Monday, January 31, 2022

MUST-LISTEN: Unethical Experimentation in the United States.

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.

The presenter is Father Nolan. of Courageous Clergy. 

Unethical Experimentation in the United States.

1932-1972, Tuskegee Experiment by the US Health Dept. wanted to track debilitation among these black men. The Dept. could have given them penicillin but they didn't because they wanted to track them.  Diabolical.  

28 of the 400 men died directly from syphilis.

100 of the men died from complications related to the disease. 

40 of their wives became infected with the disease.

19 of their children were born with congenital cases of the disease.  

1944Chicago Malaria Experiment.

1945-1947Vanderbilt Nutrition Study

4 of the women's babies died as a result of cancer.

1950, the CIA initiated Project Bluebird. In this experiment, which included over 7,000 military personnel, they were operated on, or experimented upon, without knowledge or consent.  Researchers used a wide variety of psychoactive substances including LSD, heroine, cocaine, PCP, and ether in addition to hypnosis and forced addictions. The goal of Project Bluebird was to reduce the test subjects to a vulnerable state to achieve complete psychological manipulation. Researchers wanted to answer these questions, "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?" This was for the intelligence community, for the purposes of espionage, spy work, completely unethical.  And these experiments were carried out on these uniformed military personnel without their consent at the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland.  And years after these experiments, more than a 1,000 soldiers suffered from severe illnesses including depression, epilepsy, and many of them attempted suicide.

1953, the CIA placed multiple interrogation and mind-control programs under the direction of a single program known as MKULTRA.  This came after the CIA Director, Allen Dulles, complained about not having enough human guinea pigs in which to try out these extraordinary techniques. The MKULTRA projects received over $25 million government funding and involved hundreds of experiments on human subjects at 80 different institutions within the United States. Building upon the evil knowledge gained from other programs, the purpose of MKULTRA was thus: to de-pattern individuals, erase their mind and memories, and then rebuild their personalities in a manner completely up to the researcher. One of the medical doctors conducting these experiments requested from the CIA any information they could find regarding threats, coercion, imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, brainwashing, black psychiatry, and hypnosis.  Patients were put into drug-induced comas for up to 88 days subjected to high-voltage, electric shocks, and forced to listen to repeated hypnotic messaging for up to 20 hours per day.  The directors of the CIA knew very well what was going on, and they knew very well what would happen if thus activity was discovered, so in a 1957 Inspector General Report, it was stated, "Precautions must be taken to conceal these activities from the American public.  The knowledge that the agency is engaged in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles. These MKULTRA experiments continued frim 1953 to 1973 until the CIA finally decided to end the program before it was discovered.  It's hard to hide 20 years if torturing your own citizens.  So they tried to cover it up but it was discovered and it was a huge public scandal. There are probably some parishioners who recall the two Congressional hearings that followed: the Church Report and the Rockefeller Commission.  So, if you want ti know more about this program, MKULTRA, you can look those up.  I encourage you not to unless you want to be horrified. Ah, these are not conspiracy theories, these are facts. This kind of thing actually happened in the United States.  They make science fiction movies out of this kind of stuff. That's why it's important to know our history--this really happened. The authorities have lied in the past.  The government has lied in the past, knowing that it costs people their lives.  People say it could never happen here: it has happened here.  It can happen again.  If you think it can't, you don't know history. No institution is above lying to us.  Nit the government, nit the CDC, the W.H.O., and we must accept this as a possibility. We must accept it is possible that we could be deceived.  It is possible that people can succumb to original sin.  It is possible that people succumb to the lust for power, to greed, to avarice.  How much do you think your life is worth to the CEO of a company when a billion dollars us on the line?  And there's this tendency--there's a tendency in human nature not to want to accept reality when it contradicts authority. Imagine in the 1940s, trying to tell people suffering from radiation sickness you're being lied to. Look at your symptoms, look at your burns, look at the hair loss, look at the cancer.  This is radiation.  "No, this is housewife syndrome.  Turn on the news.  Turn in the radio. Look at the newspaper.  They wouldn't all lie to us. This can't be true."  That is human nature.  We gave to keep in our minds.  We have to accept as a possibility that we can be lied to so that we can accept reality when we start to see it happening. Now it was good in the 1970s, it was very good, there were hundreds and hundreds different media institutions, different organizations, different corporations, and they were all vying with each other to be the best: the first to report the news, the most accurate, whatever it may be.  If you weren't accurate at news, you get outdone by another company.  But imagine what if there wasn't hundreds of media organizations, what if there were only six? What if there were sux conglomerate corporations that owned every single media station out there?  That's the case right now, these days.  CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Time Warner, FOX News.  Six corporations own everything.  6 people are making the decisions on the information everybody gets. Here's a series of questions: 

1. What if these 6 corporations that owned every one of the media stations also owned pharmaceutical companies that had a financial interest in conducting experiments?  

2.  What if these 6 corporations received large grants and tax incentives from the U.S. government who was conducting experiments?  

3.  What if the CEO of a large corporation had a large financial interest in the results of some experiments and the CEO decided to grant hundreds of millions of dollars as a grant to media stations?

4.  What if you know your history and you know your recent history.  A CEO last year gave $250 million to media organizations.

What happens when a country turns its back on God? It doesn't abandon God, it replaces him.  Just like Lucifer.  It wasn't enough to disobey God.  Lucifer wanted to take his place.  And that's what we're seeing today.  When I said it earlier, trust the science, trust the experts--that's not science, that's faith.  "Believe the experts.  Trust us.  Put your faith in us."  No argumentation.  No hard questioning.  No scrutiny.  Just trust.  What we're being asked essentially is to render under the government and the medical communities a pious submission of our mind and will.  Don't ask questions.  Don't resist.  Believe what we tell you.  Do what we tell you.  And it gets to a point about misinformation that is extremely disturbing.  We should be aware of this.  YouTube censors videos as we all know, and I looked up why. One of their criteria for censoring videos.  One of them was "Anything that contradicts an official statement from the World Health Organization, or W.H.O., or local authorities."  If you contradict local authorities--their official statement--that's misinformation.  So let's go back to the 1940s and the 1o50s, if you contradicted the Atomic Energy Commission, "misinformation"!  You would have been silenced.  If you had contradicted the medical experts of the Institute, "Misinformation"!  You would have been silenced. That would have been the truth.  Implicit in this statement, in this "Misinformation Policy," if you say anything against these organizations, the implicit statement is that these organizations can neither deceive, nor be deceived. These organizations are "omnipotent, all-knowing, and all-good. Your government could never lie to you.  We would never do that.  We would never take advantage of you."  That's what people are being conditioned to believe by the media, by this misinformation policy.  "You've contradicted the CDC, therefore, you must be wrong." It's treated like blasphemy.  This is what happens when a society rejects God--they take His place. In closing, I want to give one of the bioethical principles of the Catholic Church.  And that is informed consent. "Persons receiving medical treatment have a right to know what us involved, what are the risks, and they are free to refuse." And that is my fundamental message: you do not have to consent to unwanted medical treatment.  No government agency, no religious leader can force you against your will.  If you suspect with good reason that you're being asked to participate in a worldwide medical experiment, do not participate.  Do not repeat history.  Know your history.  God is our savior, and no one else.  God aline is all-knowing, all-good, all-just, all-merciful.  Only God can never deceive or be deceived.  Trust in him alone--not in the government, nit in the media, not even in church leaders, who are increasingly abandoning church doctrine. God bless you all in the name of the Father, Son, Holy ghost.  Amen. 

1957 Atomic Energy Commission was involved in atmospheric nuclear explosions in Nevada, which were later determined to have released enough radiation to have caused 11,000 to 200,000 of excess cancers in U.S. citizens. So what did the Atomic Energy Commission do about it? They knew that people had been exposed to this radiation.  Rather than warn them about it, they decided to study the effects of radiation. So in a secret document, dated April 17, 1947, entitled "Medical Experiments in Humans," it was stated, "No document ought be released which refers to experiments of humans that might have an adverse reaction on public opinion or result in legal suits.  Documents covering such field work should be classified; secret.  At the same time they issued this secret document the Atomic Energy Commission instructed the Public Health Services to tell citizens suffering from radiation that it was due to neurosis.  Women with cancer, hair loss, and burnt skin were told they were suffering from "Housewife syndrome."  And the Public Health Service complied.  They didn't warn people, they didn't tell them how to get treatment.  They followed the orders to lie.  The result led to 1,000 to 20,000 unnecessary deaths.


This was interesting.

Melatonin Accelerates Osteoporotic Bone Repair by Promoting Osteogenesis-Angiogenesis Coupling


Rafael Nadal was a fierce competitor 10 years ago.  His matches with Roger Federer were terrific to watch.  But after what he pulled at the Australian Open in gulag land is a criminal shame and should stain his record and his name as a competitive athlete for the rest of his career at a tine ghat the sports press is praising his 21 Grand Slam victories.  The man does nit believe in liberty for the individual.  When asked about the vaccine mandates in reference to Novak Djokovic, he said "The Australian Open is much more important than ant player."  What a slap in the face of people making an individual and principled choices with their health against a poison that in the short-term has already proven to be the deadliest vaccine in history.

He's not a competitor; he's a whore.  And the fact that Roger Federer takes his picture with him casts doubt on Roger's reputation as well. 

Oh, I see why he was banned from the Australian Open.  He has just destroyed Nadal in previous matches, which should earn Nadal international contempt and shame for his pro-vaccine position as a way to cut his competitors off at the knees.  Wow.  Just wow. 


This was interesting because everyone is under the assumption that vitamin D is a near-cure-all.  Don't get wrong.  Vitamin D all by itself has saved me from two seriously stressed occasions at work. So as a fortifying compound, I take 8,000 IU of vitamin D every day.  But all by itself, D has its limits in treating some of the more serious conditions.  Yes, you need magnesium to improve its absorption.  But it looks Glutathione is the key ingredient if you want to enjoy all the benefits of D.

The improvement in GSH [glutathione] status that results from co-supplementation with VD [vitamin D] and l-cysteine [NAC, pick it up from one of these distributors] (LC; a GSH precursor) significantly reduced oxidative stress in a mouse model of 25(OH)VD deficiency. It also positively upregulated VD regulatory genes (VDBP/VD-25-hydroxylase/VDR) in the liver and glucose metabolism genes (PGC-1α/VDR/GLUT-4) in muscle, boosted 25(OH)VD, and reduced inflammation and insulin resistance (IR) levels in the blood compared with supplementation with VD alone. In vitro GSH deficiency caused increased oxidative stress and downregulation of VDBP/VD-25-hydroxylase/VDR and upregulation of CYP24a1 in hepatocytes and downregulation of PGC-1α/VDR/GLUT-4 in myotubes. This study demonstrates that improvement in the GSH status exerts beneficial effects on the blood levels of 25(OH)VD, as well as on the inflammation and IR in a VD-deficient mouse model. Thus, the VD supplements widely consumed by the public are unlikely to be successful unless the GSH status is also corrected.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

You've got to stop complying

O, Murder most foul.

"D-serine regulates NMDAR mediated synaptic transmission & plasticity"

NMDAR is a glutamate receptor and ion channel found in neurons.


Then this.


This guy.  Note Leigh Dundas sitting next to him.

BREVNER: "More of Us"

the more saturated fat in the diet, the lower the risk of stroke.


LUONGO: Main reason for COVID--to bail out broke governments



Austria is one frightening hellhole bioethics-wise with enough jackbooted muscle to protect the demons running their government.  

Saturday, January 29, 2022


Open up this link [which is behind a paywall], to find Episode #20, dated June 17, 2021, titled "Is There a COVID Cabal?"  Eugenics is a field in which Gates has been involved for decades.  If anybody would know how to render a population sterile, it would be Bill Gates.  Gates supports death panels. It's a return to the divine right of kings.  Eugenics is at the heart of COVID Cabal.  

You need fear to get people to forfeit liberties. Where the state is the solution as security to achieve certain objectives.  What did Gates start talking about a decade ago when he launched the Decade of Vaccines?  "Great, great concern about a coming pandemic and how we need to be prepared for that pandemic.  We need to be prepared to use unique medicines we've never used before in terms of population and social controls and need to have quickly available vaccines that have complete indemnification from liability in case they turn out to be complete crap as other prior rushed vaccines have been." Co-sponsor was the World Economic Forum, WEF's Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset.  He has promoted Bill Gates quite heavily.  Soros & Bloomberg are part of this cabal too. But Gates was clearly chosen to run and head this cabal, to be its lead advocate, proponent, and participant.  Eugenics has been rebranded as Transhumanism to use artificial intelligence and gene editing for enhanced breeding for select people.  Somebody else that Gates was attached to: Jeffrey Epstein.  Epstein's main obsession was not sex, it was technology.  He was backed by certain MIT scientist connected to Gates.  One of Gates' immunological scientists would be the back-up executor of Epstein's estate.  That's how deep these connections go.  He was building a ranch in Arizona where he wanted to impregnate 20 women a day and wanted the gene editing to go with it to enhance a genetically superior species.  His sex powers and trafficking were the result of elite power ideologies that are deeply dangerous to us as a society.  Communism is just another expression of an elite few who think the world is better off if they run our lives and deprive us of core freedoms and liberties and are always often obsessed with control: control over the population.  That's what the COVID cabal is really about.  That meeting in 2009 that was leaked to a small Irish publication--by maybe a maid, maybe a janitor, these are the heroes of the world--who leaked out that this meeting took place, what was discussed, and what it was about, who was there, and where it was going.  If you followed it and tracked it, you could've known what COVID was about from the moment it came on the scene. And that's the enemy and adversary that needs to be faced, just another version of the Nazi face but with a big tech nerd smile than with a German accent.  So if you listen to Klaus Schwab you still get the German accent part if you want that too. So there truly is evidence of a COVID cabal.




"An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.”

First, the clapping seals. 

Next, how not to be one.

Friday, January 28, 2022

VIRGINIA AG: "Universities cannot mandate the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition for enrollment or in-person attendance."

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Masks for Kids = Abuse


"we hear and read nonsense about the pandemic every day by a person who became famous by assembling computers in his garage."


More from Renz.   

Think I will buy fibrinolytic

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The spike protein binds to the P53 and inactivates it?  The spike impairs DNA damage repair.  Translation?  Cancer, perhaps metastatic cancers.  Nature magazine explains that 

p53 is an important tumour-suppressor protein that is altered in most cancers. p53 activates various responses, including cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Each of these appears to contribute to tumour suppression. 

P53 upregulates skin pigmentation.  So vitamin D plays a coordinating role with p53 to suppress tumors.  

This was good.  

The word mutation just doesn’t sound like something good. By definition, a mutation is a permanent change in DNA. Mutations, for the most part, are harmless except when they lead to tumor formation. 

Likely you have heard about BRCA mutations. BRCA genes are tumor suppressor genes. BRCA mutations can increase one’s risk for cancers of the breast and ovaries. However, these mutations are only responsible for about 5-10% of all breast cancers and about 15% of ovarian cancers. But, the little-known p53 mutation affects far more people. About 50% of all cancers have a mutated p53 gene.

What is P53?
The p53 protein is located in the nucleus of cells throughout the body, where it attaches (binds) directly to DNA. (It is actually the TP53 gene that provides instructions for making the tumor protein p53 but for simplicity, I will say p53.) P53 regulates cell division by keeping cells from growing and dividing too fast or in an uncontrolled way.

P53 plays a critical role in determining whether damaged DNA will be repaired or a damaged cell will self-destruct (undergo apoptosis). If the DNA can be repaired, p53 activates other genes to fix the damage. If the DNA cannot be repaired, this protein prevents the cell from dividing and signals it to undergo apoptosis. By stopping cells with mutated or damaged DNA from dividing, p53 helps prevent the development of tumors.

Mutated P53
P53 mutations lead to a version of p53 that cannot regulate cell growth and division effectively. Specifically, the altered protein is unable to trigger apoptosis in cells with mutated or damaged DNA.

DNA can be damaged by agents such as toxic chemicals, radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays — even UV light can interact with compounds in the cell generating free radicals which cause chemical damage to DNA.

Since all cells in our body contain DNA, there are lots of places for mutations such as p53 to occur. When p53 does not operate properly, damaged DNA can replicate, producing mutations and DNA rearrangements that contribute to the development of a highly transformed, metastatic cell. Many cancer cells inactivate p53, allowing the cells to evade death and continue proliferating up to becoming a tumor.

Mutant p53 proteins not only lose their tumor-suppressive activities but often escalate the development of cancerous tumors by providing them with growth and survival mechanisms. Interestingly, mutations in the p53 gene have been shown to occur at different phases of the cancer process, contributing to tumor initiation, promotion, aggressiveness, and metastasis.

 Here is a list of nutritional compounds that protect and rebuild your p53 proteins.  

• Cruciferous vegetables, especially watercress
• IP6
• Resveratrol
• Herbs such as sage, rosemary, ginger, curcumin, and ashwaganda
• EFA’s from omega 3 fatty acids (please use caution with fish oil supplements as they can be toxic). For a plant-based formula, you could take BodyBio Balance Oil.
• Licorice
• Mistletoe
• Vitamin D
• Selenium
• Vitamin C
• Zinc
• Black Seed
• Clinoptilolite (a special form of Zeolite)

Regarding the benefits of Resveratrol, this information was compelling.   On pages 9-10, check this out: 

No single molecule, natural or man-made, has been proven to cure cancer. Most cancer chemotherapy consists of multiple drugs. But then again, there is resveratrol.

It was a breathtaking moment in the history of medicine. It is nearly forgotten now, but momentarily relived for readers here. A researcher had been dispatched across the globe to test and examine over 30,000 natural molecules for their ability to quell cancer. Unexpectedly, one molecule stood out from the rest.

John Pezzuto PhD, the researcher who traveled thousands of miles for the National Cancer Institute to put these natural molecules to the test, said: “Of all the plants we’ve tested for cancer chemo-preventive activity and all the compounds we’ve seen, this one has the greatest promise.”

Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion and progression.  No anti-cancer drug comes even close to doing this.  Resveratrol may be as close as biologists will ever come to a singular cure for cancer. Oddly, even though resveratrol has been demonstrated in numerous studies to help overcome cancer drug resistance and to quell cancer itself, it is not even used as a secondary medication in cancer therapy today.

According to Dr. Pezzuto, a recent research study involving resveratrol showed that it switched hundreds of genes at one time. Commenting on that study, Dr. Pezutto likened resveratrol to a “whiff that induces a biologically specific tsunami.” Those are strong words from a usually reserved investigator  

"It would undermine the indiscriminate vaccine, vaccination policy for every single human being, including extremely low-risk people"

Fauci is an out-and-out criminal.  Check this out,

Fauci has been desperate to even confiscate Ivermectin shipment into the USA because his only solution is not treatment, but vaccination. Ivermectin is being used outside the USA and the studies are positive. Numerous doctors have been calling for real studies on this drug. New research out of Israel has found that administering the anti-parasite drug ivermectin to COVID19 patients may help to drastically reduce the duration of infections – and all for less than $1 a day.  

My personal skepticism derives not from vaccines, I had my children vaccinated. My concern is (1) I know that Klaus Schwab told people a virus was coming in advance, and I was given the very code used to justify lockdowns and the computer program was a joke. Bill Gates-funded that code. In fact, not a single program funded by Bill Gates which made these dire forecasts was ever correct. Once governments were BRIBED by lobbyists to mandate vaccines around the world, and the media has joined in along with people like Howard Stern and Neil Young, I cannot see where any rational person would trust Big Pharma or government. Now that the politicians got involved, they are putting everyone’s life at risk because politicians will NEVER admit they EVER made a mistake.


COLLINS, FAUCI, & BIRX COLLUDED: They were shameful in the way they colluded with trash media to delegitimize scientists who simply disagreed with them.



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Good to see some pushback on Senator Ron Johnson. He gets away with criminal conspiracy once he tries to apologize or explain away malfeasance and negligence.

Spleen is the logical first site the spike proteins will find a home in the body.

Read more on the Lymphatic system and its organs.  

LOCKDOWNS: Cast 100 Million People Into Poverty. Africa Hit Hardest

Fauci / NIAID signed private and confidential vaccine agreement weeks before we even knew about the pandemic:


Scheduled to Start on March 1, FDA asks the court to delay the first 55,000 page production until May


Thank you to Paul Joseph Watson and to Eric Bergquist

The polio story as you learned it is wrong

CHINA'S FOREIGN MINISTRY ON 2ND AMENDMENT: "That's the freedom the US advocates--the freedom to shoot other people"

Zhao Lijian, China's Foreign Ministry head, doesn't like the fact that Americans have a natural right to defend themselves against bigger enemies than themselves--in fact, any enemy--if they're called to do that.  Perhaps Lijian would like to render Americans defenseless.  Perhaps he'd like to take away granny's guns or grandpa's guns who lives along out in the country?  Perhaps he'd like to take the guns from a working single mother?  

But this video, and the fact that it was published, gives me pause.  Why is a Chinese official commenting on American rights and using those comments to indict the evils in the hearts of Americans?  From the weekly headlines, we hear about how dangerous Chicago is, mainly for its restrictions on gun rights.  And it is true that other American cities have a problem with indiscriminate gun violence.  So you may want to check up on that city before you decide to move there.  But these are American problems, and more likely problems to do with democratic party policies from the states and the federal government.  In other words, they're government-related, not gun-related. 

To a life-enhancing, life-protecting, defender of life, Zhao Lijian's message is irrational.  And given that it is irrational, is this trying to render in the minds of Americans and gun-owners that somehow our American counterpart is more rational, that an American official's call for disarmament more rational?  I wonder if this isn't one of the plays in broadcasting this message to American audiences.  I do wonder how much of America the Chinese own.  We know they own American politicians.  Maybe Swalwell was just the designated fall guy.  

Just as it is odd for a Russian to hear an American politician comment on life in Kiev or Moscow and would cause revulsion to hear some idiot politician who has no skin in the game of his life over there, it is equally offensive to hear a Chinese official comment on American life.  

Finally, isn't China commenting on American violence just a bit hypocritical?  Methinks it is. 

There is: 

Tiananmen Square.

Its war against the Falun Gong. 

Its 30-year war against its own people.

What about its war on children, where adults were only allowed 1 child per family

What I saw then, living in an agricultural commune in rural Guangdong, rivals anything that happened in Nazi Germany. One day in 1980 several hundred young mothers, all pregnant with second or higher-order children, were ordered to attend population control meetings. There they were told that they would all have to abort their pregnancies. Those who refused were arrested for the “crime” of being pregnant and locked up until they, too, buckled under the pressure and submitted to an abortion. 

There is a database, in fact, of massacres in China.  Tell us again about the United States massacring its people.  Maybe we can agree that it's not the violence of a particular country, but more that governments around the world massacre their own people quite often.  There are good reasons for self-defense.  Protection against one's own government may be on the top of some people's list.    


99.9% of pastured pork is fed corn and soy and has 25%+ linoleic acid.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

NEW HAMPSHIRE PHARMACIES: Could soon dispense Ivermectin without doctor approval

BLAKE MASTERS: "To save this country, we've got to get rid of these psychopaths"



Whatever happened to the Left?  They used to be smart, self-critical and could cite history and science at the drop of a dime.  Not these British tools.  Note, too, how any of these government tools enjoy throwing around "anti-vaxxer" as though it were a trigger word for justifying taking your rights from you.  

Looks Like Canada Is Now Ungovernable

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MAGNESIUM:Improves the ability of the immune system to eliminate infected & cancerous cells.



Amazing that despite the tens of thousands--no, excuse me--hundreds of thousands of reports around the country of injury, death, and illness a vaccine clinic continues on without a stitch of conscience to inject America's teens.    

Thank you to the GateWayPundit

Monday, January 24, 2022



WEALTH & WELLNESS INDEX: Only 9% of Americans Earn Over Six Figures

From Martin Armstrong:

Previous studies have indicated that Americans’ quality of life plateaus at an annual salary of $75,000, but that myth has been dispelled. A research article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America entitled, "Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year" examines 1,725,994 experience-sampling reports from 33,391 employed US adults. The study believes prior reports failed to accurately measure “well-being” and the actual emotional implications of income.

Numerous reports begin by analyzing the Satisfaction With Life Scale developed in 1985:

In most ways, my life is close to my ideal.

The conditions of my life are excellent.

I am satisfied with my life.

So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.

If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

The noted study incorporated these questions as well as others such as, “To what extent do you feel in control of your current situation?” The test also asked participants for their input on optimism for the future. The study found that the well-being plateau of $75,000 was no longer accurate. “There was also no evidence of an income threshold at which experienced and evaluative well-being diverged, suggesting that higher incomes are associated with both feeling better day-to-day and being more satisfied with life overall,” the abstract stated. “This suggests that higher incomes may still have potential to improve people’s day-to-day well-being, rather than having already reached a plateau for many people in wealthy countries.”

With inflation running at a nearly 40-year high and the prices of the most basic necessities such as food and shelter at unsustainable levels, people seeing money as a safety net is understandable. Personal Capital’s 2022 Wealth & Wellness Index found that Americans need an income of $122,000 to feel “financially healthy.” Only 9% of Americans and 31% of households earn over six figures, so this annual income is not feasible for the majority of the population. Only 67% of participants said they have enough money to pay bills in full and on time. Around 57% say they have some form of retirement savings that could manage an unforeseen expense of $500 without worry, and that figure only rises to 63% when asked if they could afford a $100 unforeseen expense. Despite previous notions, there is in fact a correlation between wealth and wellness.