Showing posts with label Anemia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anemia. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

LYONS-WEILER: The scientist specifically notes that anemia was "off the charts" for vaccinated children in Thomas' practice.

"The people who stop vaccinating get healthier," Lyons-Weiler says.  "They stop having to go to the doctor."  

Anemia was one condition found in the vaccinated kids.

"We saw condition after condition after condition that the vaccinated kids' parents were bringing them to the doctor because they were sick with something like an ear infection...[and] the people who stopped vaccinating got healthier." In a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD series Financial Rebellion, CEO, scientist, author, and human rights advocate James Lyons-Weiler (@lifebiomedguru) describes for Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report (@solari_the), Carolyn Betts, and Polly Tommey how he conducted a study analyzing data on "vaccinated" versus "unvaccinated" children and found that the latter cohort had far less disease than the former one.

Lyons-Weiler, who performed the study using data from retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas' practice, found, for example, that there were zero instances of ADHD among unvaccinated children, while incidence among vaccinated children was half the national average.

Interestingly, it was Thomas' medical board that requested the pediatrician show that his unvaccinated patients weren't less healthy than his vaccinated ones.

"We saw condition after condition after condition that the vaccinated kids' parents were bringing them to the doctor because they were sick with something like an ear infection," Lyons-Weiler says. He adds, "Moms know all about this."

The scientist specifically notes that anemia was "off the charts" for vaccinated children in Thomas' practice.

Even children who were being vaccinated, but then stopped receiving vaccines required fewer wellness visits (i.e., they were healthier) versus vaccinated children.

"The people who stop vaccinating get healthier," Lyons-Weiler says. "They stop having to go to the doctor."

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


SYMPTOMS OF IRON DEFICIENCY [Thanks to G. Edward Griffin for the video.]

The common symptoms of iron deficiency which are easy to detect at home include: 
1) Fatigue (more than normal) 
2) Pale skin (note you might have naturally pale skin) 
3) Very pale pink or whitish-grey gums 
4) Dry, itchy skin 
5) Headaches and concentration loss (low oxygen supply to the brain) 
6) Restless Leg Syndrome 
7) Parallel, longitudinal ridges in thumbnails with a “dished” center 
8) Brittle fingernails (they break and crack easily) While no one of these symptoms alone is enough to diagnose an iron deficiency (except perhaps Point 7) the more of these you have, the more likely you are iron deficient. It’s important to ask your doctor for a blood test if you want to be sure.