Showing posts with label Vaccines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaccines. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

OWEN BENJAMIN: This is the entire point of vaccines. To get people to consensually opt out of contractually owed liabilities with their own death. It wasn’t forced. Forcing always ends in horrible backlash.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

NURSE TINA: If you sign the consent form [upon admission to a hospital], "I consent for you to give me biogenics," that basically means they can give you anything that they deem necessary, including vaccines.

Valuable strategy at the bottom from Nancy Dye, 

So if you say you didn't get a flu shot, and it's flu season and you sign the consent form that says, "I agreed to biogenics," they will give you a vaccine even when you're under anesthesia because you already signed the consent.  Nurse Tina

00:00. A nurse professional with insight, information that you're gonna want to hear.  Go ahead, Tina, tell us what you've learned.

00:09.  Okay, since the Affordable Care Act came out, since the Affordable Care Act came out, we are now as nurses required to ask every single patient when they come to the hospital if you've had your flu vaccine or your pneumococcal vaccine.  If you say no to either one of those, in the computer an order will generate that says we need to give you this vaccine.  We don't need to speak to a doctor.  It's Hospital policy.  It's now Health Department policy that we now have to give you the vaccine.  Even if you came to the hospital with a stubbed toe, you will be offered both vaccines if you meet requirements, which just about everybody meets requirements for flu vaccine, and most people over the age of 65 will need the pneumococcal vaccine.  Even if you come to the hospital with the stubbed toe, you will be given this vaccine.  You have the right to say no.  If you say no, they just check it off as "refused."  This was never like this years ago this is a new thing.

01:05.  Tell me what you were discussing before about surgery and your admission that you hadn't had these recent vaccines.  Tell me about this protocol because I know that many people are not aware of this.

01:20.  When you go to a hospital, if you need surgery, you need a knee replacement surgery, first, they're going to ask you if you've had the vaccine, and you're going to say no.  Then they are going to say, "Well, you need to sign this consent; if you're going to have surgery, you need to sign a consent. In the consent is a word called "biogenics." If you sign the consent form, "I consent for you to give me biogenics," that basically means they can give you anything that they deem necessary, including vaccines.  So if you say you didn't get a flu shot, and it's flu season and you sign the consent form that says, "I agreed to biogenics," they will give you a vaccine even when you're under anesthesia because you already signed the consent.

02:00.  So you might not even know if you've received the vaccine.

02:02.  Correct.  Unless you go and get your medical records you will not know that you got a flu vaccine.  They may tell you at the end, "Oh, by the way, you're now covered you got the flu vaccine or you got the pneumococcal vaccine.  But two people now have reported to me last week saying that they got the vaccine.  They did not want the vaccine, and they didn't know that the word "biogenics" meant that they're going to get a vaccine because vaccines fall under the title of biogenics it's a"new terminology that I myself just realized.

02:33.  So how can people with your Insight protect themselves from being vaccinated against their wishes?

02:40.  You had when you signed the consent for surgery, you can specifically say, "No vaccines. I don't want this."  You can write an initial after what you say you do not want, and they have to honor that.  And if they don't honor it, they can be sued.

02:52.  So we do need to be educated to protect ourselves.  So anytime you go to the hospital, you should be aware of their policies and you said it was biogenics . . . 

03:03.  The word biogenics is now . . . in the past that used to be a consent that basically said that we can give you blood products if we feel you need it, other medications if we feel you need it, but now that the word biogenics is now including vaccines.

Valuable strategy here from Nancy Dye,

Can’t modify the digital consent forms, and they won’t tear you without you signing them. It is all or nothing. Which is exactly the point of the digital forms. 
I always insist on a paper hard copy form so I can cross out and initial. Which I even do with the B.S. Hippa forms that basically says they have the right to change what you are agreeing to at any time without informing you. So not about YOUR privacy, but their protection and control of your records. 
Some institutions refuse that hard copy option. Even urgent care centers don’t give you options now. You either consent to them keeping your credit card on file in case insurance doesn’t them or they will refuse your service.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

A MUST-LISTEN: Can the vaccine be credited for the remarkable mortality rate reduction, or could it be something else?

Life in the 1970s was brutal.  This is worth your time to gain an impression of what life was life and health was like in the United States back in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1970s.

It wasn’t long ago when infections plagued the Western world. Smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other diseases were once considered a tragic part of life. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from these infectious diseases, decreasing by the mid-1900s to very low levels. The elimination of these diseases is one of the most impressive yet unsung public health revolutions in history. In this episode of HealthMade Radio, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt interviews Roman Bystrianyk, the author of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History.” Listen in as they trace the history of smallpox and the oldest organized, deliberate intervention in personal immunity in the name of prevention. Can the vaccine be credited for the remarkable mortality rate reduction, or could it be something else? 

Why did all infectious diseases reduce at the same time in the late 1800s?

    • The 1800s had serious sanitation issues
    • poor quality food
    • overwork citizenship
    • compromised immune systems

In this episode, learn:

    • History Cow Pox & Small Pox and the Vaccine 

Large intervention trials never compared Edward Jenner’s famous cow-pox virus vaccine in 1798, and the sources of its principal viral components were almost entirely uncontrolled from batch to batch. Instead of protecting the public by imposing standards on vaccine manufacture, the British government imposed increasingly stringent penalties on parents for failure to vaccinate their children, imprisoning parents who refused to pay hefty fines for noncompliance.

    • Small Pox Outbreak Related to Vaccination Individuals

During every smallpox outbreak, many fully vaccinated people died and were also seen infecting other victims. Finally, after a particularly severe outbreak of smallpox in 1872, the industrial town of Leicester announced it had had enough. On March 23, 1885, the citizenry held “The Great Demonstration,” making present-day displays of government disapproval appear pale by comparison. Citizens came from all over, including Ireland and Scotland, and everyone marched around Leicester most of the day. The half-million citizens then voted out of power their town government and replaced it with one which created a smallpox safety system. Laws were passed which made vaccination voluntary, established a rapid notification and quarantine system, including specially trained personnel and comfortable quarantine facilities for anyone exposed to the index (initial) case.

    • The City that didn’t allow vaccination and improved their overall health rate and reduced infection rates

The people of Leicester became world-famous for this action, and grand predictions were made of success or failure, as people chose sides as if for a sporting event. Articles in The (London) Times faithfully reported each controversial step, while the New York Times routinely sided with the vaccine enthusiasts, in 1914 calling the people of Leicester fools and predicting horrible outbreaks with massive infant deaths: “Those who openly oppose vaccination . . . are taking a heavy responsibility on their souls.”

In the meantime, the virus itself, as with most of the other thirteen diseases under the influence of better sanitation and nutrition, was becoming more benign. This is clearly demonstrated in the graphs of dropping yearly fatalities, coinciding with falling vaccination rates. In 1912, sixty years after the start of the Leicester rebel experiment, J. T. Biggs wrote “Leicester: Sanitation versus vaccination,” a well-researched summary, quoted by Humphries and Bystrianyk. Not only had the predicted horror of mass death been averted, but the yearly smallpox death toll had dropped to zero for the town’s population. Biggs also concluded that the random smallpox-like infections directly caused by the vaccination survivors had been the primary source of infection of infants and children, so overall health and infection rates improved when vaccination ceased.

So, where is the evidence let alone the proof that vaccines have saved millions of lives? There doesn’t seem to be any such proof. It is also interesting to note that deaths caused by scarlet fever declined like those caused by so-called “vaccine-preventable” diseases, even though no vaccine was used against scarlet fever. 

Additional charts can be found here:

Roman Bystrianyk co-authored with Suzanne Humphries the book "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History." His latest soon-to-be-released book will be on the major planetary environmental challenges we face. He has an extensive background in health and nutrition, a B.S. in engineering, and an M.S. in computer science.  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Farmer Rafe Hollister Tells County Nurse, Mary Simpson, to Get Lost

Farmer Rafe Hollister knows when he's sick or not, and when he is it ain't no big thing.  He don't take nothing from County nurse, Mary Simpson.  It's titled "The County Nurse," Season 2, Episode 24 aired March 19, 1962.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

GEORGE WILLIAM WINTERBURN:Acting on his [Jenner’s] suggestion, the King of Spain, in 1804, ordered all the children in the Foundling Hospital of Madrid to be vaccinated with goat-pox

The original vaccine (Vacca is Latin for cow) used “cowpox” to supposedly defeat smallpox, as the vaccine promoter Edwards Jenner claimed. It was not a nice, clean hypodermic needle after you cleaned the arm with alcohol, as you might imagine. Vaccination involved using a lancet, which was a sharp knife, to make scratches and cuts repeatedly into an arm and then insert the “vaccine virus” into those freshly made incisions. That “vaccine virus” was more often than not from someone’s arm, as arm-to-arm vaccination was practiced for 100 years. The original material could have been from a cow, horse, goat, donkey, sheep, buffalo (often used in India), or other animal, or even smallpox lesions scratched onto an animal from someone who had smallpox or from a corpse of someone who had died from smallpox. “Jenner believed that smallpox, swine-pox, cow-pox, and grease [horse-pox] were merely varieties of the same disease… He employed the grease virus (horse-pox) in a large number of cases and furnished it to other vaccinators... Acting on his [Jenner’s] suggestion, the King of Spain, in 1804, ordered all the children in the Foundling Hospital of Madrid to be vaccinated with goat-pox.” [George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886, F.E. Boericke, Philadelphia, pp. 36–37.] “In the report of the Local Government Board of London, Eng., for 1906, it is admitted that the virus then used was obtained from the deadhouses on the smallpox hospital ships because they found it most effective. This vaccine was called corpse virus, and it cannot be denied that it carried with it the frightful danger of inoculation with cadaveric poison, one of the most deadly toxins known to science.” [Audubon Republican, February 28, 1918.] Unsurprisingly, this mystery mixture, which was being used as the best medical “science” of the time, was inadvertently mixed with blood, fungus, and bacteria. “With the best of care, heavy bacterial contamination of vaccine lymph is inevitable during its preparation, and as many as 500 million organisms per ml. may be present…” [V. N. Krishnamurthy, “Effects of Penicillin and Streptomycin on Vaccine Lymph,” BMJ, vol. 2, no. 4687, November 4, 1950, pp. 1035–1047.] So, it’s not hard to imagine many people getting enormously sick or even dying from such a procedure. Many doctors noticed this, but they were the minority, and the mythology of “safe and effective” had already been deeply embedded and persists to this day. “Is there any wonder with such abominable fouling of the human body [vaccination], that consumption, scrofula, syphilis, cancer, and the whole vile train of skin diseases, should start up, and rage on with maddening intensity, making life miserable, swelling, to a dreadful extent, the bills of mortality, and curtailing by many years, the length of human life?” — Dr. Samuel Eadon, M. A. Gloucester, England [“Medical Opinion on Vaccination,” Journal of Hygeio-therapy, vol. II, no. 2, February 1888, p. 34.]

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

John Potash

John Potash, author, and documentary filmmaker.  

John Potash is back on today to talk about the ruling class corruption within the medical pharmaceutical Industries.

"I consider myself a lifetime leftist inspired by a socialist grandfather, and a father who organized doctors against the Vietnam War.  I dabbled in mainstream Democratic politics in the late 1980s before getting into socialism and anarchism and heading back into Democratic socialism more recently, but giving up on mainstream politicians after Bernie Sanders seem to let the Democratic party steal the primaries from him a second time.  I do have Bernie in my film though in a press conference with Senator Maria Cantwell about how for information over 90% of our information which makes podcasts like yours all the more important Bridget but I've been active against both the Iraq Wars, both presidents Bush, and the war against the Black Panthers had led me to write the FBI war on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders, book and film.  And now finish the book and film of Drugs Used as Weapons used Against Us: the CIA War on Musicians.  So in 2020, I started to work on a more comic sequel to drugs As Weapons Against Us and towards the end of that project the COVID-19 situation struck and I had to include more and more of the corruption around that.

2nd biggest funder of the W.H.O. ahead of England

John's work includes Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics, John Potash, 2022; 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

FIVE TIMES AUGUST TO CHRIS CUOMO: you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings

Um, Dave Smith spent three hours with you the other night literally showing and telling you with *your own words* replayed right back to you in front of your face how astronomically wrong you’ve been throughout Covid and clearly absolutely none of it connected. So, I recognize there’s nothing I or anyone else can do or say at this point. Just understand how badly you’ve blown it. Know that you’re out, Chris. You’re not coming back from this. You simply can’t (or more likely won’t) accept being wrong on any of it, and that’s the issue here. You disingenuously advocate for some 9/11-style COVID commission so we can “understand what happened” but you refuse to start with yourself. Instead, you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings, and then smugly brush aside the very people who warned that all this would happen. You whitewash past remarks and reframe what you said back on CNN, you downplay the worldwide government tyranny you helped enable… anything to avoid accountability and responsibility. You can’t even man up enough to say “Guys, I made some terrible mistakes along the way, I’m sorry.” — Pro Tip: THAT’S WHERE YOU BEGIN, CHRIS. You don’t get to repackage yourself and expect us all to forgive and forget where you came from. It doesn’t work that way. You are no better than an abusive husband expecting to be thanked by your wife because you’ve stopped hitting her. You abused the public with your position in media, and until you take a good hard look in the mirror and accept that? Nobody is buying your bullshit. It’s done, man. We all see it.

Here is the interview.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

JOHN LE GAY BRERETON: From experience I have seen more evils result from vaccination than I ever saw result from small-pox.

What one doctor of many 100s said about smallpox vaccination from the 1800s into the 1900s. Spoilers! It wasn’t a miracle of modern medicine. “From experience I have seen more evils result from vaccination than I ever saw result from small-pox. In the first place, I have seen direct fatal results from vaccination. In the second place, I have seen chronic-incurably chronic-disease the result of vaccination, and death after the lapse of many years; and, in the third place, I have seen introduced into the system, through vaccination, diseases of a destructive character, especially syphilis. I was vaccinated when a boy, and a few years afterwards I took small-pox. I vaccinated my first four children. One of them died certainly from vaccination, and another was never strong after he was vaccinated. I would rather be shot than have anyone of my family vaccinated.” — John Le Gay Brereton, Esquire, MD, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1881 

“John Le Gay Brereton, Esq., MD, MRCS, LAC,” New South Wales, Compulsory Vaccination, Presented to the Parliament by Command, September 20, 1881, Sydney: Thomas Richards, Government Printer, pp. 1043–1046. 

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk, 2013.  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

PEDIATRICIAN DR. PAUL THOMAS: We were losing a million dollars, over a million dollars, in vaccines that were refused

Here is the complete interview.

Vaccine-specific income to a pediatric practice number one is the admin fee think of this as a thank you for giving this shot it's rationalized by the following they say well pediatricians spend a lot of time talking about vaccines they need to be reimbursed the truth of the matter of what most pediatric practices do they give you a one-sheet glossy from the CDC that's called a vis vaccine information sheet you hand it to the patient when they go into the office the nurse gives it to them and that's your education so it's actually taking a zero physician time and Physicians will dodge vaccine questions so really it's just a thank you for giving the shot and you get about it depends on the insurance company every contract is different but I would average it out to say about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for each subsequent antigen so let's just say a 2-month baby visit

Saturday, February 24, 2024

"Jennifer Dailey-Provost [Utah-D] went so far as to assert that we couldn’t be “experts" on the subject because we were not from Utah???"

The bill isn't asking for any special privilege, not asking ranchers to modify anything whatsoever.  No, just asking the state of Utah to mandate labeling so that the consumer can make the choice himself if he's okay with CRISPR genes or not.  It's simple: it's a consent issue.   

sponsored by Utah Senator, Trevor Lee, to the Utah legislature HB0549 that would require labeling of meat that had received genetic vaccines, so the people of Utah [can] choose [if they want to take on] the risks of inadvertent secondary transfection using this technology to consumers, meat handlers and the environment are still being investigated.

Paid pharma shills for big AG came out in force and blatantly lied or asserted safety with no proof of such, in defense of not requiring labels. Jennifer Dailey-Provost [Rep.-D] went so far as to assert that we couldn’t be “experts" on the subject because we were not from Utah??? while deferring to FDA experts amongst other idiocy that had no basis in science! I hear she is a physician. 🤦‍♀️ It was an embarrassing show of paid influence with not one “against” referring to human health risk or risk to the environment, but only the money it would cost and ‘meat hesitancy’— if you can believe it and the hurdles this would require.

This bill was about requiring LABELS!!! People have the right to know whether they are working with or ingesting secondarily genetic vaccines which may still have transfection potential—-i.e., may cause the consumer to produce the antigen like spike protein or other viral or bacterial foreign antigen, or are at risk for DNA integration from the agent. The risks range from oncogenic [cancer-causing] risk from insertional mutagenesis to the uncontrolled production of antigens and “off target” proteins from using modMRNA and plasmids and autoimmune effects to neurological consequences and cardiac harm to passing these on to offspring with unknown consequence!

Meat handlers could be exposed to untold amounts of transfective agents and proteins which could pose a health risk.

Bacteria in the soil and animals up the food chain are exposed from fecal material and urine and farm waste.

Farm handlers are exposed through shedding of the gene therapies and direct contact with large amounts of the transfective agents directly.

There are hundreds of these gene therapies that have now been approved for use in the animals we ingest.

This must be investigated!!!

from Frontiers . . . 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

If they admitted [that vaccines cause autism] they would lose their funding, their job, their license to practice medicine, their hospital privileges, their board certifications, etc


Finally, one of the most damaging pieces of evidence comes from James Lyons-Weiler who got a call from one of the top autism experts in the world (whose name I know but will not reveal to protect him). He told James that “We all know vaccines cause autism. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it.” He was referring to his fellow autism experts.

If they admitted this, they would lose their funding, their job, their license to practice medicine, their hospital privileges, their board certifications, etc.

That’s why I can’t get a debate and when I try to reach out to these experts they ghost me.

And that’s why there are never the before:after studies and why all there are so many studies are designed to not find a signal.


None are tested against a placebo.  Gardasil had a very small saline placebo arm, but for all the critical measures (Tables 5 and later), they either lumped in the placebo with the adjuvant control or they omitted the control group entirely in the table. See this tweet which got over 200K views

Monday, January 9, 2023

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

You don't have any more time to worry about Trump or Biden. 

Hunter opens up with a Christmas greeting and then tries to console himself over the loss of his friend, CNN and ABC investigative reporter, Drew Griffin, who was a staple here on LA's ABC Eye Witness News on Channel 7 for years.  

Fitts has said that with so many people dying that there will be a glut of things in the market form people's deaths that it will have a deflationary effect on the economy.  People are going to see what's been done to them.  Are you seeing this unfolding now? 

Fitts references the Skidmore Survey from January 2022.  The survey showed that not only were there a significant number of adverse events--deaths and injuries--but there was a significant number of people who understood that it was coming from the injections.  The media has done a remarkably good job at painting a different picture, but at some point you can't defy reality.  So that's coming out and we're seeing it translate into market action.  So in one day we see the insurance companies trading down 30% and funerals trading up 20%, that's a 50% divergence.  So integrating into people lives and their health and in market reaction, it's hard to deny reality. The Doctors 4 COVID Ethics did their 5th symposium on December 19.  Sasha Latypova's "Intent to Do Harm" makes the compelling case that this was not a vaccine, not a pharmaceutical, not a medicine. She said it's a weapon.  The variability in the batches is far too great for it to be classified or described as a medicine or  pharmaceutical.  Of course, if you look at the damage it's caused you can only therefore describe as a weapon.  And she's very experienced.  I mean this is a pharmaceutical executive, somebody coming from the industry, and really knows the ins and outs, the definitions, and legal definitions, regulations, etc.  We're now staring down the barrel of a mass atrocity.  This is a mass atrocity.  This is a depopulation.  This is a genocide.  We're still struggling to find words to describe this.  If you look at the economic restrictions that introduced this it probably killed more people than the injections.  The deaths and injuries are more significant than popularly understood.

5:35. Hunter raises the question of finances. They're running our of money  They can't pay social security.  They can't pay the pensions.  Is this the motivation behind it? 

Something this big has more than one goal, multiple functions, called stacking functions  One, they do want to reset the financial system because we gave had a financial coup d'access to knowledge, and to dramatically increase their politicaltat. But there's something else.  If you look at the central banking warfare model that's run the west for centuries now, if you're the central bankers you cannot maintain control unless you use digital technology to go to complete control.  So digital technology gives the planet the ability for the general population to dramatically increase their learning speed, to dramatically increase their political and economic power unless the central bankers use it for central control.  So you're staring down a situation that is a prisoner's dilemma: you either assert complete control or you lose control.  And I think the central bankers have decided, and the question is why, for a variety of reasons, they're going to assert central control.  Thet have 10 to 20 years to do it and that's what they're moving to do.  They want to chip people like livestock, mind control them like live stock, and have complete control.  Thet don't want to brook any opposition.  And so they're implementing a control system.  It's no longer going to be a financial system.  It's going to be a straight out transaction control system.  And they're saying no freedom of transaction, no freedom of health choices, no freedom of anything.  We want complete control, and unfortunately it looks like that is coming with a form of slavery that is far worse, in my opinion, than historical forms of slavery because it's so physically invasive.  But, now, we're talking about significant depopulation. 

8:10. HUNTER.  Why do they think they can get away with this? 

8:13.  FITTS. One theory:  one scientist who I know and who I have great respect for believes that a lot of what's happened in the last 3 years was to sufficiently terrorize the population to go along with being injected, chipped, and controlled.  Terrorization as a form of marketing the control they want.  Part of this is to put people in fear.  Most important for 2023 is to get out of fear and stay out of fear.  That means being careful not to ingest a lit if TV and not ingesting a lit if mind-control technology.  The reason they think they can get away with it, Greg, is because they've gotten away with ir so far.  I've always said that the crime that pays is the crime that stays. And what we've watched since 1998 is an influential coup and that they've gotten away with it, and the more they get people to ingest massive amounts of propaganda, subliminal programming, all the mind-control tricks.  Now they know that can't last forever, which is why they're talking about putting a chip in you or a neural link in your head all these crazy things.  That's to assert complete control even when you disagree with them.  They can shut down your disagreement. 

Trump put $10 billion dollars into a program Operation Warp Speed to depopulate Americans.  

It takes 10-12 tears to test out a vaccine to make sure it's safe.  

If there was one person in political life who knew how dangerous vaccines are it was Donald Trump. This was a big issue during the campaign expressing his concerns about the vaccines, so he knows.

Trump put Moncef Slaoui in charge of Operation Warp Speed, who was head of research at a pharmaceutical company, GSK, and his expertise was on brain-machine interface.  

I will give Trump credit:  he pulled us out of the W.H.O. and the Paris Climate Accord

Current most dangerous thing is the new treaty from the W.H.O.  They're saying that a 2/3rds vote of the Senate is not required because it's not a change in treaty.  But it is.  It's a new treaty.  Find a template letter at Solari that you can send to your representatives and say you get us out of the W.H.O. and you stop funding the W.H.O. or we're going to be completely stripped of our national sovereignty.  If you go into the W.H.O., you're turning the U.S. into a country who is going to kill you.  

13:00. GREG HUNTER. Is there anyway for Trump to redeem himself?  

13:30, FITTS. I don't know.  If I were in Trump's shoes, I'd say "I made a mistake.  I'm sorry.  And here's what we need to do next year.  But I don't know how you come back from this. L

HUNTER. Karen Kingston was on his True Social, and she got banned, talking about how SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon.  It is.  

14:10. FITTS. You can say Trump was on board for a depopulation or Trump got rolled.  Either one is not a case to be made that he ought to be president.  Then he's incompetent.  You've got to hold people accountable.  You've got to tell the truth and you've got to hold people accountable.  That's the only way out of this.  

15:40. FITTS. Every quarter while Trump was president, we did a report card on Trump. It varied.  Great job of getting us out of Paris Climate Accord, getting us out of the W.H.O. to areas where he's doing a terrible job. On the financial coup, Ferrell gave him a . . . I was giving him F's, and Ferrell went down the alphabet giving him a Z.  Trump was a mixed bag.

16:20. FITTS. The president is not running things.  The president is not in charge.  What happened in November 1963?  The U.S. intelligence agencies, military establishment got together and killed the president.  And who controls the Secret Service?  It's the Secretary of the Treasury [today that's Janet Yellen] and the people who run the country.  So the Deep State controls the Secret Service, and there are guns pointing out and there are guns pointing in.  In a highly centralized system, the president has very little power.  Red Button story.  It says everybody in America wants their check.  And the way to get your check is to borrow more money and to print more money.  And so you've had a lit of popular support for the financial coup. And the reason is everybody wants their check.  Put the president in charge.  Hit the population with massive amounts of propaganda and disinformation.  Suddenly, they're screaming they want a vaccine. 

In 2020, the president rolled out the vaccine program that would kill and injure millions of American people.  So he has two reasons for doing it: he's either incompetent or he's breaking the law.  I know what I knew.  I know what I hold him responsible to know and I know what he did.  I know what I would have done: I would have taken a bullet in the head before I implement culling of the American population. 

19:12.  We're talking around in a box where there are no solutions, and we have to go where we can get power and implement real solutions.  In October 2019 when everybody in America was being entertained by the teenage sex life of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Cavanaugh, the House, the Senate, and the White House, Democrat, Republican, both sides of the aisle got together and approved Statement 56 of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, which said that they could keep secret books.  That was everybody.  Together.  So there is no right versus left.  There is no Trump versus Biden.  There is a machine, a spending machine, that is financed with our taxes, and debt borrowed in our name that is being sold into our pension funds and retirement accounts.  There is that machine, and that machine to keep balancing the books is implementing a depopulation plan.  That is the reality that has to be faced and changing the president won't matter.  Now, if you've got your head out of Washington, DC, and started to focus on your state legislators and local leaders, you could start to make progress protecting yourself against the machine.  If you want to make real progress against the machine, you've got to talk turkey about where your money is going, what it's doing, and who are local leaders in the state legislature who are going to support when this machine fails you which if it doesn't do it in 2023, it's going to do it in 2024.  So you better be ready.  You don't have any more time to worry about Trump or Biden.  

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Drug War On Your Kids

Thanks to Drug Awareness.  Are you understanding that phrase "War on Drugs" a bit better now that you've been vaccinated or do you think the vaccines have nothing to do with the War in Drugs?  So between your ears all you hear is the Nancy Reagan prescription of "just say no"?  Every government foray into medicating its citizens has been a complete and utter failure ti its citizens.  To those running these public medication programs, why, it's been a great boon.  But you'll forget.  You'll forget.  You'll repeat history.  The propaganda will come along and claim some new disaster that you'll get in line for, effectively over your personal sovereignty and body integrity to some public health official.  You've always gotten in line.  You're good at getting in line and standing patiently in line, tucked in between others who, like you, love the anonymity of getting lost in line.  It's been some of your best work.  

When Richard Nixon announced his refrain of the ongoing war on drugs in 1971, he by no means started it.  The drug war predates the 20th century, is, in fact, the gears of the Progressive movement, it's takeover and transformation of the United States at about the time of the Civil War.

Looking for an interesting history on the drug war?  Check out this article by Mark Thornton.

When I went to the Oxford Union debates this past summer I was told by a veteran of the debates that I must have a joke in order to win over the audience. My attempt to win over the British audience was a success, but unfortunately my opening remarks are too close to the truth and in retrospect, are really not that funny:

Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for the opportunity to debate the War on Drugs in this forum. Mr. Chairman, as you probably know, the War on Drugs was not a response to calls from experts, it was not in response to recommendations from the medical community, or even the law enforcement community. Mr. Chairman, the War on Drugs was started by the agitation of racists, bigots, religious fanatics, believers in eugenics, extremist politicians, and power hungry diplomats. In other words, Mr. Chairman, the average ordinary American.

The War on Drugs was initiated by legislation that was passed not to help drug addicts and protect the innocent, but rather was designed to control and marginalize minority groups and to push the United States into a leadership role in world diplomatic affairs.

The War on Drugs is 100 years old today. It kills thousands of people, destroys untold number of lives, and wastes hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Plus it prevents us from using three of the most miraculous plants on the planet, even for their “legitimate” uses.

The Harrison Narcotics Act

As written, the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914 was legislation that established a tax and registration requirement on narcotics and cocaine. Politicians and journalists openly targeted Chinese immigrants, Southern blacks, and Mexicans with outrageous propaganda. The real priority of the legislation, however, was to comply with the first international drug control treaty, the International Opium Convention of 1912.

As implemented, the legislation quickly evolved into an outright prohibition. Enforcement bureaucrats argued that doctors prescribing narcotics for drug addiction was an illegitimate medical practice. The courts ruled in their favor and addict-maintenance medical practices and addiction clinics were forced to close.

Marijuana prohibition went national with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. It too quickly changed from a measure to tax and regulate into an outright prohibition. Even hemp, the non-intoxicating form of cannabis was banned! When propaganda claiming that marijuana was deadly and caused insanity, violence, and criminal behavior was debunked (aka Reefer Madness), the “gateway theory” was born to fill the void. The gateway theory posits that while marijuana might not be addictive or dangerous, it would lead the user to try the hard drugs, such as heroin. This theory became the prevailing view in the second half of the twentieth century.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

"by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition"


Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish [immunity] is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is.


The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977


Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish these changes is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is. The disturbing possibility that they act in some other way than by producing a genuine immunity is suggested by the fact that the diseases in question have continued to break out even in highly immunized populations, and that in such cases the observed differences in incidence and severity between immunized and unimmunized persons have tended to be far less dramatic than expected, and in some cases, not measurably significant at all.

From Jon Rappoport's "Vaccines Beneath the Surface," April 27, 2022.

We are taught to believe that untoward reactions to vaccines are rare, and that there has never been a question about the overwhelming success of all vaccines at all times, wherever they have been used.

The recent history of vaccines, though, shows a much more spotty record than one might think. In fact, it raises very disturbing questions about what vaccines do and don’t do to the human body. Here is simply a series of excerpts from several authors on the subject. It is a quite different slant on vaccines.

"The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

“The principal evidence that… vaccines are effective actually dates from the more recent period, during which time the dreaded polio epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s have never reappeared in the developed countries; and measles, mumps and rubella, which even a generation ago were among the commonest diseases of childhood, have become far less prevalent, at least in their classic acute forms, since the triple MMR vaccine was introduced into common use.

“Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish these changes is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is. The disturbing possibility that they act in some other way than by producing a genuine immunity is suggested by the fact that the diseases in question have continued to break out even in highly immunized populations, and that in such cases the observed differences in incidence and severity between immunized and unimmunized persons have tended to be far less dramatic than expected, and in some cases, not measurably significant at all.

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