Wednesday, September 18, 2024

SOLZHENITSYN: Should one point out that from ancient times declining courage has been considered the beginning of the end?

Owen Benjamin on societal collapse echoes Solzhenitsyn on the destruction of communism. 

1) Socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death. 

2) Should one point out that from ancient times declining courage has been considered the beginning of the end? 

3) A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. 

4) Even biology knows that habitual, extreme safety and well-being are not advantageous for a living organism. Today, well-being in the life of Western society has begun to reveal its pernicious mask. 

5) The defense of individual rights has reached such extremes as to make society as a whole defenseless against certain individuals.

6) Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press. 

7) I have received letters in America from highly intelligent persons, maybe a teacher in a faraway small college who could do much for the renewal and salvation of his country, but his country cannot hear him because the media are not interested in him. 

8) But should someone ask me whether I would indicate the West such as it is today as a model to my country, frankly I would have to answer negatively. No, I could not recommend your society in its present state as an ideal for the transformation of ours. 

9) A fact which cannot be disputed is the weakening of human beings in the West while in the East they are becoming firmer and stronger. 

10) There are meaningful warnings which history gives a threatened or perishing society. Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen. 

11) Only moral criteria can help the West against communism's well planned world strategy. There are no other criteria. 

12) In spite of the abundance of information, or maybe because of it, the West has difficulties in understanding reality such as it is.

13) And yet -- no weapons, no matter how powerful, can help the West until it overcomes its loss of willpower. In a state of psychological weakness, weapons become a burden for the capitulating side.

14) In the American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted because man is God's creature. That is, freedom was given to the individual conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility. 

15) All the glorified technological achievements of Progress, including the conquest of outer space, do not redeem the 20th century's moral poverty which no one could imagine even as late as in the 19th Century. 

16) Not by coincidence all of communism's meaningless pledges and oaths are about Man, with a capital M, and his earthly happiness. At first glance it seems an ugly parallel: common traits in the thinking and way of life of today's West and today's East.  

17) Liberalism was inevitably displaced by radicalism; radicalism had to surrender to socialism; and socialism could never resist communism.

18) In our Eastern countries, communism has suffered a complete ideological defeat; it is zero and less than zero. But Western intellectuals still look at it with interest and with empathy. 

19) Even if we are spared destruction by war, our lives will have to change if we want to save life from self-destruction.

20) If the world has not come to its end, it has approached a major turn in history, equal in importance to the turn from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. 

Excellent interview of Graeme MacQueen by James Corbett covering Graeme’s book on the October 2001 anthrax attacks

Wow.  Ryan provides Graeme MacQueen's book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, here at The International Center for 9/11 Justice

23:00. We often think of September 2001 as a crucial time.  I t was.  That's when the 9/11 attacks happened.  But October 2001 in a way is just as important.  That's when the bombing in Afghanistan begins.  That's when very overt preparation begins for attacking Iraq.  That's when the PATRIOT Act is passed.  That's when the NSA as we know now begins mass spying on US citizens. That's when the anthrax attacks happen.  So as you said earlier, it's not just a matter of September, these events were drawn out over the fall.  That's the leading hypothesis up until the PATRIOT Act that was signed into law on the 26th of October. And George Bush when he gives his little speech justifying the PATRIOT Act on that day, he refers to 9/11 and he refers to the anthrax attack and his speech assumes that they were done by the same group or at least related group with extremists.  But rapidly after the Patriot Act is passed the narrative begins to crumble and one of the reasons it begins to crumble is because of hard science on those who look at the spores it seems clear that some of the people who examined the anthrax spores had not been fully brought into this fraud.  They're saying, you know, I'm sorry but this looks like an American product.  This looks like it comes from our own domestic programs, not just American but from US military and intelligence, and that really quite rapidly becomes accepted for very specific reasons.  By the end of the year, by the end of December 2001, all the frauds meant to frame Al-Qaeda and Iraq have crumbled.  There is a group that continues to kind of revive those theories from time to time over the next year but the main consensus, and that includes the FBI, it includes Homeland Security, it includes the White House, is that somehow this has come from within our own biological weapons program, and at that point the FBI goes into damage control mode and tries to create these narratives of a lone nut somehow and eccentric, dangerous, possibly mentally unbalanced individual in our system had done these attacks.  And if that's true, of course, it tells us really nothing. 

27:35  Apparently there was a 2005 civil case filed by the family of Robert Stevens, 62, died on October 5, 2001, the first victim of the anthrax attacks, and that case actually provoked the Department of Justice to issue a summary for a motion of judgment, wanting to dismiss the case.  

[A summary judgment is when a civil court rules in favor of one party over the other without a full trial.  When a party files for a summary judgment, they are then referred to as the "Moving Party."  Two requirements: first, the parties to the lawsuit have to agree to the material facts, the facts that are important to the legal decision.  Second, the law must say these undisputed facts entitle the "Moving Party" to a judgment.  The evidence must be admissible.  The judge can only look at what is allowed by the evidence code.  Your testimony and that of a key witness are down on paper.  The witness has to sign the evidence on paper in front of a notary, called an affidavit.  Both you and your opponent can bring affidavits.  Written arguments are called Memorandum.] 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ABBY JOHNSON: wasn't prepared for what happened with her at-home abortion by pill

I talked yesterday about the Emergency Room visits and how they had four cohorts of people in this study, and when they looked at serious Emergency Room visits and how they had increased over 11 years.  Serious Emergency visits increased for everybody.  Unfortunately, that's a tale about what is happening to us as a society with our food and drugs; that's really coming from the FDA, that's a war against our health.  But Emergency Room visits went up. It went up like 20% for women who had babies.  For women who were not even pregnant, it went up 100%. 

And it went up 400% + for women who had surgical abortions, four times as much.

And then it went up over 4,000% for women who had abortions with a pill.  It's a very dangerous thing.  They're now allowing women to take this abortion pill without seeing a physician.  And the other side of this is that when the women have abortions, they see the baby that comes out, and that was the experience of this woman.  She went to social media, she showed two photos of her 10-week-old deceased baby.  20 minutes ago she said, 

I had a medical abortion at home by the pill, and it was the most painful thing that I have ever gone through.

You know, Abby Johnson, who was head of the Planned Parenthood murder joint in Houston, Texas, she had, she's now a big opponent of it, but she had when she was still working there, she had . . . they casually gave her an abortion pill and she took it.  Took it with her and went home with it.  She said she thought she was going to die.  There was nobody there to help her.  She'd not been warned about how bad it was but she talked at length about that.  But she said,

the most painful thing that she's ever gone through, and I'm so sorry "Little Bean," she called the baby "Bean."  "Bean" was moving its legs and heart, and his heart was still beating when he came out in one push. 

 She said, 

first, my water broke, then another push later, the baby came out quite quickly along with big clots.  I immediately felt relief so I grabbed a glove and finished in the toilet, and the baby was in there.  As soon as I pulled the baby out, the legs were moving and I could feel the heartbeat in my hand.  The heartbeat slowly faded and stopped moving.  

She watched the baby die in her hand.  

So she said, 

the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced.  I feel like I wasn't given all the information I needed going into it.  I was told it would feel like a period, but my experience was much worse.  Definitely the most pain I've ever felt in my whole life, and I wished that I'd had been prepared for it.

See, they lie to women, and they don't even do an exam to tell them if the baby is too big, if it's going to cause complications, or whatever.  

She also said, 

I literally gave birth and nobody told me that it would be like that.  The contractions were so intense it was unbearable.  About 15 minutes before it was out, I started telling my partner to call someone because I couldn't handle it anymore.  

Abby Johnson was by herself.  People she worked with, Planned Parenthood, "Ah, no big deal.  Here, take a pill."  

I was not informed that the fetus would be whole, so I was quite shocked when it came out.  I don't think I was prepared well enough for the entire experience.  I feel like they sugar-coated all of it to make it seem easy, but it was one of the hardest things I'd ever been through.

The common man.  They created Common Core to dumb down our children.  They created a common pass to track and control us.  Their Commons Project to make sure that commoners own nothing in a communist future.  They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, and ordinary, but each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God.  That is what we have in common.  That is what they want to take away.  Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, and intimidation.  They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us.  It's time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. 


Larry Cook writes, 

Do you know why the hospital isn’t treating her? Because hospitals don’t acknowledge vaccine injury; therefore, 1) They have zero clue how to treat it, and 2) Treating it would be an admission of guilt.

Let’s hope the family wins a multimillion-dollar lawsuit! 

Eva Vlaardingerbroek “If we don't start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the time in which Western nations no longer

MIKE ADAMS: Many people have been killed, including some children. If the tech exists to do this in Lebanon, this same tech exists to do this in the USA.

from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, 

This is a huge deal, folks. Israel's intelligence services remotely detonated 1000+ comms devices in the hands of Hezbollah members in Lebanon. Reportedly pagers but some reports also say cell phones. They were REMOTELY triggered to overheat and detonate their batteries. Many people have been killed, including some children. Many fingers and hands blown off. If the tech exists to do this in Lebanon, this same tech exists to do this in the USA. Your mobile phone is a remote-controlled bomb, and intelligence services can detonate it at will. Let that sink in. 

I don't know.  Luke Rudkowski got news from Sky News Arabia that Mossad planted PETN, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, on the pager batteries.  

EAT THE SUN: My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off.

My father is 75 years old. We both began eating low carb about 7 yrs ago. Both of us lost nearly 18% of our total body fat in the first year and we have kept it off. My pops still: - mows his own yard - laid his own paver wall for his landscaping beds. - rides his bike to the grocery store - runs around with the grandkids - launches his boat by himself - does moderate exercise a few days per week. - he is on zero medications. Up until 68yrs old, he struggled with anxiety. He was tired a lot and always felt like he was sick from “something”. Now, he’s flourishing. His only regret was not finding out about low carb lifestyle sooner.

This is 75! 

UPDATE: Sky News Arabia reports that Mossad allegedly planted PETN on the pager batteries, detonating them by increasing the temperature

HOW DID MOSSAD SIMULTANEOUSLY BLOW UP 4,000 HEZBOLLAH PAGERS? The pagers were imported five months ago and contained up to 20 grams of explosives. Sky News Arabia reports that Mossad allegedly planted PETN, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, on the pager batteries, detonating them by increasing the temperature.


IGOR is the name of the cheese, which is a milder Provolone.  In fact, Whole Foods describes it as a "Mini Provolone Dolce," a sweet little provolone.  It was good.  No complaints.  This cheese was a product of Italy.  That good or bad?  Depends on the manufacturer, but I've heard propaganda that the quality of produce in Italy is excellent.  My one and only abiding concern about any cheese is the rennet, whether its made of a vegetarian Merck product or animal based from the farm.  Fewer than 5% of cheeses will ever identify as animal rennet.  Does that assume that the rennet is vegetable based?  Probably.  The cheese was $18.99/lb. I paid $6.46 for it so I got a 1/3lb. 

Well, I ordered this meatloaf thinking it was made of beef.  It was made of turkey.  I just didn't catch it.   It looked like the traditional beef meatloaf.  The price wasn't listed so I was arguing with a recently immigrated middle-aged woman from God knows where who had no sense of customer service.  She barely had a sense of her own incompetence.  She said she didn't know the price.  I asked don't you have a list of prices?  Looking at me knowingly, she said she'd have to weigh it to find out what the price was.  I said no.  I said what's the price per pound? She said she didn't know.  I said don't you have a list of prices on the items in your display case?  And then she finally understood.  The work an older man has to do nowadays just to get a lunch.  So she looks for it.  She finds it.  She quotes me a price.  $11.99/lb.  I ordered half a pound.  She was afraid she was going to have to cut the displayed slices to accommodate my 1/2 lb request.  Turns out that each slice is approximately a half pound.  She didn't know that.  Then I see the tag.  A tag is generated and attached only to completed orders.  So I got 0.51 lbs for a price of $6.11.  But I didn't get beef.  When did Whole Foods start selling turkey meatloaf?  Who eats turkey meatloaf?  It has wheat in it, and I got a mild allergic reaction; that combined with the sugar probably caused that reaction.  It is like a parlor trick nowadays ordering food.  You're looking for the dangerous seed oil, only to be delighted by their absence only to realize you're still going to get sick from the sugar and grains.  It's fun.  : - /

The one good find I saw here at Whole Foods was their rotisserie chickens.  The price of their chickens is $8.99 for a whole chicken.  The ingredients list was simple--chicken, seasoning, and one other item.  No word of Canola Oil anywhere.  But I can't tell that if that's a good sign or a deliberate, marketing omission to skirt around the popular concerns about seed oils.  King Soopers 8-piece baked [but loaded with a lot of unhealthy seasoning, including Canola Oil] costs $9.99.  So Whole Foods is $1 cheaper.  
How does a store that specializes in organic foods be this bad? This store has a 3-star review on Yelp.  Not good.  Not good for a high-end grocery store.  

POLLY ST GEORGE: Ditch your smartphone / exploding pager device

ARMSTRONG: the model forecasts that Trump should win. I do not see how the Neocons would allow a Trump victory to occur

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.
"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”  --Martin Armstrong

In fact, from the outset, [the Neocons] directed American foreign policy to sanction even Western companies that made pipe for all of the Russian pipelines to Europe since 1960. This has been going on for 72 years. The origin of the Neocons was actually inside the Democratic Party. They wanted the totalitarian power that Marxism created, but they were not fond of the economic equality positions. Thus they became the “conservatives” inside the Democratic Party – not the Republicans. Yet ever since, they have gathered Republicans to support their causes as well and that is typically waging war and their main goal is always Regime Change. Today, they have become an unelected silent third party that infiltrates the current administration to gain their objectives.



COMMENT: Well, based on the last 2 screenshots you posted of you asking Socrates about what if Kamala wins and then this one, it appears that even though Socrates projects a Trump / Republican win in 2024, THEY will not allow that due to what Socrates says in both posts . . . a Dow high in 2024 and a 2-year decline + a 20% – 44% decline in the DOW if Harris “wins.”
Oh crap!  Chaz

REPLY: I have always sought to differentiate my personal opinion from that of the computer. I have shown the model forecast that 4 out of 6 show that Trump should win. I have expressed my opinion that I do not see how the Neocons would allow Trump to occur. I was in a meeting in Berlin in May after the WEC in London. I stated there that I personally believed that they would try to assassinate Trump. They thought I was a little out there on that one. I explained that was my opinion because the computer overwhelmingly points to a Republican victory. The 2020 projection was 50/50 so I reported it would be a tight race.

I have said historically that the LEFT is always the most violent because the foundation of what they preach is that they are the victims of the rich. Vance actually made this point.

"The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months,” Vance said. “And two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months.”

He added, “I’d say that’s pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric and needs to cut this crap out. Somebody’s gonna get hurt by it, and it’s gonna destroy this country.”

Look, I just know these Neocons. They will keep trying to start World War III and/or kill Trump. There is way too much at stake for them here. I think you are going to read in the future that this was a major black-ops conspiracy. They have spent their whole lives hating Russians. I cannot see them quietly fading into the sunset. Let’s see. If they kill Trump or start World War III before January, then he wins, but they have trapped his agenda into war.

PAUL SALADINO: McDonald’s salt contains 3 ingredients!? 😳

The salt on McDonald's French Fries has three ingredients:  1) Salt, or sodium chloride, 2) Sugar in the form of Dextrose, and 3) Silico Aluminate, an aluminum salt (Aluminum in your French Fries?  Okay, that's war) that's been linked to all sorts of neurological harms in humans, including neurodegenerative issues, dementia, like Alzheimer's Disease.  That's what's in your salted McDonald's.  Not just sodium chloride, salt, sugar, and aluminum salts?  Tread intelligently.

ARMSTRONG: This is a continuation of a coup, which is getting serious.

This is  NOT a Democrat vs Republican election. This is Neocons vs American People.  --Martin Armstrong

I have warned that there is WAY TOO MUCH ON THE TABLE here if Trump wins. That will terminate the agenda of the Neocons and their dream of conquering Russia, which has been their lifelong dream. I believe that they were psychologically damaged when we were told in the ’50s to hide under our desks because of a possible Russian nuclear attack. They appear to have been mentally impacted living in fear of Russia.

I did a report on the Rise of the Neocons and their rise to power. These people have seized control of our Foreign Policy and are driving the world into World War III. I know some of these people and have looked them straight in the eye. The Neocon movement was began by Irving Kristol whose son Bill Kristol even spoke at one of our conferences.

I confess, originally, that I believed that the Neocons were about economics. I even helped Bill Kristol launch his magazine, taking the back cover for months. I was probably the first to advertise full-page advertisements in the Weekly Standard. They were economic-oriented advertisements – not geopolitical. Bill Kristol managed to convince Rupert Murdoch to fund the Weekly Standard. As The New Yorker wrote, 
“For twenty-three years, it was the most influential, and often the most interesting, publication of the American right, championing a less dreary and more adventurous conservatism, one that insisted that Washington was the center of human events.”

In 2009, Murdoch sold the Weekly Standard, 1995-2018, to Philip Anschutz, a Republican billionaire who made his fortune in oil and railroads. The match was not made in heaven. What killed Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard as it collapsed after 23 years was his own Neocon philosophy that attacked Trump because he was against war and did not share Kristol’s grand redesign of the world order. Kristol turned his magazine outright against Trump in 2016 because Trump was anti-war and Hillary was a Neocon. Kristol used his magazine to try to stop Trump because he was anti-war. He killed his magazine over this issue.

These people switch parties to whoever will wage war. Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala. Then you have all the Neocons coming out to claim they are Republicans for Kamala


We are in the midst of a continuation of the same coup I wrote about in how they really stole the 2020 election – using the January 6th event to impose EMERGENCY RULES to shut down any challenges. And if that did not work, Pelosi also imposed COVID RULES that no more than 53 people could be on the floor at one time when if a state’s vote was challenged it was to be debated before the FULL Congress.

I also reported that sources had said that a VIRUS WAS COMING two months before anyone heard of such an event. These things have all been well planned, and it has been over the desire to conquer Russia.

Hillary blamed Putin, and we had hundreds of millions spent on nothing. [Why] did they paint Trump as Putin’s puppet? Because they wanted to wage war against Russia, and Trump did not. So, they did not want anyone talking to Putin. They claimed no war was because Trump was Putin’s puppet.

I reported on the private blog that “My RELIABLE  sources in December [2019] began saying that “a virus is coming” and Gates began selling off stock in other companies.” If you look at the portfolios, you will see even the WEF began dumping shares before anyone heard of COVID.

The rumors circulating are that those in the Deep State have been leaking info about Trump, and we already know that they do not want Trump in office. This would-be assassin was from out of state. Yet, he somehow knew Trump’s schedule and found a gun in Florida conveniently to carry out the act. This is a continuation of a coup, which is getting serious. Routh’s connection to Ukraine is troubling for it shows he was pro-war and reportedly said that, “We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians.”

I fear Socrates will be correct, and this 2024 election will be the last. This is NOT a Democrat vs Republican election. This is Neocons vs American People.

Sheriff Snyder said, “How does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States, is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?” He’s asking the same question the rest of us are! Can the FBI/NSA/Homeland Security be trusted? Watch Green Zone if you have not.

Andreas Viestad visits Stavanger, the culinary and cultural capital of Norway. fire. Season 6 Episode 11

Host Andreas Viestad visits Stavanger, the culinary and cultural capital of Norway. Against this exciting backdrop, Andreas cooks delicious fish and seafood dishes and a spectacular dessert prepared over an open fire. Season 6 Episode 11

HEALTH RANGER: People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people

Health Ranger writes, 

Every person should learn from this video. People who claim they are "with the FBI" are not sworn FBI agents. They are contractors hired to try to frighten people. This is a classic sign of a tyrannical regime that's out of control and attempting to suppress free speech by intimidating innocent Americans. The FBI has become a den of thieves and a whorehouse against justice. 

Yeah, when the officer on the right gestured with his badge on his belt, that's not showing ID or showing proof that he's a sworn agent.  A picture, badge number, employee number, city where office is located, and still I'd want to see some card-carrying ID like a driver's license.  Sorry, in a low-trust world, or a low-trust environment, I don't talk to too many people declaring that they are "officials" of anything.  

LATYPOVA: I refused my picture taken at airport boarding International flights and they didn't push it. Everyone should refuse this.

Has Russia stationed its nuclear subs around Britain and the USA? Yes.

If the Russian Neocons remove Putin, then our Neocons will get their wish – World War III. The question is, will they survive? They could take out London and Washington in a matter of minutes.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

QUESTION: Has Russia stationed its nuclear subs around Britain and the USA?  DF

ANSWER: Yes. In response to handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, on September 12th, Russia deployed its Project 885 “Yasen” Class subs with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles. As I have said, I have met with members of Congress and they said the risk of war was with China – not Russia. I have explained that they are being pointed in the opposite direction so the Neocons have free reign.

I do not think that the press is telling the full story here and how the West is pushing Russia to war. Putin has been the ONLY adult in the room. He has been patient. I fear that our model on Russian Revolutions will turn in October. If the Russian Neocons remove Putin, then our Neocons will get their wish – World War III. The question is, will they survive? They could take out London and Washington in a matter of minutes.

Will our Politicians Ever Wake Up? Who does this war benefit? They Never Tell the Truth.

Doctors are prescribing and pharmacists are filling prescription for Flouroquinolones that come with 7 FDA Black Box Warning Labels. Not all doctors deserve the name Jack, a la Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Antibiotics actually attack the body, not just the germs, says a new study from the Gold Report. I know it from personal experience, now, unfortunately because of my son.  As I looked up the way that things work, it's classic.  It's the same model that they use for chemotherapy.  "Well, we're going to poison you with chemo but don't worry.  It's going to kill the cancer before it kills you."  Well not in the case of my father it didn't.  Not in the case of a lot of people.  And these same things that killed tumors, these same things that are set up to kill bacteria will also destroy your body to one degree or another.  You may or may not notice it.  It may have a huge effect just as we're seeing with the vaccines.  There are genetic differences between different people, so these things are going to operate at that level and that's exactly what these very dangerous antibiotics that just harmed my other son do what they do.  That's what they do, these Floxins, these fluorochloroquine, and there's a whole bunch of them.  They all end in some kind of --floxin suffix, levofloxacin, Cipro, things like that.  What they do is they attack and destroy the bacteria by attacking its DNA.  And guess what?  For a lot of people, they attack people's DNA as well.  So whatever happened to this "First, do no harm" ethic?  They don't care about that.  It's "First, get rich," then "We don't care."  

If the patient dies, meh, we killed the disease.  Operation was successful, but the patient died.  We don't care.  

Results from a new study may revolutionize the way in which we view antibiotics.  It may provide hope for millions of sufferers from inflammatory bowel disease, a condition which is believed to affect as many as 1% of the world's population.  In this particular case for irritable bowel disease, antibiotics have become ubiquitous when you have these poorly trained doctors who know nothing and they get out their little char and say,

Okay, what are the symptoms oh well that's the disease and here's the pill. 

And they didn't do the research before they put it [or prescribed it] out.  They don't do the research afterward.  They don't care.  They don't care.  They get paid. 

Even those who avoid them are often exposed to antibiotics in a variety of ways regardless.  They're passed through in the water supply.  They're passed through our food supply because they are giving antibiotics to the animals.  Until recently, it was believed that antibiotics only affected bacteria indirectly causing an imbalance in the body.  This new study has revealed that antibiotics can also have a direct and damaging impact on the body's own cells. 

And again they've known this for over 30 years about the Floxins. What they're finding out with this antibiotic that is for irritable bowel disease, they find out that it's not the bacteria that is doing the most harm, it is the actual drug.  The drug is attacking the mucus lining of the bowel.  And so if somebody's got a condition where they've got a bacteria that's causing this irritable bowel syndrome and they give them these antibiotics, the antibiotics then attack the bowel, and they are far worse off than they were before.  

Direct damage to the mucus barrier could explain why these measures don't help many.  They make things worse.  The research team investigated this hypothesis by transferring the microbiota the, microbes in the intestine, they transferred them to other mice, it didn't have that issue.  They said to our surprise with the antibiotics if we transfer those microbiota to the germ-free mice, they didn't get sick.  This implies that perhaps the antibiotic might be affecting the mouse directly.

And then they did research and then they said, yeah, it is.

Two of the antibiotics studied, just so that you know, neomycin and Vancomycin induced what is called endo plasmic reticulum, ER, stress response in the colon.  We found that mice treated systematically with Vancomycin lacked a clear mucus in most areas of the colonic epithelial circumference.  The testing demonstrated that the deleterious effect of the of the Vancomycin on mucus secretion is independent of the microbes.

But it's correlated to the pharma drug, correlated to the antibiotic.

The finding shatters the paradigm that antibiotics harm only bacteria and not our own cells.

So you have a week to cure your infection and only minutes to mess up your gut.  And so this article ends with the benefits the risks and the Blasphemous conclusions because it is religion.  

The study concluded that more research is needed to conclusively show that antibiotics play a causitive role in the development of IBD, and, if so, how, with the researchers noting that this question will be hard to answer. 

Look we kind of know what's going on.  Is it only the mRNA?  Is it only the childhood vaccines? Things like that.  You know, as I said, as I told you about one set of antibiotics, and then there is the fluoride family, Cipro, levofloxacin.  They've known about these things for decades, by the way. The FDA has not gone through seven Black Box labeled for the Floxins, and I'm telling you about this because I want you to know that it's not just the vaccines.  It's the antibiotics.  It's the statins.  It's the rest of the stuff.  It's the junk food, Pop-Tarts.  When you're told to don't have the cherries or the cranberries because they have a little bit of sugar on them.  How much sugar does a Pop-Tart have compared to the cherries?  Several hundred thousand people have had their lives destroyed with this stuff. They've had seven Black Box labels that they've put on to assuage people.  "Getting angry?  Well, we'll put a black box warning label on it and we'll keep selling it because the FDA's purpose is to let the companies know that they're free to do anything, Free to Do Anything.  That's what it's all about.  I had a friend of our family in Florida whose wife was killed by a drug that was approved by the FDA.  They put it out.  People were dying.  So they stopped it.  Then there was lobbying from the pharmaceutical company.  They started it again.  His wife got the drug.  She died.  Because the FDA is there to make sure you're free to do anything, and if they have approved it, it's safe.  It's just that simple, right?  We don't care.  nobody has any responsibility.  

Hey, I'm just a doctor.  I'm just looking up the stuff on a chart that was handed to me by the pharmaceutical companies, and this is the approved protocol.  So I'm just going to approve this drug for you, . . .

and so that's what they've done with the Floxins.  And like I said, seven Black Box warning labels but nothing at all was made clear by either the doctor or the pharmacist.  And my son, when he got it for a urinary tract infection, and this gives you an idea what this does to somebody's life.  I want you to see what the FDA approves, what they allowed to continue to happen to people like my family.

Yep, that's me.  [CIPRO]  [FLUXED]  You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

This Norwood woman's tiktok has been seen all over the world she warns three pills of a popular antibiotic left her with a crippling condition so 27 investigates why this medication is still being prescribed 16 years after the FDA began warning about it.  This is a rare but devastating condition . . .

Rare my ass.

Talia Smith had a full-time job and a daily exercise routine.  She was go, go, go until it stopped.
"It was like a bomb went off in my body literally.
In April of 2021, Talia was prescribed Cipro for a urinary tract infection.  She says she questioned the doctor, "Does she really need an antibiotic that strong? Is there anything I need to be aware of? And he actually told me no, there's nothing you need to be aware of."  
Three days later, Talia said she ended up in the Emergency Room.  She describes a pain in her body like an electrical shock.  She couldn't eat. She couldn't walk.  And then the doctor said, "Were you taking Cipro? You know there's an FDA black box warning label on it.  Do you know what that is?
A Black Box warning label is the strongest warning that the FDA has; the label is restricted to medications that can lead to injury or death, according to the FDA Cipro, Levoquin, and other antibiotics known as fluoroquinones should be reserved for serious issues, like anthrax exposure or severe infection.  25 Investigates Analyzed Federal Prescribing Data.  More than 2 million people were prescribed these antibiotics in 2022, including more than 200,000 in Massachusetts.  
"It's an easy antibiotic to use, and as a result, it's overused."  
Dr. Shura Doron is Chief Infection Control Officer for Tuffs Medicine.  She says flouroquinolones can cause tendon ruptures, central nervous system, and heart damage, and there's no way to know in advance if someone might have an adverse reaction all of those things are relatively rare but with the massive amounts of fluoroquinolones being used in this country, we tend to to see a lot of those complications over time. 

Okay what happened to the rare occurrence assessment.  

In 2023, there were roughly 3,050 adverse reactions from Cipro alone, and that's just what's reported to the FDA.  
"I want to raise the alarm about this." Rachel Blummert says she was fluxed by Levoquin 17 years ago.  She's now a patient safety advocate, working for the FDA. Blummert wants to make it mandatory for prescribers to report when patients have negative side effects from fluoroquinolones.  
"The general population doesn't know the FDA has a seven Black Box warning label on flouroquinolone antibiotics.  That's a big deal.
Talia Smith has also become an advocate sharing her story online as she fights to get insurance to pay for floxing treatments.  Every move is a struggle and that struggle is for life.  
"This level of chronic illness it's not living at all.  You're just surviving day to day."
So here's what you need to know.  If you are prescribed an antibiotic or any medication don't hesitate to ask questions all the people we spoke with say those conversations need to happen there are about eight brand name floraquinolones and dozens of generics if the full name of the drug ends with flaxen there could be other options always check with your prescriber for 25 investigates I'm Ted Daniel. 

The FDA, pharmaceutical companies, commercial media news liars are like a criminal who has a whole chain of aliases.