Showing posts with label John Potash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Potash. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

John Potash

John Potash, author, and documentary filmmaker.  

John Potash is back on today to talk about the ruling class corruption within the medical pharmaceutical Industries.

"I consider myself a lifetime leftist inspired by a socialist grandfather, and a father who organized doctors against the Vietnam War.  I dabbled in mainstream Democratic politics in the late 1980s before getting into socialism and anarchism and heading back into Democratic socialism more recently, but giving up on mainstream politicians after Bernie Sanders seem to let the Democratic party steal the primaries from him a second time.  I do have Bernie in my film though in a press conference with Senator Maria Cantwell about how for information over 90% of our information which makes podcasts like yours all the more important Bridget but I've been active against both the Iraq Wars, both presidents Bush, and the war against the Black Panthers had led me to write the FBI war on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders, book and film.  And now finish the book and film of Drugs Used as Weapons used Against Us: the CIA War on Musicians.  So in 2020, I started to work on a more comic sequel to drugs As Weapons Against Us and towards the end of that project the COVID-19 situation struck and I had to include more and more of the corruption around that.

2nd biggest funder of the W.H.O. ahead of England

John's work includes Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics, John Potash, 2022;