Sunday, January 16, 2022

"It gets worse than Nuremberg what happens now. It is horrible. There are thousands of Mengeles now."

Thank you to Lew Rockwell

Once you have premeditation, there is no immunity anymore, not even for anyone in the United States.  --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

1:56  Not true that there's the same stuff in each shot. And we have very, very hard evidence that the batches are different: they are shaped differently, they have a different effect.  When we see our normal statistics, we see the following from the European database

We've got experts talking about what's on the VAERS data.  So we've got . . . . they don't refer to them as batches, they refer to them as lots with 11 lots with 6 or 7% of the deaths?

4:25  In some batches, you see that something happens.  And this, you have the toxicity here, toxicity expressed in deaths, okay?  In some cases are 3,000x more than the baseline, toxic than the baseline.  Then you have batches that are 2,500x more toxic than the baseline.  And in between those single piles of death cases, there is quietness . . . nothing happens.  So you always have phases . . . . 

5:05  It's probably that they're trying to re-establish a baseline in between. 

It's linear here going down with less and less cases.  It's like they're trying to find the doses, or the effect of something--how many people die.  And you can see that this is 3,000, 2,500, 2,000, 1,500, and 500 deaths and it's dependent on the different batches, and this is only from Pfizer.  We have a different structure with the other . . . .  With Johnson & Johnson, they had a horrible accumulation of cases in certain batches.  And we know all this, this tells us very clearly, and each doctor should know it, that the batches are not controlled.  That the doctors just use for a big experiment where they try out something.  We don't know what they try out.  WE don't know why people die, whether it's the spikes or whether it's something else, we don't know it.  

[As a brief interruption to this video, important to know the guy's name who broke the code on the batches.  His name is Craig Paardekooper.  And here he has evidence that red states are being targeted with batches of higher toxicity.  And here, Paardekooper provides us with a site where you can look up the casualties related to your specific vaccine.  The site is called How Bad Is My Batch?  He explains how to look your vaccine lot up in this video.]

6:15  The bottom line is that even though it is quite clear that some of the batches are, or at least on the surface appear to be, harmless, maybe even like saline water solutions.  So others are not.  This is what Mike Eadon came up with: there's a 1 in 200 chance that you're going to run into one of those dangerous batches or lots, 1 in 200.  So this is the game of Russian Roulette that you're playing.  The first shot may be okay, the second shot may be okay, the third shot maybe okay, but sooner or later they are going to get you.  

6:47  It's not Russian Roulette.  It's a trial.  It's planned.  And the batches are sent somewhere.  And the batches are used and they are all  registered.  And sometimes they are equally transported, er, used over the whole state, and sometimes there's a local spot.  And it depends.  And what we found out too, is that when one firm is doing such things, the other keep quiet [to give the appearance that it's not a concerted campaign by all vaccine manufacturers?].  The others don't do their experiements.  The next firm, the next enterprise does it with their own vaccine, so they say, "I want to do something, I want to try out something."  Then it's AstraZeneca, then it's Johnson & Johnson, then it's Moderna, and they all have different ideas on what they can try out in these very, very big trials, while all those stupid doctors think they're giving the same injection to everyone.  It's not true!  They are misused for a very big trial where there is no ethics committee.  It's an obscure trial where the people are just the victims.  And there are some people who have the idea that they can genetically modify something . . . humans.  And they could all have patents on this stuff.  And they have patents, and they say, "Oh, I have a patent, too."  We have the new one.  We shall have the new vaccine.  There are 120 new vaccines in the pipeline and they all want to try out, and now is the time that they can do it because we are afraid that we need the vaccine and we all participate in this nonsense.  It gets worse than Nuremberg what happens now.  It is horrible.  There are thousands of Mengeles now.  But some of them don't know it, and others know very well what they do. And they kill people.  They kill thousands of people.  

8:47  Intentionally . . . .

8:48  Yes, intentionally.

8:51  I mean this is a very scary, scary-looking graph because  

8:58  It's proof.  This is proof that it's planned.  

9:05  This cannot be coincidence.

9:10  No.  It is not.  It cannot be.  

9:12  It's a coordinated effort or else they wouldn't do it in a synchronized way--first by Pfizer then Moderna then Jenssen.  They're doing it in a highly coordinated way so that they do not interfere with each other.  Each one of them is doing their own little experiment within an experiment.  And what Wolfgang has pointed out to us, Sam, is that, of course, it's not just Mike Eadon who knows about this, but it's the entire community.  All of them in the pharmaceutical industry--they all know it.  

Wolfgang, 9:41  Polyeric Institute knows it.  

Fuellmich, 9:45  And they all want to be part of it.  It's only a question of time until all the others will join in and make it even worse because it is easy to extort those who are already committing the crimes so that they, the others, will also be admitted to this mass serial killing. 

Dr. Sam White, 10:06  All statisticians . . . two of them got together and repeated the findings of the VAERS lots.  And so that's been repeated by teams in the U.S. and it's been shared collaboratively.  So if it's that easily repeatable, it must be known.  If perhaps you assume it wasn't known before, and we think that it was by the very higher echelons who probably control governments, but it is known now.  So now it stops.  If we can prove criminal intention or even gross negligence manslaughter, it may well be that those who've been harmed or those who've lost a loved one can actually get some form of compensation.  Because at the moment, it's basically impossible in the UK and worldwide.  And that's been the case for vaccines for a long, long time.  

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