Showing posts with label CATHERIN AUSTIN FITTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CATHERIN AUSTIN FITTS. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: "[COVID was] totally...part of doing the Going Direct Reset...every 80 to a 120 years since the central banking warfare model [was] instituted...for 500 years...we have a reset...this is not the first time plague laws have been used to engineer a reset. It's very typical."

Saturday, September 14, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTINE FITTS: When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is...take all the kids... Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family

When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is...take all the kids... Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family?" Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Ryan Cristián () how "Mr. Global" (Fitts' term that she's used elsewhere) wants to take everyone's assets, as well as their children. "When the [WEF] says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they're serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets," Fitts says. She adds, "the second thing you do is...take all the kids...[because] why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family?" Furthermore, Fitts says that she's "been squabble-dogging with RFK [Jr.] about Gaza from the beginning...[because] if you will give them [Mr. Global] a get-out-of-jail-free card on the on the genocide of children, then you will give them a get-out-of-jail-free card on the US Treasury, the $21 trillion [stolen by the DOD and HUD], 9/11, [etc.]" "If you look at the syndicate that is controlling policy in Gaza, that syndicate has a very strong overlay with the syndicate that is pushing for financial transaction control," Fitts adds. Partial transcription of clip: "We're talking about a slavery system. I mean, we're talking about the end of the republic, the end of any kind of democratic process, and the end of any human rights. And when the World Economic Forum says it's 2030 and you have no assets, they are serious. Because when you get that control, the first thing you do is you take all the assets. The second thing you do is you're gonna take all the kids...Why would a government run by pedophiles leave the kids in the family? "Any any group of people who have sovereign immunity or the power to operate outside the law or above the law I mean... I've been squabble-dogging with RFK about Gaza from the beginning. And my attitude is if you will give them a get out of jail free card on on the on the genocide of children, then you will give them a get out of jail free card on the US Treasury, the $21 trillion, 9/11...You name it. And and anything goes. If they if somebody has a get out of jail free card who feels free to genocide children in mass, what do you think they're gonna do in the United States when they have, you know, when they have swarms of autonomous drones and autonomous weapons? I mean, what do you think is gonna happen? "Someone who will take if you look at the syndicate that is controlling policy in Gaza, that syndicate has a very strong overlay with the syndicate that is pushing for financial transaction control... I think one of the reasons they need the land, they need the water, and they need the oil and gas is AI and financial transaction control is phenomenally energy demanding. It uses a lot the data centers use a lot of water. It needs a lot of energy, you know, and you need space not only for the operations, but the people. And I think now that the sort of 15 minute city is prototype is over. They don't need the Palestinians for that anymore. You know? Now they need the land. They need the water. They need the oil and gas, and the Egyptians won't take the people. So that's where we are. Yeah. And and so the people who are doing this are the people who are implementing financial transaction control against you. And if you if you give them a get out of jail free card on this, what in the world do you think they're gonna do to you?"

Complete interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

You don't have any more time to worry about Trump or Biden. 

Hunter opens up with a Christmas greeting and then tries to console himself over the loss of his friend, CNN and ABC investigative reporter, Drew Griffin, who was a staple here on LA's ABC Eye Witness News on Channel 7 for years.  

Fitts has said that with so many people dying that there will be a glut of things in the market form people's deaths that it will have a deflationary effect on the economy.  People are going to see what's been done to them.  Are you seeing this unfolding now? 

Fitts references the Skidmore Survey from January 2022.  The survey showed that not only were there a significant number of adverse events--deaths and injuries--but there was a significant number of people who understood that it was coming from the injections.  The media has done a remarkably good job at painting a different picture, but at some point you can't defy reality.  So that's coming out and we're seeing it translate into market action.  So in one day we see the insurance companies trading down 30% and funerals trading up 20%, that's a 50% divergence.  So integrating into people lives and their health and in market reaction, it's hard to deny reality. The Doctors 4 COVID Ethics did their 5th symposium on December 19.  Sasha Latypova's "Intent to Do Harm" makes the compelling case that this was not a vaccine, not a pharmaceutical, not a medicine. She said it's a weapon.  The variability in the batches is far too great for it to be classified or described as a medicine or  pharmaceutical.  Of course, if you look at the damage it's caused you can only therefore describe as a weapon.  And she's very experienced.  I mean this is a pharmaceutical executive, somebody coming from the industry, and really knows the ins and outs, the definitions, and legal definitions, regulations, etc.  We're now staring down the barrel of a mass atrocity.  This is a mass atrocity.  This is a depopulation.  This is a genocide.  We're still struggling to find words to describe this.  If you look at the economic restrictions that introduced this it probably killed more people than the injections.  The deaths and injuries are more significant than popularly understood.

5:35. Hunter raises the question of finances. They're running our of money  They can't pay social security.  They can't pay the pensions.  Is this the motivation behind it? 

Something this big has more than one goal, multiple functions, called stacking functions  One, they do want to reset the financial system because we gave had a financial coup d'access to knowledge, and to dramatically increase their politicaltat. But there's something else.  If you look at the central banking warfare model that's run the west for centuries now, if you're the central bankers you cannot maintain control unless you use digital technology to go to complete control.  So digital technology gives the planet the ability for the general population to dramatically increase their learning speed, to dramatically increase their political and economic power unless the central bankers use it for central control.  So you're staring down a situation that is a prisoner's dilemma: you either assert complete control or you lose control.  And I think the central bankers have decided, and the question is why, for a variety of reasons, they're going to assert central control.  Thet have 10 to 20 years to do it and that's what they're moving to do.  They want to chip people like livestock, mind control them like live stock, and have complete control.  Thet don't want to brook any opposition.  And so they're implementing a control system.  It's no longer going to be a financial system.  It's going to be a straight out transaction control system.  And they're saying no freedom of transaction, no freedom of health choices, no freedom of anything.  We want complete control, and unfortunately it looks like that is coming with a form of slavery that is far worse, in my opinion, than historical forms of slavery because it's so physically invasive.  But, now, we're talking about significant depopulation. 

8:10. HUNTER.  Why do they think they can get away with this? 

8:13.  FITTS. One theory:  one scientist who I know and who I have great respect for believes that a lot of what's happened in the last 3 years was to sufficiently terrorize the population to go along with being injected, chipped, and controlled.  Terrorization as a form of marketing the control they want.  Part of this is to put people in fear.  Most important for 2023 is to get out of fear and stay out of fear.  That means being careful not to ingest a lit if TV and not ingesting a lit if mind-control technology.  The reason they think they can get away with it, Greg, is because they've gotten away with ir so far.  I've always said that the crime that pays is the crime that stays. And what we've watched since 1998 is an influential coup and that they've gotten away with it, and the more they get people to ingest massive amounts of propaganda, subliminal programming, all the mind-control tricks.  Now they know that can't last forever, which is why they're talking about putting a chip in you or a neural link in your head all these crazy things.  That's to assert complete control even when you disagree with them.  They can shut down your disagreement. 

Trump put $10 billion dollars into a program Operation Warp Speed to depopulate Americans.  

It takes 10-12 tears to test out a vaccine to make sure it's safe.  

If there was one person in political life who knew how dangerous vaccines are it was Donald Trump. This was a big issue during the campaign expressing his concerns about the vaccines, so he knows.

Trump put Moncef Slaoui in charge of Operation Warp Speed, who was head of research at a pharmaceutical company, GSK, and his expertise was on brain-machine interface.  

I will give Trump credit:  he pulled us out of the W.H.O. and the Paris Climate Accord

Current most dangerous thing is the new treaty from the W.H.O.  They're saying that a 2/3rds vote of the Senate is not required because it's not a change in treaty.  But it is.  It's a new treaty.  Find a template letter at Solari that you can send to your representatives and say you get us out of the W.H.O. and you stop funding the W.H.O. or we're going to be completely stripped of our national sovereignty.  If you go into the W.H.O., you're turning the U.S. into a country who is going to kill you.  

13:00. GREG HUNTER. Is there anyway for Trump to redeem himself?  

13:30, FITTS. I don't know.  If I were in Trump's shoes, I'd say "I made a mistake.  I'm sorry.  And here's what we need to do next year.  But I don't know how you come back from this. L

HUNTER. Karen Kingston was on his True Social, and she got banned, talking about how SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon.  It is.  

14:10. FITTS. You can say Trump was on board for a depopulation or Trump got rolled.  Either one is not a case to be made that he ought to be president.  Then he's incompetent.  You've got to hold people accountable.  You've got to tell the truth and you've got to hold people accountable.  That's the only way out of this.  

15:40. FITTS. Every quarter while Trump was president, we did a report card on Trump. It varied.  Great job of getting us out of Paris Climate Accord, getting us out of the W.H.O. to areas where he's doing a terrible job. On the financial coup, Ferrell gave him a . . . I was giving him F's, and Ferrell went down the alphabet giving him a Z.  Trump was a mixed bag.

16:20. FITTS. The president is not running things.  The president is not in charge.  What happened in November 1963?  The U.S. intelligence agencies, military establishment got together and killed the president.  And who controls the Secret Service?  It's the Secretary of the Treasury [today that's Janet Yellen] and the people who run the country.  So the Deep State controls the Secret Service, and there are guns pointing out and there are guns pointing in.  In a highly centralized system, the president has very little power.  Red Button story.  It says everybody in America wants their check.  And the way to get your check is to borrow more money and to print more money.  And so you've had a lit of popular support for the financial coup. And the reason is everybody wants their check.  Put the president in charge.  Hit the population with massive amounts of propaganda and disinformation.  Suddenly, they're screaming they want a vaccine. 

In 2020, the president rolled out the vaccine program that would kill and injure millions of American people.  So he has two reasons for doing it: he's either incompetent or he's breaking the law.  I know what I knew.  I know what I hold him responsible to know and I know what he did.  I know what I would have done: I would have taken a bullet in the head before I implement culling of the American population. 

19:12.  We're talking around in a box where there are no solutions, and we have to go where we can get power and implement real solutions.  In October 2019 when everybody in America was being entertained by the teenage sex life of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Cavanaugh, the House, the Senate, and the White House, Democrat, Republican, both sides of the aisle got together and approved Statement 56 of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, which said that they could keep secret books.  That was everybody.  Together.  So there is no right versus left.  There is no Trump versus Biden.  There is a machine, a spending machine, that is financed with our taxes, and debt borrowed in our name that is being sold into our pension funds and retirement accounts.  There is that machine, and that machine to keep balancing the books is implementing a depopulation plan.  That is the reality that has to be faced and changing the president won't matter.  Now, if you've got your head out of Washington, DC, and started to focus on your state legislators and local leaders, you could start to make progress protecting yourself against the machine.  If you want to make real progress against the machine, you've got to talk turkey about where your money is going, what it's doing, and who are local leaders in the state legislature who are going to support when this machine fails you which if it doesn't do it in 2023, it's going to do it in 2024.  So you better be ready.  You don't have any more time to worry about Trump or Biden.  

Monday, November 15, 2021

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.

western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well. 

This is not the first time in history that plague laws have been used to centralize control: control of transportation, control of labor, control of banking, and bank account.  Control of all the different kinds of capital that make up civilization. But the COVID laws are particularly draconian in the history of plague laws, because not only do they control labor, transportation, banking, but now with the advances in digital technology, we’re looking at complete control through the banking system through 100% of all assets ultimately.

So, what happens here?  So, for many, many years, most of us have grown up in a world in the western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people.  The central bankers control monetary policy, and the people vote for an electorate that controls fiscal policy.   Now what we’re watching with COVID laws all around the world is that central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup de grace, where they take control of fiscal policy as well.  And again with the advances in digital technology, vaccine passports will not be about health.  Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.  For many years, I have fought and written against central control of the financial system.  We’ve centralized more and more capital, more and more control.  And we’ve done it with tactics called “Divide and Conquer,” and we’ve all experienced many “Divide and Conquer” tactics: men against women, black against white, but now we have a new one: the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.  Because if you’re going to centralize every aspect of people’s lives, and literally strip them of their assets and property rights, you need a new, more venal “Divide and Conquer” and we can’t let that happen.