Tuesday, January 18, 2022

There is no negligence. There’s no innocent explanation here.

 “Compelling evidence for premeditated mass murder.” Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer scientist. 

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Not just damages, but we're now talking about punitive damages.  Punitive damages come into play whenever you're dealing with a bad actor who is intentionally doing something harmful, and that is what we're dealing with here.  It's the makers of the vaccines.  It's the politicians who advertise them.  It's the mainstream media.  It's the doctors who administer the shots--they're all in it.  And of course, the huge pharmaceutical and tech companies who are in it; they're going to have to feel the pain from this.  And that's what punitive damages are there for.  You don't just get the damage that you suffered.  It's at least . . . simply everyone suffered damages.  And it's going to be at least $1 million dollars per person but if you add on punitive damages, you're looking at 21x the actual damage, 50x the actual damage, maybe 1,000 times the actual damage because these are very terrible crimes against humanity.  We're not just talking about regular crimes.  If you add this onto this, then this means that the defends on the cases that are now coming up will not be able to pay for this.  So we're going to have to take them apart.  

I don't know.  This goal of going after millions per person from pharmaceutical companies doesn't have the ring of truth to it.  Is money the only form of justice?  These companies have robbed the living of their bodies, and they've robbed the living of their loved ones.  What, a cool million in the bank is supposed to make everybody feel good about those losses?  This is no Hague, no Nuremberg 2.0.  What this is is a joke.  The crimes were hard, therefore their punishment must be hard.  

At the 8:35 mark, Reiner refers to this supreme lawyer from India, Dipali Ojha

At the 11:55 mark,

IBA, or Indian Bar Association, has called upon the Honorable Health Minister to remove the persons/bureaucrats, members of the Task Force from any decision-making process related with remedies and solutions regarding COVID-19 pandemic, who are directly or indirectly connected with any entity, NGO, or Board that receives funds from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, PATH, PHFI, where sole agenda is to reap profits for the vaccine manufacturers.  

At the 12:25 mark, Dipali Ojha at least names names.  Where is our list of criminal conspirators?  Where are the American lawyers giving presentations like this?  

Here is here list: 

Professor K. Shrinath Reddy

Dr. Cherry Gagandeep Kang.

Dr. Balram Bhargava

Shri V.K. Paul

Soumya Swaminathan

Dr. Randeep Guleria

Dr. K. Vijay Raghvan

Dr. N.K. Arora

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