Tuesday, February 13, 2024

 On January 24th 2023 a press conference took place discussing the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons.  One of the attendees was Katherine Watt, a Pennsylvania paralegal and law researcher. Here are her findings in her own words.

00:19. The basic idea is that public health has been militarized where the military has been turned into a public health front or a Potemkin Village such that they're using public health law to carry out a military campaign.  I would not call them DOD vaccines.  I would call them DOD weapons.

They call it the kill box because the first lady that I had was Todd calendar January 30th 2020 to interview on Elizabeth leave leads podcast called Truth for health and he described it as a killbox I looked that up and it turns out that it's a military term for establishing a geographic space or three dimensional area for a military attack by air and by surface to kill the people who are in it and dismantle the kind of framework and move on to the next campaign and what the dod and the World Health Organization intend to do and have gotten quite far in doing but not completely accomplishing.  

Their goal is to set up the entire world as the geographic terrain.

Their target population: all the people in the world.

The duration of their campaigns: permanent.

The weapons they are using are informational: the propaganda piece and the censorship piece;

Psychological: that's the fear and terrorism piece, telling people that they need to be afraid all the time and they need to listen to the government;

The third piece is the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapon, which are called in their campaign "pharmaceuticals" and "vaccines" but are actually toxins and pathogens.  

After I heard that interview, I'd already been wondering what was going on but I started trying to track down some of the things Todd Callendar talked about in his interview and figure out what the legal frameworks were and how they were set up and what the financial coercion mechanisms were.  My finding, which many other people have found from various other angles, was that this project has been going on for centuries.  It's basically globalist Central bankers and lots of related organizations trying to get complete control of human beings through Banking and programs and Military programs and they kicked it into higher gear in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and they and then they kicked the public health aspect of it into higher gear starting in the 1930s and 40s before the 1960s they mostly did it through orchestrated armed conflicts and financial depressions and Wars which are very loud messy and destructive to infrastructure and it makes it difficult for them to have probable deniability and legal impunity for what they are doing so in the mid 60s they got much better at inducing suicide homicide by fraudulently labeling poisons as medicines or as vaccines or as prophylactics and telling people that submitting to that poisoning process was their civic duty we saw that in covid with the shorthand for do this or you're going to kill your grandma or we're all in this together and the way that the pharmaceutical method primarily is primarily useful to them is plausible deniability as much easier and legal impunity is a lot easier to achieve the same goal like genocide is killing a lot of people without their fingerprints being all over it.

4:00  I looked into the coercion Cascades mostly Financial not going to go into a lot of detail with that but it starts at the top with the bank for international settlement and they can use their control of other Federal central banks access to financial systems and then all the way down through state governments National governments local municipal School District's hospitals everything.  If you comply with what they're telling you to do as far as masking, testing, isolating yourself, taking injections, then you will get the financial access you need to run your business or to have a job.  And if you don't comply, they can cut you off from those services.  That is one of the main mechanisms through which the whole thing was carried out.

4:52. And then on the legal side at my website I do trace it back farther but I'm going to start at 1969 just for the sake of starting somewhere.  The US Congress passed the law to set up the chemical and biological warfare program and in that log which is 50 USC chapter 32 there are very important key terms including protective prophylactic and defensive which is how they Justified doing it they were using those words because the international community of ordinary non-insane people were concerned about biological and chemical weapons and they were working on International treaties to prohibit them.  And so they needed to build in loopholes, and the loopholes they built in were not going to do biological and chemical research weapons development except for "protective" or "prophylactic" or "defensive" purposes.  And that's a false characterization because all biologically active products are intrinsically aggressive, toxic, and lethal, and that's where we get disciplines that's the thing that disciplines like to xicology pharmacokinetics genotoxicity drug drug interactions all related to that fact of the things that go into the human body has or any living body has some effects which can be toxic so that was the way they tried to get around that threat


When Democrats say we need migrants to pick our crops, show them this video

"the public health emergency laws require those governments to attack their own people with chemical and biological weapons or else forfeit Central banking services"

Specific to the public health emergencies and COVID-19, there is a conflict that is set up between Public Health Emergency laws that require governments to violate other laws, the other laws being the ones that prohibit biological and chemical weapons.  And the public health emergency laws require those governments to attack their own people with chemical and biological weapons or else forfeit Central banking services.  And so, they are in this bind and they have chosen to attack their people rather than forfeit Central banking services.  

Some of the laws implicated in it are: 

*  the UN convention in 1975 on biological weapons.

*  1997 UN Convention on chemical weapons.

*  the World Health Organization's International Health regulations, especially the 2005 amendments.

*  and then in the US are implementing laws for those International laws are:

*  18 USC 175 which prohibits biological weapons 

*  18 USC 229 which prohibits chemical weapons and those are in conflict with . . . 

*  42 USC 247d which puts all the power to order the use of these weapons into the Health and Human Services Secretary's hands during a public health emergency which the HHS Secretary unilaterally declares and sustains and then . . . 

*  the Emergency Use Authorization law, which applies to the products under the Food, Drug, & Cosmetics Act, and that one is 21 USC 360 BBB.

1:49. This is just a list of major US laws that have some of the interlocking pieces:

*  the Homeland Security Act,

*  the Federal Reserve Act,

*  International Organizations Immunities Act which is what gives the World Health Organization the UN and other International organizations and private organizations, like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the ability to operate without any legal liability to commit crimes, to commit civil rights violations; everything they can do because they are outside of the law . . .

LUONGO: No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money. That's why Powell is at 5.5%. He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.

FERRIS  The government doesn't need to have a civil war with bullets flying because they have control of the technology.  They can literally shut off our bank accounts.  The Italian mafia was stopped by the government in the 70s and 80s.  They've got the technology.  They have unlimited amounts of cash, of money to come after you . . . 

LUONGO  No, they don't.  No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money.  That's why Powell is at 5.5%.  That's what I've been banging my shoe on the table like Krushev about for 2 years.  He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.  They are desperately trying to break the United States to [regain] control over unlimited amounts of money.  They're not going to get their CBDCs money.  They've already been tried.  They don't work.  People don't want them.  They're not going to get this stuff through.  They've already failed.  What they think now is take us to war . . . to invalidate the concepts that the old systems were built on . . .  

Haven't seen really good football for over 20 years.  

Tom references the movie, BASEbaketball, a 1998 movie that I've never seen.  


You should know by now that when hospitals and doctors prescribe or give you Midazolam, they're preparing you for that lane to the great beyond.