Sunday, January 16, 2022


from Ezili Danto,

During the HIV-Aids crisis, the CDC/FDA with Fauci in the lead, set forth a health policy on blood donations that stigmatized Haitians as “Aids carriers.” There were no appropriate scientific facts to back it up whatsoever. In this Covid19 era, with Fauci front and center, I remember who they are, what they’ve done, historically. I must remember, so history cannot repeat itself.

I remember how back then, Haitian workers working at nursing homes, hospitals, hotels, cafeterias, driving taxi cabs, and in private homes as housekeepers and cooks were stigmatized and forced to “social distance” – (i.e. got laid off, fired!) from the general population. I remember how confused these ladies doing ‘day work‘ at wealthy Greenwich CT homes, my mother’s friends were, when the families they’ve been working two decades for, suddenly became afraid of them and sent them home with the HIV-Aids carrier stigma.

I remember we fought back the science “experts” the media still tout as infallible and forced the FDA and CDC to rethink messing around with Haitians like that! They had to quickly walk back their open racism and rescind their prejudice as Federal policy. 

Some interesting points raised here: 

Recently, in an interview with the Breakfast Club, Fauci, supposedly the world’s leading expert in infectious disease stated that “there are very few things,” if anything people can do to boost their immune system. We know that’s a lie, just witchery and false. 

That interview was released on April 17, 2020, and the section to which the author refers occurs at the 22-minute mark: 

22-22:15  He says instead of building your immune system, make sure your immune system isn’t worn down, and you can do that by doing a few simple things: a good night’s sleep, exercise, good nutrition, that’s infinitely better than throwing something into your body that’s going to “boost” your immune system.  Interesting that Fauci uses the phrase "throwing something into your body," because an etymological translation of the word "inject" literally means "to throw in."  

And the author's follow-up questions are spot-on:

If there’s no treatment people can do, or as Fauci says “throw in their bodies” to boost their immune system, why is Fauci pushing developing big pharma vaccines, “at best for next winter,” to counteract Covid19? What’s the point if “there are very few things,”  if anything, you can do to boost your immune system and stop the germ infection? (See our extensive Èzili Newsletter coverage of Fauci on Breakfast Club and updates on how Haiti has been affected by Coronavirus and with the continuing deportations.) 

This really is a must-read.  If you've not spotted the evil that permeates these vaccine programs, this should disillusion you of any benevolence or innocence.

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