Thursday, January 20, 2022


This just goes to show the power of letters and cooperative action can have a significant impact against the brutes of the state.  Though the timing is conveniently coordinated with a worldwide relaxing of the mandates and mitigation measures, still, the fact that you put this in writing and give the state to answer and rebut your challenges should be a lesson for all of us.  The other lesson we should take away is the important role of the police, for in their role of law enforcers when they take the side of the people it means that regardless of any law passed by elites can be rendered meaningless without enforcement.  But the Austrian police had to do this.  These guys and gals live in the same neighborhoods; they are literally the neighbors of the people they're abusing and whose rights they're legally restricting.  So they're making the right move to be on the right side of history.  Note in the article that despite how honest and direct the authors of the letter are, the state will still try and spin their motive.  

Here are a few snippets from the article

600 Austrian law enforcement officers have written to the Austrian Interior Minister, requesting that proposals for forced vaxing be withdrawn and that prejudice against the unvaxed be ended.

The letter, written on January 10, was signed by three law enforcement personnel who purport to representing nearly 600 of their coworkers and was written to Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

“We do not want to face the population in a threatening manner during what are predominantly peaceful demonstrations which were organized due to the increasing dissatisfaction of the people with politicians,” wrote the authors of the letter.

Numerous protests were held around Austria last weekend, which would include Vienna, wherein approximately 20,000 protesters came to the streets on Saturday to denounce proposals to declare jabs mandatory for all citizens over the age of 18.

The letter’s authors, on the other hand, refuted this, claiming that they are not affiliated with any political party.

“We are not far-right or far-left extremists, we are not anti-vaxers … we are a group of several hundred police officers from the whole of Austria … united by our concern for the rule of law, freedom of thought, our fundamental rights, as well as our health,” they wrote. 

The article makes the claim that there is a network of police throughout Europe that is pressing their respective governments to surrender these monstrous mandates.  For we learned just today that Spanish police have followed suit set by the Austrians.  

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