Saturday, September 14, 2024

Unlocking Geopolitical Secrets: Financial Insights with Tom Luongo

34:25, LUONGO  We're in control of monetary in the United States, they're in control of political policy.  They need both in order to run their plan, and we're going to stop them for 5 years, and that should be long enough, 6 years and that should be long enough.  That's the way I see it strategically. 

34:52, MILETTE  Why would you raise interest rates after being at zero for 18 months in a row when you were at zero, we're at 5.5% right now?  It's good for the greenback.  I don't see how this is good for the country.

35:17, LUONGO  They're doing it for themselves, but they're also doing it.  At the end of the day, JP Morgan doesn't care where they invest in the pipeline.  They don't care if it's in the Donbas, they don't care if it's in Dubuque, Iowa.  If you listen to Jaime Dimond talk, he'd rather invest in Dubuque, Iowa. 

Mayor Giuliani shipped the debris from the demolished Twin Towers overseas to China.  Not even FEMA was allowed into the buildings.  

Friday, September 13, 2024

Will the cat meme prove the election victory for Trump?

The meme also indicts Ohio Governor, DeWhine, who has been accused, not charged, with running a Haitian child trafficking.  God, I am sick of hearing about these child trafficking rings.  It's never-ending.  And no movie by Mel Gibson or Caviezel.  Is a cat meme the only way to get people's attention about illegal immigration?

JAMES LINDSAY: COMMUNISM, a mental illness posing as a political program.

WEJOLYN: Something most people don’t understand about wheat- it’s not just the gluten/gliadin

DR. KEN D. BERRY: Skin Tags are the result of metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, because you're eating too many processed carbohydrates

Note that this video is 4 years old.

There's a diet that tens of thousands of people have used to shrink or completely reverse or remove their skin tags: and that is the low-carb, keto, carnivore, Banting, Atkins diets.  --Dr. Ken D. Berry

Skin tags are benign.  They're not dangerous at all.  Minor surgery removes skin tags, but removing the skin tags does not remove the syndrome responsible for the tags going on inside your body.
1.  Genetics.
2.  Viral component.
3.  Major culprits, especially if you have multiple skin tags, are metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes.  There is a direct association between the NUMBER of skin tags you have on your body, regardless of their location, and your risk of developing hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, and ultimately Type 2 Diabetes.  There's also a direct correlation between the number of skin tags you have and being obese.  But that's not because obesity causes skin tags.  That's because of metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and pre-diabetes.  That's what's causing your skin tags.  

And so you can go to a skin specialist or a family doctor and have them removed, 

2:50  You can keep the skin tags from ever developing and reverse the ones that you already have and make them smaller and smaller and make them evaporate.  It's better to fix the underlying problem, and that's the fact that you're eating too many carbohydrates and too many processed carbohydrates.  There's a diet that tens of thousands of people have used to shrink or completely reverse or remove their skin tags: and that is the low-carb, keto, carnivore, Banting, Atkins diets.  These diets all lower your blood sugar levels back to normal levels.  They lower your insulin levels back to normal levels, and that gets rid of the hyperinsulinemia, gets rid of the blood sugar spikes, and then your skin tags just start to dissolve on their own.  

furball8967 writes in the video notes, 
I’ve had skin tags for years, I started keto, eat 4 to 6 eggs a day, have salt instead of sugar in my coffee, eat bacon and cook that in butter, ever since I’ve changed my diet, I’ve gotten healthier. Here are the changes: 1. I no longer have plaque build up in my gums. 2. Skin tags around my neck, gone completely. 3. My leg veins have disappeared, this is a biggie for me. 4. Lost weight so much that my self esteem has jumped through the roof. 3 years and I’m younger now than I was 5 years ago! Edit July 2024: I’m still doing keto, it’s a way of life for me. Healthy as I’ve ever been. Had a medical checkup. Blood tests scans. My doctor examined me and his words.....”All blood good!” “All scan good”. “Whatever you are doing, keep doing”.

So there's that. 

CARNIVORE AURELIUS: we're told to avoid raw milk due to listeria, meanwhile almond, coconut, cashew and oat milks are being recalled for listeria right now

GREAT BRITAIN'S ANNE MARIE DOROTHY WATERS: "Ten years ago, I would have never said a word about race. that has changed because my race is under attack, and I'm fighting back. These are our countries. Europe belongs to us. You are a guest here!"

OWEN BENJAMIN: Powerful letter. The real battle is at home.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

POLES DON'T WANT WWIII: "Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don't want you here. We don't want Polish people paying and dying for your wars."

DR. SHAWN BAKER: Do seed oils lead to cellulite on the legs?

9/11 EXPLOSIONS. Peter Jennings, Call Your Office


HEALTHY MAMA: We need a culture that understands why parents w/young children may choose to reduce/stop work. We need to help single parents find babysitters in a family like setting.

TOM LUONGO: The debt issue can be easily solved. Gold just needs to be at a higher price

Got Cellulite? Then Go Carnivore!

AGE MATTERS: The younger a child is that receives the MMR childhood measles vaccine, the more likely the child will develop autism.

Age matters.  The younger a child is that receives the MMR childhood measles vaccine, the more likely the child will develop autism.  

A good reminder from BabyDoll92196 on the quality of any biologic product from government-contracted or private pharmaceutical.  What this means is that we can't expect a good or helpful or healthy product.  Grow your own food.


🤯 LIFE-CHANGING results from Natural Medicine! This woman had Kidney Disease w/Very reduced function (~40 eGFR) for a decade. In April she saw my post and started my protocol. Now, her eGFR has shot up to over NORMAL levels! (70) This is one of many reports of Amazing results from people who took exactly the same things. That chart doesn’t lie! (Unlike the National Kidney Foundation, which says it’s impossible to ever improve eGFR…) Kidney Disease (CKD) IS reversible. Let people know! -------
KIDNEY FUNCTION - what I would do: • Cordyceps - studies indicate 2-3 tsp per day of this could Dramatically help kidney function: • Silymarin - human trial used an amount equal to 4 of these caps, spread throughout day: • NMN - (best brand) 1 or 2 grams/day: • Nettle Seed - this is the exact product used in the human trial. 3x/day: • TMG - helps NMN work better. Take w/NMN, 500-1000mg: (Some of these are affiliate links that will automatically give you a 5-20% discount) ------- 

Check out the Amazing studies & case reports, in the next posts of this thread. 

CAITLIN LONG: 🚨STATES ARE WAKING UP to the authoritarian #debanking pressure (applied by Warrenite federal bank regulators) & realizing they have ways to fight back.

Kidney crisis in US causing greatest death and injury outside WWII.  The Connecticut memorandum series vol 1.  I'm going to review the document that was sent to officials of the state of Connecticut, that is the attorney general.  It was sent certified mail and a few other people in that department.  It was hand delivered to the attorney for the Department of Public Health Connecticut.  She took it in hand it was given to the governor's office through the mailroom by the official policy of the state capital of Connecticut he signed for it and stamped it and made sure that the governor would get it.

There is a cover letter. I will go through a little bit of that named recipients the document title and so forth and this mostly has to do with acute renal failure where that is in line with Hospital homicide.  So I recommend to them in the cover letter for the individually named people as officials of the state of Connecticut. I tell them to seek personal legal counsel if they give it to the state attorney the state attorney is then conflicted between representing the individual and representing the state.  As an attorney represents the state, they are supposed to be representing the people, like the people of Connecticut, the citizens.  Both the citizens are being harmed by the state officials that's a pretty big conflict.  I also say Notice that this knowledge that I am imparting upon them with the detailed factual information gleaned from official Connecticut State records.  That knowledge that I give them through this document razes, that's r a z e s, that means destroys, levels, the future defensive ignorance of fact.  So in the future if they say well "We didn't know that it was harming people.  Oh, we didn't know all these people were dying from acute renal failure and Pulmonary embolism, and thrombocytopenia.  We didn't know.  Well now we know."  

In the second, Volume II, it's even bigger because I say these people died from the vaccine hours, days, minutes, and I name the people.  So this notice razes, it destroys the ignorance of fact defense for the future.  I also tell them sovereign and qualified immunity do not apply to criminal acts.  Those are used to protect those are used to protect people that work for government from civil litigation. If they make a mistake in the course of doing their job they won't be personally sued because they have qualified immunity as a servant to the public in their official capacity.

There are no statues of limitations for most homicide crimes of which this is one.  If they don't act on information and believe that the public is in imminent danger of harm, then they are guilty, and that's the next one.  Legal duty to act.  They took the job.  It's like a lifeguard. He takes a job and then watches a kid drown.  Once you know, you must perform your legal duty for the safety of the public or else you'll be criminally liable.  It's all basically setting them up so that they have the knowledge and they're compelled to do their job.  All they have to do is do their job for the safety of the public.  That's what it's all about.  And inaction concurrent with a legal duty to act is a criminal act.  The named recipients are:

Ned Lamont, Governor of Connecticut 

Susan Bysiewicz, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut 

Erick Russell, Connecticut Treasurer 

Sean Scanlon Connecticut Comptroller 

William Tong, Attorney General 

Manisha Juthani, Commissioner Connecticut Department of Public Health

A. Orefice, Chief of Staff, Connecticut Department of Public Health

H. Salton, Special Counsel, Connecticut Department of Public Health

They were all copied on this and received it.  I actually have a Substack that I wrote and it has the return receipts.  It shows that these packages were signed for and they got them. 

Okay, the type of bill is MEMORANDUM NOTICE OF REQUIRED ACTION TO THWART HOSPITAL HOMICIDES  AND ACUTE RENAL FAILURE DEATHS that were occuring for the last three years three and a half.


I obtained the death records of Connecticut I submitted an application to do a study on the regional effects of temperature and humidity on heart disease that is the effects of climate change on heart disease.  They approved the study and gave me the records I ran it through my process.  I currently am engaged with somebody who is very very good at math.  I asked him to run discrete cosign transforms and discrete foyer transforms to determine the signal to noise ratio of the data streams that is how many people that died every day of a specific disease or all cause or covid or pneumonia to determine if it's highly seasonal or if it's sinusoidal that means if there's more people that die in the winter then in the summer

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Enders was trying to infect monkeys.  

Lies and Obstruction: Indefensible Air Defenses on 9/11, Kevin Ryan, September 8, 2024

Why were none of the 4 hijacked planes intercepted?  Understanding the answer to this question calls for understanding the different conflicting accounts given the organizations, the people, and the protocols that were in place to defend the skies over North America. 

Flights that were hijacked: Graphic that shows the flight paths of the 4 planes as given by the official accounts.  All four were set to take off around 8am on September 11, 2001.  The two planes that hit the World Trade Center were American Airlines Flight 11, and United Airlines, Flight 175, both with a Boeing 767 aircraft.  American 11 is the red line at the top here, United 175 is the dark red line below it. 


We're going to analyze the movie, Prestige, 2006, by my favorite filmmaker of all time and storyteller, Christopher Nolan.  Unbelievable how many layers there are in Prestige, and it's all about magic.  It's all about stagecraft.  It's all about consent.  So today, on 9/11, we're going to mix the willing suspension of disbelief, stagecraft, magic, and what real magic is, what true magic is.  What magic isn't truly disappointing.  

Act I, The Pledge; Act II, The Turn; Act III, The Prestige.

We'll take a look at David Copperfield when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear exactly 18 years before the Twin Towers demolition in April 1983.  Prestige, of course, is based around . . . no one is legit?  Beyond.  He's doing it on so many levels.  He's speaking to a behavior, a frequency of understanding, like the best in the business.  He speaks to the smart boys who see more layers to it.  And then he speaks to other craftsmen.  It's not going to be about how Tesla was really his assistant.  In the end, the whole movie does a magic trick on you, and I can prove it.  And it has to be honest, engineered meticulously for it to work, same with 9/11.  What a wonderful day, and my post office box was empty today.  Epic gravy this week.  On Monday, we examined Amadeus to love God, the gamma Salieri, and Mozart, and we took a deeper look at what and whom the threats were coming from and what genius actually means.  

It's Icarus.  It's Nimrod.  It's Lucifer.  It's the same story.

CARNIVORE AURELIUS: Why is nobody talking about how just 125 - 300mg of magnesium per meal reversed depression in just 7 DAYS? Magnesium deficiency causes neuronal damage that can manifest as depression and over 50% of people are deficient.

PAT BUCHANAN: you're going to see the west and its peoples shrink in world population. all of them will be predominantly folks from the third world. and the idea they're going to preserve western culture and civilization is really putting hope over experience

NY FIREMEN WHO DIED ON 9/11. This gets harder to watch in light of the enormity of the crime to conceal the crime and the criminals

I see lots of memes that say, "Never Forget" laid over the image of the Twin Towers along with Building 7.  But people have already forgotten, have already forgotten the details of the event.  Do you know who was killed that day in that attack?  Do you know who committed the attacks?  Do you know the extent of the crimes?  Do you know the extent of the cover-up?  No on all accounts, and in this way you're already forgetting.  Heck, the CIA loves to clever tags in the media for you to remember but to do nothing about it.  9/11.  Easy to remember.  Who can forget that?  Lee Harvey Oswald?  Again, that 3-named assassin, or patsy, who can for J F K or Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, or Martin Luther King?  Who can forget Sirhan, Sirhan?  Clever little phrases, numbers, and slogans to remember for a lifetime.  But what do you know about the details?  If it's nothing, then you've already begun to forget.  

Follow Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, and 

Architect Reveals Latest Bombshell 9/11 Revelations!

NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, was tasked by Congress to explain these collapses to the American people.  They said "Office fires brought the buildings down," so they re-engineered this controlled demolition to look in their report that came out 7 years after 9/11, they re-engineered it to make the demolition look like a collapse to the engineering community and the public.  People haven't asked many questions about it, because it's 1,000 pages long.  

RUDKOWSKI: Well, I did.  I asked Larry Silverstein a lot of very serious questions. Silverstein bought the buildings beforehand.  He got a very special insurance policy on it and then doubled his money after claiming it was two separate incidents that he should have gotten paid for.  He did get paid for it, and he's still running around.  He's one of the biggest landowners in all of New York City, one of the most powerful, richest people in the world and I've had like 5 conversations with him.  Every time it didn't really go swimmingly.  Silverstein is literally known for "pulling the building."  The BBC also reported the collapse before Building 7 came down  

RICHARD GAGE_911: This image only makes sense if . . . the World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings, or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down.

[RG911Team] Zoom into this hi-res photo from 9/11 and tell us what you see. This image only makes sense if: -The 110-story Twin Towers were made of toothpicks. -Every structural connection was held together by duct tape. -The NYC building code is so lax that a preschooler could get their design approved. -The World Trade Center engineers were high on LSD when they constructed the buildings. -Building developers are immune from liability for creating skyscrapers out of Jenga sets.

… or, explosives were used to completely demolish these steel-framed, fireproofed buildings from the top down. 

16:20  If you're in the educational system at all, you know there's an entire industry based on training and methods, and there's a large amount of money that goes into people developing whatever new, Kagan, whatever new disciplinary educational strategies are going to do everything.  And these things are always promised to fix the promise specifically, now, of course, the most important problem they can fix is the gap between minority students and other populations.  That's supposed to be the thing that they're always selling.  Over and over, these methods are failures, that actually the oldest methods, things like direct instruction, are actually the most effective method.

41:00  Richard de Juvenel's Sovereignty: An Inquiry into the Political Good, 1998.  

Leaders had to invoke a divine right because people had a problem understanding the authority without a connection to the metaphysical.  It just didn't make sense, and it still doesn't.  People still operate in our background, like we're still deeply religious and spiritual creatures.  No matter how you feel about that particular software program, it continues to run.  And so we end up in a scenario where people who go in and try to make highly rational decisions on a regular basis in politics lose, and they can't figure out why.  Political commentators need to spend more time at WalMart, 

MASSIE: Why do we never cut spending? It's because the Democrats want to grow the welfare state, and the Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex


What is a CR, a continuing resolution?

On an annual basis, Congress is responsible for providing funding for around 30% of all government functions, called discretionary spending. This funding is split up into 12 bills, which are typically due to be passed by both chambers by the start of each fiscal year on October 1, known as “regular appropriations.”

More often than not, though, Congress fails to complete all spending bills on time. A continuing resolution (CR) is a temporary “stop gap” by which Congress funds the federal government for a limited period to avoid a lapse in appropriations (more commonly referred to as a government shutdown). Lawmakers use CRs to ensure federal agencies continue operations until Congress and the President reach an agreement on how to appropriate federal funds for the rest of a fiscal year.

How does a continuing resolution work? What are the different types of CRs?

There are six main components of a CR that determine how federal agencies can operate when it is in effect:

  • Coverage: Which agencies, programs, projects, and activities are subject to the CR.
  • Duration: The timeframe over which the CR will fund those operations.
  • Rate of Operations (Funding Rate): The rate at which federal agencies can spend funds, usually expressed in annual terms (even if the CR covers less than a full year).
  • New Activities: CRs only cover initiatives funded in the previous fiscal year unless they are directed otherwise through provided legislation (a type of “anomaly”).
  • Anomalies: Legislative provisions that allow an agency’s current-year coverage and/or rate of operations to differ from the previous year’s levels, or allow for spending on specified items not ordinarily permitted during a CR.
  • Legislative Provisions: Additional legislative components that may be attached.

CRs can be enacted for part of a fiscal year (short-term CR) but can be extended or even enacted for the full year (full-year CR). CRs can also cover all or only select federal agencies, depending on the status of individual appropriations bills, and they can vary in their duration.

When Congress has passed full-year appropriations for some agencies and not others, the government is sometimes referred to as “partially funded.” When different CRs cover different agencies for different time periods, it is often called a “laddered” CR.

A “year-long” or “full-year” CR is when one or more federal agencies or programs are covered by a CR for the entire fiscal year. This has happened for all or some of the regular appropriations bills 15 times since 1977, three of which were in the 21st century: in FY2007, FY2011, and FY2013.

What’s the difference between a continuing resolution and a shutdown?

A CR is a legislative measure used by Congress to avert a government shutdown. A shutdown occurs when there is neither a full-year spending bill nor a CR in effect for a department or agency with expiring budget authority. For many parts of government, that expiration date occurs at least once annually at the end of the fiscal year. If a CR or a full-year deal is not in place when an agency’s budget authority expires, some federal agencies and programs agencies are required by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment and Control Act of 1974 to stop all programs or activities that are not critical to national security or the protection of lives or property.

How have continuing resolutions been used in the past?

CRs have become a regular tool for Congress, which repeatedly struggles to complete the annual appropriations process on time: Congress has enacted at least one CR in all but three of the past 47 fiscal years. From 2010 to 2022, policymakers passed 47 continuing resolutions ranging in duration from one to 176 days. From FY1998 to FY2023, an average of five CRs were enacted each fiscal year, though as many as 21 were implemented in one fiscal year (FY2001). In the 21st century, Congress has used CRs to provide funding for federal agencies for an average of five months each fiscal year, though lawmakers have also passed full-year CRs.

Why does Congress pass continuing resolutions?

Congress may pass a CR when it cannot reach political agreement on full-year funding, often due to divided party control in government. This includes failure to agree on any or all of the following:

  • The overall level of funding in the discretionary budget that Congress is required to pass annually (referred to as 302(a) allocations, named for the section of the 1974 Congressional Budget Act that governs the congressional budget process);
  • The subdivision of funding into the 12 appropriations bills, such as Defense, Agriculture, or Homeland Security (called 302(b) allocations); and
  • Policy provisions that are often included in appropriations bills and reflect non-budgetary priorities of the two parties, often referred to as policy “riders.”

Even when there is political agreement on some or all of the above, delays from the president, one chamber of Congress, or both chambers can prevent lawmakers from enacting full-year appropriations before October 1. For example, the House may not consider all of its appropriations bills by June 10 (required by law but without any penalty for lawmakers’ failure to act). These procedural delays can necessitate a CR even absent the political disputes outlined above.

What effects do continuing resolutions have on the federal government?

CRs can yield operational challenges and funding uncertainty for impacted agencies, including disruptions to financial planning, hiring staff, or beginning new projects and activities—demonstrating the difficulty of relying on CRs for federal budgeting. They can also place significant administrative burdens on federal agencies and waste taxpayer resources.

Many agencies’ programs may be limited or halted altogether under a CR. For instance:

  • The Department of Education cannot determine grant amounts for predominantly black institutions until Congress finalizes appropriations (whether full-year regular appropriations or a full-year CR), potentially causing delays in grant award notifications for these institutions.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services and its grantees can struggle to provide summer cooling assistance to households under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
  • Property managers working with the Department of Agriculture on its Section 521 program providing rental assistance to rural tenants can experience weeks-long payment delays during a CR.
  • The Department of Commerce can delay or cancel critical field testing of modernized surveying technology, which can have negative downstream impacts on the quality of household and economic survey data that Congress, other government agencies, and the business community depend on.

In addition to these effects, the rate of spending during a CR can create problems even after full-year spending is passed, especially if it comes late in the fiscal year. For example, if the spending level is cut in an agency’s final appropriation, but the agency had been operating at a higher, prior-year annualized rate under the CR, it may have to drastically adjust operations during the latter months of the fiscal year to avoid overspending. This can mean sharp decreases in services, activities, or even stopping ongoing projects. Conversely, if the appropriation is at a higher level than covered during the CR, the agency may be incentivized to accelerate spending in the final months of the fiscal year, which can lead to wasteful spending on unneeded goods or services.

Just as important, a CR leaves federal agencies stuck on the funding levels and policy directives of the prior year, even though public needs and program priorities change on a consistent basis. For example, federal agencies are stuck in early 2024 on spending laws that were put in place in December 2022, over a year prior.

What are the effects of a CR that lasts the whole year?

Before FY2024 appropriations were completed in March 2024, some lawmakers had discussed enacting a year-long CR. Other lawmakers in both parties, and some federal officials, have pointed to the numerous ways in which a year-long CR—while preferable to a government shutdown—could disrupt federal agencies and programs:

A CR leaves federal agencies and departments with limited flexibility to adapt to shifting program needs and requirements, forcing programs to operate as if the current budget year is largely the same as the last one, when no two budget years are the same

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The origins of the nanotechnology narrative. by Sasha Latypova

Repetitive messaging is the only technology ever needed for mind control. Seductive sci-fi narratives are a particularly insidious version of this "technology".

Read on Substack

Debbie Lehrman's comment was very good, 
Thank you Sasha for this excellent overview of what I would describe as a "mass psychosis" phenomenon, akin to the condition we witnessed during Covid, and for the same reason: fear of death. It's all the same, whether you believe you can insert "code" into human cells that will make them do something you want them to do without bad side effects, or nonsensical ideas about loading one's "mind" (how do they even define that?) to the "cloud," and the nanobot-5G-chemtrails-internet-of-bodies thing that I can never get anyone to actually explain to me (how does it work? what are the mechanisms? what is the science? no answer!). In my experience, a lot of it has to do with little to no education in/understanding of biology, chemistry, physics nor any exploration of philosophy, literature, religion, etc.  I also agree that it seems like the vehemence with which this nonsense is being promoted on both sides (globalists vs the rest of us) feels like a psy-op. But I do not discount the mass formation tendencies we witnessed during Covid.

John Miller of ABC News says that "America was not the target of the "Dancing Israelis

The photos and videos [of the five Israelis] celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Gov't and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel.  --KimDotCom
Greg Reese did a decent report on the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" 

James Corbett does a remarkable and thorough job.  Be your own investigator. 

Men with documented connections 

Ah, yes, John Miller of ABC News says that "America was not the target of the "Dancing Israelis," no.  Their target?  Muslims.  You should know better, American citizen.  And thanks to the stellar reporting of John Miller, we can all be deceived rest easy about who was the real target on the day of the 9/11 Twin Tower attack.  

The John Miller moment occurs at the 8:00 mark.  

KimDotCom asks, 
Israel knew about 9/11 in advance?  Before the planes hit the Twin Towers, Israeli spies were positioned to "document the event." 

And here's the kicker, 

The photos and videos celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Gov't and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel.  

Israel knew about 9/11 in advance? Before the planes hit the Twin Towers Israeli spies were positioned to “document the event”. The photos and videos celebrating the attack were destroyed by the US Govt and the five Israelis were deported back to Israel.

CASHLESS SOCIETY? With power and water cut off, residents were left scrambling to charge their phones, which held their only access to money.

"Do not fear not knowing," said Kathie, one of the Acars' leaders, at one of these hidden meetings. "Fear only the loss of your ability to question."

[1] I recently happened upon this Substack and then thought about Campbell... "So, they devised a plan—not to feed the people outright lies, but to flood them with so many conflicting stories, falsehoods, and half-truths that the very concept of truth itself would erode..."

"Do not fear not knowing," said Kathie, one of the Acars' leaders, at one of these hidden meetings. "Fear only the loss of your ability to question."


Owen's Amadeus [1984] commentary starts at 34:20.   

40:20, Salieri:  Do you know who I am? 

40:30, Priest:  That makes no difference.  All men are equal in God's eyes.

41:55, Benjamin.  Salieri plays his songs for the priest, but the priest doesn't recognize any of them because Salieri plays for the elite, not for working people.  

Benjamin concedes that he believes that everybody is equal in God's eyes, it's just that everybody has a different role.  Interesting.  

42:20, Benjamin.  Salieri is wildly more successful than Mozart.  Mozart died broke in a pauper's grave.  Mozart wasn't even allowed to do operas.  He was literally banned from theaters.  People don't like to admit stuff like this historically, but it's true.  While Salieri was selling out "stadiums," Salieri remembers his praise and the worship bestowed upon by elite audiences, but no one really cared about his work.   

43:35, Salieri.  I was the most famous composer in Europe.  I wrote 40 operas alone.  Salieri plays Mozart's melody, and the priest recognizes it immediately. 

44:35, Benjamin.  Mozart wrote operas about normal people, "Marriage of Figaro," [premiered, 1786] and "The Barber of Seville."  He wrote operas about the servants, not about the Greek Gods and nobility. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump put $18 billion dollars behind a mass atrocity program and facilitated a process that shut down 35% of American small businesses

if we support them, we're supporting genocide.  They will genocide us.  In fact, they have, or certainly Trump and Harris have.  They both market genocide.  They both support genocide.  Congress is supporting genocide.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

Bobby, Trump, and Harris who support genocide.

I don't know how you get past that.

You can't.  You can't get past genocide because if we support them we're supporting genocide.  They will genocide us.  In fact, they have, or certainly Trump and Harris have.  Harris is still requiring the COVID shots to work on her campaign.  So I can't get past that.

I can make a compelling argument as to why you should vote for Trump I really can.  There are very logical reasons to vote for Trump over Harris.  They both support genocide.  They both market genocide.  They both support genocide.

They both want digital IDs.  They both want the Biometric tracking system, like all these things.

But let's look at Congress. Congress is supporting genocide.

GLENN GREENWALD: The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.

NUTRITION DOC: Skin tags are not to be ignored. It's your body shouting it needs diet & lifestyle changes. Mostly, skin tags are a sign of underlying insulin resistance, characterized by high insulin resistance & impaired carbohydrate metabolism

AN and skin tags should be considered clinical markers of hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic, obese patients.  -- A. Plascencia Gómez, et al. 

The solution?  Fix the diet with carnivore.

The Chief Herbalist recommends the pencil plant to eliminate skin tags, comparing skin tags to warts.  If skin tags are the equivalent of warts, why not use Compound W on them?  Chief Herbalist doesn't provide any proof that the pencil plant is the remedy.  I would say that the insulin resistance theory best accords with their presence.  

The Nutrition Doc at least provides an argument, something to sink your exploratory teeth into in an article titled, "Skin Disorders in Overweight and Obese Patients and Their Relationship with Insulin," A.  Plascencia Gómez, M.E. Vega Memije, M. Torres Tamayo,  A.A. Rodríguez Carreón, Science Direct, March 2014.


In total, 109 patients (95 adults and 13 children, 83.5% female) were studied. The mean (SD) age was 38 (14) years and the mean body mass index was 39.6 ± 8 kg/m2. The skin conditions observed were acanthosis nigricans (AN) (in 97% of patients), skin tags (77%), keratosis pilaris (42%), and plantar hyperkeratosis (38%). Statistically significant associations were found between degree of obesity and AN (P = .003), skin tags (P = .001), and plantar hyperkeratosis. Number of skin tags, AN neck severity score, and AN distribution were significantly and independently associated with insulin levels.


AN and skin tags should be considered clinical markers of hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic, obese patients.