Sunday, June 2, 2024

The United Nations is among the most evil organizations to ever have cursed the Earth . . .

[here is Robert Muller's web page.]

This vision was first articulated by a former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Robert Muller, who laid a vision leading up to the Millenium Assembly 25 years not just for a global tyranny but for the United Nations to seize control of the entire evolution of man and the evolution of the earth.  That cannot be.  He put forth this vision believing that the world is a meta-organism--the nations of the world, and the ecosystems of the world are like organs of a single body.  The people, the plants, the animals are like its cells, and for them the United Nations will be its central nervous system, its brain, the center of its soul.  

At the 1:33 mark, Dr. Robert Malone is seen sitting in the audience.  

Obviously, we will have to sacrifice our sovereignties, national and individual, to achieve this vision, this evil, demonic vision, and we must say no.  The Sustainable Development Goals show that this was crystalized and taken seriously and we come to Geneva to say, "No!  We will not go with you."  We will not allow this.  Absolutely not.  Our sovereignty is sacred.  We cannot give it, and you cannot take it from us.  But to the United Nations, I give a warning: that is not a building of glass and steel and concrete.  That is Babel.  And God shall not be mocked!  Their judgment is coming.  

Thanks to James Lindsay.  who writes, 
The United Nations is a religious organization, and the religion behind it is a cult. More specifically, it is a theosophical cult based on an “evolutionary” vision for mankind that it wants to control. This fact is revealed in a strange book by late UN big-wig and creator of the World Core Curriculum (Common Core in the United States), Robert Muller, from about 25 years ago titled 2000 Ideas for a Better World, which he published in four volumes in the lead-up to the year 2000 (links below). Muller delivered this book and a summary of the key spiritual points to the UN Secretary-General in March of 1999 in advance of the Millennium Assembly with the hope that it would guide UN global policy and global spirituality in the 21st century and third millennium. He then went on to publish five thousand more ideas. The book is shocking in its contents, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay dives into a rather narrow sample of the troubling ideas contained in the summary document Muller stressed to the UN Secretary-General to set the agenda for our current century. Join him to find out what the UN really is. 

Muller developed the World Core Curriculum, a new education method FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET.  If you're a teacher, parent, or student of education, then you've heard of the Common Core Curriculum, which is a branch of the original.  

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