime over them similar to regulatory capture. In this case, that capture is run through the "Stakeholder Capitalism" or "Inclusive Capitalism" or "Sustainable Development" model coordinated by the UN and WEF and facilitated through financial firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, plus proxy advisory firms like ISS and Glass Lewis. These effectively create a corporate cartel (Soviet) environment that's playing Hunger Games with Western industries while passing the economic superpower torch to the CCP and BRICS alliance. The point is to actively suicide American and eventually Western industry while enabling their Chinese competitors to move the West into a broken, consumption-only economy that's dependent on PRC and Indian (BRICS) production under their broadly corporate-socialist model. In this case, Boeing is being squeezed. Airbus will be too, eventually. Their Chinese military-owned competitor, COMAC, is being positioned and encouraged to rise as a "dark horse" while the 737, 777, and 787 are targeted with a heavy narrative operation built around a manufactured truth about problems in their production and safety. The COMAC C919 is a direct B737 competitor on the rise, and the COMAC C929 is the B777/787 competitor on its way. Here, former Congressman John Kucinich (D-OH) explains the de-industrialization and thus increasing dependency of American production and manufacturing (Degrowth) and gives as a specific example how Boeing lobbied his office to decrease restrictions on PRC trade so that Boeing could more easily enter into the lucrative Chinese market. The CCP's price of admission was sharing various aircraft prototypes, all of which would have been in advance of the development of their COMAC knockoff C919 aircraft line. This isn't just a "James Lindsay was right" moment. It's very serious on multiple levels, including finding out what defense-contracted information Boeing utilized to buy access to the huge cartel (CCP)–controlled PRofChina market. Serious questions have to be asked by serious people, like Congressional oversight committees, under oath. What prototypes were offered, if any? What role has hitting ESG and DEI targets played in misplacing resources and misdirecting priorities so that Boeing is now in this truly vulnerable position at exactly the moment its PRC knockoff competitor emerges onto the world market? What incentives and disincentives did Boeing face (including corrupt executive compensation packages, as reported in their previous SEC filings) to implement ESG and DEI requirements both in its own company and in its supply chain (Spirit Aerosystems, particularly)? How do these incentive structures appear in other American corporations and industries, and what impacts are they having? These questions must be asked. This is serious. It's not just bad business at a big company. It's the controlled demolition of the West and of America. Where these moves have been intentionally orchestrated or facilitated by American officials, this may well be treason. The fate of our country is directly tied to these questions. I hope we're ready to start taking them seriously.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

POOR RIDDHI PATEL let ideology get in the way of civil discussion

Palestine protestor testimony in Bakersfield, CA:

“People in the global south believe in violent revolution against their oppressors, and one day I hope someone brings the guillotine and kills all of you motherf*ckers… We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you.”

DENNIS KUCINICH: You cannot have political freedoms if you don't have economic freedoms. And as people start to lose their economic position, their political rights by definition are going to be undermined

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

JAMES LINDSAY: Loving parents are the counterrevolution

the education system is very important to the Left.  They need it for a lot of different reasons.  They need it to indoctrinate the children.  They don't care about you, right? They're not trying to change your mind or my mind.  They just want your kids.  They're not having their own children, so they need your kids.  --Tiffany Justice

Ever wonder how the Left will take your kids?  By giving them everything.  Just as the war on your biology did not come from a tank battalion out on the Mojave Desert but came in the form of a pseudo-legal framework that stripped you of informed consent [btw, consent does not exist unless you are informed], so too communism will come to schools in the form of government goodies.  

The speaker's name is Tiffany Justice.

It's really important in this time right now that we understand the education system is very important to the Left.  They need it for a lot of different reasons.  They need it to indoctrinate the children.  They don't care about you, right? They're not trying to change your mind or my mind.  They just want your kids.  They're not having their own children, so they need your kids.  That's just the truth.  But right now, perfectly poised on my way here in the Uber, I was looking on Twitter and there was a posting for the American Federation of Teachers.  That's Randi Weingarten [who is married to Sharon Kleinbaum], the second-largest teachers union next to the National Education Association.  But they were talking about Community Schools.  So for anyone who doesn't know what community schools are, Community Schools equals communism.  In this tweet, if you go to the AFT's Twitter page right now, or X page, you can see they talk about how they want to give your kids everything from clean clothes at school to food to prom dresses to full-service school-based health clinics.  And that is the goal.  When Randi Weingarten was brought in front of Congress and asked about learning losses during COVID, she said the answer is Community Schools.  We need to have more wrap-around services.  

Folks, there is not enough money in the world to take these schools and to have them raise everyone's children.  We will never be able to take the federal government out of Education.  And so to your point about abolishing or dismantling the Department of Education, we need to do that, we need to do that now because the federal government is very much looking for that opportunity right now to be able to expand their footprint into the states.  And to your point about local control, you lose it.  Right now a state takes anywhere between 3% and 16% of its funding from the federal government.  Now imagine that that number continues to increase to 25% to 30% to 40%, how do you cut them out?  How do you stop delivering those services in your community when no one else exists to serve them?  They bring in all the Community Partners and the nonprofits.  It's quite the racket.  So I just say this to you, to say parents we are on to something.  We caught them.  I saw behind the education curtain when I was on school board and then COVID happened.  And all of America saw behind the education curtain.  And now we've got their number, and they are not done trying to silence us because they know how incredibly powerful parents are.  

Monday, April 1, 2024

JORDAN PETERSON ON COMMANDMENT #3: Thou shall not take the Lord’s name in vain

Friday, March 22, 2024


because the drama has been banned by the Chinese government due to the censorship system). Many people commented that it was too violent and bloody, while others, particularly those who experienced the Cultural Revolution firsthand, argued that due to Netflix's rating system, it was impossible to fully capture the brutal reality of the era on screen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Using gun control to misinformation to climate change under the guise of public health emergency for total capture, total control. Comply with this and you sign your own death warrant

Saturday, March 16, 2024

15 years and $88 billion with a "b" later, not a single mile of track has been laid for California's Bullet Train

Thursday, March 14, 2024

"Trust and Safety" departments exist as a mechanism to get rid of non-Leftists ("assholes") from communities and companies. It's a purging system.