Monday, April 1, 2024

Yet another reason to eat beef. It keeps you happy.

A 2018 study out of Stanford shows that those who have low carnitine levels were much more likely to suffer from major depressive disorder.  Did you know that beef is an incredibly important and good source of carnitine, and that people who eat plant-based diets have a very hard time raising their carnitine levels?  Yet another reason to eat beef.  It keeps you happy.

"Study linked depression to low blood levels of acetyl-L-carnitine," June 2018. 

CARNOSINE has been shown to protect the brain against aging and is not found in any significant amounts in plant foods

Carnosine improves aging-induced cognitive impairment and brain regional neurodegeneration in relation to the neuropathological alterations in the secondary structure of amyloid beta (Aβ), August 15, 2021.

THE GOLDEN STATE? The City Manager “Got paid $1.8 million and the salary package of $265,000 a year” He “Collected $17 million for parks and you haven't built one. Where is it? Where's all this money at?“


A study of 175 countries showed that those countries that consumed the most meat ended up living the longest

Did you know that a study looking at 175 countries showed 

Baker cites this article, Total Meat Intake Is Associated with Life Expectancy: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis of 175 Contemporary PopulationsWenpeng YouRenata HennebergArthur Saniotis, Yanfei Ge, and Maciej Henneberg, February 22, 2022.  And this exercpt from the article, 

Worldwide, bivariate correlation analyses revealed that meat intake is positively correlated with life expectancies. This relationship remained significant when influences of caloric intake, urbanization, obesity, education and carbohydrate crops were statistically controlled. Stepwise linear regression selected meat intake, not carbohydrate crops, as one of the significant predictors of life expectancy. In contrast, carbohydrate crops showed weak and negative correlation with life expectancy.