Showing posts sorted by date for query Remdesivir. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Remdesivir. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Are Unidentified 'Death Squads' Being Used to Kill Patients in Hospitals with Remdesivir and the Like?

"[T]here was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like your average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak. Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges..." In this clip from an interview with Peter McIlvenna () writer, producer, and presenter Jacqui Deevoy () describes a support group of approximately 142 people who have "absolutely horrendous stories their loved ones were murdered in NHS [National Health Service in England] settings," including in hospices, care homes, and hospitals." Deevoy, who set up the support group following the production of a 2021 film dubbed 'A Good Death?' (co-produced with David Icke's 'Ickonic' platform/studio), says "the stories are just unbelievable," as "you don't expect your loved one to go into a care home or hospital and be murdered, which is what's happening." The writer goes on to note that "we kind of sugarcoat it slightly by calling it 'involuntary euthanasia,' but 'involuntary euthanasia,' I don't know why that phrase really exists because that is murder." Deevoy adds, "If someone is being euthanized, being...killed, against their will, surely that's murder. I can't see why it's called anything else." "If we drugged a loved one to death, no matter what state they were in, whether they were terminally ill or not, we would be arrested and probably jailed," Deevoy says. "But when a doctor or nurse does it, it seems to be okay. And I don't really understand that." Deevoy goes on to say that "It's hard to believe that doctors and nurses could be that heartless and cruel...and murderous, but I don't think it's all doctors and nurses at all. I'd say 95% of them are absolutely brilliant..." Critically, however, the writer says "there was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like you're average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak..."  

Deevoy adds, "Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges, they've been very hard to trace afterward in some cases—it's very, very strange, and I'm starting to wonder if these people haven't been brought in to do this. Because your average nurse or carer or doctor wouldn't be able to do it. That's not why they're doing their job. They're doing their job to help people, not to kill them." 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide. In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.

Hosted by Randy Bock.

4:45  Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide.  Death by hospital.  Huh.  It's both.  In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.  The acute renal failure, the sudden renal failure where you didn't have a problem before, and all of a sudden you have a problem that seems to be occurring mostly in hospitals.  And it seems to be occurring to the tune of a 100% increase and not during the year of COVID. when the, NCTAP program kicked in, a payout program for the use of Remdesivir.  Now, I'm not saying it's Remdesivir, because it comes with a greater protocol that the National Institutes of Health, the NIH, would have.  And that protocol would include a lot of things, like ventilators.  Now, in 2020, there is a signal of acute renal failure

Friday, March 29, 2024

Babies born to vaccinated mothers were born with no ears at Clovis Community

Clovis Community Hospital is located northeast of Fresno.  The nurse here explains how the hospital, by giving her friend Remdesivir instead of life-saving Ivermectin or Hydroxy-chloroquine, killed her friend, Lupe.  She also learned that babies being born to vaccinated mothers were being born with no ears.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system. In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

I certainly like this URL, DeathbyHospitalProtocol.   


of my only child by the white coat assassins of Northwell Health Hospital Glen Cove.

Danielle was worth more dead than alive for COVID-19 bonus payments money.  

Swept away humanity, the white coats turned from healers to killers. 

Danielle faced misfortune when doctors delayed her birth, leading to oxygen loss.  Sadly, 28 years later, the white coats falsely admitted in the hospital for COVID blood money and killed in 40 days.

My daughter's examine the ER was normal the two doctors sentenced my daughter to death by admitting her for hypoxia and sepsis those two doctors are: Heather Candice Meiselman, Internal Medicine, and Shari Tamara Andrews, MD, Emergency Medicine.  

"Daniela was nervous."

"Danielle was nervous because they were going to put on an IV Daniel is afraid of needles."

"Normal.  Danielle did not have sepsis on admission."

Danielle did not have shortness of breath."

"Danielle had CTA normal breath."

"Rebecca was with her daughter."

"Admission on 08/27/2021."

"No shortness of breath 5PO2-- 96%.  Danielle was nervous and did not want to go to the hospital."


PROBLEM: sepsis with acute hypoxia respiratory failure.

PLAN: treat as above.  Fever and tachypnea.  Meets severe sepsis criteria with hypoxia.

"Not true.  Dr. Meiselman admitted Danielle on false diagnosis normal temperature and white blood count."  

Danielle was pure love and known for her hugs and kisses.

Danielle had a heart of gold, pure and innocent.  She was telling the doctors and nurses "I love you," while they were killing her.

Danielle loved serving the elderly breakfast and lunch. 

They are not doctors or nurses, but white coat assassins for blood money, worse than street killers as they adorn their white coats smiling while they are poisoning you.  

Farzin Rahmanou, DO, Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine

Syed Hassan Iqbal has removed all his images but I will find him.

Daniel deserved better.  She deserved to be heard, to be cared for, but instead she was failed by those who took an oath to heal.

This Edward Wansor, PA-C, said to me, "Her kidneys are working for now," never tried to save her.  Killed her in 40 days.

Remdesivir, Lorazepam, Ketorolac, Precedex, Morphine, Midazolam, Fentanyl Propofol, Cisatracurium, and Toxicillizumab with the explicit intention of causing her demise rather than allowing her to live.

Moreover, these medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system.  In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

My interview with Children's Health defense.  

Danielle had no medical conditions Danielle was very healthy and they killed her

His name is Farzin Rahmanou of Northwell Health Hospital take it over Glen Cove Hospital. She cried, "Mommy, don't leave me.  Mommy stay," and I waited until she fell asleep and I kissed her to run out and make sure I could come back because she had finally fell asleep.  But Daniel said she got sick because of the Remdesivir.  She went in with normal vitals, just a cough.  I was just a worried mommy.  And what they did to her was just destroy her body, destroyed. Daniel was on supplements and vitamins and hyperbaric oxygen at home chamber, and she had everything.  She was so strong and so healthy, but they doubled up and tripled up . . . .  And the PAs are also involved in killing her. 

Justice for Danielle: A Call for Accountability.  

Danielle's voice was silenced but her story must be heard.  No more lives should be lost to such cruelty and neglect.




Thursday, March 21, 2024

LATYPOVA: . . . for practical purposes, homocide, as long as it's committed by the vaccine approved by CDC, is legal.

the laws have been amended and new ones have been introduced such that we have this now what she characterizes as the perfect legal cage in which nobody needs to be in on anything and no real corruption is really necessary.  --Sasha Latypova

So the laws have been amended and new ones have been introduced such that we have this now what she characterizes as the perfect legal cage in which nobody needs to be in on anything and no real corruption is really necessary.  Because for practical purposes, homocide, as long as it's committed by the vaccine approved by CDC, is legal.  That's the net effect of these laws.  So the combination of public health emergency declaration, and use of EUA countermeasures, which only exist under active public health emergency declaration, which is the PREP Act Declaration, issued by HHS Secretary.  So as long as they use those, they can kill and injure as many people as they want.  And they can never be prosecuted because they've been given almost blanket liability protection with this PREP Act with the exception of willful misconduct.  And the way that willful misconduct is defined in their legal opinion letters published on their website.  It says that as long as you follow our orders, it's not willful misconduct.  In fact, they are prosecuting people for not following HHS orders, for not using Remdesivir that shuts down kidneys and kills people, for not using ventilators, for not doing all those atrocities.  If they refuse, they get prosecuted.  But if they don't refuse it and follow the orders, it's not willful misconduct and you can't really prosecute . . . .

Monday, February 5, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!! --Sage Hana

One guy [Steve Kirsch] is a big tech One ID surveillance helpful inventor who came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire in Democratic party Mega donor.

When COVID "emerged," he was involved with a Rockefeller philanthropy-administered fund that studied Remdesivir.

He is concerned about overpopulation.


The other guy [Dr. Robert Malone] is a lifetime biowarfare Industries medical countermeasures scientist.  When COVID hit, he was involved with a defense threat reduction agency project that was designed to identify medical countermeasures for a novel entity, say a novel coronavirus.  Well, that project came up with Remdesivir.  

He is also concerned with overpopulation.  


These two guys found themselves on a podcast about "How to save the world" from the coronavirus pandemic with another guy [Bret Weinstein] whose brother [Eric Weinstein] was a consigliere for another billionaire.  That other billionaire runs a CIA data mining site.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!!  --Sage Hana 


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

"You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby."

Michelle Gershman RN explains how her hospital went from 1-2 stillbirths per month to 20 per month after the 💉 rollout.  The hospital told her how to deal with the increase in infant deaths per month by writing an email to her and the staff, 

You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby.

Michelle is a nurse in Fresno, CA, and she's been interviewed about her practice as well as what happened to her mom in the hospital following a diagnosis of COVID-19.  Apparently, her mom was given Remdesivir.  

Monday, January 22, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: "pandemics as scams to push these unregulated, illegal called countermeasures on the market and call them healthcare products"

nobody was ever concerned about the Spanish Flu.  It was invented years later to propagandize fear of viruses and this whole idea of viral global pandemics which actually cannot happen by nature, by science, by anything, by any metric.  If they were possible, we wouldn't be here, so they do not exist.  It's fiction.  --Sasha Latypova

05:49. In this presentation what I want people to understand is this whole business of Emergency Use Authorized Medical Countermeasures.  So these are keywords that everyone needs to learn, and this is how the governments in the world are able to put poisonous products on the market, call them vaccines and therapeutics, and continue pushing them even under what we know are illegal mandates in violation of informed consent.  

[Un]Regulated and [Il]Legal "Medical Countermeasures"

So this whole presentation is describing in context of pandemics as scams to push these unregulated, illegal called countermeasures on the market and call them healthcare products. 

06:37. First, let's review ancient history.  100 years ago this was published in the British Medical Journal in 1922.  The predecessor to the W.H.O., before 1949, was called the International Sanitary Convention.  It was basically a conference between numerous countries that were involved in international trade and travel, and there were a different number of countries that would attend, usually about a dozen countries.  Representatives would come for several months to negotiate these conventions about sanitation measures on ships that were primarily carrying trade and travel, and other activities such as pilgrimages.  They went on for about a hundred years from 1850 to 1948.  These conventions were concerned primarily with diseases related to sanitation and what the treatments were for things and crowding, such as cholera, typhus, smallpox, and plague; all these are bacterial, except that smallpox claimed to be viral but I have concerns about that too.  The main concern always was cholera which is bacterial and was carried by water.  As ships would come into port, they would all have cholera because they didn't have proper sanitation.  So that was the focus of the conventions.  Respiratory illness was never a focus of it, nothing related to the flu or any respiratory illness related to people worldwide.  Between 1918 and 1919, I reviewed the proceedings for these conventions from 1912, and the next one was in 1922, which is published here, so about 3 or 4 years after a huge pandemic that killed 50 million people worldwide, not a single mention of the word "flu" or "influenza," "respiratory," anything in the proceedings of this convention which went on for about 6 months in 1922.   So I am telling you, this is a historic document.  Very fine that nobody was ever concerned about the Spanish Flu.  It wasn't the same.  It was invented years later to propagandize fear of viruses and this whole idea of viral global pandemics which actually cannot happen by nature, by science, by anything, by any metric.  If they were possible, we wouldn't be here, so they do not exist.  It's fiction. [9:38]  Now of course this fiction continues and importantly it gets pre-programmed into everyone's heads. The media, the internet, and Hollywood is a big place where they create these fear-porn shows and movies like Outbreak and Virus and Zombie Virus.  All those things are very entertaining but people get pre-programmed by them to respond with fear to trigger words that later on are put into the news like this.  That's another one that they're propagandizing right now, RSV, which is a total scam but they are driving this fear through the internet and the news, saying everyone is dying from RSV now, go get vaccinated.

"Swell of RSV cases among kids has North Texas hospitals near capacity,"  
"RSV, and viruses making it hard to find a bed in children's hospitals," 

In every grocery store, they have the propaganda again.  I go to buy food, and their messaging is on the PA system the propaganda continues, "RSV, RSV!"  "Flu, flu, flu shots.  Get 10% discount on your groceries if you get 7 vaccines in the pharmacy here in the grocery store!"  

10:43. Now what happened with COVID, that was another scam pandemic.  It was not a pandemic it wasn't even an epidemic it was largely driven by what they may have distributed some poison agent, various theories might have been probably some sort of synthetic toxin that produces a reliable signal, or more or less reliable I, mean they still have to cycle PCR to about 40 Cycles but they could at least get some consistent signal somewhere to claim it was a virus but largely we know that this whole covid pandemic was driven by first of all several key locations, such as New York, New Jersey, Boston, and Belgium account for the majority of the global cases.  And then specific hospital murder protocols which are still being practiced by the way as of September of last year.  My relative in Upstate New York tried to kill her with this exact protocol, so I have first-hand experience with exactly what happens.  The elderly people who may have respiratory issues during winter get scared by the news, "Oh, and we have a novel virus circulating.  If you have fever, sneezes, and coughs, you have to run to the hospital.  And then in the hospital, they fake test you with the PCR test that's 97% false-positive at 40 cycles falsely . . . and we were told with my relative, "test repeatedly for COVID until you get positive." That was on the phone with the ER.  So they test repeatedly until you get a positive; then they assign you to this COVID ward where they isolate you, dehydrate you, and oftentimes remove food.  Early on they would remove everything--food, fluids, they would ventilate them because they would scare all the hospital staff that this person has a novel deadly virus you are all exposed.  Didn't give them protective equipment they said we had shortages.  So that the hospital staff is fearful and ventilates them just to keep them . . . not to be ordered not to interact with them too much. 

13:07. Then using Midazolam, using Remdezivir to fail kidneys, to fill them with fluid, and then call it pneumonia, call it COVID.  Huge fraud on death certificates as well, especially in Massachusetts.  My colleague, John Beaudoin, I don't know if you've invited him, but if you haven't you should.  He has this whole investigation; he has access to death certificates in Massachusetts and he can conclusively prove all of this was complete fraud.  And then they were financially incentivizing all the hospitals to call anything COVID thereby giving them 20% increase bonuses If they use Remdesivir. In California, one COVID case could have generated half a million dollars in billing to the hospital plus 20% bonus.  There are many cases now litigating this.  I don't know how they're progressing, but I am hopeful that this will be further uncovered by those legal cases.  I'm just describing how they faked the COVID-19 pandemic.

14:15. Now, many people are not aware that we're still living under the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the United States, the PREP Act declaration for COVID-19 was extended to the end of this year, December 31, 2024.  And they also extended Marburg and Ebola pandemic declarations and a few others so Marburg and Ebola specifically is now . . . we're under Marburg and Ebola pandemic globally.  Do you guys know about this?  Until December 2028.  I'll explain why the PREP Act is so important in the United States, but there are similar laws that are in play in Europe and other countries, like Canada, and Australia, New Zealand, and UK.

15:07.  So the legal structure.  Underpinning all these pandemics and scams and why they're announcing them continuously and why they're using this mechanism of countermeasures.  This is a very similar structure that's being used in Europe; there's a law about countermeasures there.  Just look for the keywords "Medical countermeasures" or "emergency use countermeasures," and you will find those similar legal structures.  In the US, the legal structure consists of numerous statutes but there are 3 key pillars that are being utilized here.  First one is Public Health Emergency Declaration, which is done by this PREP Act announcements.  These are the announcements that Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, declares in the first person because it's only his opinion that matters, "I determine that there is a pandemic and I am issuing this declaration."

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

My Momma Was Killed by Hospital COVID Protocol

They were withholding her from us until we were willing to let her die.  --Christina Croft

00:04. Christina Croft.

00:07. And this is about your mama?  Okay, first question did your mom take any COVID-19 shots?  

00:12. No, she was not vaccinated. 

00:15:  do you know why she didn't take one?

00:16. Probably because of me.  I kept encouraging her not to take it, because I felt like it was not going to be good for her; I thought it would be dangerous for her.  She had asthma and allergies, and I kept encouraging her not to take it.  My dad took it, but my mom didn't.

00:35. What was going on that made her go to the hospital?

00:38. So she had gotten covid and handling it at home we got her a prescription for Ivermectin unfortunately the pharmacy refused to fill the prescription for her we went to several different pharmacies and no one would fill it.

00:53. Did they say why they wouldn't fill it?

00:55. They just said they wouldn't.  They wouldn't even let us talk to the pharmacist they just said you know we're not filling it and so she we had an oximeter at home and she eventually hurt oxygen went down below 90 and that scared them so they went into the hospital in August of 2021 and she was completely corn from us we weren't allowed to be with her at all.

01:20. Did she have a phone where she could text you or . . . ? 

01:21. She did actually.  She was texting my dad quite a bit.  He was allowed to sit outside the room if he had full PPE on, but they kept the door locked and they would just text each other.

01:34. Is that because he was vaccinated by any chance?

01:36. They had that rule for everybody in the hospital.  They had literal security guards at the entrance to the hospital and would not let people into the hospital.  And then once if you were cleared, you could go up to her room and sit outside the glass wall, but you weren't allowed to go inside her room.

01:54. So did they give your mom and remdesivir?

01:56. They did.  We did not know at first.  They told her it was called the "Trump protocol" or "Trump cocktail," or something, I guess what they gave Donald Trump is what they said they were giving her.  She said it's something with an "R."  She didn't really know what it was.  And we had to do some research before we found out it was Remdesivir.  And we begged the doctors to . . . can you just give her her Ivermectin, she's already got a prescription for it?  They refused.  We showed them studies that it was working, and they said, "Well, that's just anecdotal."  They wouldn't even listen to us.  We asked them to give her high-dose vitamin C, IV, but they said that the hospital doesn't do that, which we found out was a lie; they do offer high-dose vitamin C IVs.  So she had the full course of Remdesivir.

02:51. When was last time she stopped communicating?

02:55. So on September 6th, she texted my dad at 7:30 in the morning and said, you know, "Good morning.  I love you.  I'm not getting better," and then she texted him and said, "There are no fluids, no IVs hooked up."  And my dad texted her back and said "What, you don't have any IVs hooked up?"  And she said no.  And then she just wrote the word RICHARD.  And my mom is a very sweet woman.  If she said, "Richard," that was like pay attention, something is wrong.  And he said what's going on and she said please find out what's wrong and that was the last time anybody heard from her so they vented her without telling anyone and that was the last time she spoke with my dad.

03:36. So when did you hear that she had passed were you there?

03:38. We were there. When they took her to the ICU, they told us basically verbatim what they told everybody, "As soon as you're ready to let her go, we'll unhook her and you can just . . . everybody can gather in her room."  They wouldn't let us go near her while she was on the ventilator, but they were willing to let everybody in the room if we decided to let her die.  And so after she died, I can't remember what day it was . . . it was the 16th.  She she died on September 16th.

04:12. How long was she taking off the ventilator before she died?

04:14.  10 days.  So she was on the ventilator for 10 days, and I think that's their protocol; that was pretty much what everybody would get, 10 days.  And then they would bring in the palliative care doctor to try to make you feel better about letting your family member go, and we have a lot of siblings and we all met together, and she was really, really bad at that point.  So we all decided that it was just best to . . . she wasn't responding to pain, she had no gag reflex, and so once they decided to turn the vent off everybody . . . it was all like, all of a sudden, COVID didn't matter anymore.  There was no protocol.  There was nothing.  We were allowed to be in the room.  Nobody was worried about germs; no one had masks; nobody had gloves, nothing.  We were all hugging her, so we knew at that point that it wasn't . . . they weren't really scared of everybody getting it.  They were withholding her from us until we were willing to let her die.  And so she passed away about an hour after we took her off the ventilator.  We just sat and sang hymns with her . . . until she died.  She was married to my dad for almost 43 years she was a pastor's wife and we have seven kids lots and lots of grandkids and great grandkids and she was just a beautiful person that I feel was unjustly killed they refuse to have us have any say and how she was treated I even have text messages where she would text my dad before she went into the ICU and say like 4:00 in the afternoon I finally got my lunch you know they weren't feeding her regularly she had had an accident and they left her soiled for hours until they came in and changed her but no one was there to advocate for her because we weren't allowed to be in the room we weren't allowed to be in there to you know say hey she needs to be changed or she needs to get her food or whatever I tried to have the hospital investigated but I no one no one will listen no one will help so.

06:28.  Did you get her medical records?

06:29. I did.

06:30.  Have you been through them?

06:32. I've tried.  I'm not very medically intelligent.  I don't know what the word is.  A lot of it is hard to read, but I got to the day that she actually died, and they said that they came in and they said her skin looked dusty and that they decided to put her on a ventilator.  I guess maybe it was turning colors.  But she was texting my dad, so she was still aware.  She knew something was wrong.  She knew something was about to happen.  And even before they vented her, the nurse would say things like "Well, you let us know if you want to go on a ventilator if something goes south."  They just kept asking her, prodding her.  They kept telling her, "You need to calm down.  You need to let us give you morphine or put you to sleep, so you can calm down."  [That sounds like they were building a case against the min, recording it somewhere as a justification for the kill shot.]  My mom was not a very excitable woman.  She wasn't panicking, but obviously, anybody in the hospital would be scared.  But it was like they knew what they wanted to do. [Yeah.  They had a COVID death schedule and they knew the payout once that took place.]  They knew what the protocol was and they were moving her as quick as they could, moving her to get to the end so that they could bring in the next patient.

Monday, December 11, 2023

A MUST-LISTEN: "evidence showing that the administration of antiviral more than 2 days post-symptom onset causes more harm than good"

For the government and the CDC and these 3-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids, which is the . . . this is the best treatment for an inflammatory process, it was absolutely criminal. You can't withhold steroids for the most inflammatory disease processes that humanity has ever seen.  So we have isolation of patients, fear-mongering from the media, withholding steroids, and the administration of Remdesivir.  Those were the things that I went to work and had to manage, where every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.  And it wasn't until after the rollout of the shots where I just couldn't do my job anymore.  --Nurse Gail McRae

I look at my colleagues and I know that they sold their souls.  They're jeopardizing their ethics and their morals.  --Nurse Gail McRae

FWIW, Nurse Gail McRae initially reported her findings publicly back in April 2023.  

Regarding the administration of Remdesivir, an EUA medication, was the only drug that we were allowed to administer to patients who were hospitalized with COVID and it was an antiviral.  I had been taught in my undergrad, my bachelor's degree program for nursing, that you do not administer an antiviral more than 24 to 48 hours post-symptom onset for a viral infection; in other words, no more than 2 days after symptoms.  And so this medication was given to patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 usually not until 10, 12 days post-symptom onset.  So I would ask my colleagues, "Why are we giving this medication?"  The administrator, my hospital, "Why are we doing this?" and their eyes would glaze over.  And I would say to them, "We have evidence showing that the administration of antiviral more than 2 days post-symptom onset causes more harm than good; the risk-benefit analysis does not correlate.  In addition to that, this is an experimental use product."  And I knew that each one of those doses was over $3,000.  

4:49. So that was another huge red flag in addition to that the next part of the COVID protocol that was so extremely disturbing to me was the fact that at the onset of hospitalization for COVID there was a team of respiratory intensivists who went before Congress and showed them effective high dose steroids how effective high dose steroids were for the treatment of patients who had COVID.  Not only were we ignoring those recommendations for high-dose steroids they were actually blocking it from our hospital to use.  So we have patients coming in who are feared to death by the media they are being isolated by their loved ones they're having steroid treatments so I'll say one more thing about the steroids because this is really important the covid whatever it was viral risk whatever covid was it caused more inflammation than we had ever seen in the hospital there's a lab value called CRP even with influenza and things like this we had never seen the inflammatory marker, a CRP, jumped so high as we did with COVID.  For the government and the CDC and these 3-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids, which is the . . . this is the best treatment for an inflammatory process, it was absolutely criminal. You can't withhold steroids for the most inflammatory disease processes that humanity has ever seen.  So we have isolation of patients, fear-mongering from the media, withholding steroids, and the administration of Remdesivir.  Those were the things that I went to work and had to manage, where every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.  And it wasn't until after the rollout of the shots where I just couldn't do my job anymore.  So that was the next part of what I witnessed.  

Like I said earlier I worked in the Bay area of California for an organization called Kaiser Permanente.  And they have a full scope of care.  Their structure is set up to where you get your primary care, acute care, Pediatric Care, all the medications, and all your vaccines all in the same organization.  So with the COVID-19 vaccine, they were administering it at my hospital.  They released the shots to the practitioners in January of 2021 but they didn't release them to the public until close to the end of February. So by the beginning of March, I was starting to notice that my hospital was becoming slammed and this is unusual because we get winter rushes. This is how the hospital works: it's dead in the summer, it's full in the winter.  This is the cycle.  So I started noticing in March of 2021 it was very peculiar that I was starting to get all these calls to come to work.  The hospital was understaffed, and it did not stop.  I was in graduate school at the time for a double nurse practitioner degree, so I would do 3 weeks at the hospital, then I'd take some time off and study for my schooling.  So by June when I went into the hospital, I was there for 3 weeks 3 weeks from March to April and then another 3 weeks in the middle of June to the beginning of July and I was working non-stop.  I would work double basically every single shift.  I was getting phone calls three times, sometimes four times a day to come to work because they were so understaffed at the hospital then in June my manager approached me, and said, "Gail, this hospital has had three times more admissions than we have ever had since the hospital opened their doors."  So that's a 300% increase in hospitalizations directly associated with the onset of these shots.  

9:50. What were you seeing?  

9:53. During that week, it was the end of June around the 28th of that month, my manager came up and said this to me, and during that week I had mentioned that I was working a double every single shift that I worked.  And because of that position being in grad school, I held a position called per diem.  What that means is that oftentimes when I come to work I end up filling in, and I'll float to wherever they need me in the hospital.  So on that shift when my manager had told me that we had had three times more admissions than he'd ever seen, it was that day, the next day I came in and worked a double and I split that 16 hours between two different units and I got a report on every single patient in both of those units.  And this is right when it really hit me that these were injection injuries because that's about 30 patients per unit I got a report on.  Every single one was there for some peculiar clot that I'd never heard of, a stroke, a heart attack.  I had seen by that day 4 patients with rapid onset Guillain-Barre syndrome; in my entire career, I'd seen two.  10 years as a nurse in acute care, I took care of two patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome; within a few short weeks, I'd seen 4.  I had the opportunity to ask 2 of those patients directly what they thought was the cause of the onset of their Guillain-Barre Syndrome.  And two of them did tell me that they had received those COVID shots within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.  From there I approached my managers and said "I have gotten reports on two units full of patients that are all having the weirdest set of symptoms and several of them are confirming that they just gotten the COVID vaccines.  How can I report this?"  My direct manager's response was we cannot report these because we cannot prove that these are what is the cause, that these shots are what is causing these injections.  [she's either getting tired at this point in the interview or the explanation, the accounting for the injuries from the shots is so convoluted that she's repeating a lot of the gaslighting from the managers.]  One of my colleagues was actually the nurse at the COVID-19 injection clinic, she approached me one day and she will not come publicly to say this because she's afraid of losing her job.  But she'd asked her manager the same thing, and they told her that if she reported a single adverse event, she would be fired.  

12:24. So we were constantly under pressure not to report.  All of my concerns regarding the COVID protocols for hospitalized patients were not being addressed.  I mentioned multiple times that I've felt like we were violating our oath and I was ignored.  So it was shortly after that time in June of 2h21 that I had legal documents processed-served to several members of my hospital and they fired me in retaliation for trying to hold them accountable for what I was witnessing.  But I asked myself a lot . . . I think that . . . really, one of the most important things to really notice here is people say to me like "Why are you coming forward and your colleagues aren't?" and I want to really recognize here how it is that I ended up in this position because I think that I noticed when this was all happening that there was probably about 30% of my colleagues who saw what I was seeing.  And it is . . . it's like this attention to detail, critical thinking, ability to really deeply analyze what you're seeing, and then continue to dig into why it was happening.  And so there are these types of skills in combination with the fact that you know, I didn't go to public schools in high school.  It really reminded me of that this whole situation on the COVID floors. It reminded me of how I felt in high school when I was home-schooled and I wasn't with the in-crowd, and I saw this happening with my colleagues.  I saw them wanting to be with the in-crowd.  They didn't want to rock the boat.  They didn't want to potentially jeopardize their income; they had mortgages, so they chose to do what was easy and go along.  And I would say to them this is something that I have found to be the most powerful of all the things that have happened in the last two years is that I'm free.  You know, I look at my colleagues and I know that they sold their souls.  They're, you know, they're doing these things, they're jeopardizing their ethics and their morals.  For me, it's been so empowering because I know that my children are seeing a leader and they will be emboldened by what they have seen me do, and at the end of life, at the end of the day these are the things that matter.  My paycheck it's irrelevant so I think that's really kind of a takeaway that I have gleaned from all of this.  How free I feel and how happy I am to be able to show my children how to live free. 

16:00.  When I saw you nurse told us that the billing system won't let you code in fully vaxed so if you've had one coat one code box of Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson you're still considered unvaxXed.  They would let you put in ventilated unvaccinated death and then just vent death but there was never . . . 

17:30. There was a support group in my committed in my community for practitioners who were being alienated and discriminated against in the same way that patients were being discriminated against for choosing not to get these shots the staff members were too and that was actually one of the things that came up when we came together and started talking was how we noticed the documentation systems for recognizing people who were vaccinated or unvec versus unvaccinated in my community so I was fired in October of 21 so there was 6 months where I was intermittently in the hospital witnessing how they had altered the Epic system.  

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The video includes a transcript

This is WorldStage, exposing the tyrannies and exploring our power with deep dives into history, current events, dangerous trends, and the nature of reality.
Before I introduce my guest, I want to talk for just a moment about
A post at from November 15th titled Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to COVID vaccines.
Captain Shane Murdoch says the air industry is quote poised on the precipice of disaster close quote.
A pilot for more than 40 years and a qualified air accident investigator
He has found official data that backs up his claim of impending global catastrophe.
He adds, quote, when correlated, the data indicate there is an enormous problem that is having and will have a significant impact on aviation safety worldwide.
There is enough evidence to be sending out red flags.
It's a great piece at
From November 15th, Pilot warns.
of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID Vaccines.
With me this hour is Sasha Latypova whose on her substack writes, I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive.
Her substack is titled Due Diligence and Art, "Uncovering Fraud in Pharmaceutical R & D and Manufacturer."
And by popular demand, I will include my art pieces that have nothing to do with pharma.
The Big Plan and Intention from the Outset.
Is that a good summary?
Yes, correctly.  The problem is that, well, it was interesting that in your previous segment, Angelina Jolie was quoted using the word kill box because it is a military term, and my colleague Katherine Watt and I, in our investigation, called the system of law and regulations that was put in place before the so-called COVID pandemic a kill box, and it's a global kill box.
So it's the same concept of deploying the military onto the global population to cause harm, destruction, killing, maiming, and it's indiscriminate.
There is no racial preference here or any sort of preference.
It's basically designed to destroy the world as we know it, destroy our constitutional governance, and nation-states, reduce the economic prosperity of the people, kill as many people as possible, and enslave the rest.
And so we're living through this, through this scenario unfolding and the hot kinetic war and that that has been also raging in Ukraine and now in the Middle East.  That's also part of the same plan.
I've heard folks whom I respect for their research and analysis say that the Chinese created, I think particularly the Pfizer shot, maybe others, and they're not aware that there's the same injury and death in China.
Are you aware of any distinction that China's kind of been protected from the harm of these shots?
No, I personally do not believe that China created these vaccines and China created this virus.  And China is attacking us.  That's not true.  The US government created these shots.
And US government created whatever they sprayed around and deployed as an initial to generate initial symptoms of COVID, which wasn't dangerous.  It was just to scare people and to initiate this whole global panic.  But it's not a Chinese plan.  It's the US government's plan.
The US government is working for their paymasters, which are not American people.
And this is a kind of a global private mafia cartel.  But this is the US government, US military, DARPA, DITRA, and Fort Detrick.  the NIH, the CDC scientists, all of them, and obviously a lot of US dollars involved in the creation of both the chemicals that were used to generate initial COVID symptoms and then these lethal shots that are being deployed.
And China is a minor partner, they're an investor, co-investor or you know members of Communist Party leadership or co-investors in these vaccines.  And so they're financially benefiting from it.  They're not shielded, the Chinese population is not shielded from any of this kind of poisoning and dissemination.  They use their own poisons.  They do have a partnership with Moderna now to manufacture the same shots in China, the mRNA shots in China for the Chinese population.  So, you know, China is not shielded from it at all.  But they're a participant in it, not the leader.
Thank you.
Those folks, I'm going to strongly recommend that they look at your work very, very closely because they're smart and they're certain.
And it's a nuance, frankly, compared to the knife at our throat and what's happening.
And I'm really intrigued how you described
how the how something was given us maybe you said sprayed that's my experience my personal experience is I went out one night in late 2021
with a friend, we had a bite at an empty and small place.
I interacted with nobody.
I went to the restroom at the end of the meal.
I woke up the next morning sick as a dog.
And for the next 10 days, I got sicker, more achy, painy, more dizzy than anything at any time in my life.
And it took another 10 days to start to subside.
and I'm intrigued by, tell me what you can about how they gave a sickness before the vaccines, please.
Yeah.  Well, so, you know, I can't definitively determine what it is and it's long gone, right?  And also, it's not one thing.  They're likely using multiple modalities and vectors.  But what I can definitively tell you, it's not a virus and it's not a bioengineered virus.  And there's no ability to make living things in the labs, no matter what those fear-mongers tell you.  They don't have this ability.  They definitely don't have an ability to create something both highly deadly or toxic and spreadable at the same time.
So highly transmissible at the same time.
So you can do either one or the other.
You can create, and you can certainly create poisons.
That's, I mean, that's ancient art.
It goes back thousands of years.
So you can poison people.
You can poison individuals.
You can poison small groups of people in the same location.
And, you know, there are multiple vectors that can be used.
Water, food.
Today, we have certainly a lot of ability to create different chemicals, chemicals, toxic chemicals, also combinations of chemicals and biologics, such as, for example, DNA plasmids, which are starting point of all biologics manufacturing.
And so these kinds of things and also there's a long-standing
you know, experience and tradition, both in the Soviet Union and the in the United States, in the biological and chemical weapons development of aerosolization of things and also using subway systems as both test platforms and deployment platforms and also spraying stuff from the airplanes.
There were now, you know, infamous famous experiments that were conducted in San Francisco, for example, spraying
Due Diligence by Sasha Latypova
Um, so those methods exist.
Uh, they're now, they now have more capabilities to design both biological substances and chemical substances and deploy them in these ways.
And so you can, and so what you have described as your, your symptoms, those are symptoms of poisoning, you know, because poisoning as opposed to having, you know, a common cold is, uh, is basically very rapid onset.
extremely rapid onset.
And then you have this, this, you know, you're getting sicker and sicker and sicker.
And then it's just kind of washes out of your system over time.
And so you recover.
And that's what majority of people experienced, including me.
And in my case, the onset was hours, you know, so, and, and simultaneously me and my husband, that doesn't happen with common cold, you know, common cold takes time to, to, to develop those systems, symptoms.
But, you know, we went to a shop, we came out, two hours later, we have high fever, we're sick, and symptoms are neurological also, that very characteristic loss of taste and smell, very, very bizarre, it's not congestion, it's not common cold, it's a neurological poisoning, because we've inhaled something, you know, something that we were poisoned by aerosol.
So that's what I want people to notice in their environment.
Don't listen to what the TV tells you because they also simultaneously with these symptoms, they're blaring propaganda at you.
Oh, you know, people in China dropping on, you know, dead on bus stops.
And, you know, so everyone has this idea and they had this scary novel virus.
Well, they're spraying chemicals on you and creating the symptoms.
And then, but they were not lethal.
So you recovered, I recovered.
Yeah, it's, it's nasty, but it's not dangerous, really.
But it was designed to create panic to drive people into the hospitals where the kill box was deployed.
That's the first part of the kill box was to use panic fear PCR testing, which is which is false positive.
not diagnostic.
So they target people by PCR into the COVID ward and the COVID ward is operated by the federal government and by the military where they literally, you know, murder people by putting them on ventilators, sedating them, dehydrating them, removing food, not giving access to relatives, kidnapping them, and then giving them remdesivir, which shuts down kidneys.
and that creates, you know, fluid in lungs.
And then they're saying, oh, it's respiratory death.
And then they're calling it COVID and giving hospital bonuses, huge bonuses, 20% kick for using remdesivir.
And then giving bonuses to the coroner to lie on the death certificate that there was a COVID death, even if it was like a bullet to the head.
So that's how they created it, the COVID panic and pandemic.
And are you based in the United States?
Are you talking primarily about the United States?
Yes, I am.
I am a US citizen.
I live in Nevada.
And I am talking about the United States because that's majority of my research.
I did look into European situation as well.
This was
the same sort of COVID death protocol was practiced in the United Kingdom.
And I know this for sure.
In the United States, it is still practiced.
So as of late September, I have experienced this COVID death protocol with one of my relatives, we barely saved her from it.
And I, you know, I published on it, I went on media and interviewed in one of upstate New York hospitals, that protocol is still being practiced.
I believe on your sub stack, and I know other places as well, but on your sub stack, Sasha, you have presented more than enough evidence and documentation to convince a lay person and also professionals along these lines, right?
And that's the goal of what you're producing and publishing, right?
Yep, exactly.
I want the professionals to understand how exactly they were fooled because this whole setup was designed not to just fool general public who doesn't know any better.
It was designed to fool the professionals like myself who worked in pharmaceutical research and development for 25 years.
like doctors and nurses and, you know, so people of a professional class so that they close their eyes and fulfill the orders of CDC and don't ask any questions.
But, you know, I was out of the industry by the time this whole thing started and it really shocked me what they were pulling off and so I started looking into it myself and uncovering what really is going on.
And lest anyone think I'm saying
Read and Believe Just What Sasha Latypova Writes.
I know that Catherine Watt, Catherine with a K, at bailiwicknews.substack similarly has a body of evidence, facts, and figures that would have the same persuasion
And if you would agree with that, tell me.
And if there's a third, just for fun, before we go down other avenues, who besides you and Catherine would you refer people to so that they could get persuaded about the truth of the picture you've painted?
Yes, so I definitely recommend people to read Katherine's analysis because it helped me when I found her work over a year ago.
It helped me to finally understand what actually was going on.
So here's what else Sasha and here's what
We're going on right now, I'm reintroducing you, Sasha Latypova, and here is important information from TNT Radio.
You should hear what Ross Cameron is talking about.
I see there's a new trend taking place sweeping the internet of what they're calling sort of technology naked walks, where you go for a walk without your iPhone.
Due Diligence by Sasha Latypova
Ross Cameron on today's News Talk Radio, TNT.
I said, could she die?
And the doctor said she could.
It was so scary.
When I started clawing at my neck and trying to breathe and I thought, you know, what are we going to do if I die here?
How's everyone going to go on?
When someone's gravely sick or injured in the bush, they rely on the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
But now the Flying Doctor needs your help to fund vital medical equipment and supplies.
Please search Flying Doctor online to give a regular gift of just $10.
You can help equip the Flying Doctor's teams to respond to any emergency anywhere.
Search Flying Doctor online.
Become a part of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and help save lives in the bush.
The Net Zero Con will leave millions of citizens dependent on state handouts.
It isn't a theory.
It's an agenda.
There is no climate emergency.
On air 24-7.
This is today's news talk radio, TNT.
And I am Bruce Tataris.
This show is world staging with me is Sasha Latypova, intrepid researcher and publisher of the truths about COVID and the shots.
that the world needs to know so we can stop the noose from tightening even more around our necks.
Sasha, I had asked you about any other researcher or source for folks besides yourself and Catherine Watt, and you were in the middle of the point.
I got distracted.
What were you saying?
Did I interrupt you?
What would you tell me next?
Yeah, so definitely check out Catherine Watt's Bailiwick News sub stack, but also I want to point out other people that I personally respect very much and look at their work.
So Dr. Mike Eden is one of my friends now.
He's from United Kingdom and he used to be a
a very senior executive, executive vice president, I think at Pfizer, was running a respiratory therapeutic area research and development.
And he was very early on speaking against these COVID shots, the mRNA injections.
His predictions that he made in December 2020, he and his colleague Dr. Wuderk from Germany submitted a complaint, an urgent request to the European Medicines Agency to stop the approval of these injections.
they outlined all the risks and all the danger that they knew just by examining the design of the product.
So the product wasn't on the market.
They didn't have any access to the clinical trial data.
They were just external researchers looking at the design of the proposed product and outlining all the risks and danger that they were seeing.
And now, three years later, it's all true.
All of the things that they pointed out came to be true.
And so that's as accurate prediction as it gets and as accurate demonstration that this was purposefully designed to be dangerous.
There are other people that I highly respect, Norman Fenton, also from the United Kingdom.
He has very good statistics and analysis of excess deaths.
There are websites... Who was that second fellow, please?
Norman Fenton.
Thank you.
He also publishes on Substack with two other colleagues.
And another website is very interesting.
I early on collaborated with Craig Perry Cooper.
He's also a friend.
He set up a separate website where we were publishing information about adverse events and deaths recorded in VAERS system per manufacturing batch number.
And so that website is called How Bad is Your Batch?
And it's very rich.
It's not very, you know, pretty.
It looks like Craigslist as far as the design.
But it's very, there's lots and lots of information and data from, again, from the very beginning of rollout of these injections.
And my work is there as well.
And we were the first ones who said, who pointed to the fact that the batches
had very different toxicity profiles, and which indicated again, at the minimum at the time, I saw that it was a breakdown of the manufacturing process and non compliance with good manufacturing practices.
And I was, you know, pointing this out and making presentations and speaking everywhere about it.
But now we know, we know definitively, this was also by design.
This was intentional and it was also confirmed by several colleagues, most recently from Denmark.
They actually even published a paper in Peer Review Journal confirming the same findings in Danish data from the government.
I just want to repeat those back if I could for people.
Michael Yeadon, Y-E-A-D-O-N, I believe, right?
And does he have a substack?
He is on Telegram.
He doesn't publish on Stubstack, although he does comment on my publications.
But he has a Telegram channel with his colleague Robin Manotti.
And that one is very interesting.
They publish a lot of information about also geopolitics and climate hoax and all sorts of interesting issues.
Yep, anyone studying COVID knows Michael Yeadon and normanfenton.substack and for folks to get informed, persuaded, and motivated to do something.
What are you
What are you focused on now in terms of continuing to study and bringing forth?
What's most urgent on your plate this week and next?
And, or what is the, if there is a single most effective tactic, strategy, or message you want to give to the world that could help us, what would you tell me?
Well, so the most important aspect right now is to help people recognize that the way the separation is run, especially in the United States, but also worldwide, is all of these crimes that they're committing,
And these are definitely crimes of murder, battery, psychological torture, theft.
All of these crimes are being committed legally.
So that's what people need to understand.
The most significant evidence of pre-planning and intent of this entire operation
is the fact that the laws in the US were put in place over decades preceding this to enable this operation to be conducted and everything that they are doing so far I haven't noticed
any significant violations of law that they've made, and this is by design.
They've developed these illegal laws, which Catherine Watt writes about, and when I found her publication, that kind of clicked in place for me, that starting from about 1980s, they have introduced this legal cage and the legal kill box,
and they build it step by step over decades.
It includes, first of all, it includes the idea of the public health emergency as a national emergency.
It didn't exist until the 80s.
It's not anticipated in our constitution.
It's not part of the constitution.
It's something the executive administrative state, deep state put in.
as the excuse to suspend the constitutional rule of law, which they have done effectively.
So that announcement of public health emergency based on no criteria whatsoever.
There's no hard data that needs to happen.
No demonstration of actual deaths or economic impact needs to exist for them to announce public health emergency as they did based on 40 cases in China and a few cruise ships.
Okay, so that that was their excuse to announce public health emergency, which suspends the, the, which actually consolidates all the power in the executive branch, and neuters legislative and judicial branch of the government.
And then from there, the public health emergency cannot stop until whoever announced it, which was HHS at this point, says so.
So we are still in a public health emergency based on HHS PrEP Act declarations, which people don't realize.
They think COVID is over, we don't have emergency anymore.
Not true.
It's been extended 11 times.
and it is now extended until December 31st, 2024.
So we're still in a public health emergency, except now they rewrote it to say, oh, COVID virus or any potential virus, any potential virus.
And that's why we have a public health emergency.
And then the second piece of this big legal kill box structure is the idea of these EUA countermeasures.
So what people think that being rolled out as vaccines and PCR tests and remdesivir and other therapeutics, they're not pharmaceutical or medical device products legally.
They do not have to comply with FDA regulations for, let's say, mislabeling, product adulteration, even putting poison into the product, known poison,
Even putting known transfectants into the product such as DNA plasmids which were found up to 30% contamination.
in Pfizer vials and Moderna vials.
All of that, and that all have been acknowledged by the regulators everywhere in here and in Europe and in Canada.
And regulators point blank telling us, yes, we know they're there, we're not removing the product.
You know why?
Because the EUA countermeasures under public health emergency do not have to comply with any law.
Sasha Latypova Podcast featuring Sasha Latypova Podcast featuring Sasha Latypova Podcast featuring Sasha Latypova Podcast featuring
and that doesn't have to comply with the IND or investigational research rules.
So all of that exists in the law.
So we have the laws that say that the government is allowed to do all of this and nobody can stop them.
So my point to the people today is somebody either a court or a legislative body needs to recognize
and take judicial notice of these laws and announce them wholesale illegal and dismantle them.
And that's the kind of the main focus of my work and Catherine's work right now.
And we're collaborating with several groups of legislators, legislators who have noticed and would like to do something about it.
And I think we need to have this momentum going and we need to have more legislators become aware more
courts become aware of this.
To make a court aware, somebody who is trying to sue Pfizer, for example, has to introduce this into their case, has to somehow build their case based on the idea that these laws are there.
Because what happens today, and I notice in majority of the cases who are trying to sue Pfizer, the plaintiffs go in and they say, oh, we were given experimental medicine and forced to take it and now we're injured.
Well, in U.S.
law, this is not an experimental medicine.
By law, it's not experimental.
It cannot be.
It's an emergency use countermeasure in the public health emergency.
And then the judges are throwing these cases out of court saying, no, it's not experimental.
You know what?
The judge is correct.
And then again, because the judges are following illegal laws and the cases are trying to
you know, sue Pfizer based on the wrong legal theory, what happens is, we're just solidifying injustice, we're just creating a whole bunch of case law that confirms that these illegal laws are actually valid.
So again, my point, somebody please notice these laws, these illegal laws, either in court or in legislators somewhere, and start dismantling them.
That is the rub, that is the bullseye, it sounds to me, that certainly every lawyer needs to be made aware of.
I would like to think that if every, maybe criminal lawyer, not every civil lawyer, but maybe every lawyer, if they comprehended what you just told me, and you're calling them illegal laws, are they illegal?
They're not, they're laws.
They're unconscionable.
They're unconscionable.
So the net effect of this construct is that we have mass murder.
Okay, so that makes them illegal laws.
and we can and I'm not a legal scholar so we can have a you know lots of debates around this but if some construct enables net result as as murder and and injury and harm yeah yeah yeah with knowledge of forethought should not exist to any sane person absolutely and I'd like to think more folks are saying than not if we could break the trance Americans are
Due Diligence
I have mercy for the folks who are hearing these kind of things for the first time.
I've been a reader of books all my life, so this hasn't surprised me when COVID emerged at this late stage in my life.
But for folks, I have a lot of mercy, but not enough to stop me from doing all I can to spread the word, because it couldn't be more urgent.
It couldn't be more diabolical.
It's intense, it's fantastic.
I remember years ago, brief little story, when I was researching things behind the scenes or how the world really works, you know, I was at a group of people and someone was giving a presentation on
how the Federal Reserve really serves private interests, it really does nothing for us, and that's putting it nicely.
And I asked a question to clarify, he said, yeah.
And I asked another one, he said, yeah, that's it, Bruce.
I said, you mean there's really a dragon to slay?
There's really a dragon to slay?
You know, we're in a really bad James Bond movie.
All of us, we really are.
We really, really are.
Yes, it is true.
The biggest challenge that we have today is compelling people to see the evil.
They don't want to.
They think that if they deny that it exists and they close their eyes,
and they pretend like, oh, everything's over and we just can go back to vacations and, you know, watching sports on TV.
That's, you know, I want to, you know, there's this urban legend, which nobody can verify anymore, of course.
The legend says that when Christopher Columbus arrived at the New World with his big ships and this amazing new technology,
the natives on the shore, most of them didn't see the ships, because in their frame of reference, nothing like this could exist.
They never had any anything in their life that would verify the existence of this.
And so they didn't, they literally didn't see them.
So there's this gigantic, you know, few ships landing, and they don't see them.
And, you know, and we know how things ended for them.
So that's my that's my message to everyone who is trying to hide their head in the sand.
Because there's no way out of this by hiding, avoiding and pretending it doesn't exist.
You have to face it head on.
And then you have hope for overcoming it and slaying the dragon and surviving.
You remind me, like I've got a couple impulses in my head right now.
Wow, it's really hard if someone has a doctor in their family because they're going to believe the doctor in the family.
But I should rather think, let me talk to that doctor.
Well, let's get the eyeballs of more doctors on your sub stack and Catherine's and these other sources.
They have to be challenged.
Maybe more than most, I don't know.
Yes, exactly.
Because what this situation, what this crime is about, it's not about science.
Notice that all these debates about science that have been going on for three years.
And that's exactly what they want you to focus in this sort of debate that it's very hard to win.
and it's a distraction really.
What Catherine and I write about is not science, it's law and pharmaceutical regulations and how they're being completely subverted.
So doctors are not trained in law and they're not trained in pharmaceutical regulation either.
They only listen to pharmaceutical sales reps but they never look at actual, you know, how the regulation happens.
And we know, you and I know, that the journals have been co-opted.
The medical journals are co-opted to Brainwash, the tribes of doctors.
Sasha, let me reintroduce you.
Sasha Latypova, whose sub-stack is filled with the documentation of the things we've been discussing.
We shall return.
Here is important information from TNT Radio.
Give me a minute with TNT Radio's Steve Malzberg.
With Joe Biden behind in just about every presidential poll, the strategy of the left seems to be to go after Donald Trump even harder than they've been doing for the past eight years, if that's even possible.
And on the media side, Joe Scarborough, whose brother-in-law works in the Biden administration, seems to be leading the charge.
He Will Do, He Will Get Away With, He Will Imprison, He Will Execute whoever he's allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country.
Just look at his past.
And as unhinged as that was, it's nothing compared to what New York Democrat Congressman Dan Golden said the other day.
It is just
a conversation for Due Diligence
Now after receiving some well-deserved criticism, Goldman apologized, said he didn't mean to use that word, eliminated, etc, etc.
This is all the left has left, so watch for more of the same.
Thanks for giving me a minute.
I'm Steve Allsberg.
Catch my show Monday to Friday, 9 p.m.
Eastern Time, right here on TNT Radio Vision.
My dad was a farmer.
The guy was bigger than life.
He wasn't someone that liked to show his emotion or like to show what he was struggling, but we all struggle.
I want to show emotion to my kids.
It's something that brings me so much joy, and I want them to see me working through things.
Allow your kids to know that it's okay to struggle, that even dad doesn't know the answer sometimes, but we're going to figure it out together.
Bruce DeTorres on today's News Talk, TNT Radio.
Sasha Latypova is educating me about her deep, incredible, horrifying, frightening, but important research into the legal kill box that has been erected over decades to facilitate the COVID agenda.
We were last talking, Sasha, about the importance of reaching out to doctors.
Did I interrupt a thought you were having about that?
Please tell me.
Yeah, I was just saying that, right, so the doctors are not trained in law and they don't understand pharmaceutical regulations either.
So this is the focus of my research and Catherine Watt's research is to uncover how the crime is being committed completely legally on paper,
and why it's been designed this way and why it's been designed to fool professionals such as doctors.
And would you, all right, so would you agree then, maybe you did, that if the top three or four types of Americans we could approach, who if they understood the truth, their influence would best leverage improvement?
Is it doctors?
And if so, who else?
Well, the doctors, yes.
You know, especially, you know, understanding how dangerous those COVID protocols and how they exactly designed to produce mass deaths and injuries, and how dangerous the shots are.
But I think people that we need to really reach are the parts of our legislative and judicial system that are still
left with people who still have conscience and people who still believe in the rule of law.
And I know I'm speaking about a small minority now, but I know they exist.
And so those are the people that we really do need to reach so that they can understand this and see the legal cage.
And once they see it, it's actually very easy to dismantle it.
You know, and there are so many times
In my years of muckraking, you know, corruption behind, you know, the military and the CIA and the assassinations and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It gets mentioned.
There's only 435 members of Congress.
There's only a finite number in each of our state legislatures.
Instead of all the sports and other time-wasting things we do, if we had a lifelong habit of just a letter-writing campaign of harassment to these people, I say ejocularly, but I mean it, if more of us did even just that and then everything else, because what percentage of all the members of Congress
some that are intelligent and believing in higher principles and the rule of law.
What have been successful for me and my colleagues so far is actually going to local counties and for example in Idaho we have an amazing organizer
and same activity has gone on, I know, in parallel by different group of people, but we have been in touch in Florida and they also have been very successful in several counties and in the GOP, local county GOP group also signing on to these resolutions.
And while these resolutions are not lawmaking, it's just symbolic,
but they accumulate and then eventually that has to go into the state legislator.
And, you know, other legislators from other states are interested in also examining this, understanding, investigating.
We have been in touch with several.
There are several dialogues ongoing.
There is also effort to stop these injections, same injections being rolled out into animal vaccines, which is just horrific.
You know, they're now hastily trying to introduce mRNA shots.
for cattle, for example, which will basically do the same things that it's doing in people.
It will cause cancer, it will cause dysbiosis, it will destroy animals' microbiome.
I actually reviewed one of the vaccines that was approved by USDA.
It's manufactured by Merck and it's been approved for pigs.
And that vaccine actually kills about 30% of the herd within 21 days after vaccinations.
But USDA approved it.
Did they rescind it after those deaths?
Oh, no, no, no.
This is in the label.
It's part of the approval.
So the label on the USDA website on the last page has safety summary.
In the safety summary, we see that, you know, these piglets that were injected, 3% die right away.
And then another 27% have extremely severe adverse events.
They're inconsistent with life.
I'm pretty sure they got slaughtered after that.
They weren't sent to a piggy hospital.
So my question is, how is this approved on the label that this vaccine, you know, kills about 30% of your herd within 21 days?
And I'm sure on day 22, things didn't get much better.
It's just that the study was stopped.
So that's what we have to find.
And what might be known about the harm to people who eat such cattle or pork?
They can be harmed because these shots are just as contaminated with plasma DNA.
They're encapsulated lipid nanoparticle.
People are saying, oh, well, you know, it will disintegrate and be removed from cooking.
Not so much.
These are stable chemicals.
We don't know.
You need to do a study.
You can't just hand wave it away.
And yet that's what they're doing.
They're saying, oh, no, don't worry about it.
That's not going to happen.
And that's safety assessment.
You know?
Okay, while I recover from that, I'll just state a thought I pinned in my head.
Yeah, you described how so many representatives are groomed because they are corruptible, they'll go along with these heinous plans because
of their lust for money and power, which is why, obviously, I think we should write not just our personal representative in a district or anywhere, but all the representatives of our state and all the delegation from our state to try to find those who have a conscience and the ability to care and maybe do the right thing.
Not just our personal representatives, though, obviously them.
Sasha, talk to me if you can about the next thing that occurs to you or where you might steer me to.
Bruce, create your own effort in your county.
That's the answer to the question I was trying to develop, but are there resources or folks you would talk about or recommend along those lines for empowerment?
Right, so about the meetings with county officials, I actually also published on my sub stack the template letter and the actual letter that was signed by the Idaho counties.
Also the process step by step how to approach your county to set up a meeting like this, which Laura provided for me, which is very simple, but it's described and it has template language and the emails that you can send to them.
Due Diligence.
Yeah, so my colleagues and I, including Dr. Jensen Lindsay, Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, who is from Idaho, and Kevin McKernan, and Renata Moon, she's a pediatrician.
So we, so Laura would organize a meeting with county, we show up on Zoom and do five minute testimony each.
And that was extremely effective.
So we can do that.
Zoom meetings.
And drawing circles around that effort, it occurs to me to search, this is my homework to myself, to search for any and all legal or judicial or legislative watchdog groups in each of our own states and educate them, inform them, get them up to speed, get them on a Zoom, ask to meet them in their office, so that if they're in the business of trying to twist the arms of legislators, yeah, why not?
exactly exactly and now on zoom we can be very effective we can assemble a great group of experts both us and internationally and we can when we can do that yeah and walk them through a powerpoint and just you know give them something to think about and chew on and yes
How much time?
Well, I don't want to get personal.
I would, but you know, what of more driving substance about your effort and the information that's out there?
It's so easy to ask you, what's the most horrifying thing you've learned lately?
There, I said it.
Just fishing around for all I can get at you, Sasha, because you're a precious resource to me in this effort.
Well, I don't know about horrifying.
I mean, all of this was horrifying.
But the thing is, what people need to realize, the proper way to deal with any situation, no matter how difficult is to try to assess the reality as accurately as possible, as truthfully as possible.
And because if you're
mental model of what's going on is very close to objective reality, you're much more likely to develop a productive way forward, and also not get, you know, depressed and demoralized in the process.
And it kind of sounds counterproductive, because they say, what if my reality is super, super horrible, wouldn't that depress me?
No, but trust me, if you assess it accurately,
You are much more likely to look at it from a productive standpoint and come up with solutions, which will prevent you from being demoralized.
So that's my message to everyone.
No matter how horrifying what I'm saying, believe me, I am as horrified as you are.
It's just that I had more time to adjust to this and to figure out what I can do about it.
So, and I encourage everyone to try to learn as much as possible about the truth and try to figure out what you can do yourself or with friends to change the situation, to improve it, to get us closer to restoring our constitutional governance and the rule of law.
You answered a question I jotted on the break about strengthening people to look at the truth.
And you've equipped me and everybody with that encouragement.
I have a huge awareness of the challenge for too many Americans to have
dare I say, any self-confidence, any sense that they've got the power, the right and the authority to lead their lives, be the leader of their life, to affect things of importance.
We've been dumbed down for so many generations
you can anticipate, you know, the next half hour sermon I would give along those lines.
And with a heart filled with compassion, I'll add the suggestion to folks who might feel overwhelmed by these horrors, the importance of talking to yourself like a great mother and a great father.
And the model that works for me is a great mother
loves comforts soothes and restores and makes you feel safe there there everything's all right you're not alone i'll always be with you we'll get through this together
all that.
Okay, you know, calm down, Bruce.
And then a great father is the very, very encouraging, playful figure in my mental model.
Come on, we got a lot of work to do.
I don't know how to do it either.
We're going to make a big mess experimenting, figuring out how to build what we want or solve the problem we have.
And we're not going to finish it today.
And we'll go home and we'll tell stories all about it.
Due Diligence.
that's the crisis to me because there's just not enough I don't see enough humans with the ability to do that the folks who can do that work in corporations and work in the media and become doctors and lawyers and they're very very spry on air and things like this and they're very glib and they're very clever blah blah blah blah blah that's not enough we need all the folks who are suffering in despair who've never loved life enough to give a damn about it let alone do anything about it
to rally and it is with this love and compassion and encouragement I think.
Yeah, but that was also by design.
I mean, there are some really great authors on Substack, I was reading just this morning, describing also the history of mass demoralization, of removing the Christian principles from everywhere, from education, from day-to-day practice, even from the church.
uh for example and removing idea of adult agency that you can determine your own life that you can make this so now you know everything is about authority and and even I think even this whole campaign against bullying in schools is part of it
Well, you know, I'm not for bullying, but the whole idea that, you know, kids cannot resolve anything by themselves and always have to appeal to authority.
That's what it's being taught, right?
So you have to strike a balance between you don't want violence, you don't want
Due Diligence by Sasha Latypova Podcast featuring Sasha Latypova
Due Diligence
It's a full-spectrum effort,
Thank you so much, my friend, for coming back on such short notice.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
I hope you have a great rest of your weekend.
And I hope we stay in touch.
And if I could ever help you with anything, ask me, let me know.

Sasha Latypova here on the awesome, incredible TNT Radio Vision.