Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Back in the 90's, before big pharma had total control over the media- we had REAL discussions over vaccines and safety. Lisa Bonet was awake even before the information was easily accessible.

"You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby."

Michelle Gershman RN explains how her hospital went from 1-2 stillbirths per month to 20 per month after the 💉 rollout.  The hospital told her how to deal with the increase in infant deaths per month by writing an email to her and the staff, 

You need to brush up on your policies so that you know how to handle a dead baby.

Michelle is a nurse in Fresno, CA, and she's been interviewed about her practice as well as what happened to her mom in the hospital following a diagnosis of COVID-19.  Apparently, her mom was given Remdesivir.  

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly. The US government cannot do that. So what did they do? They turned it to Big Tech.

China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly.  The US government cannot do that.  The FED can't do it.  It would be an unconstitutional 4th Amendment, illegal search and seizure stuff like that.  The Constitution is negative, it's not positive.  So that's a restraint upon government.  So if you look at the 1st Amendment, it says "the government shall not pass any law," so what did they do?  They turned it to Big Tech.  You can do whatever you want.  Facebook can censor you.  YouTube can. You have no constitutional right to free speech.  That's a misnomer.  The government cannot take it away from you, but everybody else can.   --Martin Armstrong
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.


20:48.   Same thing happened in Tokyo in '89.  The yen was going up and all the capital was concentrating there, so then you get these sort of bubbles at that point.  And if you look at the three stock market indexes, the NASDAQ, the S&P 500, and the Dow, the NASDAQ is more retail; the S&P tends to be more domestic institutional type stuff, and the Dow is more of the showcase for the international.  Like we said before, when the Japanese came what did they buy?  They bought Rockefeller Center.  They don't go down and buy Mom and Pop houses for $200,000.  They buy the trophies.  When the Dow is leading that's showing you the big foreign money is still coming in.  And we've got these neocons parading war on every front possible from Asia to the Middle East to Europe.  I've had clients in Tokyo who have woken up and when you've got Korea shooting missiles off over testing they've come to the conclusion that they better have some money in the United States.  So you're seeing some real estate still rising in selected areas.  The stock market making new highs I think you're going to see a high here in January and then back off for at least a couple months.  But this is basically just showing what we're dealing with.  As things get chaotic around the world the capital runs over here.  It's hard to invade the United States.  You need a flotilla to get here, 

or an illegal immigrant Invasion, right?  

There's just a lot going on that way.  Honestly, our computer keeps projecting war but as I have said on your show before . . . long-term trends and things of this nature we published . . . back in 1987 that the 2016 election would be the first time a 3rd party could possibly win.  Well, that ended up being Trump who's neither a Republican nor a Democrat.

23:35. And then for 2024, it said that that could be the last election for the United States; nobody's going to accept it from either side.  2028 might not even take place.  Now these are forecasts that the computer put out back in 1985, so having to live through this and see how it actually unfolds is like, you know, wow.  It's not my personal opinion it's not being pro-Trump or against Trump, or anything else.  Just the way it is.  Even Nigel Farage came to speak at our 2019 convention in Rome.  He said, "Of course I'm here.  You're the only one who forecast that Brexit would win." All the polls said Brexit was going to lose, and they did the same thing with Hillary.  I mean these things are driven mostly by the combination of what's happening in the world economy, and the real issue here is they know they're going to default.  I've been warning and meeting honestly for 50 years that this is not going to work out and end well and they've always argued, "Well, we're the government, we're different."  Yeah, how governments collapse and this has been the standard model throughout centuries, and you can see it unfolding now.  You have the Neocons running off blasting China all the time.  You got generals coming out and saying we're going to be at war with China within 2 to 3 to 5 years or whatever.  Why would China then buy our debt?  They are the largest holder of US debt now; if they stopped buying right, how governments collapse is that you issue new debt and nobody buys it, so you can't pay off the old debt.  That's when it all comes crashing down, and we are coming to that area (meaning we're getting close to that time).

How close? How close are we to that? 

I would say that we are honestly it could be less than 2 years.  So what they're really looking at here . . . that's what the CBDC stuff is about.  And people have to understand, all right, China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly.  The US government cannot do that.  The FED can't do it.  It would be an unconstitutional 4th Amendment, illegal search and seizure stuff like that.  So what they're doing is they're using the test model that they ran on COVID and people don't understand.  I mean if you look at a case it's Harris versus McRae, 1980, the Supreme Court case.  I suggest reading it.  A woman said "I have a right to an abortion, so the government should pay for it," and the Supreme Court said no.  The Constitution is negative, it's not positive.  So that's a restraint upon government; it's not a right that you actually have.  So if you look at the 1st Amendment, it says "the government shall not pass any law," so what did they do?  They turned it to Big Tech.  You can do whatever you want.  Facebook can censor you.  YouTube can. You have no constitutional right to free speech.  That's a misnomer.  The government cannot take it away from you, but everybody else can.  So that's what they're doing with the CBDCs. The top banks are already queuing up to create these digital dollars.  They will be the ones that actually issue the coins.  The FED will then cancel the currency, and they will be the monitors, all right, because the FED can't do it legally.  So if they see something in your account, "Oh, this looks strange," they are already required to file a "suspicious activity report."  So then they'll go to them and say, "Oh, hey, Kery Lutz just did this, and then that's the fine.  And then the government can go in.  It's a tip, but the government would have to do is issue a search warrant to go after the same thing.  That's the difference.  So the banks are doing the same thing as like Facebook, and everything else when they did with their first amendment issues.  Now the banks are going to do it with the CBDCs.  So the Fed will not be issuing a CBDC, and you have to understand this: it will be indirect, not direct.  Now once they do that like I said I've been in meetings for years and heard nothing but the same nonsense all the time and they never assume that the government is ever the problem it's always us they think that eliminating paper money and then we go to these digital dollars and whatever what happens is that will eliminate the underground economy they really think they're going to get 35% more in taxes this is the number I've been told.  There are no mirrors in Washington and Brussels; they never look at themselves, and this is what is really behind this.  I see these people out.  No, the great taking, I mean it's complete nonsense.  Really, if they took everybody's assets, okay, then you're talking about the military.  Why would the military then defend the government?
You can't do that, and it would be unconstitutional anyhow.   When they confiscated gold, it went up to the Supreme Court.  You can read those cases.  You still have the same number of dollars.  You didn't lose anything, right?  That was their interpretation.  It could have been clam shells, or gold, or whatever, but you still got the same amount of dollars in your account.  So you didn't lose anything.  So what they're going to do, in my opinion, is that they're going to be selectively defaulting.  So by starting these wars, they will just default on China.  They're not going to pay that debt, and anybody that opposes us they'll just default on it, and that's part of what they will do 

31:31. China has their debt that they defaulted on that England settled it when [1997] they negotiated the Handover of Hong Kong but we never settled it with the US.  We'll just tender our debt to we'll just cancel it out right?

31:46. Yeah this is just nonsense; you know they're not going to pay it.  I mean that's as simple as that.  China is a fool for even buying anything at this point.  Like I said, it would be like me pointing an empty gun at you and demanding you to lend me $100 so I can buy bullets to shoot you.

So then the dollar loses its Reserve currency status.  Is that what's going to happen?

32:17. The reason I'm going to the dollar as the reserve is because of nothing that the government does; it has to do really with the economy.  The US economy is a consumer-based economy, and China is trying to copy the United States.  The other type of economy is like what Germany did, it's the old Mercantile model from like the 18th century: we build stuff and sell it to everybody else that uses.  But if you look at the stats, the average German has less net worth than net worth than Italian: they keep their taxes high, etc., you know, they're more interested in building BMWs, Mercedes, and selling them to the whole world.  You know that's it.  So the US is what has made the US the major economy it's that everybody needs to sell something here.  If the Japanese need to sell the Toyotas , etc.  So what you're looking at here, once they put in the sanctions against Russia that undermined the world economy, that was the first blow because you start dividing [the world].  So China starts setting up its chip system, and then it started getting more countries to go in that lines so the dollar will not be the exclusive settling currency.  But from an economic standpoint, China really had nothing after communism finally fell. Japan was wiped out after World War II, so was Germany.  It's the people that make an economy, all right?  So Japan and Germany rose to the top.  Why? Because the people were very hard producing.  Now you know you get these people that just talk about our precious metals, that's it.  Now I'm sorry.  You look at Russia, they're the richest nation in the world from a natural resources perspective.  In 1917, they had the largest gold reserves of any country on the face of the Earth, but if they don't have an economic system that allows people freely to develop things, it doesn't matter.  That's the real thing about the United States.  Listen to the speech by the head of Argentina, Javier Milei, at Davos.  He was absolutely correct and he was trying to warn, you know, the West, "You're following the path that brought us down."  Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world at the time and they fell from the top 10 to number 140.  His speech is very, very good, and a lot of people at Davos didn't like it.


ATTORNEY BOBBIE ANNE COX: Our Constitution is clear... only citizens can vote. So why is NYC Mayor Adams appealing a court ruling that struck down an unconstitutional law giving "non-citizens" the right to vote?!

[Ted Hall] reached the decision at the tender age of 18, right before his 19th birthday, that the only thing that would work to prevent what he saw as a terrifying catastrophe of the U.S. having a monopoly on the bomb after the war would be for another country to have the bomb that could stop the U.S. from using it and so that’s what he did.  --David Lindorff

The movie is called A Compassionate Spy, 2023,

BREAKING: A few hours ago a massive fire took place at the Feather Crest Farm Chicken Plant in Brady, Texas. The company that owns this farm has been in business since 1968 and produces over 300 MILLION eggs annually.

Echos of 2022?  See the list below.  For a list of 2023 food destruction, check out this list.

Still no 12 or more chickens roaming your backyard? 

The "huge [mortality] event" in 1918 was called the Spanish flu, "but it shouldn't be called that because it's now proven scientifically that it was not a viral respiratory disease; in fact, what killed people was bacterial pneumonia."

Net migration into Florida +194,000 in 2023. Next migration out of California +338,000. No wonder home prices are insane. No wonder Biden needs the border open

Single women in the U.S. own more homes than single men, per LendingTree.

Could Texas Survive as an Independent Nation?

in November, the real GDP for Texas grew at an annual rate of 4.9% in Q2, outpacing the U.S. growth rate of 2.1%. Its real GDP stood at $2.5 trillion in Q3 of 2023. Therefore, Texas is the world’s 8th largest economy. For context, Russia’s economy was valued at $1.862 trillion in nominal terms and $5.056 trillion in PPP. Texas has a larger economy than Australia, Spain, Italy, and Mexico, to name a few. 

The severity of the migrant crisis may be new to those who do not live on a bordering state. Yet Texas has been grappling with this issue for years, resulting in countless calls for a secession from the United States or “Texit.” How would Texas manage as an independent nation?

Texas would be the 39th largest nation by land mass. Texas encompasses 268,596 sq. miles, roughly the size of France, and is larger than many developed nations including the United Kingdom.  Texas had an estimated population of 30,503,301 as of July 2023, making it the second-most populous state in the United States after California. Texas would be the 50th most populous country in the world.

Texas has the second-largest economy in the United States behind California. In 2023, the Texas economy exhibited a mix of trends. While the state’s economic growth slowed in Q4, with job growth falling sharply in October and business activity contracting slightly in November, the real GDP for Texas grew at an annual rate of 4.9% in Q2, outpacing the U.S. growth rate of 2.1%. Its real GDP stood at $2.5 trillion in Q3 of 2023. Therefore, Texas is the world’s 8th largest economy. For context, Russia’s economy was valued at $1.862 trillion in nominal terms and $5.056 trillion in PPP. Texas has a larger economy than Australia, Spain, Italy, and Mexico, to name a few. 

Texas alone boasts one of the best militaries in the world, with over 115,000 active duty troops. The Texas Military Forces, which include the Texas Army National Guard, Texas Air National Guard, and Texas State Guard, have a total size of 23,200 personnel and a budget of $1.851 billion as of 2023. In addition to the state forces, Texas is also home to about 70,000 U.S. Army personnel, 30,000 Air Force troops, and 8,000 Navy and Marines. Texas is home to 15 military bases and installations distributed across the state, with most of them clustered around San Antonio and Corpus Christi.

Texas has two nuclear power plants. The South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, located southwest of Bay City, Texas, has two Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors with a total capacity of 2,700 megawatts. The Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, located south of Fort Worth, Texas, also has two reactors with a total capacity of 2,300 megawatts. These two plants combined have an installed capacity of more than 5,000 megawatts of electricity and contribute to about 10% of Texas’ total energy generation. 

While not always reliable, Texas has its own power grid, known as the Texas Interconnection. It is an alternating current (AC) power grid managed by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), providing power to 90% of the state. Texas Interconnection is one of the three minor grids in the North American power transmission network, and the state has maintained as a separate grid for political reasons. The grid does not cross state lines and is not under federal regulation. 

The state features more miles of public roads and freight rail than any other state, with 313,220 miles of public roads and 10,539 miles of freight rail. Additionally, Texas is home to the nation’s top airport for a number of domestic destinations. 

Texas has a total of 393 airports available for public use, making it the state with the highest number of airports in the United States. Texas is a major hub for cargo and trade, with its ports moving more cargo than any other state. In 2020, Texas ports handled over 607 million tons of cargo, including 464 million tons of international cargo and 143 million tons of domestic cargo. 

Texas could survive as an independent nation. Naturally, the United States would fight tooth and nail to preserve its second-largest economy. Based on the data, Texas has the resources to be an independent nation if permitted to operate independently.

Washington cannot override the sovereignty of the states.

When historically a centralized government seeks total control, it collapses like the Soviet Union. Most people do not know that Lenin wanted to copy the United States, whereas each province retained its sovereignty. Stalin poisoned Lenin and his wife and usurped total central control.  --Martin Armstrong

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.

Most importantly, Texas has oil, gas, and refining capacity and would continue to produce and refine fossil fuels. Without Texas, the United States would not be able to wage war, lacking the energy to fuel its tanks. Texas could stand on its own, and to ensure energy, other Red States would join hands against Washington.

There is rising sentiment toward separation due to the Biden Administration’s abuse of executive orders. The Biden Administration thinks executive orders are the way to change the character of the United States without the people’s consent. Truman seized all the steel mills without statutory authority using an executive order that the Supreme Court reversed. We have so many violations using executive decrees without statutory authority, circumventing Congress and the people. The abuse of this power is causing severe discontent. People are talking about separating, even in Florida. When historically a centralized government seeks total control, it collapses like the Soviet Union. Most people do not know that Lenin wanted to copy the United States, whereas each province retained its sovereignty. Stalin poisoned Lenin and his wife and usurped total central control. Biden has endangered the survivability of the United States. Washington cannot override the sovereignty of the states.

The Lancaster Study, 1923. 

The Contagion Myth, Thomas S. Cowan, M.D., and Sally Fallon Morrell, 2021.  

Cowan's other book is Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, by Dr. Thomas Cowan (Author), Sally Fallon Morrell (Foreward), 2018.

Monday, January 29, 2024

"My 13 year old son, 1 year journey with carnivore/primal diet. From 87.8kg (193lbs) down to 76.5kg (168lbs). From Eu size XXL down to Medium"

The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963 AFTER the death rate in the USA plummeted to 0.2 in 100,000 in 1960

The measles death rate (deaths per 100,000 people) in the United States was:

  • 1900 – 13.3 (about 7000 deaths)
  • 1910 – 12.4
  • 1920 – 8.8
  • 1930 – 3.2
  • 1935 – 3.1
  • 1940 – 0.5
  • 1945 – 0.2
  • 1950 – 0.3 (468 deaths)
  • 1955 – 0.2 (345 deaths)
  • 1960 – 0.2 (380 deaths)
  • 1963 – first measles vaccine licensed
  • 1965 – 0.1 (276 deaths)
  • 1970 – 0.0 (89 deaths)
  • 1975 – 0.0 (20 deaths)
  • 1980 – 0.0 (11 deaths)
  • 1985 – 0.0 (4 deaths)

That’s not surprising though. The general death rate had dropped from 17.8 in 1900 to 7.6 in 1960. For infants under age 12 months, the death rate dropped from 162.4 in 1933 to 27 in 1960.

This simply reflects that vaccines were not the only medical technology that helped to save lives in the 20th century and not that measles was already disappearing. Penicillin, insulin, vitamin D, blood typing (allows transfusions of blood that has been typed and cross-matched), dialysis machines, and mechanical ventilators were all discovered in the early 1900s. 

Here is one reason it is so hard to find helpful healthful remedies to different conditions.  For measles, NCBI states

There is no specific antiviral therapy for measles; treatment is primarily supportive. Control of fever, prevention, and correction of dehydration, and infection control measures including appropriate isolation form the mainstay of therapy.

The WHO recommends the administration of daily doses of vitamin A for 2 days and more days for malnourished children. Measles complications should be identified early and appropriate therapy initiated. 

It literally says there is no treatment.  That's a lie.  There is a treatment, and that treatment is vitamin D3 and fat-soluble vitamin A.  They say merely that "The WHO recommends the administration of daily doses of vitamin A for 2 days and more days for malnourished children" but fail to mention that it is fat-soluble A, not beta-carotene A.  That statement by the CDC also says "malnourished," and that has problems.  Out of guilt, a mother or parent would never admit to their children being "malnourished" and so might think, "Hey, my kid doesn't need vitamin A.  Do you see the deceit of these articles if you're a young parent looking for help?  I had measles as an adult, and I showed the doctor the red scarring and mumps.  He had no idea what to do, so I left.  


Was the point of allowing a nurse to talk, talk, talk that when he got caught in mistakes that people could easily dismiss it as a "Well, he's only a nurse; it's not like he's a doctor or anything." 

As a candidate in 2016, Trump was good on vaccines. As president, not so much

Wakefield's points are alarming. 

Starts out with Trump making a comment during the 2016 presidential debates "Autism has become an epidemic."  But that comment seems to be more of a predictive programming remark for the 2020 pandemic rather than a critique of the vaccines causing autism.  

Andrew Buncombe was the US Editor of The Independent at the time of this interview where he asked Wakefield about his relationship with Trump.  

00:18. Wakefield is given the abominable label of "Disgraced doctor," a horrific lie, as he explains.  "I met him once before the election when he was running for the presidency I had a meeting at Kissimmee in Florida (on 08/11/2016) and we were there, three of us, four of us, representing the issue of autism and its link to immunization, and he interjected and said, "You don't need to tell me that vaccines cause autism.  I've seen it.  I've seen it personally." [Then Trump on tape].  

00:46. Trump: And we've had so many instances . . . people that work for me.  Just the other day, 2 years old, 2 1/2 years old, the child, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back a week later, got a tremendous fever, got very very sick, and now is autistic.

01:03. We went on to discuss the issue of the autism crisis in this country, which is set to affect one in two children by 2032, according to the CDC's own data.  If nothing is done, nothing changes, that's 80% of the boys in this country.  It's a national crisis, and that's what he wanted to discuss.  He said if he were to be elected, then he would do something about this.  My concern at this stage facing the prospect of one in two children in this country developing autism by 2032.  That is my major concern.

And what did President Donald Trump do to stem this trend?

ICE CUBE: "Same people who own the labels own the [private] prisons"

“The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit but above all to corrupt its citizens.”—Leo Tolstoy

Well, if it's the case that the police want to put you in prison, it stands to reason that the cops are given orders to write more tickets, and have more confrontations, to put more people in prison.  Prison: it's big business.  

Economist Simon Black wrote in 2015, 

More people rot away in US prisons than did in the Soviet gulag at the height of communism. And many Americans are serving hard times for victimless crimes of failing to abide by some obscure regulation.

For more on prisons, here are some must-read, 10-year-old articles.  

Here is the great Will Grigg of Pro Libertate on prisons.  

"To fight this money flow's effect on governance . . . make it clear that when the orders come down from the HHS through state health depts. to the counties that the [sheriffs] and healthcare workers don't carry out their instructions . . ."

Just read this,

To fight this money flow's effect on governance, Watt says it's critical to "repeal emergency preparedness plans and make it clear that when the orders come down from the Health and Human Services Secretary through the state health departments to the counties, the county law enforcement officers and the county healthcare workers are not going to carry out the instructions because they understand... the instructions are to kill the population. Or to round them up so they can be killed elsewhere." --Katherine Watt

"[The BIS is] the central bank for the national central banks." Open that link to see the member banks; they're the central banks of the different nations around the world, hence the name Bank for International Settlements.

Writer and paralegal Katherine Watt describes for Jason Bermas (@JasonBermas) how the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which was set up in 1930 and is privately owned (just like all other federal central banks), is able to control legislatures via manipulation of the monetary system.

"[T]hrough its manipulation of transactions, and currencies, and inflation rates, and the other things that are controlled by central bankers, they [the BIS] have a direct... door to the legislatures," Watt says. "Because Congress doesn't set up its own monetary system, it depends on the Federal Reserve in our case and the same thing is true in other countries." Watt notes that this manipulation mechanism "can go all the way down to... losing your PayPal account, losing your job, if you're a corporation—especially if you're a corporation that has any federal contracts..." She offers as an example corporations losing access to federal contracts in 2021 if they didn't comply with the Biden administration's COVID-injection contractor mandate. Watt also highlights intergovernmental agreements or IGAs in this context, which are "contracts to get the money packages through things like the CARES Act..." that flow all the way down to the county governance level. Watt notes that "at the beginning [of the COVID era] and going forward it'll be the same: to get the money they [the counties] have to do the programs and follow the instructions that are given to them by the executive branch of the federal government." Watt also highlights "a big push" starting in the 2000s at the county level "to do joint training exercises between federal military law enforcement and public health officials and state and local law enforcement officers and healthcare workers to train them in the idea that when these public health emergencies are declared, the law enforcement officers are supposed to go around and control populations and get them to behaviorally comply with these orders." The writer/paralegal adds, "the healthcare workers are supposed to be the front-line that administers the weapons calling them medicinal products..." To fight this money flow's effect on governance, Watt says it's critical to "repeal emergency preparedness plans and make it clear that when the orders come down from the Health and Human Services Secretary through the state health departments to the counties, the county law enforcement officers and the county healthcare workers are not going to carry out the instructions because they understand... the instructions are to kill the population. Or to round them up so they can be killed elsewhere."

Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World, Adam Lebor, 2014.

Here is the full video.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Rogan is the Neo-Legacy Media. A $100mil business is not indie."

00:27. Brett Weinstein was not a COVID dissident.  He wore the masks, and fine, you want to wear the masks, fine, but he shamed people who didn't wear them.  When so many true COVID dissidents, so many real doctors and medical professionals and nurses had already been out there risking their jobs, their income, their security, their reputation, and sometimes possibly their lives to bring you the facts.  These people are essentially doing The Stolen Valor thing when you claim that you fought in a war and you get all the kudos and you get all the medals and you get all the trust from society and goodwill that comes from that.  But you really didn't ever fight.  You just bought a uniform at the Army Surplus and you go to Memorial Day ceremonies and Veterans Day ceremonies and you're like, "Oh, I fought" and you didn't?  That's what Brett Weinstein is doing.  

Corporate Espionage at McDonald's . . . Ice Cream Machine?

Johnny Vedmore

Pottinger is being withdrawn from the top teams of the legal teams.   

Stone's book focuses on William Yandell Elliott, an American Rhodes Scholar, Round Table member, behind-the-scenes kingmaker, and advisor to six US presidents.

Richard Poe explains that,
Elliott recruited Kissinger into the CIA. But both men worked for the British.

Stone suggests that America's defeat in Vietnam was deliberately engineered by Kissinger, to break US pride, so Americans would humbly accept global government. 

Note that NASA's first Administrator ('58) T. Keith Glennan, was studio director for 10yrs, w Paramount & MGM

NASA was formed on July 29, 1958NACA was created in 1915, called National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Here is T. Keith Glennan's work history.

1935-41 Oprtns & Studio Mgr, Paramount Pics 1941-42 Studio Mgr, Goldwyn Studios 1942-45 USN Underwater Sound Laboratory 1945-47 Mgr, Ansco, Film

"Indigenous people will not kill their own. So bring in a force that is not indigenous because they will follow orders to kill others."

Traitor. His tone of voice and fear in approaching this tells you that he KNOWS he's a traitor and he KNOWS he is putting together a force that will follow Dem tyrannical exec branch and turn guns inward against AMERICANS who oppose the very tyranny they plan to implement. Look to recent history in Venezuela. Chavez and Madura surrounded themselves with CUBANS who would kill Venezuelans who opposed them. Look to how the Soviets moved soldiers from the Baltics to the eastern front and soldiers from the eastern regions to the Baltics and so forth. Indigenous people will not kill their own. So bring in a force that is not indigenous because they will follow orders to kill others.

We are being replaced and the Democrat party leaders are facilitating it. There will be war and it is on the Uniparty. They make lists. We can make lists, too. 

[The Egoist] is the man who stands above the need to use others in any manner. He does not exist for any other men and he asks no other man to exist for him.

Men have been taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others.  But suffering is a disease.  Should one come upon it, one tries to give relief and assistance.  To make that the highest test of virtue is to make suffering the most important part of life.  Then man must wish to see others suffer in order that he may be virtuous.  --Ayn Rand

Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire.  He was probably burned at the stake he had taught his brothers to light.  But he left them a gift they had not conceived, and he lifted darkness off of the earth.  Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision.  The great creators, the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors stood alone against the men of their time.  Every new thought was opposed. Every new invention was denounced.  The first motor was considered foolish.  The airplane was considered impossible.  Anesthesia was considered sinful.  But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead, they fought, they suffered and they paid but they won.  No creator was prompted by a desire to serve his brothers, for his brothers rejected the gift he offered.  His truth was his only motive, his own work in his own way, that was his goal.  the creation, not its users; the creation, not the benefits others derived from it.  His vision, his strength, his courage came from his own spirit.  A man's spirit, however, is his self, that entity which is his consciousness to think to feel to judge to act are functions of the ego.  The creators are not selfless.  The creator served nothing and no one.  He lived for himself and only by living for himself was he able to achieve the things which are the glory of mankind.  Such is the nature of achievement.  Man cannot survive except through his mind, but the mind is an attribute of the individual.  There's no such thing as a collective brain, a collective thought.  The primary act, the process of reason, must be performed by each man alone. The creative faculty belongs to single individual men; that which it creates is the property of the creator.  Nothing is given to man on Earth; everything he needs has to be produced.  Man can survive in only one of two ways: by the independent work of his own mind, or as a parasite fed by the minds of others.  The Creator originates; the parasite borrows.  The creator's concern is a conquest of nature; the parasite's concern is the conquest of men.  The Creator lives for his work; his primary goal is within himself.  The parasite lives second hand; others become his prime motive.  The basic need of the Creator is independence; to a Creator all relations with men are secondary.  The second-hander places the relations first; he preaches altruism, the doctrine which demands that man live for others and place others above self.  Men have been taught that the highest virtue is not to achieve but to give, yet one cannot give that which has not been created.  Creation comes before distribution.  Yet we are taught to admire the second-hander who dispenses gifts he had not produced above the man who made the gift possible.  We praise an act of charity; we shrug at an act of achievement.

4:05. Men have been taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others.  But suffering is a disease.  Should one come upon it, one tries to give relief and assistance.  To make that the highest test of virtue is to make suffering the most important part of life.  Then man must wish to see others suffer in order that he may be virtuous.  Men have been taught that the ego is a synonym of evil and selflessness the ideal of virtue.  But the Creator is the egotist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge, or act.  These are functions of the self.  Egotism was held to mean the sacrifice of others to self; altruism, the sacrifice of self to others.  This tied man irrevocably to other men and left him nothing but a choice of pain: his own pain born for the sake of others, or pain inflicted upon others for the sake of self.  This was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind.  The choice is not self-sacrifice or domination; the choice is Independence or dependence.  The egotist in the absolute sense is not the man who sacrifices others.  He is the man who stands above the need to use others in any manner.  He does not exist for any other men and he asks no other man to exist for him.  

5:35. This is the only form of brotherhood in mutual respect possible between men.  This is the only possible form of relationship between equals.  Anything else is a relation of slave to master or victim to executioner.  From the beginning of history, the two antagonists have stood face to face: the Creator and the second-hander. When the first Creator invented the wheel, the first second-hander responded: he invented altruism.  The contest has another name: the individual against the collective.  The common good of a collective, a race, a class, a state was the justification of every tyranny ever established over men.  Now observe the results of a society built on the principle of individualism.  This, our country, the noblest country in the history of men, the country of greatest achievement, greatest prosperity, greatest freedom, this country was based on a man's right to the pursuit of happiness, his own happiness, not anyone else's.  The Savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of its tribe.  Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.  It is an ancient conflict.  Now in our age, collectivism has broken loose and is running amok.  It has swallowed most of Europe.  It is engulfing our country.  I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone's right to any achievement of mine no matter who makes the claim, how large their number, or how great their need.  I wish to come here and say that I am a man who does not exist for others.  It had to be said.  The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing.  I wish to come here and say that the Integrity of a man's creative work is of Greater importance than any charitable endeavor.  Those of you who do not understand this are destroying the world.  I wish to come here and state my terms.  I do not care to exist on any others.  I recognize no obligations toward men except one: to respect their freedom and to take no part in and to take no part in a slave Society.  To my country, I wish to give the 10 years which I will spend in jail if my country exists no longer.  I will spend them in memory and in gratitude for what my country has been.  It will be my act of loyalty, my refusal to live or work in what has taken its place.

"Far from being an ugly emotion, patriotism stirs people to heroism and to kindness." Suella Braverman

"I believe that the nation-state is one of humanity's great civilizing forces.  It creates a shared identity and a shared purpose, and that does not need to have a racial component.  Typically, it binds people of different racial backgrounds together.  Far from being an ugly emotion, patriotism stirs people to heroism and to kindness.  It is the belief that we have specific obligation to others precisely because they are our fellow countrymen."  Suella Braverman

3:16. And in order for nationality to be sustainable economically, culturally, and in terms of public support, it needs to encompass everyone; that in turn means that the country cannot grow exponentially and still maintain the harmony needed for everyone to feel that we are all in this together.  And let's remember something that is all too often forgotten.  Integration inevitably takes time.  If immigration is uncontrolled, it makes it harder for society to adapt and accommodate new cultures and customs and for communities to meld together.  Uncontrolled immigration inadequate integration and a misguided dogma of multiculturalism have proven a toxic combination for Europe over the last few decades.  I'm not the first to point this out.  In 2010, Angela Merkel gave a speech in which she acknowledged that multiculturalism had utterly failed.  And then French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister David Cameron echoed similar sentiments shortly thereafter.  

The Option Destroyers -- Thomas Sowell

Money, money, money, . . . Mon-ey. It's a $400 bonus for a fully vaccinated child. The average number of kids per practice according to the JAMA Network is 1500. 1500 X $400 = $600,000 yr.

Remember this? It's a $400 bonus for a fully vaccinated child. The average number of kids per practice according to the JAMA Network is 1500. 1500 X $400 = $600,000 yr. So OF COURSE pediatricians will "fire" parents who do not vaccinate!

Your child is just $$$ in their eyes.