Showing posts with label Dr. Jane Ruby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Jane Ruby. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

TODD CALLENDER: So the answer is yes. [The Russians] are moving up the evidentiary chain to go after the people that created this bug and the ones that created these shots

I think the answer to that is yes.  If you look at the way that those tribunals are going, it's really laying all the evidence, the foundation to the creation of bioweapons factories in the Ukraine, and that was our government amongst others.  They were creating bioweapons avoiding the application of bioweapons treaty, because Ukraine was a no man's land.  It wasn't part of these treaties that's why they were there.  Same thing in Taiwan.  --Todd Callender

33:25, CALLENDER. The owners don't care how chaos happens.  In fact, their mantra is "Ordo ab Chao."  They don't care what happens if it's a nuclear exchange or what the friar talked about because they need to destroy our system so fundamentally that their new system we would accept it.  So our obligation, and I disagree with him slightly on this, is as people become angry, understand this--we have to preserve the law that's been in place the whole time our country is there, which is people are entitled to a trial.  Now I take the position that they're only entitled to a military trial because we are in a war, and those are military tribunals just like it was in 1946.  However, everybody should get a trial a fair trial and be judged by their peers, and I volunteered to prosecute these things because if we devolve where our society doesn't give people the right to be heard, then our society is actually gone.  We have to preserve the constructs.

34:25. RUBY.  I want to talk a little bit about the constructs because the reality is right now there's just and I don't even know how they exist there is just small dots if you will of Courts and judges that will hear this that will even go into adjudication?  The majority of them . . . it's not my territory so they'll come up with some reason to not hear it.  So how is that going to happen?

34:51. CALLENDER.  It's happening.  

34:52.  RUBY.  Is that going to be people like you, setting up citizen grand juries, like how is this going to happen? 

34:57.  CALLENDER.  It's happening right now.  You might have followed me . . . Ukraine is not a country exactly, not for purposes of UN recognition.  It's a territory, and it's a territory of Russia.  So in Russia's now annexed or independent states, they have already started war crimes tribunals.  They actually have the jurisdiction because back when Nuremberg was happening, don't forget Europe was split into two after World War 2.  The US, Canada, UK were doing trials in Nuremberg.  The Russians were doing the exact same trials in Kiev.  There is a repeat and this is frankly where international criminal law came from.  Crimes against humanity came from Nuremberg and Kiev, those trials.  Russia is conducting war crimes trials right now.  Crimes against humanity are being prosecuted.  I understand that there is a US Admiral was captured in this thing I understand there was a Canadian General who was captured and they are Prosecuting people for war crimes and crimes against humanity and they have the ability to actually execute on those judgments, alright? It's not like in Malaysia where they tried, convicted, and sentenced Tony Blair and George Bush to death for crimes against humanity.  That never happened because they didn't have the ability to enforce judgment.  Russia is a different kettle of fish. They actually do have the ability to enforce those judgments and the other part is that the legal precedent allows for trial in ab sentia.  They can literally have a trial of some guy who's in a different place, you know, they go and get them.  So this is very concerning.  That is what's driving this right now.  It's a military tribunal.  It's already open and it's in progress.

36:29, RUBY.  What is that mean to the average American?  If they're watching now and they're thinking to themselves, wow, how can we get that here?  Is that going to affect, are they taking out bad guys in the American Military leadership over there with Russian tribunals?  Are they?  Okay.

I think the answer to that is yes.  If you look at the way that those tribunals are going, it's really laying all the evidence, the foundation to the creation of bioweapons factories in the Ukraine, and that was our government amongst others.  They were creating bioweapons avoiding the application of bioweapons treaty, because Ukraine was a no man's land.  It wasn't part of these treaties that's why they were there.

[On bioweapons and the 1975 Bioweapons Treaty, you'll greatly enjoy this with a reference to Dr. Frances Boyle.]

Same thing in Taiwan.  So the answer is yes.  They are moving up the evidentiary chain to go after the people that created this bug and the ones that created these shots to eliminate the planet.

37:20. RUBY. Well they could start with Ralph Baric.  

That's right.

37:23.  I just did a special on him very little talked about in the American public but people don't understand that he's really kind of the father of weaponizing the spike protein making it so nasty and deadly making sure people suffered maybe that was the money thing but I hope Russia has got their eye on him.  I heard a really interesting summary by Colonel Douglas McGregor who I have the pleasure of meeting once in Washington DC and he actually explained that difference on what's going on between Russia and Ukraine because there's that jump from you know whenever the Biden Administration is pushing you towards something, "Hey, we're all about Ukraine!" "Stand by Ukraine!" and "Put those Ukrainian flags on your car!" you knew that was the PsyOp, right?  And McGregor explained it beautifully.  He had to do it twice because Trey Gowdy was too thick to figure it out, but . . . 

or didn't want to know . . .

Or he was just too paid off, I guess, maybe by the CCP I wanted to ask you something else and I know this is getting a little abstract but I wanted to ask the question do you know Dr Shiva ayurveda he used to he ran against Elizabeth Warren kind of claim to fame a patent guy email innovator or something to that effect he was in a meeting that I was in once in a zoom and I asked him is this a top down this is the top of the food chain that question and he said in his opinion it was a swarm model we're talking about the Rothschilds because we feel like we're being attacked from all sides.

39:00. CALLENDER. Oh we are.

39:01.  RUBY.  The economy the food thing anyway I wondered what your thoughts were about the Swarm concept 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: somebody starts having respiratory illness around you, usually it's seasonal, and there's very, very good data showing how it's correlated with sunlight.

What the narrative of mythology wants you to believe is that from just minor casual contact with somebody, some aerosol droplets flying around, you can get infected and have this deadly disease. That's total nonsense," Latypova says. She adds that "It's very hard to infect people by inhalation or ingestion or skin contact. It's very hard because we have so many defenses in our bodies that reject non-self biology, non-self biological matter."

  Also, it's very hard to infect people by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact because we have so many defenses in our bodies that reject non-self biology, non-self biological matter.  So if you inhale something, your area of exposure is very very small, it's just here, nose and mouth, and there's mucosal defenses, numerous layers of mucosal defenses.  By the time anything gets to your bloodstream if at all, probably won't get to the bloodstream, but by the time something gets there it's very small.  It's been denatured and it's been kind of weakened by your own [immune] system. That's why all of these biological weapons activities have been going on for quite some time.  They've never been able to create something that self-spreads.  So nothing spreading . . . they can't even demonstrate spreading between animals in a cage.

02:20  Based on all that, take me one step further, what do you attribute what appears to be seasonal colds or flus that run through geographic reasons or whatever, seasonal come and go, are people producing a lot of this toxic, you know, their bodies getting rid of toxic stuff, so those around them get affected by the toxic shedding . . . am I close?  

02:52  There's something to it.  I can't say that I've figured it all out.  I see a lot of evidence that, first of all, seasonal respiratory illness didn't exist until they started mass vaccinating in the first place.  So it is associated with people's immune systems being attacked via injections because as I said, by inhalation it's hard to get somebody infected.  Now, seasonal, if you're not vaccinated, but a bunch of people around you are . . . or somebody starts having respiratory illness around you, usually it's seasonal, and there's very, very good data showing how it's correlated with sunlight.  So, yes, the lack of sunlight in the winter, in the northern hemisphere is almost a perfect correlation with the seasonality of these respiratory illnesses, or . . . .  So there's something to it.  We have less vitamin D in our bodies and at the same time with these mass vaccination campaigns, people start shedding these byproducts, and there are mechanisms by which we coordinate in close proximity.  For example, there is a very well-known phenomenon that nobody can explain by the way in biology, of women living in the same household will synchronize their periods.

04:24  Yeah, there are a lot of different reasons for this but what you've laid out is that it makes it really important for us to shut down mRNA production . . .

Sunday, September 8, 2024

If there isn't enough evidence and information surrounding the dangers and illegalities of not just the code injection but all injections that are falsely called vaccines it may be important to take a new look at the term anaphylaxis a term normally reserved for a serious allergic reaction that has a rapid onset and is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention, or so we've been told.  But hold on.  In reviewing the work of 1913 Nobel Prize winner, Charles Richet, biotech expert and analyst, Sasha Latypova, and legal expert Katherine Watt have a broader take on this condition because they believe it may be at the center of what is injuring people and killing them in this mass genocide operation.  Let's take a closer look and welcome once again to the show Sasha Latypova.  

2:25. How did you and Katherine Watt get interested to even dig into this topic, and why do you think it's important right now?

2:30.  Katherine has been working on a very large project going back through vaccine-related laws of the United States all the way back to the 1700s, so she and another collaborator are writing what she calls "a beast of a" report on how all these laws and this entire framework have been put in place and specifically looking at definitions.  As you know, definitions are very important, like what is a vaccine?  What is a virus? etc, because definitions in law are basically everything.  So that work is ongoing, and as part of this work, she came across Richet's Nobel Prize and she sent me originally his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, a lecture, which I read and I was shocked by it.  And then I decided to research it further, and I actually went into the archives and I found his book that he published in 1913, he published his book, and I provided several screenshots from it on my sub stack when I wrote about this so I read his book and I kind of understand what he did and the conclusions that he made he also sites other authors working on the same area at the same time.

4:00. Who was this guy was he a scientist was he a money guy Charles Richet?

4:07. Yeah at the turn of the 20th century I would classify him as a sort of there were a lot of these gentleman scientists so people who had independent financial means and they were interested in different topics of science so he seemed to have been very well connected of the original story says that the Prince of Monaco invited him on his yacht which was a huge ship that was traveling in the Mediterranean and he went to research the jellyfish, the Man of War, the very dangerous jellyfish and so from then on when they returned he started working with different poisons that he made from similar things so getting them out of War was kind of difficult so he created what he himself called virus of Actinaria.  Turns out, the virus of Actinaria is basically the tentacles of a sea anemone dissolved in glycerine.  At that time, the definition of "virus" was poison.  So he made poison, and he described how he made it, and he called it a virus, which was the scientific nomenclature at the time and this whole methodology this particle that infects and flies around and you get it from casual contact.  That wasn't there.  It was already well understood that that doesn't happen, and viruses are something you inject to poison.  That's what he was doing in his laboratory experiments he mostly worked on dogs he poisoned a lot of dogs and other people that he collaborated with or knew about who worked with rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, and sometimes other animals. Turns out white mice and some breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis.  Isn't it surprising that they are the staple of pharmaceutical research?

6:10. You also mentioned that he was at that turn of the century the group of eugenicists, he wasn't doing this to help mankind, or did he find out I guess, did anybody have success stories in terms of health so that those mice, the animals that do not experience that abrupt serious allergic reaction, why?  Do they have something that we don't have?

6:40. They did not know.  I think they just figured out that these breeds don't experience anaphylaxis, and said, well, we're not going to work with them because we are interested in the anaphylaxis.  In addition to his interest in anaphylaxis and vaccination or early attempts at vaccination, he was a committed eugenicist.  He thought that black people were inferior, and he was actually a president of a Eugenics Society in Europe, I think in France.  At that time, eugenics was a fashionable conservative position in high society, so almost everybody, if you read the literature which I do from the early 20th century, you will see that high society, well-to-do social economic classes are all eugenicists and this is acceptable; it's considered a proper conservative point of view.

7:38. I agree with you I've been inspired by the work of Scott Shara who's done a whole bunch of work originally to avenge his daughter's Grace's hospital murder.  But he ends up stumbling and digging into finding that this was all part of the greater eugenicist movement.  It was a very proper thing to do.  You wanted a healthier race.  People just missed that whole, they fell into it, the masses, thinking that it was going to be something good for them.  

8:10. Right it's a little bit of a digression but it's important to understand this stems from Darwinism by the way and there was a lot of scientific debate at the time it wasn't a centrally so the concern of these rich people was how do we prevent these poor classes that were dirty and inferior from overbreeding.  That was their main concern and actually, Darwin was against that not because he was some humanitarian his position was that if we prevent them from over-breeding then we don't have the competitive evolutionary selection if you read the literature at that time it's really fascinating but it shows where these ideas come from yes it came from the richer classes the more well-to-do classes, who called themselves "well-bred" from trying to limit and prevent over breeding of poor classes, which they associated with infectious diseases, epidemics, general dirty stuff, crime, that was their attempt to limit it.  So they devised all these methods and Richet was working in it although in the book at least he doesn't say explicitly his goals, he just lays out the scientific stuff.  I think they were working on how they can figure out how, we can prevent epidemics and limit the reproduction of the dirty classes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

WHOWOULDHAVEKNOWN: humic acid can help detox some of the toxins in the body, especially pertaining to the C19 injections


Humic acid is filled with essential minerals that your body needs to function at its best. Here are the top 17 reasons your body could benefit from adding it to your shelf of supplements.

1. Prevents Mineral Deficiencies

2. Alleviates the Common Cold

3. Fights Bronchitis

4. Gives Plants Minerals From Soil

5. Fights Cancer

6. Could Improve Thyroid Health

7. Protects Against Viruses

8. Stops the Bleeding in Hemorrhagic Fever

9. Offers Powerful Electrolytes

10. Bolsters Your Immunity

11. Clears Up Skin Conditions

12. Offers Pain Relief

13. Reduces Free Radicals

14. Helps Athletes Refuel

15. Improves Memory

Humic acid does not affect the volume of bifidobacteria, but it might still be used as a serious alternative to fecal transplants

The concentrations of pioneer groups of BifidobacteriaceaeEnterobacteriaceae and Clostridium difficile increased but the observed differences were statistically not significant. 

Our investigations in healthy volunteers show that orally applied humic acids increase the sum concentrations of preexisting colonic microbiota from 20% to 30% without changes in the bacterial diversity of the individual microbiome and may be a serious amendment/alternative to fecal transplantation or probiotics.

Friday, August 9, 2024

No one knows exactly what they got in their COVID-19 injection but two researchers from Korea and Japan may just be a little closer to the answer what happens to Pfizer and Moderna material when it is incubated over hours, months, or almost two years?  You're about to find out.

It's been reported that 13.4 billion injections and 5.1 billion humans have taken at least one COVID-19 injection as of April 2024 exclusive of the white fibrous embalmer clots when 20-year board-certified embalmer, Richard Hirshman, came forward to tell the world of his bizarre findings pulling these white rubbery clots out of cadavers that had been injected with these COVID-19 fake vaccines.  He also told me one night that many of the samples that he had stored were actually enlarging in size on their own at the time I was stunned, and I didn't know how to get that information out but I knew it had some significance to the story.  Fast forward several weeks ago when two researchers Dr. Young Me Lee an OBGYN in Korea and Dr. Daniel Broudy at the Okinawa Christian University published a study that they had conducted a longitude control incubation study on the contents of over 50 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials.  Their findings are mind-blowing and let me highlight features of the report.  The title of the study is Real-time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Construction in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study published just a few weeks ago in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, July 18, 2024 issue.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

5:55  When I started working with Richard Hirschman in the fall of 2021, as I've told you prior but I want everybody to understand the background.  Richard Hirschman came to my attention through DoD whistleblower, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Teresa Long.  She's one of the three DoD whistleblowers along with Dr. P Chambers, Dr. Sam Sigoloff, Mark Mashaw, and others but they were the primary face of exposing the DMED, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, and this was a version of VAERS but inside the military.  The reason the numbers were so startling is that, unlike VEARS, only military physicians could put data into that database.  So it wasn't stuff that you could write off from the general public who may not have known what they were filing.  The numbers were a 100% increase, a 1000% in some cases, in heart attacks, strokes, and neurological disorders all up in 2021 from the years previous, and it was paralleling what we were seeing in VAERS.  So this is how she came to my attention.  

I met with Hirschman in October 2021.  I didn't break the worldwide story until January 2022, and I did that when I was still connected with Stew Peters on his Rumble channel.  I'd since left.  But it took several months of working with Mr. Hirschman to go over what he had

8:25. Hundreds and hundreds of pictures and examples in one of those interviews kind of late in the game I was taking a lot of heat from trolls in the feds fact checkers USA Today and the Atlantic and everybody was trying to discredit me there was one interview where Hirschman and by the way I'll say it publicly now I disengaged from him I was a little angry with him not because he wasn't giving me credit or mentioning me.  I could care less.  I know what I did.  I know the work I did.  He at some point early on split.  He understood that he could become famous or make money, whatever it was if he went with Stew Peters and Died Suddenly, which also got him into a cabal circle with Dr. Ryan Cole, who's always been trying to discredit these clots as sugar and amyloid false things based on no studies.  He wanted to run with the big boys he ran with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, all those guys, plus Stew Peters and Kirsch, and then Died Suddenly came out.  And, of course, it was a disaster in my opinion, it was filled with misleading videos.  They were showing in pre-COVID-19 showing people dropping over on the basketball court.  I came to learn, thank God for unanswered prayers because I was very hurt.  I had the majority of the information and it was my story, but I thank God for unanswered prayers because it was criticized, rightfully so, for having wrong information, missing information, and false information, like the guy falling over on the basketball court, that many people eventually figured out was from way before COVID-19.  In that interview, Hirschman says to me,
Dr. Jane, I got to tell you.  I asked my wife to tell me if I'm crazy or something, but when I went back to the refrigerator,"
He was keeping samples in baggies, different types of samples, he was dating them, I encouraged him to do that.
As I go back every couple of days, they're getting bigger.
So I said whoa, wait a minute.  When you say they're getting bigger, are we talking about doubling in size?  Are we talking about over hours or days or what?  So he started qualifying it for me, and he said,
Some of them are two to three times bigger. 

And it was over a couple of weeks.  I'd have to go and find that interview.  It was just a moment in time.  If we hadn't gotten estranged from each other from the rift that was created by Kirsch and Cole and Peters, we probably would have done more work and good work together that's just my opinion now along comes to study  

Friday, July 26, 2024

SUZZANNE MONK: J6 Prisoner, Pauline Bauer, was asked if she wanted to receive the injection 17 times in 72 hours

Suzzanne Monk is an author, activist, and chair of Patriot Action Pac.  She founded Reopen America [2 days after the March 2020 lockdowns were declared] during the 2020 lockdowns to combat the beginning of what we saw as medical tyranny.  After discovering in the spring of 2021 that the January 6th detainees were being medically abused due to the COVID-19 protocols, she became focused on the plight of the J6 prisoners and has spent the last 3 and 1/2 years advocating for their release, their fair treatment, and eventual justice.  In January of this year, 2024, she launched the J6 Pardon Project with a mission to facilitate and support President Trump in pardoning the J6ers.

Many of the J6 prisoners weren't housed in DC.  

J6 prisoners have been threatened with their lives to take the job to survive along with medical torture and deprivation.

04:15, MONK. Back in 2020, as I started ReOpen America, in that year you know we worked pretty hard to try to push back on that first year of severe medical tyranny.  Come spring of 2021, I started to see those arrests from January 6th, 2021, more arrests in March, and I became aware that the folks being held in the DC Detention Center were being egregiously mistreated because of the COVID-19 protocols 23, 24-hour a day in lockdown.  lockdown.  Basically, that means that everybody is in solitary confinement at all times.  They were being denied all grooming services.  When you're in jail, you don't have a razor, or nail clippers, you have to go to the medical facility to get any of that done.   So nobody was getting shaved, nobody was getting groomed.  They weren't allowed to get showers for days on end because they were in lockdown.  No medical treatment.  No visits from their attorneys.  They had no in-person treatment.  And the worst of it was the constant, constant pressure to get injected with this experimental drug that we all know as a bioweapon.  In 2021, a dear friend Pauline Bauer, whom I testified for or put it an affidavit on her behalf in court.  She was in the DC Detention Center for only 72 hours.  In those 72 hours, they took her to the medical facility to ask her if she wanted to receive the injection 17 times.  They'd wake her up and drag her down to the medical facility and ask her again.  And that's just one example.  We've had people denied medical treatment unless they get injected.  injected.  You know, it's a lot of pressure out here to avoid that Krispy Kreme donut, right, but when it's in jail it's whether or not you get freedom, whether or not you get to visit your family whether or not you get to get out of your cell so they put those folks in a situation where you have to decide do I get to stay in solitary confinement and keep myself unpoisoned or do I take that poison?  I can tell you, that these prisoners who are sitting in the Bureau of Prisons right now for January 6th, they will talk a lot about a lot of egregious situations.  Physical abuse, tainted food with feces and urine, mold, all sorts of problems but one thing Jane, they won't talk about it's too much for them and that's where they were forced to get the injection it has traumatized to the point it is almost a subject non grata because of the things that they've pressured these inmates with in order to get them injected it is something that they are not even emotionally capable of talking about and these are folks who can talk about a lot of hard stuff.

17:15  HVAC collapsed with debris falling all over the floor and had to move all the inmates.  

17:20, RUBY.  The J6ers that were not charged, and not charged, and no due process for the crime of exercising their 1st Amendment rights, they're not all in DC, correct?  And how many people are we talking about and where are they?

17:39  1,500 plus arrests.  The arrests have actually increased this year.  We're now at two a day, they're averaging two January 6th arrests a day right now. 

17:54, RUBY..  So people are still being arrested?

17:55  Yes, yes, that is correct. 

18:00  I think people think 50 or 60 people are sitting in jail in DC. and they're all 20-year-old Proud Boys. 

18:07, MONK.  200 to 250 people are incarcerated currently.  It shifts because they're holding a lot of these January 6ers in pretrial sometimes for years.  So those folks are incarcerated but not yet convicted.  So they're innocent until proven guilty unless, of course, you're a January 6er and then you're incarcerated until convicted, and then they keep you in.  Once they get these convictions, and what I'm telling you what's happening in court is that they're not being allowed to present evidence.  They weren't allowed to use the term "self-defense" if they were defending themselves.  They're not being allowed to present evidence that they were helping officers!!!!!! Officers have perjured themselves on the stand live, openly done up.  Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn have lied on the stand against January 6th so they are being denied everywhere aspect of 

Monday, June 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there. The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider. Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.

Part of it was that lawsuit that the 15 attorneys general of the states abandoned it should be refiled by somebody.  And I'm hoping that we can find an attorney general of a state that will work on this because it violates the Constitution and violates due process.  They name you a pre-communicable, and you have no ability to defend yourself.  So they name you pre-communicable based on the test that they design, that they keep secret, that they that have never produced evidence of or validation, and then they put you in the detention camp and you can appeal to them only.  So it is as Orwellian and as tyrannical as it gets.  

1:00. When you look at some of the wording of this order where Lisa Rotz, MD, Deputy Director of the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Centers for CDC.

CDC has determined that you are a high-risk contact to a family member who tested positive for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high risk exposure was March 23, 2020 the date that you last had contact with the infected family member, and, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of the last known high-risk exposure, which was March 23, 2020.  This notice will be accompanied by a rescission allowing you to agree to serve the remainder of the quarantine at your residence subject to certain stipulations. 

1:43. Like you said Sasha, don't answer any questions; don't consent to track and trace; don't give names of anybody you've been with.  They could scare you into doing that though because it says you were in contact with a family member family, a member who had a big mouth disclosed it (I'm going to put my own editorializing in), for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high-risk exposure was March 23, 2020, the date that you last had contact and that, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of last known risk exposure.  Some people might argue and say, "Well, back then we all just stayed home.  Nobody took us to a quarantine camp."  

What Sasha is warning is they can do any of this at any time.

And all of Katherine's work is to inform people that they can pull this out again.  This is living law.  It hasn't gone anywhere,  although you don't hear about COVID too much anymore.  It's living, breathing law that's ready at any moment, right?

2:45. Yeah, and I think, specifically the Grand Princess and The Diamond Princess were the test runs for them, for the HHS because then they later refer to that in their motions to dismiss cases that were challenging their authority to do so.  They said, "We already did it.  You see, we did it, and it's totally legal." That's the precedent that they set up as early as they could in the pandemic lockdown by taking these 2 cruise ships and the people from these two cruise ships.  


So I would advise people what you can do is a couple of things. First, you have to be aware of this.  When you are aware of this, mass awareness is a deterrent when enough people know this.  When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there.  The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider.  Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.  All of this is voluntary.  They come in and they say, "Well, you know, you need to answer these questions for our survey . . . ."  No.  No.  And because people are nice and they think "I'm in the hospital.  This is all related to my care."  It's not related to your care.  It's related to this, the CDC's Quarantine Extension.  So kick them out.  Don't answer their questions.  Secondly, don't go on a cruise ship . . . .  If anybody approaches you with these kinds of things, wherever you are traveling, beware of what they're trying to do.  

And finally, an important aspect of this is to work with local state authorities and legislators in your state to nullify these laws.  Katherine is drafting a lot of document templates on nullification.  So you can read that on her substack, Bailiwick News, and you will see a bunch of proposed notifications of those laws so the state legislators can do it.  Any state can nullify any federal law. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Grand Princess passengers grapple with COVID nightmare one year after ill-fated cruise.  

The reason why we don't have any testimony from anyone is that the people were killed in these air force bases, 10 people, the CDC and the U.S. government paid their families . . . .  As you remember, they were offering people huge amounts of money to people to shut up and put COVID as the cause of death on death certificates.  This was something like $10,000, it may have been more, and sign a CDA, and that would be so they can't disclose anything.  And also they were at the military Air Force, and probably also threatened them, "You can't talk about this," and that's why we don't have anyone discussing this.  But the paperwork exists.  The CDC or HHS gave us these documents, saying, "Yeah, we took these people over here . . . it would be interesting to try and solicit whistleblowers from this experience and see what has transpired of the family members who were killed this way. 

The CDC cites U.S. Law, Executive orders, W.H.O. pandemic announcement, their authority, and finally the CDC reasonably believed if released from quarantine, the subject will travel.  

What I advise people is: 

1)  Do not give any information.  

2)  Do not participate in tracing and tracking.  

3)  They will offer you a bunch of questions: REFUSE to answer them.  

4)  Same way when somebody is trying to arrest you without cause, do not talk to them. 

Don't answer any questions.  Don't give any information.  Most of this is tying people to a location of travel or a contact that they had.  So as long as you do not provide them with this information, they may still try and take you to a quarantine . . . and when they issued these orders, they also cited penalties. 

"Penalties for violating this order You must cooperate with the requirements of this order to protect the public health as authorized by 42USC, 18USC, otherwise provided by federal law.  Violations of this order may subject you to a criminal fine and or up to 1 year in jail." 

Now, I don't give anyone legal advice, but when you're formally arrested and charged with violating some sort of law, we're generally speaking here, you have rights.  Even if they put you in prison, you have rights.  Your appeal, by the way, is supposed to be reviewed by a different judge, not the judge who put you there.  So make up your own mind. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

DR. JANE RUBY: The truth is that most physicians in the United States will tell you that they don't think that parasites infect humans in first-world countries, partly because they've been indoctrinated, but it's also because they know that they are being incentivized to just toe the line

Here is the direct link to Dr. Jane Ruby's show on parasites, where she starts off by pointing us to a few valuable sites, and X accounts, that cover parasites in a more dedicated fashion.  

3:20  Logan Detox Jesus @detoxjesus.

3:30  Awakening Divinity @VisibleSoulFire.

9:00  There are thousands, perhaps millions, of parasites in the world.  But let's look at some basic categories of parasites.  Whipworm, Round Worm, Giardia, Bookworm, and Coccidia.  The truth is that most physicians in the United States will tell you that they don't think that parasites infect humans in first-world countries, partly because they've been indoctrinated, but it's also because they know that they are being incentivized to just toe the line for the pain and suffering they've caused by adhering to the policies and codes of our overlords, like the CDC.  Some of these parasites are visible to the naked eye and some of them are microscopic and not easily seen.  Although not generally recognized, it does appear most of us have one more parasite at any given time even in first-world countries. Think about it.  If your animals in first-world countries need occasional deworming, so do we most likely.  Autopsies of multiple sclerosis and other types of what we thought were just progressive degenerative neurological diseases after they have been autopsied and found to have had tons of parasitic infections.  There's the food industry, the drug, industry the medical industry that forms essentially a cooperative cabal for several centuries, like this "chronic illness" cartel that wants to keep us tired, depressed, overweight, weak, depressed, and sick.  Because I need to keep us coming back over and over and over again to their medical offices, to their operating rooms to continue making money off of us.  So they've poisoned our food put addictive compounds into our food they've poisoned the water with things like toxic fluoride and they tell you that you need it so that your teeth will be healthy and strong they are spraying chemicals in the air every single day that change your hormones set you up for illness and make sure that you have an early demise.  But before that will help you with the pain and the suffering and keep you alive a little bit longer when there's no longer a penny left to extract from you they tell you that they can't help you anymore and so they send you off to hospice another money making operation

Friday, March 22, 2024

Now I worked for 7 days and nights in a row with Todd Callander

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Those who trusted the public health system are the same ones trusting the U.S. food supply chain


So many experts from the intelligence community to the farming associations to the medical experts in this fight for freedom are all warning about an impending famine, forced superimposed famine.  Oh, it doesn't look like that now.  Your local grocery stores are bursting with fresh, colorful foods.  But all it takes is a couple of switches, and that supply chain will be out in just a few days.  And famine brings very unique diseases, so there are things you can do to protect yourselves on several levels.  

01:07  Welcome to the show on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. 
The warnings are coming in, and they've been coming in for several months.  The invasion at our southern border by Middle Eastern, South American, and Chinese illegals was all facilitated by our own government to destabilize the United States.  And don't forget the random destruction by arson of our farmlands, our food manufacturing plants, and the corruption throughout our Congress that has greenlighted corrupt corporations, big corporations, and their poisons into our food and livestock, and even the air we breathe, and it all points to an artificially induced but imminent and very dangerous famine here in the land of plenty.  

01:53  My next guest was born and raised on the African continent and understands all too well the diseases that emanate from famine--the esteemed Dr. Stella Immanuel is one of the frontline doctors who's been saving lives and providing solutions ever since she became a physician.  

DR. STELLA, 02:24  You are so right, you are so right.  They are coming at us from every direction, in every direction.  

DR. RUBY, 02:28  I wanted your expertise on the different diseases that come out of famine in general, especially if they artificially induce it, it doesn't matter, if the food disappears and we're all climbing over each other.  I also want to talk about Utah, another state where the citizens were trying to get through a bill to get the food labeled when they inject the animals with mRNA, the livestock, and that bill got killed.  And we know that everybody in elected office right now is compromised.  So let's start first, let's talk about famine in general.  I don't think people understand.  They might think, "Well, if I could eat just a little bit, I'll be fine.  My neighbors will help out . . . ."  Let's talk about some of the issues, and the kinds of illnesses we could get if our food is cut off from us. 

DR. STELLA, 03:23  I don't think that people are aware that a country like America can actually go into famine.  They can't wrap their minds around it.  What if there is no electricity for 2 weeks?  There will be no food.  The grocery stores will not work.  If there's a cyber attack on our transportation system, what is going to happen?  

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Also it's a way of protecting the self-sufficiency of an independent republic by having a robust independent small farm economy today less than 2% of all food is produced from independent small farms over 90% of food is controlled--meat poultry, dairy you name it.  90% on average is controlled by 3 or 4 mega-corporations.  They monopolize our food supply and they lace it with all kinds of additives, chemicals, and preservatives, and manipulative aspects I mean the PDA's idea of sanitary food conditions is if you get your poultry from some chicken factory where they stick all the chicken so close to each other they eat each other's dung, and that's what they consider healthy.  Whereas out on Amos's Farm, you got grass-fed, free range, Jersey cows providing the milk in a traditional way with stainless steel equipment to make sure everything is done correctly in the way that the milk is processed, produced, and shipped.  It's all done directly by Amish workers, by Amish farmers, direct from the farm right to your table, and that's what they're prohibiting because they want a complete government monopoly on our food supply in this country.

RUBY, 9:37.  How is this agriculture secretary Redding and this whole lot of them how does that injunction serve dividing over the private membership Association.

BARNES, 10:12. This is part of their explicit provision the courts and the government refuse to recognize any privacy whatsoever no private membership Association no private right to what's in your fridge or what you feed yourself or anything else in fact they raised it right at the hearing they said the fact that it's a private membership Association does it make a difference and the PDA officials testified no for example let's say you had a neighborhood association of private neighborhood association maybe it's a gated community and you had a and you had a community pool they said you're not allowed to put a vending machine in there unless we approve it that's how far they go they don't recognize any right of privacy at all there should be a right of privacy that we get to determine our own diet as Thomas Jefferson said

Monday, February 26, 2024

"if you look at metastases, if you look at solid tumors, they're indistinguishable microscopically . . . from parasite egg sacks"

6:30  When you're under 5 years old, your blood-brain barrier is not completely formed, the things that keep toxins in the bloodstream from infecting your thinking capability.  But under 5, it's not completely formed, so if you have a lapdog that's on your lap licking the kid's face, those parasites that he's giving you now don't just . . . they can get into the spinal axis.  

7:00  The CDC knew this . . . .  The CDC in their back pages--when were they going to tell us this--says over 45% of Americans have toxoplasmosis in the brain, including in the brain . . . from cats.  They made it think it was only for pregnant women.  NO!!!  It turns out that it's associated with personality disorders, psychiatric conditions, and depression.  Think about all the things we're treating with Big Pharma.  And I'm not suicidal, but I'm going to say this . . . here's a big motivation to be quiet about this.  So all those diseases we've been treated with lots of big, expensive pharmaceutical drugs, right?  

7:39  Let's not talk about cancer.  The other thing that got me to look at this stuff was two facts.  One is that doctors that now . . . because they're looking at fresh blood smears of people and they're starting to see what they see in this they're starting to notice, not some, but all cancer patients have parasites swimming around in their bloodstream.  That's what they're reporting.  This was then reported earlier between 1960 and 1980, there was a German group of doctors that started screaming about this.  They were at some big institute in Germany.  They have videos.  I have a thing on my website that shows an excerpt of their videos.  You can see this, and they show how these things take over cells and they're intracellular parasites that occasionally break out and they're in your bloodstream.  

8:22  Here's another fact that I noticed that got me on this thinking.  So I have military connections.  I talked to my doctor friends in the military.  When I was in the military, you might have some young kid, a 25-year-old kid that shows up with a tumor, but it's usually one tumor, maybe a testicular tumor in a young man, not unusual, and you treat it and it goes away.  But now, after this vaccine, why are they showing up with multiple tumors all over them.  I mean these guys show up like Dead Man Walking; they're already metastasized all over their body.  Do we think that cancer changed its stripes in 2021, or is there something else going on here?  Well, the military guys have been out snooping and pooping in the brush, drinking bad water, and not necessarily sterile food in places all over the 3rd world.  And then they're young and they can keep . . . what happens when you parasites in you from your food and environment, a lot of them pass through.  But some of them become insistent.  They get into your muscles, they get out of the bloodstream, they become insistent all over the body but you have a good immune system that keeps them in check.  Then you take a vaccine that knocks down the immune system what is it that shows up?  Because your immunity is shot, suddenly these [parasites] grow up and become metastasized, we look at mets . . . .   Now I learned this from a parasitologist who said that if you look at metastases, if you look at solid tumors, they're indistinguishable microscopically in many cases from parasite egg sacks.  He said, in parasitology, we talk about this all the time but he's never heard of oncologists talking about this.  Why?  Look at the money in cancer.

RUBY, 10:05. Of course.  It's a huge revenue generator the chemo, the Tamoxifen, the whole thing, the radiation.  Dr. Merritt, a couple of questions.  Can we prevent ingesting, or are we always going to be in a perpetual, periodic good maintenance of health by deworming and detoxing and de-parasiting?  

MERRITT, 10:30. I think the latter.  You might have an argument for not having a house dog if you have a baby; that or cats when you're a little tiny thing.  But other than that I'm not going to live in a hole I would just do parasite detox.

RUBY, 11:00. We have the virus versus no virus camps arguing with each other people say well cancer is made of viruses when they do cancer tumor biopsies why aren't they saying I mean if they're intracellular first virus versus no virus what's happening is it parasites or . . . ? 

MERRITT, 11:30. It gets complicated, and I don't do as good a job as Andy Kaufman and Thomas Cowan and those guys.  Looking at how you do isolation of things, but I will tell you, we are being misled because we are taught biology in high school and college and we have an idea . . . .  When I was 10 years old, my dad taught me how to isolate bacteria from my nose, and took my nose blood off of plate.  A 10-year-old can do it.  You can go on Google and ask "How do I isolate bacteria," and they'll give you the entire protocol.  It's very simple, it's laid out.  Try doing that for viruses. It quickly becomes Peter algorithms.  They can't do it.  They know they can't do it.  That's the bottom line.

RUBY, 12:15. Too tiny compared to a bacteria, right?

MERRITT, 12:15. Yes, the reason you can't do it is cuz you can't separate out the virus.  You have to viruses that can't be cultured in isolation.  You can't see them, so this idea of just getting genetic material is nonsense. That's how they're doing it.  It simply all this computer algorithm using genetics.  Before that, we couldn't do it.  Now, the other part here I looked at the guy who is the father of modern virology, he's John F. Anders.  He won a Nobel Prize for a paper on how to do that, how to culture viruses.  It turns out if you look at his history on a Nobel Laureate site, they claim, and the people in the military will love this, they claim that he left Yale in 1917 to go fight World War I as a pilot in the Air Force as an ensign.  One, there was no Air Force in 1917.  Two, ensigns are only in the Navy.  So you see what I'm saying, it's made up.  It's made up at a level that you can't even believe, but when you start personalizing it and you see the people involved here, you find a web of . . . talk about disinformation.  There really are disinformation agents: we call them the intelligence services.  Yeah, no this is intentional.

RUBY, 13:32. And I know that you've got, and you might want to tie it in here at this point, a lot of understanding of our intelligence services and their relationship to hiding the parasite cause of disease.  And let's talk about Frederick Gates the father [grandfather?] of Bill Gates.  [Wikipedia goes to great lengths to state that Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft is not a descendant of Frederic Gates.] 

MERRITT, 13:50. Yeah that's kind of interesting everybody seems to know John D Rockefeller how he how he took over medicine but they don't really know the whole story because it turns out and every time you go down these rabbit holes it's a web of personalities this with the same names that you see today so it turns out that John D was actually kind of a natural healer type of guy he liked Homeopathy for example that's true but it turns out that his right hand man was Frederick Gates and Frederick Gates's Son by the way was the person who was a doctor from John Hopkins who put the vaccines down and started the pandemics of 1918 so they're all related but Frederick Gates said John D you know we should take over medicine and really you know you got the money to start an Institute we could do research we could standardize medicine and we can take on the real problem of today and it was parasites, hookworms specifically.  So they knew back then that this was a problem that parasites in humans were a problem, and that was the reason that was given for John D. Rockefeller to do what we blame him for now.  I think that's funny.

Was like let's keep it quiet you know we can treat him for a million things let them spin their

MERRITT, 15:30. The whole thing with the intelligence services, this was a big eye-opener when I discovered this.  We always say you know why can't I get things published?  After World War II, some famous British scientists, like the grandson of Charles Darwin, et al, Alexander Fleming.  They went to the British government and said, "We need better scientific publishing.  We were kind of blindsided by World War II with the Germans."  The British government said no problem because they owned scientific publishing. Not only did the government own medical and scientific publishing, it was MI6, the British spy agency.  So then they joined the British and the German publishing houses.  They took Springer Publishing House and became the largest medical scientific Publishing House in the world.  Their first editor was Robert Maxwell, a spy for the British, a Mossad agent, and rumored to be a KGB agent but more famously he's the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, console to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and the Disney CEO named his son, Robert Maxwell Iger.  They're best buddies so it's a club that we're not in.  What did they call that great publishing house? They called it Pergamon.  In the Book of Revelations, Pergamon is a city of Satan.  And Pergamon is famous because, in the ancient world, Pergamon had a famous altar.   Altars are for sacrificing things.  It was a huge altar, and it was in an area of Anatolia, which now is Turkey, and its altar was so famous the Germans unearthed its frieze and it's reconstructed in Berlin today in a museum theoretically.  Why would you choose the name Pergamon for the biggest scientific Medical Publishing House?  It's so weird this stuff.  

MERRITT, 18:11.  Like the virologist these people claim they called it Coronavirus because it had the shape of a crown that doesn't show up on EM? But Coronas was the mother the wife of Apollo and the mother of Asclepius, which is the god of Medicine.  But she was raped by Apollo and murdered in the birth of her son.  Paganism.  

RUBY, 18:35. Let me bring this back to what we are dealing with right now for another question if the whole coronavirus is because no one's ever seen it was made up we have a whole cottage industry on Spike proteins.  Finally, Dr. Ruby organizes her thoughts, "Is it a synthetic parasite that is a gain a function"?

MERRITT, 19:43. I will say something about the spike the one thing I keep telling my pathology friends is "How can you say there are Spike proteins?" 

"Oh, we have stains."  

"Where did you get the stains?" They got the stains from the same people . . . the things that show this stuff pink on a slide of dead tissue, the same test you got a PCR test from.   It's made up.  So that can be easily made up.  We have to look at what we actually do know.  They don't tell you.  What do we know?  We know that we can transmit disease electromagnetically.  We also know that there are toxins everywhere in the world, and in Latin the term "virus" actually means poison or toxin; it does not mean a germ.  So we know we can make people sick with Electromagnetic radiation, or EMR; we can make them sick with toxins, and we can combine the two, and that's called optogenetics. I'll site the Travis Scott concert that was a perfect example of this trial run in my opinion.  I learned about after genetics because I was following a trail of CRISPR, because everybody wants to say that this is all genetic manipulation, oh, we're going to be gene modified we're going to be non-human, and all that stuff.

DR. JANE RUBY, 20:50. No,for the audience CRISPR is the acronym for technology that snips out your natural with and replaces with a synthetic genetic code (Come on, Dr. Jane, you're better than this). 

MERRITT, 21:10. (Is this really necessary?)  The father of CRISPR is a guy named Feng Zhang at the Zhang Lab at MIT, named for him.  I mean he's the head of the lab a young guy.  I went to the MIT site and his quote is "When they talk about precise gene insertion, we really can't do that.  What we can do is gene knockdown, which just means that you can get rid of stuff kind of blunt hammer knocked down, but you can't really do precise gene insertion," like they're telling you on X-Files and other media voodoo.  And I said, well, that's odd but as he is saying this, I asked who is Feng Zhang?  I learned from friends to look at his Ph.D.; well, his PhD was in a specialty called optogenetics.  With optogenetics they can take mice and insert an [microbial] opsin these options are chemicals that respond to light and then they can blast them with this particular wavelength and they can change their brain function and they can give them cardiac arrhythmias they can actually map the heart with this stuff.  It's so precise they can cause arrhythmias all over the heart, very precisely, and precise changes in brain function.  Every article you read about this tells you how precise this technology is.  An opsin is a chemical that responds to light waves you have opsins in your eye, called Rhodopsins that help you see colors and light.  

MERRITT, 22:40. So, remember the Travis Scott concert where those people dropped?  So what was the deal there?  Number one, everybody had to be vaccinated to go, and after they got vaccinated they walk through a tunnel where there were all these strobe lights and then they got into the concert where there were all these wave length, these sounds, and what happened?  About 15 people just dropped.  This was not a crush scene; those don't happen this way.  I really looked into this.  These people will drop, and then it becomes a crush scene when they try to do CPR on all these people.  It was almost at once.  One guy was alive after this.  There weren't that many survivors but the one guy that I was able to find said, "It felt like my heart stopped."  I'm saying that this would be an optogenetic moment.  We've seen it in South Korea.  We've seen it in Australia.  We've seen it in Israel.  We've seen it all over the world, now China.  If you saw those pictures of these women sitting there . . . I saw a woman at a table and she's looking at her phone and suddenly there's a flash, and she falls over.  There's something wrong with the story from the beginning about everything.  We're not being told what's in the vaccines.  It can't happen the way they are telling you.  And now there's a whole science out there to deal with wavelength and opsins, and I think we should be paying attention to this.  

MERRITT, 24:00. And parasites what's the deal with parasites parasites are a stealth killer that they're just telling us not to look for.  When I was a medical student from 76 to 80, I was trained at the University of Rochester and that you're not a good doctor if you don't look at your own patients' blood samples, fresh blood sample, and their urine.  What are they telling you now about people looking at fresh blood samples?  Oh that's crazy!

MERRITT, 28:11. Pandemic X is a perfect example of a world controlled by narrative projection they admit they don't even have a germ how can you make a vaccine when you don't have a germ how can you predict it it's going to start on this day and it's going to have this many victims I'm sure you've heard about James Giordano about being able to take down a country he says you don't need a disease the virus is my words on the internet I can make people afraid I can pick people out like pick a few people out Chicago a few people in New York I can make him sick with radiation I can make something look like a disease and then I can start talking on the internet about how people are going to have these symptoms that you can feel like if you're sick to your stomach and where you can't eat and psychological symptoms and suddenly you've mobilized the worried well, people, doctor's offices, and that's how you can start a pandemic.  That doesn't even have to have a disease.  He goes into this in detail with his military audiences but then he goes into also how you can spread it with Electro magnetic radiation so I'm telling you that we are looking in the wrong direction they're like The Magicians at the they always want to and wave their hands here say it's a virus and you know it's a psyop when you see pictures of that blue ball that they use for SARS COV-2.  That's not anything.  That's a CGI image.  That's as real as NASA landing on the moon.  Then they start introducing new diseases that are treatable but people don't know that so all it doesn't scare them.  I only do the intelligence Services own all of medical and scientific publishing, they own all the news services.  Okay so the spike protein has not been proven I can't show it to you I can show you a bacterium.

RUBY, 31:20. There's a lot of businesses being run right now based on a spike protein that doesn't even exist.  There's so much more than we know that is in those injections.  We're dealing with Fairyland, and I was part of the educators from Simone Gold on the steps of the Supreme Court.  It's this it's antibody dependent but it's so much more so much more than we know in those injections.  

MERRITT, 31:53. I used to believe in viruses but we are willing to accept that we've been lied to and now we're thinking differently we are demanding proof I'm an orthopedic surgeon I'm not a virologist I didn't study this stuff in the way that we thought virologists were doing it.  How do you lie to all these virologists?  You give them a convincing worldview.  They've created a Truman Show with Truman internet totally artificial reality and everybody around him is an actor even his wife and the people in the control room are saying why doesn't he catch on why didn't what is he realize after 30 years he's in a reality TV show, and Ed Harris who's the director said,  "It's simple we accept the reality that we're given," so we grew up in a world where we believed in viruses where we were told all this stuff and it takes a special kind of crazy to say you know wait a minute does this actually even exist?  And that's why I've gone down the people train because you realize that the people they've made up people the seminal paper the paper that was published by the Chinese that gave us theoretically the Genome of SARS Co V2 this genome was what was used to make all the vaccines that we vaccinated our entire security infrastructure of America with . . .

RUBY, 33:28  and it was a facsimile, or a version of facsimile, an example.

MERRITT, 33:32. Again they couldn't have isolated it.  It's all genetically made up.  But what they did was . . . the point is that when you read the paper . . . I tried to look up all the authors because there are 30 authors and they are all Chinese.  With today's technology on computers, you can put your wand over, or the cursor over an author's name, and it tells you where he's from, "Oh he's from the University of Arizona.  He's in the department of such and such, or whatever."  When you do that on that paper, the first 29 of the 30 you can't find them.  They don't show up.  Their names don't show up where they say they work.  The only person that shows up that I can identify on that paper is the last author, and guess who that is?  I forget her Chinese name, but it's like Shi Zhengli.  It's the Bat Lady of Wuhan Institute lab.

RUBY, 34:25.  So it was all contrived . . . . 

MERRITT, 3427. It's all contrived it's projection of narrative and so that's the world we're looking at do not worry about pandemic X do worry that they are poisoning you that they are irradiating you what we live in is a world of parasites, poisons, and electromagnetic damage to us.  

RUBT, 34:50. On that note how do you incorporate a rationalize or reconcile or disagree with the venom theory and we've all kind of you know there's evidence what's your take on that because I your angle is really important

MERRITT, 35:04. I thought a lot about this and I've talked with those guys extensively Brian Ardis so it does not have to be snake venom I know from Clinical my friends in the emergency room and everything else that one of the things that this thing did whatever we want to call it the people that who really got sick during this covid let's just keep in mind that in 2020 the death rate overall in the world was not up from what it normally is it was normal we are not really talking about a pandemic but they made a colorful death of some people no question some people died from this and it was man-made but it was an insignificant number it was colorful so they can get it in a press and scare us all how did they do that whatever it was it blocked this ACE2 pathway and people that would get really sick would lose their fluid; they couldn't keep their fluids.  Their blood pressure would drop.  These are the people that went that really went down fast there were other symptoms but that was one of them part of how it was binding to these ACE2 receptors and these nicotinic receptors.  That's why smokers didn't go down with this.  So when it comes to Venom, you know, like what I say is Bryan Ardis is a good friend of mine.  Speaking about Venom, I get it, they did all the research using snake venom. They've done that for years, and we knew they were doing it because that's on basis of some of the pharmaceuticals drugs.  People that take a high blood pressure drug that was made after researching snake venom on these nicotinic receptors.

RUBY, 36:33. Right, so it was not implausible?

MERRITT, 36:37. What the real point here is that this may have been the excuse for using all this research but the point is what we're calling this is in what chemistry you would call a ligand, and to be pure here instead of talking venoms and snakes and poisons, it's really what we should say is when we're talking about poisons, this toxin was a ligand bound with these nicotinic receptors.  A ligand is simply a chemical that binds in a pathway that does so binds to our insulin receptors and we know the effect although we don't know the exactly what this was what we do know is the effect of it we see something we now we're learning we see the effects of it, and they could see this happening in patience and I think if we think of it that way then we can understand why you utilizing snake venom is a basis that can create these artificial chemicals you don't use Spike proteins it could be genetic hydrogel it could be all sorts of we are very expert on is bio the history of Bio weapons in our country the Russians, the Soviets I should say, everybody, they gave up on this aerosolized, trying to make Ebola aerosolizable.  They really had gone in the latter decades to insect-born diseases and contact poisons toxins poisons in our environment look they don't need a virus to make a sick they are floor dating are water they are using glyphosate in our soil which I just had a big discussion with an expert on.  It does not go away.  Before it goes into your aquifer, if it does get out, it's horrible.  So we've been poisoned in all sorts of ways that will affect us and future generations.  You don't need a virus.

RUBY, 38:19. Again I think you would agree that they don't just hit us with one thing or one way, so it could be the ligands from the snake venom and at the same time these gain of function . . . .leI'd like to spend the remaining time with you learning what do you do to protect yourself.  I mean people are fascinated with what all of us do.  What's your hope for the future.  I like the fact that you said they're not as smart as we think they are because they would have taken us all out by now.  But let's get back to . . . now that you've done such a great job over and over laying out what the possibilities are . . .  It's a combination of things.  What do you do?  What can we do?  What's a priority?  Because we can't do a thousand things, all that.

MERRITT, 39:05. Number one we are in a spiritual war so I would recommend you get spiritual Wellness if you don't have something big if you don't believe in a in something bigger than yourself I can't get you out of this okay so that's number one number two and it's important by the way also because the enemy that we are dealing with here that is brought us all this they have a creepy belief system that you have to agree to what they're doing to you now they can tell it to you in a creepy way but you have to agree you.  One of the most powerful things that we can do is to just say no and I had a friend of the military that was very afraid that they were going to they didn't want to take the vaccine and they weren't going to take the vaccine but they were afraid that one day the Medics were just going to come in and tie him down and force him to be Jeff and I said that will never happen you see because the whole point is that it has to be voluntary.  Once you cede to their evil, you get what they give you.  Right so don't seed to any of this stuff don't ever say yes number two is I think we have to protect ourself well it's easy to do I think toxins are the first thing we have a improve my focus is let's improve ourselves our immune system and make ourselves as healthy as possible so we can withstand things well we take down the political economic Financial system that's keeping as debt slaves that's what we got to be doing so how do we do that well you got to eat clean got to have a reason for being and you've got to detoxify number one you got a nutritionally support yourself we don't have all the stuff in the soil anymore there are 90 essential vitamins that everybody needs 90 essential nutrients the whole idea you have to have a balanced supplement you can't just take a few pills and think you're going to do this is why women's hair fell out during covid they didn't eat for a couple of weeks they got sick and had their tank been filled with nutrients they wouldn't have lost their hair but the reason you lose your hair is because your tank wasn't full it's like you're taking your nice Porsche out but you only have 10 gallons of gas in it and you're not going to get very far so you have to fill up your tank with nutrients so when something happens when you do get sick or in the hospital with trauma you're going to get through it, right?  So that's number one.  Number two is fortify yourself, and let nature do the best it can do.  Detoxify yourself.