Showing posts with label Dr. Ryan Cole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Ryan Cole. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2023

"It's Time to Start Questioning Everything." Some People Will Be Offended . . . I'm already offended.

Who is Andrew Wakefield?  A doctor with integrity.  Remember those?  Check out some interviews.  Though his Twitter page seems inactive, you can still find decent resources from previous years there.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Medical Cartel Coming for Prominent Doctors. If that Doesn't Shut Up the Rest, They'll Keep Coming Until They Put a Stop to Dissenting Opinion

The medical cartel really hates a conflicting opinion or any opinion that goes off the reservation.  A remarkable threat to freedom.  Jennifer Henderson at MedPageToday writes

Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust," the commission wrote in the statement. "That public trust is essential to effective delivery of medical care. Knowingly false statements or those made in reckless disregard for the truth, such as the medical disinformation statements by respondent ... erode the public's trust in physicians and their medical treatment and advice, and thereby injure public health."

Specifically, at all times relevant to the case, Cole, an anatomical and clinical pathologist, ran an independent medical laboratory that he owns, provided direct care to patients via telemedicine through the website, and spoke at public and private forums, as well as on news shows and podcasts, the statement noted.

According to the commission, since March 2021, Cole is said to have made false and misleading comments during his presentations, including, "Children survive [COVID-19] at a hundred percent," and "A hundred percent of world [ivermectin] trials have shown benefit. 

Oh, their criticism of Dr. Cole is comical. 

Other public statements Cole is said to have made include that the COVID vaccine is "an experimental biological gene therapy immune-modulatory injection," in addition to "a fake vaccine ... the clot shot, needle rape." 

On that, he's absolutely correct.  They won't be able to continue hiding behind "Died Suddenly" or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome," idiots.  

In a written statement to the Washington Medical Commission dated Feb. 7, 2022, Cole wrote that he had not advised patients or the general public to not get the COVID vaccine, contrary to other remarks included in the statement of charges.

As for the allegations of negligent patient care, the statement included descriptions of telemedicine provided in June and July 2021 to four unnamed patients.

"For all of these patients, [the] respondent prescribed medications that are not indicated for a COVID-19 infection, failed to properly document adequate justification [adequte according to whose standards, the state's or a medical professional?] for the treatment in the medical record, failed to take a history or perform a physical examination, and failed to obtain appropriate informed consent," the commission wrote. [I wonder what "appropriate informed consent" refers to.] "Respondent also provided inadequate opportunity for follow-up care, treated patients beyond his competency level, and did not advise patients about standard treatment guidelines and preventative measures."

Wow, they certainly are building a case against Dr. Cole in the court of public opinion.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

SHEDDING IS REAL: "we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines. They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations" and horse populations

If [you've been vaccinated and] there's a pregnant woman [in your circles], don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks.  --Dr. Ryan Cole

When you read the abstract and the conclusion, everything is an homage to the shot, but if you go read the data tables, that's where you glean that their conclusion doesn't match the data.  There was a Brazil study with rats and fertility, and it showed a decrease of 16% in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.  And then there was a mouse study also showed, and these are obscured papers, obscured in the data tables, they're very well hidden, and if you go and read a paper and say Oh, gosh, they concluded it was fine, but if you read the data, you go, wait.  There are signals here that are concerning.  And we know that the ovaries and the eggs, and every woman is born with every egg she'll ever have are replete with ACE-2 Receptors.  So we know from the papers I mentioned that we have circulating spikes.  It's going to bind to that ACE2 on the ovaries and on the eggs.  It can induce inflammatory pathways.  I have two hypotheses.  Everybody asks "Will a spike be shed?"  Well, certainly we have exosomes carrying the spike in the bodies of those who have had the shots, but . . . 

In Wuhan in the subways, there were early studies on the infection showing that they could detect spikes in the sweat of individuals in the subway.  So we know the spike does come out in secretions.  Then the question becomes how much of it is necessary and sufficient to influence an individual in the environment?  We know in the Pfizer emergency application on Page 67 at the bottom of the page, "If there's a pregnant woman don't be in skin contact or in the same room with that individual for 4 weeks."  [IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE HAS BEEN VACCINATED, STAY AWAY FROM THEM FOR 4 WEEKS].  So Pfizer knew something, and we know the concept in vaccinology of self-spreading vaccines.  They've been used to sterilize rabbit populations, not SARS-CoV-2 but other types of viruses, where one rabbit will take it back to the warren and other rabbits in the warren can no longer get pregnant, so they use it for population control.  [JUST CURIOUS: WHEN BILL GATES WAS RUNNING HIS POPULATION CONTROL EXPERIMENTS, I WONDER IF THERE WERE ANY SCIENTISTS OR VACCINOLOGISTS WHO WERE WRITING ABOUT SELF-SPREADING VACCINATIONS?]  I'm not saying they did or didn't do this, but if you have something being shed that is the toxic part of the virus, well, that is a concerning feature.  You know, hypothetically, and I don't have any way to prove this yet, but part of it makes sense to me, if you have spike binding to ACE2 Receptors, well, you're inducing inflammation in the ovaries.  Just like women in a college dorm will cycle together [meaning sync their menstruation] or in a barracks because of pheromones, well, if you have an intense inflammatory response shifting your hormones such that you're secreting a cloud of pheromones that could be another reason why women who are around women post-shot end up bleeding or spotting as well end up getting these same problems.    

Monday, December 12, 2022

Bad Manufacturing Produced a Lot of Impurities. But, a Lot of People Are Lucky Because of That

Friday, November 25, 2022

"Day 14, I got spontaneous bruising, including a black eye, which apparently just happens when you have a coffee with friends."

Pfizer [has] said “You are claiming we violated all these regulations but we don’t have to follow them as it is a prototype."

The show is titled, Refuge of Sinners.  Still trying to find the name of the host.  Her first name is Elizabeth, but it looks like that could be a pseudonym, and she certainly isn't providing her last name anywhere that I've looked.  No one identifies themselves anymore.

Liz Mann: "Day 14, I got spontaneous bruising, including a black eye, which apparently just happens when you have a coffee with friends. And then Day 41, I wake up with stroke-like symptoms."  

The panel members are top row, left-to-right are Dr. Ryan Cole and Craig Kelly.  Bottom row, left-to-right is Liz Mann, Warner Mendenhall, the lawyer who represents Brook Jackson in her lawsuit against Pfizer, and Senator Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He is a member of the Liberal National Party (LNP).

Dr Ryan Cole is a pathologist, board-certified in clinical and anatomic pathology, and is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics.

Warner Mendenhall is a lawyer of 24 years and the Principal of the Mendenhall Law Group, in Ohio, USA. He has a lot of experience representing whistle-blowers in the past and is part of the legal team representing Brooke Jackson in the current case against Pfizer, regarding fraud in the COVID-19 clinical trial.

Craig Kelly is the leader of the United Australia Party (UAP), the party with the largest number of members in Australia.

Senator Gerard Rennick is an Australian politician who has been Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He is a member of the Liberal National Party (LNP).

Liz Mann was the Organic Development Officer for Australian Consolidated Milk, working with organic dairy farmers in Victoria. She sits on 2 agricultural boards and is the executive officer of 2 industry bodies. She holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree. Liz suffered adverse effects from the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

Liz Mann tells her story. She had her first (and only) COVID-19 vaccination on November 23, 2021. Liz was coerced by her employer Australian Consolidated Milk. Liz details the coercion and the communication between herself and her employer. Liz has both heart and neurological damage.

Liz’s Pfizer batch has been revealed as having only 64.5% RNA integrity as per a Freedom of Information (FOI) request that was raised to the TGA (Therapeutics and Goods Administration). Dr Cole comments on the ramifications of truncated RNA in the vaccines and batch purity issues.

Warner Mendenhall is one of the lawyers representing Brooke Jackson in the upcoming Pfizer trial. Warner reads from the Pfizer defense filing to reveal that Pfizer has a “PROTOTYPE agreement” to supply vaccines, not a standard federal procurement contract.

Pfizer has said, “You are claiming we violated all these regulations but we don’t have to follow them as it is a prototype."

Warner relayed the following information from a manufacturing whistle-blower from a Pfizer manufacturing plant. The soup story. There is an issue with manufacturing the mRNA vaccine on scale. In the big Vats, the LNP (fat) separates and rises to the top. It cannot be stirred aggressively, or the mRNA will break. Hence there is not a consistent product in the vials, vials from the bottom contain little or no mRNA, and vials from the top contain far too much. They are issuing an adulterated product.

Senator Rennick had produced information from an FOI raised by one of his constituents (FOI 295). It states that the TGA does not set integrity and purity requirements for mRNA vaccines. The sponsor does.

Senator Rennick also confirmed that many Australians had approached him and logged their information on his webpage regarding coercion for a second shot after injury from the first, like Liz Mann.

Dr Ryan Cole discusses the danger of the spike protein and the LNP and recommends that this platform for vaccines should be ceased indefinitely.

Craig Kelly discusses the legislation he tried to put through to ban the vaccine mandates.

Craig Kelly discusses a new manufacturing plant proposed for Australia.

Monday, June 20, 2022

SUE YOUR DOCTOR: They've Violated Their Oath and Failed to Give Informed Consent

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

FROM BRANDY VAUGN TO DR. RYAN COLE: From "Was that just a lie" to "Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs. Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways"

I cited a quote earlier this week from Brandy Vaughn, where she says that "Anything you inject goes straight to vital organs.  Things you ingest, they go through the body's natural defense, natural detox pathways."  Funny how this celebrated panel of doctors can't nail it like Brandy could and did.  That's because Brandy held firm to her convictions of the crimes by Merck and big pharma.  These stooges are dancing around issues diplomatically so as not to offend their industry, so as not to upset their political opportunities.  Dr. Cole is running for governor in Idaho.  So instead of making an important distinction of the two methods of transport, the best that Dr. Cole can do is to tell us that "[they] lied."  That's the best he can do?  Who lied, Dr. Cole?  

As I listened to this woman, Sydney, Australia's Professor Kristine Macartney, and self-appointed "Expert," my first thought was how confused she was and uncertain she was explaining how the spike protein works.  That alone made me think that she's working from a script on that topic and doesn't really know herself.  But the other thought was how these "doctors" come off as smug and arrogant like they're incapable of self-reflection or any reflection at all that might make them stop and think.  Instead, it's running on and on with a narrative that sounds so desperate and only makes me think that they're still med students with a white coat and stethoscope, praying that these props will enhance their legitimacy and transform them from a med school student to a real professional.  Good luck.  Dr. McCullough got it wrong, too.  He claimed that the spike proteins go to the heart.  They go to all vital organs, Dr.  The knowledge has been out there; it's not like people didn't know that, one, the spike proteins themselves are toxins, or that, two, anything that is injected goes to all vital organs.  I mean have they completed ignored what is happening to children with all of the schedule of vaccines for children?  If they have, they're not incompetents; these guys are vandals massaging the message in the interest of Big Pharma.  Malone got it wrong, too.  Both McCullough and Malone got it wrong, saying that the spike protein targets only fatty organs.  These are high-paid hit men trying to re-establish some legitimacy to the industry while they refuse to condemn these shots for what they really are: mass murder and a crime against humanity.  Love it too when idiots on social media praise their valiant efforts and how they've been censored.  Please.  Victims of the shots: that's whose lives have been censored.

Dr. Ryan Cole says that the vaccine manufacturers lied.  Glad to hear him state this, but that's not exactly breaking news if anyone, anyone at all has paid any attention to the medical-industrial complex at all over the last 100 years.  To me, it is not even a question that any coercion surrounding the shots, meaning making them mandatory for continued employment is a brutal crime, a crime that must be avenged.  If hanging the criminals does not sit well with you, then at least tar and feathering for starters.  But it is exactly like Whitney Webb has stated, we live in the United States of blackmail, where we know of everybody's crimes but no one is being prosecuted or held liable.  Everyone is walking, and walking around, perhaps skulking around blackmailed and compromised.   

Monday, March 21, 2022


If you took the vaccine, you ought to get this D-Dimer test to learn if you've got developing clotting going on. Dr. Ryan Cole describes it as "instant clumping," following the vaccine, So now we know.  Your blood clumps, which means the clotting process begins immediately.  To confirm this in your own body, the only test to confirm recent clotting is a D-Dimer test.  Don't let your doctor deny you this.  

Start at the 12-minute mark.

At the 16:30 mark, Dr. Ryan Cole holds up a vile that contains a 12-inch long fibrin clot, adding that this was pulled from a large vein  Imagine what is happening in smaller veins."  So fatigue, pain, tingling, cramping, all could be the sign that different organs in your body are producing these fibrin clots.  You need to get rid of them by surgery if necessary. Prior to that, get started on the enzyme, Nattokinase, to dissolve these clots.  Start today.  Please.  I beg. 

And, of course, if you've taken a shot, you've still got a chance to redeem that decision by getting the D-Dimer test and regardless of the result start on a daily regimen of Nattokinase today.

Here is someone with experience. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


I am surprised that the graduates of Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders" School haven't been served with arrest warrants.   And the whole thing about Fauci moving the goal posts was not only used to fix people in a hypnotic back-and-forth trance for greater psychic driving if his message, but that he could use his fiat dictates as evidence that the science is always changing, see?  Even worse than Fauci is the media that props him up.  There has to be a real retributive justice coming for the likes of Jake Tapper and his legions.  

And as Fauci can claim "We just didn't know" that serves to delay early treatment and gives the illness some traction and extend the time before people get a diagnosis, early treatment, or any treatment before it's too late, and you're going to have thousands more, hundreds of thousands more people die and be killed.  And the fact that the County Health agencies from around the country have followed such a narrow plan of health: masks, vaccines, and 6-feet.  It's one thing for the country health offices to be stupid and wrong--they've always been wrong and stupid; that's why people ignore them.  But to compound a bad situation, employers then start squeezing their employees to get shots.  Does your employer have a medical license?  It doesn't matter.  All licensure requirements have been turned upside down.  One no longer needs to be competent or skilled or expert in one's field.  They just need to be appointed.  But the whole lack of knowledge thing by flip-flopping Fauci or any number of Klaus Schwab's "young leaders," matches the disease itself that results from the vaccination.  What I am talking about is that the disease that results is metastatic cancer without a central or localized tumor from which the cancer spreads.  In other words, the vaccinations give your body metastatic cancer without an initiating tumor.  Instead, the blood clots are the initial stage and site of the metastatic cancer, and these clots are happening all over the body, hence, metastasis.  The problem with metastatic cancer is the equivalent of Stage 4 cancer.  It's the cancer that people die of.  Do you get what I mean?  So the traditional way that cancer is detected is through a biopsy of a tumor to decipher if it is benign or cancerous.  But there's no tumor.  The blood clots that are forming form from fibrin, hairlike strands that clump together to form a clot.  But they also form the foundation, the base of a tumor.  But the clots are producing these fibrin and platelet clots throughout the body.  Think of these clots as an archipelago of clots throughout the body.  It's one reason why so many systems of vaccinated folks have either slowed down or have been crippled--the pain is diffused and doctors cannot detect any "tumor."  They're not looking at the whole picture.  Vaccinate folks are enduring pain unnecessarily.  Since it's cancer that those who've been vaccinated are facing, including those who've experienced passive vaccination via exosomes, then you'll want to follow this protocol.  Find it toward the bottom of that page on macrophages.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The spike protein binds to the P53 and inactivates it?  The spike impairs DNA damage repair.  Translation?  Cancer, perhaps metastatic cancers.  Nature magazine explains that 

p53 is an important tumour-suppressor protein that is altered in most cancers. p53 activates various responses, including cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Each of these appears to contribute to tumour suppression. 

P53 upregulates skin pigmentation.  So vitamin D plays a coordinating role with p53 to suppress tumors.  

This was good.  

The word mutation just doesn’t sound like something good. By definition, a mutation is a permanent change in DNA. Mutations, for the most part, are harmless except when they lead to tumor formation. 

Likely you have heard about BRCA mutations. BRCA genes are tumor suppressor genes. BRCA mutations can increase one’s risk for cancers of the breast and ovaries. However, these mutations are only responsible for about 5-10% of all breast cancers and about 15% of ovarian cancers. But, the little-known p53 mutation affects far more people. About 50% of all cancers have a mutated p53 gene.

What is P53?
The p53 protein is located in the nucleus of cells throughout the body, where it attaches (binds) directly to DNA. (It is actually the TP53 gene that provides instructions for making the tumor protein p53 but for simplicity, I will say p53.) P53 regulates cell division by keeping cells from growing and dividing too fast or in an uncontrolled way.

P53 plays a critical role in determining whether damaged DNA will be repaired or a damaged cell will self-destruct (undergo apoptosis). If the DNA can be repaired, p53 activates other genes to fix the damage. If the DNA cannot be repaired, this protein prevents the cell from dividing and signals it to undergo apoptosis. By stopping cells with mutated or damaged DNA from dividing, p53 helps prevent the development of tumors.

Mutated P53
P53 mutations lead to a version of p53 that cannot regulate cell growth and division effectively. Specifically, the altered protein is unable to trigger apoptosis in cells with mutated or damaged DNA.

DNA can be damaged by agents such as toxic chemicals, radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays — even UV light can interact with compounds in the cell generating free radicals which cause chemical damage to DNA.

Since all cells in our body contain DNA, there are lots of places for mutations such as p53 to occur. When p53 does not operate properly, damaged DNA can replicate, producing mutations and DNA rearrangements that contribute to the development of a highly transformed, metastatic cell. Many cancer cells inactivate p53, allowing the cells to evade death and continue proliferating up to becoming a tumor.

Mutant p53 proteins not only lose their tumor-suppressive activities but often escalate the development of cancerous tumors by providing them with growth and survival mechanisms. Interestingly, mutations in the p53 gene have been shown to occur at different phases of the cancer process, contributing to tumor initiation, promotion, aggressiveness, and metastasis.

 Here is a list of nutritional compounds that protect and rebuild your p53 proteins.  

• Cruciferous vegetables, especially watercress
• IP6
• Resveratrol
• Herbs such as sage, rosemary, ginger, curcumin, and ashwaganda
• EFA’s from omega 3 fatty acids (please use caution with fish oil supplements as they can be toxic). For a plant-based formula, you could take BodyBio Balance Oil.
• Licorice
• Mistletoe
• Vitamin D
• Selenium
• Vitamin C
• Zinc
• Black Seed
• Clinoptilolite (a special form of Zeolite)

Regarding the benefits of Resveratrol, this information was compelling.   On pages 9-10, check this out: 

No single molecule, natural or man-made, has been proven to cure cancer. Most cancer chemotherapy consists of multiple drugs. But then again, there is resveratrol.

It was a breathtaking moment in the history of medicine. It is nearly forgotten now, but momentarily relived for readers here. A researcher had been dispatched across the globe to test and examine over 30,000 natural molecules for their ability to quell cancer. Unexpectedly, one molecule stood out from the rest.

John Pezzuto PhD, the researcher who traveled thousands of miles for the National Cancer Institute to put these natural molecules to the test, said: “Of all the plants we’ve tested for cancer chemo-preventive activity and all the compounds we’ve seen, this one has the greatest promise.”

Resveratrol blocks all three stages of cancer genesis:  initiation, promotion and progression.  No anti-cancer drug comes even close to doing this.  Resveratrol may be as close as biologists will ever come to a singular cure for cancer. Oddly, even though resveratrol has been demonstrated in numerous studies to help overcome cancer drug resistance and to quell cancer itself, it is not even used as a secondary medication in cancer therapy today.

According to Dr. Pezzuto, a recent research study involving resveratrol showed that it switched hundreds of genes at one time. Commenting on that study, Dr. Pezutto likened resveratrol to a “whiff that induces a biologically specific tsunami.” Those are strong words from a usually reserved investigator  

Friday, April 2, 2021

A strong immune system is your best mask. Vitamin D delivers that strong immunity. Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3

Thanks to Robert Wenzel.

This presentation is a full hour.  This YouTube version is only 29 minutes long.  To watch the full presentation, please open this Rumble link.  The presenter is pathologist and MD, Dr. Ryan Cole.  His credentials are here

Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. Some highlights from his CV: Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology (July 2002-June 2003): Dermatopathology Fellowship (Chief Fellow). Mayo Clinic (July 1997-June 2002): Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Chief Fellow, Surgical Pathology Fellowship. Medical College of Virginia (1993-1997): Researched immunology. Served as President of Student Family Practice organization. Coordinated activities and seminars on the practice of family medicine and rural medicine. Earned MD in 1997.

Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3.  But what's his message?  Wear a mask, maybe two.  Why isn't his message to take 10,000IU of vitamin D?

Dr. Cole praises the effectiveness of Ivermectin, calling it an immune modulator and anti-viral medication.  And if anyone has had any one of the vaccines and experiences a cytokine storm, he says that Ivermectin may be your best choice for quelling that storm.  That, and vitamin D.