Monday, September 30, 2024

TOM LUONGO: The desperation here is all on the part of the people who have the most to lose by Trump returning to power, and that would be Europe and the British.

9:09  No, this is a narrative that they're setting up here because they want to kill Trump but they want to blame somebody else for it, then, of course, they get the twofer with the ability to say well, Iran killed Trump, so we have to go to war against Iran.  The desperation here is all on the part of the people who have the most to lose by Trump returning to power, and that would be Europe and the British.  It's always the same people over and over again.  They need a war to cover the fact that they're defaulting.  They need to default.  They're going to default.  There's nothing they can do to stop it, even with Powell cutting interest rates by 50 basis points the other day, the markets had sold off in ways that they shouldn't have. 

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