Monday, June 3, 2024

KIMBERLY OVERTON: The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments.

Her name is Kimberly Overton

"It was not COVID that was killing...patients, it was the complete...medical mismanagement of COVID. It was the remdesivir, ventilator, death—wash, rinse, repeat."

"The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments." Critical Care RN, whistleblower, and Founder/Executive Director of Nurse Freedom Network Kimberly Overton () describes for Peter Santilli () how it was not COVID killing people in hospitals, but rather the (federally distributed) treatment protocols themselves. "They kept telling us all of our patients were dying of COVID—it was not COVID that was killing any of these patients, it was the complete and total medical mismanagement of COVID. It was the remdesivir, ventilator, death, wash, rinse, repeat," Overton says. The critical care RN adds, "This is what we were seeing over and over happen in these hospitals and I'm far from the only nurse that can tell you this." "Listen," Overton says, "if they were dying of the virus alone, why weren't we pulling bodies from homes? Why weren't we pulling bodies from off of the streets? ...The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments." The whistleblower adds: "The remdesivir was poisoning people. We were shutting down their organs, we were placing them on ventilators, then they kept getting secondary bacterial infections, and they [were] succumbing to those. They [were] getting blood clots because they [were] not being ambulated properly." "We couldn't even get doctors and PT [physical therapists] up on the floor to ambulate patients," Overton says. "People were too afraid, it was mostly just the nurses. And then the doctors would...come and look through the glass windows of the ICU and take the nurse's report..." (Note that ambulate means to move a patient around, or have them walk around.) "We were intubating patients not because they were in distress, but in an effort to contain the virus," Overton adds. "They were pushing for early intubation knowing that...80% or more of those patients that were placed on a ventilator never made it off."

LATYPOVA: When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there. The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider. Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.

Part of it was that lawsuit that the 15 attorneys general of the states abandoned it should be refiled by somebody.  And I'm hoping that we can find an attorney general of a state that will work on this because it violates the Constitution and violates due process.  They name you a pre-communicable, and you have no ability to defend yourself.  So they name you pre-communicable based on the test that they design, that they keep secret, that they that have never produced evidence of or validation, and then they put you in the detention camp and you can appeal to them only.  So it is as Orwellian and as tyrannical as it gets.  

1:00. When you look at some of the wording of this order where Lisa Rotz, MD, Deputy Director of the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Centers for CDC.

CDC has determined that you are a high-risk contact to a family member who tested positive for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high risk exposure was March 23, 2020 the date that you last had contact with the infected family member, and, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of the last known high-risk exposure, which was March 23, 2020.  This notice will be accompanied by a rescission allowing you to agree to serve the remainder of the quarantine at your residence subject to certain stipulations. 

1:43. Like you said Sasha, don't answer any questions; don't consent to track and trace; don't give names of anybody you've been with.  They could scare you into doing that though because it says you were in contact with a family member family, a member who had a big mouth disclosed it (I'm going to put my own editorializing in), for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high-risk exposure was March 23, 2020, the date that you last had contact and that, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of last known risk exposure.  Some people might argue and say, "Well, back then we all just stayed home.  Nobody took us to a quarantine camp."  

What Sasha is warning is they can do any of this at any time.

And all of Katherine's work is to inform people that they can pull this out again.  This is living law.  It hasn't gone anywhere,  although you don't hear about COVID too much anymore.  It's living, breathing law that's ready at any moment, right?

2:45. Yeah, and I think, specifically the Grand Princess and The Diamond Princess were the test runs for them, for the HHS because then they later refer to that in their motions to dismiss cases that were challenging their authority to do so.  They said, "We already did it.  You see, we did it, and it's totally legal." That's the precedent that they set up as early as they could in the pandemic lockdown by taking these 2 cruise ships and the people from these two cruise ships.  


So I would advise people what you can do is a couple of things. First, you have to be aware of this.  When you are aware of this, mass awareness is a deterrent when enough people know this.  When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there.  The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider.  Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.  All of this is voluntary.  They come in and they say, "Well, you know, you need to answer these questions for our survey . . . ."  No.  No.  And because people are nice and they think "I'm in the hospital.  This is all related to my care."  It's not related to your care.  It's related to this, the CDC's Quarantine Extension.  So kick them out.  Don't answer their questions.  Secondly, don't go on a cruise ship . . . .  If anybody approaches you with these kinds of things, wherever you are traveling, beware of what they're trying to do.  

And finally, an important aspect of this is to work with local state authorities and legislators in your state to nullify these laws.  Katherine is drafting a lot of document templates on nullification.  So you can read that on her substack, Bailiwick News, and you will see a bunch of proposed notifications of those laws so the state legislators can do it.  Any state can nullify any federal law. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

TOM LUONGO: Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, want their colonies back [Louisiana, the United States, etc]

26:15--28:00  Davos wants control, wants to remove Israel from the scene.  Why?  Because they want to finally put to bed the remnants of the British Empire; that includes the British Empire's proxy, the United States.  

I see Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, as the primary drivers here because psychologically they map to the most aggressive and the most entitled because they've always controlled natural resources of the 3rd world.  They still see the U.S. as one of the colonies.  The French still want Louisiana back.   They still want Quebec back.  They still make a big deal to get Louisiana back [from] the United States.  They still want to rape the Sahel region of Africa for pennies on the dollar.  Same thing with the Germans.  Same thing with the British.  Same thing with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the Italians, all of them.  They all want it back the way it was before.  

Luongo cites the vitriol of Ambassador Londo Mollari from Babylon 5 as the best depiction in culture of what the Davos crowd wants, "I want it all back the way that it was."  

"You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth, yes? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"

That's why all of a sudden the world is saying, "Hey man, it's okay to hate Israel.  We're all pro-Palestine."  Everybody's like, "That doesn't make any sense.  [Then] why is Sunak pro-Palestinian?"  Because he works for Davos.  It's not that hard.  

Here is the full interview.  

37:00.  The entire city of London apparatus buying up treasuries like crazy in order to prop up the long end of the US yield curve meaning suppressed rates and hold up prices in the Bank of England has done this and all of the Bank of England's proxies by the way Bermuda the British Virgin Islands the Caymans all the offshore tax savings that are nominally under British crown control they've been buying the crap out of US Treasury so everybody's going to die yeah but the bank of England just bought $600 billion.  They are the 4th highest holder of US debt at this point total within that system, like, up from $350 billion so this is how much of other people's money they have spent to suppress the price to do yield curve control on the US yield curve in order to keep the German yield curve from exploding to the upside and collapsing all of the European Banks.  It's a game of extend and pretend.   That's EU's modus operandi.  Extend and pretend in one Arena in order to create plots and counter plots and subplots in another Arena Financial extended pretend in order to politically advance other agenda and attack another idiot the US legal system, for example, the political system for example why do we go after Donald Trump with non-crimes not because Trump isn't whatever you think of trump is irrelevant what's important is that the Fallout from this case is to destroy the concept that the United States is anything other than a mafia-narco state and that there's no rule of law left. And then if the US were to seize the Russian foreign reserves, your money is not safe there either.  Now who does s*** like this?  Why would the United States do this?  And don't give me the spinal response that's been programmed to trigger into you "Oh that the US is just trying to protect its Empire."  B*******.  That is not what's going on.  This is foreign interference in our f****** system.  So, who are the foreigners?  I happen to choose Europe.  Why? Because they're the ones with the most to f****** lose.  The Chinese aren't doing this because they have so much to lose.  All the Chinese have to do is sit back and buy the yuan and buy gold and make friends across Asia.  Same thing with the Russians.  They don't have to do anything except occasionally lob artillery at the Ukrainians and strategically take out the concentration of NATO guys that wander across the border to run the attacking systems and whatever else we put in place which is all real.  That's all the Russians have to do.  They have to do nothing.  And when the Chinese have no real need to destabilize the US that way, the Chinese would be better served not to do this because you don't want the United States to collapse as a consumer economy, as a productive economy, as an innovation economy.  You don't want that.  It's not a zero-sum game. The real game of geopolitics is a bad model because the game never ends.  It's not a game that ends.  These all people think it ends.  If I go back and watch The Watchmen again when Ozymandias turns to Doctor Manhattan and says in the end, "I did the right thing didn't I, John?"  The world just keeps going on and there's no one singular narrative.  To circle all the way back around to what you said about the people having a hard time understanding what I'm saying is because they need this prima facia evidence of the need for a singular narrative because you cannot deal with the idea that it's just a bunch of people b******* or it's foreign multiple forces competing factions doing their thing.  At the end, there's a bunch of cards on the table and somebody goes "I've got five sites.  I win. Shuffle up the deal, let's do it again."

MASTERJOHN: none of these has as much evidence for being a very common cause of hair loss as iron deficiency. In other words, iron deficiency is a primary driver of hair loss

In 100 women with androgenetic alopecia, the first 50 were tested and 36 of them had ferritin concentrations below that of the lowest control (40 mg/mL).  --Chris Masterjohn.

Boosting iron is beneficial but incomplete.  

But if suboptimal iron status is a major but incomplete part of the suboptimal energy metabolism in your hair follicle, getting your iron levels up is likely to provide very large but incomplete benefits.  

The United Nations is among the most evil organizations to ever have cursed the Earth . . .

[here is Robert Muller's web page.]

This vision was first articulated by a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Robert Muller, who laid a vision leading up to the Millenium Assembly 25 years not just for a global tyranny but for the United Nations to seize control of the entire evolution of man and the evolution of the earth.  That cannot be.  He put forth this vision believing that the world is a meta-organism--the nations of the world, and the ecosystems of the world are like organs of a single body.  The people, the plants, the animals are like its cells, and for them the United Nations will be its central nervous system, its brain, the center of its soul.  

At the 1:33 mark, Dr. Robert Malone is seen sitting in the audience.  

Obviously, we will have to sacrifice our sovereignties, national and individual, to achieve this vision, this evil, demonic vision, and we must say no.  The Sustainable Development Goals show that this was crystalized and taken seriously and we come to Geneva to say, "No!  We will not go with you."  We will not allow this.  Absolutely not.  Our sovereignty is sacred.  We cannot give it, and you cannot take it from us.  But to the United Nations, I give a warning: that is not a building of glass and steel and concrete.  That is Babel.  And God shall not be mocked!  Their judgment is coming.  

Thanks to James Lindsay.  who writes, 
The United Nations is a religious organization, and the religion behind it is a cult. More specifically, it is a theosophical cult based on an “evolutionary” vision for mankind that it wants to control. This fact is revealed in a strange book by late UN big-wig and creator of the World Core Curriculum (Common Core in the United States), Robert Muller, from about 25 years ago titled 2000 Ideas for a Better World, which he published in four volumes in the lead-up to the year 2000 (links below). Muller delivered this book and a summary of the key spiritual points to the UN Secretary-General in March of 1999 in advance of the Millennium Assembly with the hope that it would guide UN global policy and global spirituality in the 21st century and third millennium. He then went on to publish five thousand more ideas. The book is shocking in its contents, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay dives into a rather narrow sample of the troubling ideas contained in the summary document Muller stressed to the UN Secretary-General to set the agenda for our current century. Join him to find out what the UN really is. 

Muller developed the World Core Curriculum, a new education method FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET.  If you're a teacher, parent, or student of education, then you've heard of the Common Core Curriculum, which is a branch of the original.