Friday, July 28, 2023

I started looking at how they're manufactured, and what can explain the variability.  It does look like their ability to manufacture them as described has never been demonstrated.  And that has always been a problem in making mRNA because it's a very fragile product that breaks.  A lot of chemical reactions go into it.  You have to make a lot of steps, and you have to remove impurities along the way, and you cannot use aggressive methods.  Removing impurities, you will break the product

Ingredients come from China.  Moderna confirmed that in Congressional testimony.  And we found metal contaminants especially characteristic of China, which is antimony.  Antimony is mined in China and it's very toxic.  It's used in semiconductors . . . 

And it's just in the environment and it ends up in the . . . 

It's just dirty water.  Somewhere, where it's coming from, the water is contaminated and they don't care.  They ship whatever it is with the dirty Chinese water ends up in the vials of Moderna.

Other researchers I was interviewing in Europe found that there is huge amounts of proteins, so much protein, and there's not supposed to be there at all.  But there's so much protein that it's visible to the naked eye.

That could be a lot of different things. . . 

Yeah, what is it?  Where's it coming from?  And depending on what protein it is, it can cause allergies.  It can sensitize your system. That was always the problem with traditional vaccines: they were always contaminated with proteins, plant proteins, and animal proteins; that's why we have people allergic to soy, allergic to chicken, allergic to corn, allergic to wheat.  They're all coming from the vaccinations.  Yeah, it hypersensitizes your system, especially when it's given to children and they're growing and developing immune systems.  That's a known problem.  But in these particular shots, researchers found chunks of protein.  Over the last 2 to 3 1/2 years, I've interacted with a lot of researchers all over the world--Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., and Canada, who have been testing these things, and what they're finding are a humongous variety of things that are not supposed to be there at all, and nobody cares.  

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