Saturday, July 22, 2023

If they admitted [that vaccines cause autism] they would lose their funding, their job, their license to practice medicine, their hospital privileges, their board certifications, etc


Finally, one of the most damaging pieces of evidence comes from James Lyons-Weiler who got a call from one of the top autism experts in the world (whose name I know but will not reveal to protect him). He told James that “We all know vaccines cause autism. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it.” He was referring to his fellow autism experts.

If they admitted this, they would lose their funding, their job, their license to practice medicine, their hospital privileges, their board certifications, etc.

That’s why I can’t get a debate and when I try to reach out to these experts they ghost me.

And that’s why there are never the before:after studies and why all there are so many studies are designed to not find a signal.


None are tested against a placebo.  Gardasil had a very small saline placebo arm, but for all the critical measures (Tables 5 and later), they either lumped in the placebo with the adjuvant control or they omitted the control group entirely in the table. See this tweet which got over 200K views

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