Showing posts with label Zelenskyy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zelenskyy. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Zelenskyy Is a British Asset

Play your favorite app to get the English translation of the Russian clip.  Richard Moore is head of MI6.


Give this a listen, "How Soros Became Voldemort.  Noor Bin Ladin Interviews Richard Poe."

SUMMARY: Everyone knows that criticizing George Soros can get you cancelled. In fearful whispers, we call him “Voldemort” or “He Who Cannot be Named.” Why is that? Who protects Soros? Is he really the “puppet master” pulling all the strings (as Glenn Beck famously charged)? Or is Soros just an illusion, like the Wizard of Oz? In my latest article, “How the British Invented George Soros,” I suggest that Soros is not so much a puppet master as a psyop. His real job appears to be acting as a decoy, providing cover for British regime change operations, loudly claiming credit for these operations in the media, even when his involvement is slight. The man chiefly responsible for creating the “Soros Psyop” appears to have been Lord William Rees-Mogg, former editor of The Times and former BBC vice chairman. Rees-Mogg used his influence to build up Soros’s media legend worldwide. Curiously, the same Lord Rees-Mogg also served as Chairman of Chris Ruddy’s Newsmax Media, Inc. during its formative years (2000-2006). In this podcast, I discuss with Noor Bin Ladin my 30-year journey reporting on Soros, from Moscow to New York to West Palm Beach. I explain why patriots need to study the original America First movement of 80 years ago, relearning and rediscovering why the America Firsters stood so strongly against British meddling in U.S. affairs. This podcast was taped on July 15, and livestreamed at 4:45 PM, July 18, 2021. — RICHARD POE